For patients: Colon cleansing agents before colonoscopy: review of medications

The role of the intestines in the digestive process is of great importance, since the final digestion of food and absorption of nutrients takes place in the intestines. Therefore, the normal functioning of this organ directly affects the general condition, physical endurance and body weight.

Since our daily diet cannot always be called 100% healthy, the intestines periodically need to be cleansed. To do this, it is not at all necessary to resort to radical measures like colon therapy. To cleanse the intestines, you can use a diet that will help remove waste and toxins from the body and improve metabolic processes.

Benefits of colon cleansing

Normally, lactobacilli are responsible for cleansing the body and neutralizing pathogenic microflora. However, if there is severe clogging or slagging, even they cannot cope with this task. The reasons why toxins and blockages accumulate in the intestines are: physical inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle, biliary dyskinesia, chronic intestinal diseases, constant stress, poor environment, poor or unbalanced nutrition, and the predominance of fast food in the diet.


  • Benefits of colon cleansing
  • Diet rules for colon cleansing
  • Colon cleansing diet for ten days
  • Colon cleansing diet for one day
  • Contraindications for the cleansing diet

At the initial stage, intestinal blockage practically does not manifest itself in anything. Only over time do you begin to feel weakness, deterioration in well-being, and decreased performance. Skin problems arise. If measures are not taken at this stage, other symptoms will appear in the near future: flatulence, indigestion, nausea. The person becomes irritable, feels tired even in the absence of exercise, and begins to gain weight.

Among the proven methods of removing toxins and waste from the intestines, a special diet is in the lead. A specially selected diet helps normalize peristalsis and metabolic processes. As a result, a person feels an increase in vitality, unpleasant symptoms such as bloating, allergic reactions, skin problems disappear, and extra pounds disappear.

Cleaning products

If you are a follower of traditional methods of treatment or your gastroenterologist advised you to take drugs to cleanse the intestines, you can purchase laxatives at the pharmacy, available for sale in various dosage forms.

Name, manufacturerDosage formMode of applicationContraindications
"Fortrans", FrancePowder for preparing solutionDissolve in 1 liter of water, take according to the patient’s weight. Use twice a day - morning and evening Intestinal obstruction, childhood, tendency to allergies to polyethylene glycol, presence of tumors in the intestines
Lavacol, RussiaPowder for preparing solutionDissolve the sachet in a glass of warm boiled water, drink on an empty stomach during the day in an amount relative to the person’s body weightHeart failure, intestinal obstruction, kidney disease, erosions and ulcers of the walls of the stomach or rectum, stenosis, toxic lesions of the stomach
“Magnesia”, “Magnesium sulfate”, Czech Republic, USA, Italy, SwitzerlandIn the form of a solution in ampoules, powder, balls, briquettesIn the form of a medicinal enema - dissolve 30 g of powder in 100 ml of warm water and inject orally into the intestinal lumenPrenatal period, appendicitis, renal failure, intestinal obstruction, rectal bleeding
Duphalac, NetherlandsPowder, syrupTake the daily dose, calculated per kilogram of the patient’s weight, in one dose during breakfast.
The effect of treatment may appear 2–3 days from the start of taking the drug.
Fructose and galactose intolerance, perforation of the gastrointestinal tract, rectal bleeding, with caution - during pregnancy and breastfeeding
"Bisacodyl", Serbia, RussiaTablets, rectal suppositories1 – 2 tablets before bedtime, after meals, without chewing, with a sufficient amount of clean water or 1 – 2 suppositories rectally. The effect should come in the morning Children under 6 years of age, pregnancy, lactation, inflammatory bowel diseases, colitis of various natures, severe abdominal pain, vomiting, fructose intolerance or congenital galactosemia

Note! Each of the drugs provided for review has a fairly wide list of contraindications, so before using any of the proposed methods of treatment and prevention, you must consult with a specialist.

In addition to the methods of colon cleansing discussed above, there are other procedures that are offered in various medical institutions:

  • Colon hydrotherapy is a method of deep cleansing the intestines using a special device under medical supervision. employee.
  • Underwater intestinal cleansing and lavage.
  • Cleansing with an Esmarch mug - enemas with herbal or saline solutions.

After you have undergone the body cleansing procedure, no matter what method you used, you must adhere to a healthy diet, trying not to overload your body, at least in the first days after the intervention.

Eat cleansing foods - porridge, plant foods rich in fiber, dairy products, so that the effect of cleansing is felt much longer.

As a result, metabolic processes will be normalized, the general condition of the body will improve, the figure will become slimmer and a good mood will remain for a long time, because once you get rid of the constant discomfort inside, it’s so easy to become a positive person!

Diet rules for colon cleansing

There are many types of diets for cleansing the intestines, so everyone has the opportunity to choose their own option for ridding the body of toxins and waste.

Nevertheless, all such therapeutic nutrition systems are based on general rules that should be followed:

  1. The diet should contain exclusively natural food. Ideally, it should not undergo any additional processing.
  2. The main components of the menu are fruits, vegetables and nuts.
  3. Salty, spicy and sweet are prohibited.
  4. Fresh juices, still mineral water, green tea and herbal infusions should be the leading components of the diet for those who decide to cleanse the intestines of toxins.
  5. Alcohol consumption and smoking are prohibited, and the amount of coffee should be reduced as much as possible.
  6. Meals should be small and regular, so you will have to follow a strict regime.
  7. Minimize stress, avoid conflict situations, spend more time outdoors. It is best to go for a walk in the evening, before going to bed.

Recommended products for constipation and irregular bowel movements

Most products recommended for problems with irregular bowel movements and constipation will contain fiber and have a laxative effect. Also, food should be varied, rich in vitamins and microelements. Various fermented milk products promote the growth of healthy intestinal microflora, which is also useful for stool retention. Vegetable or animal fat helps the contents move more easily through the intestines, but foods with excess fat should be excluded.

The following foods can be consumed for irregular bowel movements and constipation4,5:

  • soups with low-fat broth, preferably vegetable;
  • rye or bran bread, other wholemeal flour products;
  • lean meat, poultry and fish;
  • fresh vegetables, raw or boiled (beets, zucchini, beans, cucumbers, etc.);
  • greens - lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, celery, green beans;
  • vegetable oil and butter;
  • eggs - boiled or in the form of an omelet;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt of low or medium fat content;
  • porridge – buckwheat, bran, millet and oats;
  • dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots) and drinks based on them.

Colon cleansing diet for ten days

The most common therapeutic nutrition option for cleansing the intestines is a ten-day diet. It is not very easy to withstand it, however, as reviews indicate, the result is really worth it.

Every day you should start with a glass of still mineral water, drunk on an empty stomach. You can also use regular boiled water with lemon juice.

The first and second days of the diet are considered fasting. The diet during this period is limited - only green tea is allowed, which can be sweetened with a spoonful of honey, as well as green apples.

Start the third day with oatmeal cooked in water, without adding salt or sugar. For lunch you can eat 200 g of boiled lean beef. A ripe tomato is allowed as a vegetable. In the evening, the menu will consist of boiled rice (200 g, it is better to choose brown rice), the taste of which can be varied with soy sauce or olive oil. Complete your daily diet with tea with lemon, but without sugar.

On the fourth day, breakfast will again consist of oatmeal cooked in water. For those who lack energy, you can treat yourself to a cup of unsweetened coffee. Lunch on this day will be meager: two medium-sized apples and a glass of water with lemon juice. For dinner you are allowed to eat a large apple and an orange.

The morning of the fifth day will begin with natural yogurt or low-fat cottage cheese (up to 150 g), as well as a salad of one medium-sized grated carrot. Use lemon juice as a dressing. For lunch, you are allowed to treat yourself to baked potatoes and two hard-boiled eggs. Also prepare a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers, which you can season with a little olive oil. The evening meal will consist of boiled rice (200 g), to which you can add a little olive oil or soy sauce. Unsweetened tea with lemon will complete the dinner.

The sixth day has prepared for you the same Hercules on the water. As a reward for “crossing the equator,” treat yourself to unsweetened coffee. You will also have to have oatmeal for lunch; Drinks allowed are water with lemon juice. But for dinner, the menu will consist of rice (200 g), the taste of which will be improved by adding olive oil or a drop of soy sauce.

Breakfast on the seventh day will consist of a cup of unsweetened coffee. But for lunch you can afford light vegetable soup and low-fat cottage cheese (150g). Finish your meal with an apple. In the evening, drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

On the eighth day in the morning, prepare oatmeal porridge, and also treat yourself to an orange and an apple. For lunch, drink a glass of low-fat kefir. For dinner, a reward for a meager daily diet will be boiled fish sprinkled with lemon juice and two oranges as dessert. End the day with tea without sugar.

The ninth day should start with a glass of low-fat kefir. At noon, boiled fish and a glass of unsweetened tea are recommended. For dinner, you can afford boiled lean beef (200 g) with a side dish (rice). Dessert will be three small apples.

The final day of the diet involves a glass of kefir for breakfast. For lunch, drink a cup of tea sweetened with honey. For dinner, you can treat yourself to boiled brown rice, the taste of which will be improved by adding a few drops of soy sauce or olive oil. An orange is offered for dessert, and you can finish the meal with unsweetened tea with lemon.

Due to the low calorie content, serious physical activity is contraindicated while following this diet. For those whose work involves intellectual tension or stress, it is better to conduct a colon cleansing marathon during the holidays.

Colon cleansing diet for one day

There is also an express version of the cleansing diet. It is designed for one day. The basis of the diet for the day will be the so-called bread tea. To prepare it, cut 200 g of black bread, place the pieces of bread in a jar and pour boiling water (1 l). The drink must be infused for 12 hours, after which it must be strained.

A quick cleansing diet involves eating strictly according to the clock. So, at 7 am, drink a cup of green tea without sugar. After an hour, eat one small green apple and drink a glass of bread tea. At 9 am, a mixture of freshly squeezed grape juice and bread tea awaits you (both components are 100 ml). An hour later, two cups of unsweetened green tea are next. At 11 o'clock, allow yourself 100 g of white grapes and a mixture of 100 ml of bread tea and the same amount of freshly squeezed carrot juice. An hour later, you can eat grapes (100 g) and drink a glass of grape juice.

The interval before the next stage is three hours. At 15:00 two cups of green tea without sugar are next. After 60 minutes, a mixture of bread tea and freshly squeezed carrot juice (100 ml each) is recommended. At 17:00 a glass of still mineral water awaits you. An hour later, eat three bell peppers. Finally, the last step is a mixture of bread tea (100 ml) with pear or apple juice (100 ml). You need to drink this drink at 19:00. After this, only a cup of unsweetened green tea before bed is allowed.

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According to nutritionists, such express cleansing effectively “unloads” the body and promotes not only cleansing of the intestines, but also weight loss.

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