Strengthening the nervous system: a review of anti-stress drugs

Herbal preparations occupy a leading position in the pharmacological market, as they are considered safe and do not provoke the development of adverse reactions. One of the sedatives created on the basis of plants is Perselak. Reviews about it are mostly good, but there are also people for whom it does not help.

Characteristics and description of the medication

According to the instructions for use and reviews, “Perselak” are sedative tablets that contain herbal components such as extracts of valerian, hawthorn, mint and lemon balm, as well as a vitamin complex, chamomile flowers, glycine and others. The drug is available in the form of tablets placed in blisters of ten pieces; the package contains three blisters.

According to reviews, “Perselak” does not smell very pleasant; some people claim that this smell lingers in the room and on their hands for a long time after taking the medicine. The tablets themselves are quite large, have a rough surface, and there are many small grains of different diameters and colors on them. The pill has a gray-sand color. Despite its large size, the tablet is easy to swallow.

The instructions for use and numerous reviews of Percelac tablets state that the drug is used in the following situations:

  1. Eliminate stress and irritability.
  2. Relieving anxiety and worries.
  3. Normalization of sleep.

Often the medication is prescribed as an additional source of vitamins, folic acid, flavonoids, and biotin.

How to get rid of stress

Correction of nervous activity from the physical side is important. Namely, with vitamins. The fact is that with a lack of certain substances and minerals in the body, the functioning of the endocrine system is disrupted, as a result - hormonal imbalance, and as a result - a stressful, depressive, nervous state. Therefore, monitoring your physical condition and its correction is not only an important component of getting rid of stress, but also preventing it.

Symptoms of stress

The two main signs of stress and anxiety are uncontrollable worry and restlessness. But stress is not just a bad mood and emotional fallout. Stress is a condition that has a period of flow. It is long-term stress that can lead to serious consequences, such as depression and mental disorders.

This is important: there is such a thing as “smiling depression.” It is called the silent killer, because nothing in a person’s behavior, at first glance, betrays real depression: he is cheerful, active, and has a rich social life. Meanwhile, depression is a serious mental illness that is dangerous and requires real medical and psychological treatment.

Symptoms of stress may also include muscle tension, fatigue, irritability, impatience, insomnia or sleep disorders, and difficulty concentrating. A more complex form of stress, or a long-term stage - headaches, back pain, constipation and diarrhea, alcohol, drug use, smoking, increased blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, anxiety disorders, panic attacks, dizziness, neuralgia, depression. Needless to say, if you detect at least one of the listed signs, it’s time to act decisively. Also because stress aggravates the lack of valuable substances in the body and provokes its development. Vitamin deficiency and mineral deficiency, in turn, aggravate the stressful state.

Cure for stress

If taking vitamins is indicated not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of nervous diseases, then when their manifestation is pronounced, correction is required with medications, of which there are quite a lot. They are able to effectively cope not only with symptoms, but also create a long-lasting, sustainable effect after their withdrawal. Provided that medications will not be the only weapon against stress.

Antidepressants, anti-anxiety drugs



It has a calming effect and helps cope with anxiety without causing drowsiness or addiction. Does not depress the central nervous system and improves tolerance of psycho-emotional stress. It has a stress-protective, nootropic, antidepressant effect. In addition, the drug is indicated for intoxication, hypoxia, and after acute cerebrovascular accident. It has a neuroprotective effect, limits the area of ​​damage, and normalizes learning and memory processes in the central nervous system. Tenoten

indicated for neuroses and in complex therapy of psychosomatic diseases.
In conditions of human urbanization and the dictated pace of life, the drug helps to overcome nervous disorders associated with increased nervous tension, stabilize the emotional background and cope with irritability and anxiety. Similar drug: Tenoten for children


It is used in adults for anxiety disorders and neurasthenia. Effective in the complex treatment of somatic diseases of neurasthenia, such as VSD, bronchial asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus, coronary heart disease and arrhythmia of various origins, hypertension, dermatological diseases of any origin, cancer and other diseases. Indicated for sleep disorders and premenstrual syndrome. Afobazole

may be prescribed to eliminate post-alcohol syndrome when quitting smoking.


Herbal composition, combined:



prescribed to eliminate anxiety and improve sleep.
This is a sedative medicine based on herbal ingredients. It is also used to relieve pain, improve the condition of the nervous system and eliminate symptoms of gastrointestinal pathologies. To develop an anti-anxiety effect, a single use is sufficient. Prescribed to patients over twelve years of age. All active ingredients are natural substances. The advantage of the drug is the rapid development of the therapeutic effect. According to the classification, it belongs to sedative and anti-anxiety medications. The therapeutic effect is due to the complex of herbal components included in the dosage form. The elimination of anxiety is due to the effect of guaifenesin on the patient’s central nervous system. Dry extracts have a sedative effect. Helps eliminate symptoms such as causeless anxiety, fear, emotional stress, irritability and insomnia. Similar product: Novo-passit tablets


Persen is used as an anti-anxiety and mild hypnotic. This is a drug based on herbal ingredients that can be taken during the daytime and before bed. The drug contains dry extract of valerian, dry extract of peppermint and lemon balm. The substances contained in lemon balm have a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems. eliminate or significantly reduce the manifestations of chronic fatigue syndrome.

Persen improves the quality of sleep and helps you relax.
Indicated for nervous excitement and high anxiety. The medicine eliminates psycho-emotional stress and normalizes sleep. Single use and a short course of therapy are possible. Prescribed to patients over twelve years of age. Dietary supplements, herbal composition

Balm “Altai” anti-stress

Altai balms are famous for their quality and effectiveness. This is because they are produced directly in the raw material growing area. Moreover, the nature of the Altai region is unique and pure. Anti-stress balm

recommended for those who lead a busy lifestyle: students, athletes, and those who are constantly susceptible to the harmful influence of electromagnetic radiation and the environment. The balm contains herbs that help normalize the functioning of the nervous system: mint has a calming effect, eliminates pain and tension, normalizes sleep and lowers blood pressure.


is actively used to treat diseases and disorders of the nervous system. Helps cope with stress, relieves spasms of brain vessels and regulates heartbeat. Its natural and safe composition makes it an affordable and effective means for improving health.

Similar remedies: Valerian, Evening, Motherwort Forte Evalar, Stressovit
Regulators of nervous system metabolism

Magnelis B6

Magnesium is an essential mineral for a strong nervous system. And its deficiency in the body leads to the development of chronic fatigue and stress. Symptoms such as increased irritability, emotional instability or, conversely, lethargy, fatigue, impaired sleep and performance, may be a signal of magnesium deficiency.

Magnesium is an obligatory participant in the synthesis of all substances that affect the emotional state.
The lack of this substance makes nerve cells easily excitable, but the relaxation stage does not occur. As a result, a person becomes easily susceptible to stress, becomes susceptible to the processes surrounding him and reacts inadequately to them. Taking magnesium helps cope with nervous tension, overcome irritability and agitation. Even more similar drugs:
Magne B6, Magnesium B6 Evalar

Vitamin dietary supplements:

Formula Lady's Antistress enhanced formula

Dietary supplements for evening intake and improvement of falling asleep and sleep: Sleep formula Evalar Tea Evalar Bio Soothing evening tea

Instructions for use

The drug is prescribed to adults in the amount of one or two tablets once or twice a day with meals. The course of therapy is one month. Then they take a break, after which the course can be repeated.

According to reviews of Perselac, one package of medication is enough for one month, but some may need two packages for the same period.

How to strengthen your nerves

In addition to medication, correction and strengthening of the nervous system should be carried out from the intrapersonal, spiritual, and mental side. After all, medications are a cane that will help you survive stress and put your nervous system in order, but then you need to “learn to walk” on your own.

Thoughts, like emotions, directly affect the level of stress in life. The world knows thousands of cases confirming the power of influence of thought on human life. Both positive and negative. And in this case, too, there is a cyclicity of states. Once we make an effort, then take specific actions to improve our mental state (exercise, meditate, change our thinking and take care of our body by taking the missing vitamins), our hormonal levels stabilize, stress levels decrease, feelings of joy and satisfaction take over, and I want to do even more for my life.

Emotional Intelligence Training

Emotional intelligence is a person’s ability to identify and adequately experience their emotions. Correctly perceive and adequately understand the emotions, intentions, motivations of actions and desires of other people, along with your own. But the most important thing is the ability to manage your emotions and the emotions of other people in order to overcome life situations and solve current problems.

The presence of emotional intelligence in a person is a decisive factor in the formation of personality, quality and standard of living. In the full sense of the word, it determines the vector of our life. And like a muscle in the body, it can be pumped up, improved and curbed.

Training and developing emotional intelligence is not just about controlling emotions. This is not suppressing emotions. This is a management process. Quite as concrete as managing a large enterprise for the sake of its prosperity and profit. And there are very specific methods for achieving success in this matter.


The technique is by no means mystical and is quite accessible to the simplest and most ordinary person who does not have superpowers. It lies in being able to learn to be in the “here and now” state. If you wash dishes, don't think about anything other than that plate. This is roughly the general idea of ​​meditative practice. Deep relaxation, internal concentration, deep and even breathing and complete emotional and mental order. Meditation can significantly improve the quality of your life, give strength, inspiration, and peace. Many practices and meditation techniques can be found on the Internet, fortunately they are now widely available. Daily practices and very soon you will notice significant changes in your life.


In a sense, sport is the same as meditation. Only reinforced. An undoubted advantage of physical exercise is the increase in the production of endorphins (hormones of joy).

But these hormones are not released during any activity. In order for endorphins and dopamines to begin to be released, the load must be above average. It should be a little hard for you, only then the body will begin to “encourage” you. Moreover, exercises on coordination, game tactics, and dancing can have a greater impact on the brain and increase brain activity and fight stress. A few times a week can do wonders not only for your body, but also for your life. Give it a try.


Many will say that the pace of today's life has so replaced simply reading books that they have been completely replaced by the Internet and social networks. However, reading good books is extremely necessary for us. Learn to read. Reading can not only quickly and effectively work as an antidepressant, but also contribute to the development of your emotional intelligence, memory, and imagination. What will only have a positive effect on the functioning of the brain, and after a while, make the brain work differently, in an anti-stress mode. Love books, because in them you will definitely find answers to all questions.

Study and Hobby

No, this is not studying at school or college. This is self-education. It is the constant improvement of your skills and abilities, the ability to adopt productive experience from mentors, teachers and coaches, that is the key to living in anti-stress mode. The fact is that mastering new skills reinforces the corresponding psychological attitudes in your mind, which directly affect your self-esteem.

New knowledge and skills are reflected in our habits, attitudes and plans, character. In our sense of ourselves in society. They define our goals and aspirations. And if an ordinary average education is the key to survival, then self-education is the key to freedom. Always learn. Increase your erudition, learn to build productive relationships with others, then stress and negative emotions will not be your story.

Development of adverse reactions and overdose

The drug is usually well tolerated by people. In rare cases, nausea, heartburn, and allergic reactions may occur.

No cases of overdose have been recorded in medical practice. When taking tablets in large quantities, drowsiness, arrhythmia, suppression of emotional reactions, depression, and dizziness may develop. In this case, symptomatic therapy is carried out.


"Perselak" reviews are mostly good. Some note the pleasant packaging of the drug, which evokes positive emotions. Many people take pills once a day, so the course of therapy is relatively inexpensive.

According to reviews, at first taking the pills the effect is not felt, but after a week the person becomes calmer and irritability goes away. Sleep returns to normal. Thus, the effect of the drug is cumulative; it must be used for at least one month. After completing the course of therapy, the effect lasts for a long time.

Some note that this drug has a mild effect, so you should not expect maximum effect from it. If a person has a lot of stress, it may not be suitable for him.

The advantages of the product include the fact that the drug calms and improves sleep. In addition, it has a low cost and natural composition.

The disadvantages of the medicine include the unpleasant odor of the tablets. The drug is not strong, but effective.

Nerves and emotions

Nerves and emotions, emotions and nerves are a vicious circle, the cycle of life, the state and proper circulation of which determines the quality of our life and the level of stress in it.
Emotions are undoubtedly of a physical and spiritual nature, influence and shape character, and are transformed over time and throughout life. But the most important thing is that they can be controlled and corrected. Thanks to which the nervous system is strengthened and the level of depression, blues and stress is reduced. This is interesting: emotions are born as a combination of the physical properties of the body, the flexible brain, the environment in which a person is located, as well as his culture and upbringing. But humans also have an emotional brain - the most ancient type of brain cells that has been with us from time immemorial. This is the limbic system in the very center of the brain. It is believed that this part of the brain is responsible for communication with the higher self, for the spiritual component of the personality. So if you want the quality of emotions to be at high vibrations, spend time on your culture, the environment you are in and self-education.

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