Lachesis. Studying homeopathic remedies

Synonyms: Lachesis

In homeopathy, a drug such as Lachesis is very often used - this is the venom of the rattlesnake Lachesis Mutus, which is found in South America, but its main habitat is Brazil.

The first scientist to try poison diluted with milk sugar on himself was Konstantin Goering. The effect of the poison turned out to be very strong, the scientist lost consciousness and became delirious for some time. After his condition returned to normal, he could not remember what happened to him. Goering's wife told what exactly he said under the influence of poison and how he behaved. His book “The Effects of Snake Venoms” describes in detail the effects of Lachesis, which almost cost the scientist his life. Further research on this poison, diluted in different proportions, gave us the excellent homeopathic remedy Lachesis.

Medicines made from snake venoms have a fast-acting healing effect; they are prescribed even for very severe or incurable diseases. Do not forget that snake venoms can only eliminate the symptoms that they themselves can cause. If you strictly follow the instructions, the results from using such drugs will be amazingly fast and healing.

Indications for use

The effect of the homeopathic drug Lachesis is healing, so there are many indications for use. The most common diagnoses for which Lachesis is prescribed are:

  • Disease of the digestive system;
  • Deterioration of vision;
  • Hearing problems;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Problems related to the genitourinary system;
  • Gynecological diseases;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Alcoholism;
  • Addiction.

It has a positive effect in the treatment of carbuncles, arthritis, and hemorrhoids. Lachesis is quite effective against damage to the nervous system, extreme excitability, and mental depressive disorders. Often used during menopause, in gynecology it is used as a homeopathic remedy for tumors.

Through many years of research on the drug, it was found that Lachesis is a left-sided medicine, that is, it is more effective for any diseases of organs that are located on the left side of the human body.

Naja tripudians (naya)


is a blood remedy related
to Lachesis
and, judging by the symptoms resulting from the bites of these snakes, should be equally valuable and healing, although this is not in fact the case.
For what reason? In Encyclopedia
we find 29 trials and poisonings for
, and 45 for
True, Lachesis
was used more.
But can a difference in this respect explain the very significant difference in the utility of means? There is another thing to note. Tests of Lachesis
have been made for the most part in divisions as high as 30th, while tests of
have almost all been made in the lowest divisions or have been obtained from whole venom, from snakebite envenomations.
Isn't this the reason? Remember also that, according to Allen, the most remarkable results concern the symptoms obtained from trials with the 30 division of Lachesis
Doesn't this mean that it is necessary test
Naya in dilutions in order to discover its most powerful properties?
has been found decidedly useful in affections of the heart, especially
in weak hearts
due to diphtheria, when failure or paralysis of the heart is threatened.
Shortness of breath and loss of strength (prostration) due to weakness of the heart, sympathetic cough in organic diseases with weak heart activity. With these sufferings, as well as with chronic heart weakness, Naya
has an undoubted value.
But outside of this, I have not seen very noticeable success from using it. However, I am convinced that with further testing and research of the kind that has been done with Lachesis
, it can rival it, if not surpass it.

Psychotype of the person for whom the drug is indicated

The main type of people for whom Lachesis is intended are people with frequent mood swings. The patient's psychological state can change dramatically from deep depression to extreme excitability. A feature of the condition can be considered strong talkativeness, pallor of the skin, which can suddenly change to purple.

Other patient characteristics include:

  • frequent fainting;
  • headache;
  • discomfort in the neck and back of the head;
  • bad breath;
  • cough;
  • sudden loss of strength;
  • worsening of the condition before the start of the menstrual cycle.

Lachesis (Lachesis)

Description and indications for use of a homeopathic medicine

LACHESIS – the biggest extrovert: constantly talking, constantly excited. Prescribed for increased blood pressure (hypertension) with tachycardia. Doesn't play gambling. The desire for revenge. He doesn’t let go of his loved one, he keeps him on a “leash.” They experience hypertensive crisis and stroke. A madman crawls on the floor. Fear of stopping breathing, it seems that breathing is almost paralyzed - this condition occurs at the moment of falling asleep. Wakes up with the feeling that it is impossible to breathe. The chest does not move, and at this moment panic arises. Because of this, he is afraid to sleep. Worse at night. He says: “The worst time for me is the one I spend in bed” (Ac. phosphoricum). During delirium he sees ghosts, apparitions. Sticks feet out from under blanket due to hypersensitivity (Lac caninum). Better at sea. Umbilical cord entanglement during childbirth! Children with long labor, which is accompanied by suffocation, cyanosis, and cardiac dysfunction. With this course of labor, the child experiences a state of panic instinctive fear, which leads to emotional trauma. Twin children are often L. The consequences of this trauma in adults are expressed in the form of increased anxiety, a feeling of impending fainting, claustrophobia and the need to conquer living space. If you ask them to stick out their tongue, the tip of the tongue will quiver a little, like a snake. Doesn't like tight clothes. Metallic taste in the mouth. These people care very much about their husbands and children – “suffocating” love. Excessive guardianship and care for children. Religious.

L. is characterized by pride and envy. L.'s analogy with a snake: the snake's eyes hypnotize the victim. Protruding eyes (exophthalmos). The most vulnerable part of the body is the throat, because... a snake is caught by the throat: patients cannot tolerate anything squeezing around the throat; they are often bothered by the feeling of a lump in the throat or a feeling of swelling; cough if you accidentally touch their throat; suffer from a sore throat, in which the tonsils turn purple. When you touch the ear, namely the external auditory canal, a cough occurs. It becomes a problem for them to clean the ear with a cotton swab, in order to remove earwax, visit an ENT doctor. The snake has a sharp tongue, which it quickly sticks out and retracts; L.'s tongue trembles when protruding, aphthae on the tip of the tongue. Constantly licks his lips, sticking out his tongue. The patient sticks out his tongue with great difficulty, his teeth interfere with him. The skin of the face has many veins and looks like marble. The snake sheds its skin in the spring; itchy skin, worse in spring (Ac. fluoricum). The rash appears in spring (Sepia). Trophic ulcers recur in the spring. The condition of patients always worsens in the spring (the snake weakens when it moults).

Angina L. spreads from left to right. Sore throat on the left. Sore throat is relieved in the morning when standing up. The sore throat gets worse when you touch the neck and when you turn your head. Pain radiates from the throat to the ear when swallowing.

The illusion is that it is bifurcated. As if it was not him, but another person. It's like time is moving too slowly. It's like he has two wills. Self-contradiction. Fear of illness, fear of poisoning, fear of thunderstorms, fear of thieves, fear of suffocation, fear of death. The fear of suffocation explains the fact that L. cannot tolerate anything constricting at the level of the throat, tightening the chest, stomach, and cannot tolerate stockings that tightly fit his legs. Clothing intolerance. Vomiting due to tight collar. Cannot tolerate beads, necklaces, watches touching the neck or squeezing the wrists, bracelets, and cannot tolerate rings. L. helps with hand skin allergies caused by rubber gloves and plaster. The skin rashes are purple or lilac in color and may then turn black. L. is a great medicine for necrosis. In the cold, the hands and feet turn purple. Used for lymphangitis, the skin color is reddish-lilac. All pains are like blows with a hammer, hitting and tearing. Feels a lump in the stomach rising to the throat. Feels anxiety in the heart, in the throat, in the stomach. Fear of closed spaces due to the danger of suffocation. He is afraid that his heart will stop in his sleep. Fear of snakes. L. has extremely developed intuition, reaching the point of clairvoyance. He speaks quickly and thinks quickly. When speaking, he easily moves from one topic to another. He is interested in many things and succeeds in everything. He is capable of mathematics, philosophy, and easily composes poetry. L.'s children hide behind their mother, fear strangers (cowardly), but after a while he plays with them. If you give him something, he will be friendly, but then he will pester you and be mischievous. If you point at him, he will adapt to you (cowardly, deceitful, manipulator). To please you, he smiles. Teenager L. is in a romantic mood, characterized by sadness and opposition to someone or something. Anorexia nervosa may develop (if they want to lose weight at all costs, teenagers often limit themselves to food; this becomes painful and leads to exhaustion of the nervous system - in this condition it is recommended: Nux vom.6, Hydrastis 6, China 6). The period of menopause corresponds to the autumn of life. And in the fall the snake gets worse. The patient feels the need for fresh air, a strong desire to unfasten his belt or collar. Hot flashes with sweating. Women suffer from talkativeness, are often sad, depressed, and feel abandoned.

Worse in spring and autumn in the sun, cannot tolerate heat. They feel better in winter. Worse after sleep, better in the evening and at night. Characterized by alternating cheerfulness and sadness, mental and physical symptoms; alternating asthma attacks and skin rashes. Worse from suppression: suppressed runny nose, menstruation, rash, pregnancy, taking contraceptives. Many symptoms occur after removal of the uterus. Worse in the premenstrual period, all symptoms are relieved at the beginning and during menstruation (women feel relieved). L. loves oysters, alcohol, coffee, and foods containing starch. Patients with endometriosis have the same type of complaints: disturbed sleep, tearfulness, pain before menstruation, in the morning after sleep, headaches worsen in the sun, and prolonged discharge appears. After Lach. goes well Na mur.

Meta: hyperstimulation. Talkativeness. Hemorrhages, pathology of the heart and blood vessels. Intellectuals have a lot of ideas, jumping from one thought to another. Purposeful. Very smart. The thought process is constant, hence the talkativeness. Emotional, attached to people and things. Jealous, suspicious. Chatty when sex is suppressed. Very sexy, if desire is suppressed they turn to religion. They can't stand criticism. L-in for drug addicts and alcoholics due to their hyperstimulation. Worse from touching the neck, waist - as if the skin had been torn off. Skin sensitivity as after a burn. A weak touch is painful, but a strong touch is pleasant. With a headache, the face is purple and cyanotic. Lustful, licentious, shameless (Staph., Plat., Origanum). Worse from heat, in sleep. In the morning when waking up, panic, as if he couldn’t breathe. Hypertension. Hot flashes. Bleeding with dark blood color. Uterine bleeding - dark blood with clots. Desire for oysters, flour. QUIET Lachesis – melancholic, sad, taciturn. Introvert. L. m.b. chilly during fever, with severe chills.

Snakes have a strong desire to survive. To protect themselves, they can be cruel - kill the one who attacks them. Fear of something stronger. Jealousy, suspicion, competitiveness. Attracts members of the opposite sex. Vanity. Deceitful, malicious, manipulators.

May feel claustrophobic in a stuffy room or when the nostrils or mouth are partially closed, such as when wearing a medical mask. L.'s powerful sexuality is softened by the sophistication and sensitivity of their nature. Less sensitive types are Nux-v. or Sulfur, can, in a rather crude form, strive to satisfy their sexuality, while for L. (especially women) a necessary condition for sex is the presence of a romantic relationship, which further enhances L.’s passion in bed - after all, sex will then be an expression of their feelings. When a woman L. is in love, her sexuality intensifies, and if she does not have the opportunity to make love with her partner as often as she wants, her psyche will begin to weaken. If her partner's libido lags behind her own, she perceives this as a lack of love on his part and her disappointment and resentment lead to tears and anger at the same time. Sexually unsatisfied L. resembles an outcast Ignatia: her psyche will be shaken, and she will break down at the slightest provocation. The theme of tension that requires release runs through the entire picture of L. At the mental level, speech activity - talkativeness - helps relieve tension. The more repressed sexual desire is, the more talkative she becomes. L.'s haste is becoming stronger, both in speech and behavior. At first, the acceleration of activity is not accompanied by a loss of self-control. At this stage, L. resembles patients suffering from hyperfunction of the thyroid gland (most of whom correspond to Natrum mur.!), whose continuous hasty speech is very tiring to listen to, even though it is quite intelligible. They ask a question, and as soon as the doctor answers it, they immediately throw out a stream of hasty phrases at him, ending with the next question. As tension increases, thoughts rush at a terrible speed, speech becomes chaotic, jumping from one topic to another. L. are very fast, even in a relaxed state they think very quickly and grasp everything on the fly. They react quickly to changing situations. A rapid transition from relaxation to dynamic action runs through the entire picture of L. at the physical level; this is expressed in the speed and suddenness of the development of symptoms, appearing as if out of nowhere and quickly intensifying. For example, discharge starts out barely noticeable and grows quickly. Haste is accompanied by irritability, impatience and anxiety. L. is characterized by a thirst for constant sensations. L.'s teenagers are crazy people who do not recognize the boundaries set by their parents, passionately indulging in music, dancing, alcohol and sex (Pavlik!!!). They have a desire to achieve ecstasy. They become dependent on alcohol and other stimulants and drugs. L. is very similar to Nux-v. Both are self-confident and characterized by mental mobility, desire for sensual pleasures, determination, anger, and psychological tension. Both types have pride, prudence and vindictiveness. But L. has more compared to Nux-v. sensitivity, artistic and mystical talent, while Nux. more pragmatic. Many talented artists, singers and musicians are L. In terms of depth, ability for subtle and deep feelings, as well as passion, L. is closest to Ignatia and Medorrhinum. On the contrary, Phosphorus is more superficial, carefree and less passionate, he has no depth at all. L. has developed intuition. Talkativeness is expressed in those L. who experience internal tension. Relaxed L. may be extroverted or introverted, but they will not be talkative. Extroverted L. are more prone to sensual pleasures and more selfish than introverted L. The latter are more inclined to philosophy, art and mysticism and are partly reminiscent of China: they can be dreamy, loving solitude in a quiet place to contemplate the beauty of nature or reflect on the meaning of existence. They remain just as passionate, especially when entering into romantic relationships, and tend to express their passion through music, poetry, or prose rich in whimsical images. In company, an introverted L. may seem timid or aloof; he experiences timidity when encountering strangers, and until he gets to know them better, he will hardly talk to them. This is partly a reflection of L.’s caution, sometimes turning into paranoia as the pathology deepens. In part, this is a strategy by which these sensitive, deep thinkers determine how receptive they are to the other person and whether they are worth communicating with at all. In addition to L., Ph., Medor., China also have the ability to clairvoyance. In terms of the intensity of feelings of jealousy, L. is on a par with Hyosc. and is far ahead of all other types. Often this jealousy is completely unfounded. Jealousy provokes outbursts of anger, which relieve sexual tension. PMS decreases after coitus. Sudden mood swings during menopause and after childbirth (“Hysteria due to suppression of secretions”). In these cases, anger is more pronounced than depression, in which L. resembles Sepia. Pronounced selfishness and arrogance are characteristic of extroverted men in L. It is believed that the pride and aggressiveness of men are closely related to sexuality. A feature that runs through the entire medicinal picture of L. is intolerance to restrictions. On a physical level, he cannot tolerate tight clothing, especially in the neck area. Most of L.'s pains are felt as tightening or squeezing (as if in the arms of an anaconda), and this reflects L.'s pronounced mental stress. On a purely psychological level, L. also does not tolerate any restrictions. He can create deep intimate relationships (unlike Lycopodium or Tuberculinum, whose fear of restrictions on their own freedom prevents them from entering into deep relationships), provided that they are given enough "free space" and are not obliged to answer to the partner in all your actions. When commanded, he reacts with a burst of anger. They cannot stand work discipline; they need creativity without routine responsibilities. Like Tuberculinum patients, type L patients are very attached to stimulants and “freedom.” L. does not tolerate touching; the slightest touch causes severe pain. Paranoia, the manifestation of which is increasing suspicion. L., with increasing internal tension, begins to become more and more interested in the motives of the actions of those around him, finding out whether they are directed against him. Paranoia can manifest itself in building a shelter against alien invasion. L. hide their groundless fears and fears even from themselves, but often paranoia overwhelms him: enemies and conspirators are sought out everywhere, the patient is gripped by horror and avoids contact with others. Extreme forms of paranoia can be seen in Rhus, Ars. and Hyosc. The latter drug is especially difficult to distinguish from L., since it also has talkativeness, jealousy and increased sexuality. In such cases, the premorbid state of personality in L. will be more “normal” than in Hyosc., and during the paranoid phase in Hyosc. extreme eccentricity, bizarre thinking and exhibitionism are more pronounced. L. is characterized by a fear of snakes. This symptom is pronounced for Na mur., but in L. it reaches an extreme degree - the sight of a snake on TV causes palpitations and a spasm of disgust. Fear that the heart may stop due to a tendency to palpitations. Fear of suffocation. They panic when their mouth and nose are partially closed, for example when putting on a mask (this symptom may be present in Na mur., in whom it is a particular manifestation of his typical claustrophobia). Externally, L. resemble Ph. and Sep. – they are slender and flexible. They are thin and bony, although women have a wide chest. The fingers are long and thin. The facial features are pointed, and some may have a thin aquiline nose (like Ars.). The mouth is wide, the lips are thin, similar to a stretched bow. Hair is red or brown with a red tint. The skin is pale and covered with freckles. The upper eyelids are slightly lowered, which gives the face a somewhat “snake” expression.

L. is the situation of a person who needs to compete, compete with someone who has the best qualities. For example, an elderly woman whose husband has a young girlfriend. She has an internal feeling of weakness when she compares herself to a younger, more attractive rival. She feels that there is a conspiracy against her, this makes her suspicious of others. Survival depends on being better than her opponent. To achieve this goal, she uses her ability to conduct intelligent conversations, with which she can manipulate people. She develops narcissism, talks to herself, becomes sarcastic when putting others down, and deceitful when praising herself. She is able to attract and hold the listener's attention by being talkative, witty, sarcastic, noisy, lively, very expressive and excited. She watches the interlocutor all the time and monitors his level of interest. And at a certain, very precise moment, unnoticed by the interlocutor, she injects poison, which works after their communication. Patient L. may be interested in the beauty of nature, entertainment, his speech may be attractive. Advertising has a lot in common with L., since it is built on a feeling of jealousy and superiority: it amuses, entertains, catches attention, while quickly injecting you with the temptations of the advertised product, promoting it and cleverly pushing away all others. L type people are often involved in advertising or entertainment activities. The main theme of L. is presentation, demonstration. The ideal situation in which the feeling of L. will manifest itself would be a beauty contest. She will try to win this competition by any means necessary. Teases, passion to ridicule. Makes a mockery of someone. When you give L. and it doesn’t work, you can give Lil t. and after that L. begins to work.

Yehuda: the key is angina + blood pressure.
Worse lying on left side (Bry. - better lying on left side). Heart pathology during menopause. Share your interest!

Side effects

Patients who took Lachesis did not experience any side effects. The condition usually improves significantly within the first 3-5 days. If improvements are not observed, then you should consult a doctor to adjust the dosage of the drug.

After the first use, an exacerbation of the disease may occur. This fact is not an indication for discontinuation of the drug, but, on the contrary, confirms the fact that the drug begins to act.

In some cases, allergic reactions to individual components of the drug may occur. Then it is better to stop treatment with this remedy.

Crotalus horridus (crotalus)

This is also snake venom, which although it was similar to naya

tested only in low divisions, but clinically known better.
Although it does not have such clearly defined indications as Lachesis
, it has nevertheless become sufficiently clear that it is a very valuable remedy.
Thus, it apparently turned out to be extremely useful in diseases that lead to decomposition of the blood, causing bleeding from all kinds of orifices of the body; even sweat comes with blood. This happens during very mild fevers of the tropical climate, such as bilious laxative fevers, typhus and the terrible scourge of hot countries - yellow fever. It is also the main remedy for diphtheria, when there is profuse bleeding from the nose, indicating the malignancy of the disease in many cases. In cases of bleeding from the nose in an old person in weakened health, where none of the commonly used remedies are of any benefit, Crotalus
acts quickly and is sure to save life.
This happened to one of my patients, and although he had suffered from such attacks often before, after Crotalus
they did not recur. As is to be expected with such a remedy, there is severe prostration with such bleeding.

Malignant jaundice is indicated as an indication for crotalus

, but the yellowness of the skin, which characterizes
the crotalus
, in my opinion, should be more likely hematogenous than hepatic.
However, this is a symptom of both lesions, since liver suffering is a common occurrence in tropical areas, where Crotalus
gained its greatest fame.


has earned every right to be tested in breeding to determine its finest characteristics.

Hyoscyamus niger (hyoscyamus) Contents Kali carbonicum (Kali carbonicum)

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