Aminalon - what is it, principle of action and dosage

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Aminalon is a medicine that has a nootropic effect, which is to improve metabolism, neuronal function and their blood circulation. The first drugs aimed at improving cognitive function and brain function in general were obtained in the last century, after which their effectiveness was tested in clinical studies using focus groups.

Many drugs turned out to be useless and had the same effect as a placebo. However, several drugs have proven effective, including Aminalon. The medicine is used in neurology, psychiatry and therapy due to its pronounced nootropic effect.

The drug is used in bodybuilding and sports due to its beneficial effect on the nervous system, as well as a moderate anabolic effect - the gamma-aminobutyric acid contained in the product promotes muscle growth and fat burning.

Mechanism of action

The main active ingredient of Aminalon is gamma-aminobutyric acid. The body synthesizes this substance in the subcortical regions of the brain. GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter of the central nervous system. By interacting with specific receptors, aminobutyric acid stops the transmission of impulses through synapses. This property of the drug is used as a component of complex therapy for Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy of various origins, and sleep disorders.

© Zerbor — Structural formula of gamma-aminobutyric acid

In addition, gamma-aminobutyric acid is involved in many metabolic reactions of nervous tissue. Taking the drug allows you to improve blood supply to the brain and increase local trophicity of cells with oxygen. The medicine has a sedative effect, so it can be taken as a sedative. In some cases, the drug is prescribed for the treatment of hypertension as a component of antihypertensive therapy.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid does not have the ability to penetrate the blood-brain barrier. This feature explains the low therapeutic effect of the drug compared to anxiolytics and tranquilizers. However, a small portion may pass through protection through specialized transporter proteins.

Aminalon stimulates the release of somatotropin produced by the anterior pituitary gland. The hormone has an anabolic effect - it accelerates the process of muscle cell growth and regeneration in the event of microtrauma. Somatotropin also activates protein synthesis and accelerates the burning of fat from subcutaneous tissue. Thus, taking Aminalon is indirectly involved in building muscle mass and losing weight.

AMINALON (tablets)

These tablets are packaged in packs of one hundred and fifty tablets.
I was prescribed to take one tablet twice a day, so I decided to take a larger package. Here is a cardboard box with pills. The active ingredient of the drug Aminalon is gamma-aminobutyric acid. This is a non-essential amino acid. Lately I’ve been constantly receiving information on amino acids (I’ve already written about taurine and lysine). Based on its stated properties, gamma-aminobutyric acid seemed to me to be a very interesting drug: it has an anticonvulsant, sedative, and hypotensive effect. -improves memory, attention, thought processes; - normalizes sleep; -improves blood circulation in the brain. Fights oxygen starvation of the brain. It became clear why neurologists prescribe this drug for long-term use to patients suffering from a variety of vegetative-vascular disorders.

There is only one active ingredient in these tablets, and the only auxiliary ingredient is sugar. The box contains information about the manufacturer. These tablets are made in the city of Borisov, in Belarus. I trust Belarusian goods, including medical ones. I have also already bought medicine from this manufacturer.

The dosage in tablets of the active substance is 250 milligrams.

Later I discovered that Gamma-aminobutyric acid, although in the form of a dietary supplement, is available in the Eicher online store. Moreover, gamma-aminobutyric acid is available in much larger dosages, with a single dose per day and from a variety of manufacturers. I'll probably buy there next time.

There are ten blisters of ten tablets in a box. The tablets are small and white. Unlike Mexiprim, these tablets do not smell like anything. They also have no taste, although I didn’t bite into them. Easy and simple to drink. The stomach did not react to them in any way, or rather, I took this medicine completely normally.

Convenient packaging, you can carry it with you in your purse.

Since in this case I have a medical drug, detailed instructions are attached to it, as expected. Here I photographed it as best I could.

My stomach didn’t react, but I drank it for my head. And the head reacted, and noticeably. When I took these pills, my head was clearer, there was less reaction to weather changes, especially to winter thaws. My mood was noticeably better, although this is a nootropic drug, it does not have any psychotropic effects. It was also important for me to improve my sleep; for some reason in the winter I have problems sleeping. I’ll say right away that these pills do not cause drowsiness. And when taken at night, they do not work as a sleeping pill. But I accidentally discovered through experience how to improve sleep with the help of aminalon. In general, to improve my sleep, I ordered Melatonin, which I have known for a long time, from Iherb (here is a review about it). And one might say I was almost disappointed in him. Well, a very weak effect. At my own risk, I took two tablets, although this is not good. And then one evening I took a Melatonin tablet and an Aminalon tablet almost simultaneously. And I ended up sleeping great. I tried again. Works! I removed Aminalon - not the same. That is, in a pair Aminalon (or perhaps any other drug with gamma-aminobutyric acid) and Melatonin improve sleep very well. Moreover, in the morning my head is clear, there is no weakness that occurs from sleeping pills.

So, after taking a course of Aminalon twice a day, now sometimes in the evening I drink Aminalon and Melatonin for better sleep. But this is just my personal experience, although I think that there is nothing harmful in this combination.

I bought these pills at a regular pharmacy, no one asked for the recipe, which means they will sell them without a prescription. The price in my opinion is quite affordable. I bought one hundred tablets for 192 rubles. This is almost enough for two courses of treatment, and if you take a tablet at night, then it will generally last for a very, very long time.

In total, according to my intake of these pills, I will note. Pros: - the active ingredient is very necessary for the brain. Its deficiency is immediately noticeable. I found information about conditions associated with GABA deficiency and everything coincided. — the tablets improved the condition of the head, gave clarity, practically relieved dizziness, improved mood, and had a noticeable calming effect. - help normalize sleep. — there is no state of inhibition, rather, on the contrary, they increase performance. - there were no side effects at all.

I don’t suffer from increased blood pressure, so I can’t say anything in this direction. But I admit that these pills normalize blood pressure to some extent. In general, the action of Aminalon somehow reminded me of Glycine, only in a stronger version. But one Glycine tablet hasn’t helped me for a hundred years; I take at least five at a time. So, one Aminalon tablet works like five glycine tablets. By the way, we need to compare these acids somehow.

But there are also disadvantages: - the effect lasted while I took these pills and for a very short time after finishing taking them. And then everything returned to normal - dizziness and other vascular problems. That is, I did not notice a significant cumulative effect. And in general, these tablets can probably be regarded more as vitamins for the brain, although in this case they are a drug.

But due to the noticeable positive effect, if these tablets were prescribed to you by a competent doctor or you yourself, after analyzing your condition, found the symptoms to be a deficiency of gamma-aminobutyric acid, then of course I recommend it. In general, it seems to me that GABA will not be superfluous to anyone.

Health and optimism to everyone! Thank you for your attention!


Indications for taking Aminalon are:

  • atherosclerotic damage to the cerebral arteries - while taking the drug, the blood supply to the nervous tissue and the functioning of neurons improves;
  • complications resulting from a traumatic brain injury;
  • Alzheimer's disease - Aminalon moderately improves oxygen saturation of the brain, slows down the process of degradation of nervous tissue, improves memory and other cognitive functions;
  • Parkinson's disease as a sedative;
  • insomnia;
  • frequent headaches;
  • mental illnesses that are accompanied by a decrease in intelligence;
  • polyneuropathy of alcoholic or diabetic origin;
  • consequences of cerebral stroke;
  • arterial hypertension.

The use of Aminalon benefits athletes - the medicine induces the production of growth hormone, has a sedative effect, and corrects sleep disturbances.

The use of aminalon to improve intellectual and mnestic function[edit | edit code]


(gammalon)—Aminalonum, gamma-a minobutyric acid; synonyms: apogamma, GABA, gaballon, gamavex, gammalon, gammar, gammasol, ganevrin (PNR), myelogen, milomad.

Chemical formula


Empirical formula

: C4H9O2.


- white crystalline powder, slightly bitter in taste. Melting point - 202-204°C. It is highly soluble in water, slightly soluble in alcohol when heated, and insoluble in organic solvents.

Being a biogenic substance, it participates in metabolic processes of central inhibition in the central nervous system, enhances energy processes, utilization of glucose by the brain, increases the respiratory activity of brain tissue, improves blood supply, and promotes the removal of metabolic products from the brain (I. A. Sytinsky, 1977; A. N. Gurlenya, V. I. Talapin, 1978; K. S. Raevsky, V. P. Georgiev, 1986). Gammalon increases the formation of acetylcholine in the brain.

Aminalon (gammalon) is produced in tablets (0.25 g) with a sugar coating, as well as for injection - 5% 20 ml in ampoules or 20% 100 and 500 ml in bottles for internal use. It is administered orally at a dose of 0.5-1.0 g 3 times a day, the course of treatment is from 2-3 weeks to 2-4 months. Gammalon for injection is used only for intravenous drip administration.

The main indications for the use of gammalon are cerebrovascular insufficiency associated with aging, brain injury, hemorrhage, and atherosclerosis. Gammalon eliminates or alleviates various mental or somatic disorders, such as memory loss, speech impairment, aphasia, paralysis, resulting from cerebrovascular disorders.

Aminalon is effective in the treatment of patients with ischemic stroke: general cerebral symptoms and focal neuralgic disorders disappear faster. High blood pressure decreases and stabilizes in patients with decompensation of chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency, signs of encephalopathy decrease: the emotional sphere was normalized, behavior was streamlined, the phenomena of mental exhaustion decreased, memory improved (L. S. Petelin et al., 1971; N. N. Anosov, B. S. Vilensky, 1978). The effect of gammalon treatment appears 2-3 weeks after taking 4-5 tablets 3 times a day or 5 ml of a 20% solution 3 times a day.

Gammalon (aminalon) helps improve subjective symptoms: relieves headaches, tinnitus, dizziness and others resulting from skull trauma.

Gammalon is effective in the treatment of mentally retarded children. Treatment with gammalon increases the activity, sociability of children, their IQ, and school performance. The effect of treatment begins to appear after 2-3 weeks, but it takes 2-4 to get the full effect. month. It is recommended to give the drug to children aged 1-3 years, 4-8 tablets or 5-10 ml of a 20% solution per day; children aged 4-6 years - 8-12 tablets or 10-15 ml of 20% solution per day.

Gammalon causes a gradual decrease in blood pressure, bringing it to normal levels (in persons over 40 years of age, the maximum pressure does not drop below 140 mm Hg). Dizziness, insomnia, etc. are alleviated or reduced. Gammalon is prescribed for hypertension, 4-5 tablets or 5 ml of a 20% solution 3 times a day. The effect occurs within 1-7 days.

The neurometabolic effects of gammalon allow it to be used as a means of awakening from stupor caused by anesthesia, hypnotics, carbon monoxide poisoning or other similar gases, uremia, as well as from stupor due to damage to cerebral blood vessels and hepatic stupor. Gammalon for stupor is prescribed intravenously by drip over 2-3 hours: 15-20 ml of a 5% solution in 300-500 ml of saline for injection. The effect occurs 3-20 hours after administration of the drug.

Indications for the use of gammalon are as follows:

(A. M. Gurlenya, V. I. Talapin, 1978):

  • cerebral atherosclerosis;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency with impairments of memory, attention, speech, headache, dizziness;
  • dynamic disturbance of previous cerebrovascular accidents with the presence of paresis, paralysis, traumatic brain injury;
  • alcoholic encephalopathy;
  • polyneuritis;
  • oligophrenia;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • endogenous depression;
  • astheno-hypochondriacal manifestations.

Side effects when taking aminalon include vomiting, sleep disturbance, feeling hot, and fluctuations in blood pressure.

No contraindications have been established.


The drug is contraindicated in case of an allergic reaction or individual intolerance. It is also not recommended to use the product for decompensated heart and kidney diseases.

Diabetes mellitus is a contraindication to the use of the medication. People with this pathology should consult an endocrinologist before using the drug. The medicine promotes the production of somatotropin, which is a counter-insular hormone that increases blood glucose levels.

Method of administration of the medicine and dosage

Aminalon is recommended to be consumed 30 minutes before meals. In this case, you should take the medicine with plenty of water.

Typically, two tablets are prescribed per day, with the first dose being small to prevent fluctuations in blood pressure. Gradually the concentration of the product increases to the required values ​​over several days.

The course depends on individual characteristics, the presence of somatic diseases, their nature and characteristics of the course. On average, the duration of therapy with Aminalon is one month.

The greatest effect is recorded in the second week of taking the medication, since gamma-aminobutyric acid has a cumulative property, small concentrations do not cause the necessary effect.

Athletes should take the medicine immediately after training, as well as in the interval between physical activity. The maximum permissible dosage is 3 g per day.

The use of aminalon in psychiatry and narcology[edit | edit code]

Aminalon was one of the first nootropic-like drugs in the world to be introduced into the practice of treating mental patients. To date, despite a fairly wide range of indications for use, the main area of ​​its use is various manifestations of cerebral pathology in the form of cerebrasthenic and encephalopathic disorders of various etiologies, both with persistent and dynamic disorders of cerebral circulation, with organic lesions of the central nervous system, mental backwardness, etc. (G. Ya. Avrutsky et al., 1981).

The most severe and persistent condition, developing, as a rule, at distant stages of organic damage to the central nervous system, is the impoverishment of all mental activity - dementia.

Due to the difficulties in treating this pathology, the treatment of dementia is of particular importance.

M. M. Saarma et al. (1983) report on the experience of using aminalon in patients with organic dementia. The drug was prescribed for 6 weeks to 17 patients with organic dementia of traumatic and atherosclerotic origin and patients with senile dementia. The effect of aminalon, used in doses of 1.5 g per day, was compared with the results obtained when using placebo in 25 patients. Along with the clinical assessment of the patients’ condition, determined using unified scale methods, the authors purposefully examined the dynamics of memory and intellectual abilities, using six experimental psychological tests for this purpose.

At the end of the 6-week course of treatment, M. M. Saarma et al. noted an improvement in the condition of patients taking aminalon in 48% of cases. In approximately half of the patients taking the study drug (47% of cases), the condition remained unchanged and in 5% of cases there was a deterioration in the condition. In the group of patients receiving placebo, a positive effect was noted only in 8% of cases. Thus, data on improvement in the condition of almost half of patients with dementia certainly indicate the possibility of using aminalon in the treatment of dementia caused by organic and atrophic brain damage.

When analyzing data from experimental psychological tests, it was found that in the group of patients receiving placebo, there was a deterioration in various indicators of memory and thinking function. Patients taking aminalon showed an improvement in efficiency in both memory functions and intellectual activity. However, the ability to acquire and assimilate new material, as well as the general intellectual level of the patients, did not change.

The most interesting is the report of the same researchers (M. M. Saarma et al., 1984) on a comparative clinical and psychological study of aminalon, glutamic acid, piracetam and placebo in 90 patients with organic dementia of various origins. The authors, as in the previous study, do not provide characteristics of the clinical types of dementia. Evaluation of the psychotropic activity of drugs is limited to observations of their effect on intellectual-mnestic disorders.

The studied drugs, according to the severity of the clinical effect, were arranged in the following order (from weak to strong): placebo, glutamic acid, aminalone, piracetam. A noticeable improvement was noted with their use in 0%, 8%, 24% and 44% of cases, respectively.

Based on the available material, the authors concluded “that in cases of deep dementia, no particular improvement in intelligence and memory functions can be expected from the use of nootropic drugs.” In their opinion, it is advisable to include nootropic drugs in the treatment system for milder forms of dementia. This point of view is shared by G. P. Panteleeva et al. (1975), who noted the complete absence of the therapeutic effect of aminalon in 11 patients with severe atrophic (6 people) and traumatic (1 person) dementia and severe psychoorganic syndrome persistent for 20 years or more (4 people). In these patients, resistant to other types of therapy, the phenomena of deep amnestic dementia with confabulatory disorders were observed. Aminalon therapy was carried out in doses of up to 2.25 g per day for a long time (up to 3 months).

R. G. Golodets et al. (1976), R. A. Altshuler et al. (1975), G. P. Panteleeva et al. (1975) present the results of successful treatment of patients with organic diseases of the central nervous system with aminalon. Thus, G. P. Panteleeva et al. (1975) note that in a group of patients with organic brain diseases (47 people) of vascular, traumatic and atrophic origin, improvement was noted in 38 patients. Significant improvement in condition occurred in 21 patients with psychoorganic syndrome of vascular (atherosclerosis, hypertension) and traumatic origin. In these cases, we were talking about patients with a relatively short duration of the disease (no more than 3-6 years). Before treatment with aminalon, they experienced increased irritability, tearfulness, memory impairment, rapid fatigue and exhaustion, as well as headaches, dizziness, noise in the head, impaired depth and duration of sleep. In some cases, there was brutality, conflict, mood disorder with a feeling of dissatisfaction with others and with one’s own well-being, pickiness or, on the contrary, apathy and lethargy.

Aminalon in doses of 0.75-1.0 g per day caused an improvement in general health after 1.5-2 weeks. Patients expressed a positive attitude towards treatment, there was a subjective feeling of calm and a decrease in irritability. Headaches, dizziness, noise in the head and other unpleasant symptoms decreased and then disappeared.

At 2-3 weeks of treatment, normalization of blood pressure was observed. Objectively, the patients became noticeably calmer in their communication, their sleep normalized, their mood leveled out, they became more active, took an interest in their surroundings, began to take care of their appearance, and showed initiative in working within the department.

At 3-4 weeks of treatment, the symptoms of weakness disappeared or significantly decreased, and the ability to remember slightly improved (patients more accurately named individual dates from the past and present). Memory disorders subjectively bothered the patients less, although complete restoration of mnestic functions was not observed.

Significant improvement was noted in 2 patients with a state of acute confusion of vascular origin. The addition of aminalon to previously prescribed treatment led to a relatively rapid recovery from the psychotic state within 1.5-2 weeks with a critical attitude towards painful disorders and without subsequent signs of severe dementia.

In 13 patients with symptoms of psychoorganic syndrome and atrophic dementia, one could speak of a slight improvement in condition. During 2-3 months of therapy with aminalon, they experienced only a slight decrease in irritability, some improvement in well-being, and an increase in activity. Memory impairments, however, did not show reverse dynamics. The disease in these patients lasted a long time (20-30 years), and the condition was determined by persistent symptoms of organic personality changes, which in 2 cases had signs of secondary atrophy.

Thus, according to G.P. Panteleeva et al., the absence of an effect or its slight improvement in organic diseases was noted in patients either with a long history of the disease or with significant negative manifestations and dementia. A noticeable improvement during treatment with aminalon occurred in patients with a relatively short duration of the disease, no more than 10 years, mostly from several months to 5 years. In these cases, there were no gross personality changes or signs of dementia, and the pathological changes were largely functional in nature.

R. G. Golodets et al. (1976) studied gammalon (a Japanese analogue of aminalon) both in the acute phase of organic damage to the central nervous system (especially in neuroinfections and neurointoxications) and in the residual stages of the disease.

Their publication provides an analysis of the results of treatment with gammalon in 70 patients. The main indications for prescribing the drug were asthenic symptoms, persistent or transient disorders of mnestic functions (antero- and retrograde amnesia, disturbances of fixation memory and other dysmnestic manifestations), as well as a general decrease in intellectual productivity (in the form of disturbances in attention processes, tempo of thinking, weakness of impulses) .

Daily doses of the drug did not exceed 2.75 g. Treatment continued in courses of 2-4 months, less often up to six months.

At more distant stages of organic lesions of the central nervous system, the effect of gammalon was manifested in a noticeable increase in activity, a decrease and then disappearance of manifestations of physical and mental asthenia, and an improvement in mnestic-intellectual functions.

In a number of cases, there was a more noticeable restoration of memory impairment for past events and a general increase in intellectual productivity.

According to R. A. Altshuler et al. (1975), the use of aminalon is also effective in the early post-traumatic period. The use of the drug in these conditions promotes a more rapid and complete restoration of brain function.

Available literature data indicate the possibility of using aminalon as a means of potentiating the effect of psychotropic drugs. According to G.P. Panteleeva et al. (1975), out of 28 patients with manic-depressive psychosis and schizophrenia with treatment-resistant conditions, improvement after using aminalon was noted in 21 patients. A particularly good effect was recorded in 15 patients with mild depression within the framework of these diseases with a duration from several months to 5 years. The condition of these patients before the appointment of aminalon was determined by depression with a variety of senesto-hypochondriacal disorders and complaints of difficulties in mental activity, “inhibition,” a feeling of “staleness” in the head, difficulties in learning what to read, and fatigue. As already mentioned, despite various (up to several months) psychopharmacotherapy, there was no improvement in their condition.

With the addition of aminalon to the treatment (up to 2.5-3 g per day), on the 3-5th day the patients became more active, their facial expressions became more animated, and they began to participate in collective events. By the end of the first week of treatment, patients had a subjective feeling of cheerfulness, “freshness” in the head, and they had fewer hypochondriacal complaints. Then their painful, vague headaches disappeared, and their sleep improved. Subsequently, with a subjective feeling of improved well-being, patients noted a gradual disappearance of their previously characteristic fatigue and depression, and an improvement in mood was noted.

In 3 patients, after 1 month of treatment with aminalon, a transition to a hypomanic state was noted.

A significant improvement in well-being with increased activity was noted in 2 patients out of 8 patients with long-term depression with motor inhibition or hallucinatory-delusional disorders (hypochondriacal delusions, ideas of relationship or persecution). In the remaining 6 cases, in patients with similar depressive syndromes, as well as apathetic dementia, there was only a slight therapeutic effect when using aminalon.

A positive therapeutic effect was also not observed in 7 patients with conditions syndromologically similar to the disorders described above (flaccid depression, depression with obsessions, apathetic dementia). In these patients, negative disorders also occupied a significant place in the clinical picture, and the duration of the disease exceeded 20 years.

The results obtained quite accurately determine the criteria for the effectiveness of aminalon in the treatment (as an adjuvant) of protracted depressive states - the relative “simplicity” of depression, the absence or insignificant severity of negative symptoms in the structure of the condition, the short duration of the disease.

Of greatest interest are comparative studies of a number of drugs.

V. E. Vasar (1987) studied the characteristics of the psychotropic action and clinical effectiveness of aminalon in comparison with piracetam, phenibut and diazepam in 196 patients with neuroses and somatogenic neurosis-like conditions.

Aminalon did not differ from piracetam in its effect on individual symptoms. According to the author, aminalon was inferior to phenibut and piracetam in its effect on phobic-asthenic, depressive-asthenic, hypochondriacal-asthenic symptoms. In terms of the speed of manifestation of the therapeutic effect, aminalon also took last place after diazepam, phenibut, and piracetam.

V. E. Vasar comes to the conclusion that “aminalon is indicated in the treatment of patients with neurosis-like conditions caused by vascular diseases of the brain. When treating patients with other types of neurosis-like conditions and neuroses, aminalon is less effective than piracetam and phenibut.

The above applies to the analysis of the effectiveness of aminalon when used monotherapeutically. In our opinion (taking into account existing publications), complex therapy combining aminalon with other psychotropic drugs used for the condition has a much greater impact on improving the symptoms of patients and makes it possible to give broader recommendations for the use of aminalon for borderline disorders.

The literature also contains indications of other aspects of the use of aminalon or its analogues for the treatment of children with mental retardation (W. Shibata et al., 1960), the treatment of paroxysmal disorders (D. de Maio, 1962; T. Hayashi et al., 1965) .

I. A. Sytinsky (1971), in one of the first reviews on the clinical use of aminobutyric acid derivatives, reports that, according to W. Shibata et al. (1960), with various forms of mental underdevelopment, in 63 cases out of 106 children showed an improvement in their condition.

Japanese researchers T. Hayashi et al. (1965) found that taking the drug in doses of 0.3-0.8 g per day completely eliminates seizures in 38% of patients with epilepsy, and the effect after discontinuation of the drug persists for 6 weeks. According to other data, treatment is effective in 56.7% of cases (with fluctuations from 35 to 83% depending on the severity and nature of convulsive manifestations) (D. de Maio, 1962).

Italian researchers (V. Floris et al., 1962) believe that the greatest effect of the drug is manifested in petit mal.

It should be said that in recent years the number of publications on the use of aminalon and its analogues in child psychiatry and in the epilepsy clinic is a small part in comparison with the literature data on the use of other nootropic and nootropic-like drugs for these indications. In all likelihood, this can be explained by the fact that clinicians have established greater effectiveness and safety of the use of modern nootropic drugs than aminalon. We have not found any publications on comparative clinical studies of existing nootropic drugs (including aminalon) for these indications in the literature.

Side effects

In case of an allergy to the drug, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, and skin rashes of various locations may occur. Also, with increased sensitivity to the components of the drug, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting develops, and loose stools are replaced by constipation. If such symptoms appear, the drug should be discontinued. Regular use of the medication in rare cases causes sleep disturbances and a rise in body temperature.

The most common side effect is a change in blood pressure from low to high values. The pathology is accompanied by headache, and orthostatic hypotension may appear.

Precautions and special instructions for use

Due to the fact that Aminalon can change blood pressure, the first dose of the drug is recommended to be taken under the supervision of a doctor. In the presence of hypertension and other heart diseases, lower doses of the drug may be prescribed.

It is recommended to use the medication during the daytime, otherwise insomnia may occur.

You cannot combine alcohol and Aminalon. Their interaction leads to neutralization of the therapeutic effect of the drug and increased severity of side effects.

Clinical studies have not proven the effect of Aminalon on reaction and concentration, so you can drive a car while taking it.

The medicine is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Before using the medicine, you should consult your doctor.


Amylonosar is a medicine based on nicotinoyl-gamma-aminobutyric acid. The medication belongs to the group of nootropic drugs. Improves cerebral circulation, oxygen saturation of nervous tissue, exhibits moderate antiplatelet activity, which is used in the treatment of coronary heart disease and other pathologies.

Long-term use of the drug reduces the severity of amnestic syndrome and has a hypnotic and sedative effect.

Phezam is a drug that contains piracetam and cinnarizine. This combination effectively increases blood flow in the brain, improves memory, speech, and mental activity. By influencing the rheological properties of blood, it reduces its viscosity, which prevents or reduces the risk of thrombosis.

The medicine is prescribed for atherosclerosis of the cerebral arteries, frequent headaches, mental disorders, organic lesions of the central nervous system. In addition, the drug has an effect on the vestibular apparatus - it reduces its excitability. This property is used to treat various labyrinthopathy.

Noofen contains aminophenylbutyric acid. The drug has a pronounced neuroregulatory effect. Noofen improves memory and mental activity, increases learning ability, endurance, productivity and ability to work.

While taking the medication, sleep is restored and the symptoms of anxiety syndrome are relieved.

Effective use for emotional instability and mental disorders. In neurology it is used to partially relieve or completely eliminate nystagmus.

Using the method of cross-correlation computer analysis of electroencephalograms in children 3-11 years old with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, it was shown that in this pathology there are disturbances in the interaction between the cortical structures of the cerebral hemispheres. These disorders are expressed in reduced activity of the structures of the right hemisphere, which changes the interaction between the structures of the right and left hemispheres and leads to a disruption in the process of primary processing of perceived information. Psychopharmacological correction is the main part in the treatment of this disease.

The most common types of diseases are borderline mental (residual neurological) disorders of childhood, which, in addition to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), include neuroses, stuttering, tic disorders and enuresis. According to various sources, more than 20% of children aged 3 to 11 years suffer from them [1, 2], and the number of such patients is constantly increasing. It is important to note that ADHD is recognized as a separate entity in the American Psychiatric Association's 1994 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-1V) and later in ICD-10. According to various researchers [3, 4], ADHD is observed in 17-80% of the children they examined, which indicates the relevance of the problem under consideration today.

The lack of effective methods for treating ADHD, as well as other residual neurological disorders, determines the relevance of developing such methods of early diagnosis and treatment that make maximum use of the physiological mechanisms of the developing central nervous system (CNS) of the child.

A survey of 228 patients with attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity syndrome was carried out, of which 86 children had a type with a predominance of attention deficit, 92 had a predominantly hyperactive type, and 50 had a combined type.

The examination of patients was carried out by specialists of the highest medical qualifications on the basis of leading clinical institutions in St. Petersburg: Children's City Clinic No. 19 of the Petrograd District, Children's City Hospitals No. 1, No. 19 named after. K.A. Rauchfus, city department for the treatment of neuroses and speech pathology in children and adolescents of the Center for Restorative Treatment "Child Psychiatry".

The examination included clarification of complaints and analysis of medical records. During the examination, special attention was paid to the collection of anamnestic data (features of the course of pregnancy, the nature of labor, the development of the child in the first years of life, the presence of chronic diseases in the mother, etc.). We determined the time of onset of the first manifestations of the disease, their characteristics, and the dynamics of development. Data from a similar examination of 200 practically healthy children aged 3-11 years were used as control. The clinical examination method used by us included an analysis of the characteristics of the perinatal period of development, clarification of the neurological and psychological status of patients. When studying the neurological status, the child’s appearance, his behavior, and the state of cranial innervation were assessed. Attention was paid to identifying stigmas of disembryogenesis [5, 6]. The neurological examination was supplemented by a study of the coordination sphere, which allowed for a scoring of impaired coordination of movements and fine motor skills.

During a neuropsychological study, the anamnesis was studied in order to identify acute and chronic psychogenic disorders, the level of psychosocial stress was determined, as well as the degree of emotional and social support. The testing used the basic questionnaires of Cattell, Eysenck, Lichko, Melnikov-Yampolsky and the personality questionnaire of the Institute. Ankylosing spondylitis (LOBI). These tests were used to determine the psychological status of adolescents. To test the children, the Luscher test, Kern-Jerasik test, and fragments of the Heidelberg test were used, which made it possible to determine the level of social adaptation of children, the degree of “school maturity,” the development of speech, writing and reading skills, and to assess the degree of development of the child’s memory.

Indicators of attention were studied: maintained attention was studied using a correction test, directed attention was studied in the “coding” subtest of the Wechsler test, and the level of attention was studied in a fragment of the Ravenna test. A memory study was conducted (“10 Word Test”), an assessment of intellectual development with the study of indicators of verbal and non-verbal intelligence [7].

To identify hyperactivity in the children we examined, we used the criteria for hyperactivity proposed by American psychologists P. Baker and M. Alvord. A structured questionnaire for parents of a sick child was also used [8], which allowed a detailed assessment of the child’s condition and behavior. The questionnaire contains a list of questions on 72 symptoms that may be observed in MDM.

The following objective examination methods were used: computer electroencephalography using cross-correlation and spectral analysis of recordings. EEG registration was carried out according to a bipolar or monopolar (mainly) scheme with an averaged ear electrode on a computer encephalographic console “Telepath” with subsequent processing using special programs for cross-correlation and spectral analysis. During the registration, standard functional tests were used: photostimulation at frequencies of 1-13 Hz and 18 Hz, hyperventilation for 3 minutes. followed by recording of trace activity for up to 5 minutes.

Although there is a strong opinion among neurologists that MDM “is an objective expression of the pathological soil necessary for the development of a borderline state” [1], which is confirmed by microneurological symptoms, to date there are no objective methods that clearly show the results of such disorders on the development of functional activity of the brain generally.

Meanwhile, the interstructural interaction of the cortical zones of the brain, to one degree or another, can be revealed by the results of computer cross-correlation analysis of EEG activity. In correlation analysis, changes in a process over time are studied, which makes it possible to determine the temporal relationship of two or more processes by their phase shift or shift of the maximum of the cross-correlation function, as well as to quantify the degree of connection or similarity of processes at different points (structures) of the EEG. To present the results obtained in a visual form, we used the well-known graph projection method [9], which reflects the dynamics of the movement of the foci of maximum activity and the associated inhibition of various areas of the left and right hemispheres of the brain. In the language of graph theory, such areas are designated as “source” and “sink” points, respectively. The presence of “sources” and “sinks” in the parieto-occipital or inferior parietal zone (cytoarchitectonic areas 39 and 40, according to Brodmann) of the right hemisphere of the brain was studied. The parieto-occipital zone of the right hemisphere of the brain, according to many authors [10, 11, 12], plays a leading role in the development of the child’s psyche and intelligence, and is also of no small importance in many mental disorders in adulthood. The reliability of the results was assessed using Student's t tests, Fisher's exact method (FMT), and nonparametric Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney tests. For statistical processing methods on a computer, the “Stage” software package was used.

The data we obtained are in complete qualitative agreement with the described results of studies in the same patients using positron emission tomography and nuclear magnetic resonance [13]. Since computer EEG is much cheaper, more common and safer (especially for children) than these research methods, the results obtained are of great practical importance for the diagnosis and psychopharmacological correction of the examined disease.

As a result of the examination, excesses in the perinatal period of development were identified in 90% of patients with ADHD (of the total number of those examined). The main damaging factors were: toxicosis of the first or second half of pregnancy in the patient’s mother; cases of interruption of previous pregnancies (abortions and miscarriages); the threat of termination of this pregnancy due to a hypertensive crisis, renal failure, pyelonephritis in pregnant women, chronic diseases of the mother (renal, cardiovascular disorders, consequences of previous viral hepatitis, etc.); conflict regarding the Rh factor and the ABO system of the fetus and mother; hereditary predisposition to psychonervous disorders; pathology during childbirth: birth injuries of the child and resuscitation of the newborn.

The majority of patients showed coordination disorders to varying degrees (clumsiness, difficulties in performing precise movements), poor sense of rhythm and dysrhythmia, general motor clumsiness (signs of static-locomotor insufficiency were found in more than 80% of patients, a significant number of errors were noted when testing, excessive use of assistive hand positions, tendency to fall when performing walking and balance tasks). A large number of synkinesis were found in the form of mirror movements of the muscles of the face, head, neck, torso, and limbs, and a slow pace of sequential movements. Increased motor excitability, increased fatigue, moodiness, mood lability, emotional-volitional disorders, anxiety, fears and obsessions were revealed; conduct disorder; aggressiveness and reactions of the opposition; school learning difficulties and reading and writing disorders.

All these symptoms, identified by objective examination methods, accompanied erased forms of hydrocephalus, increased intracranial pressure, vascular disorders and displacement of the bone elements of the cervical spine. The most common complaints were: excessive excitability and impulsiveness (in 67% of cases), increased irritability and frequent mood swings (in 42%), inability to concentrate for a long time (in 41%), intolerance to stuffiness and noise (in 15%).

In general, one or another neurological pathology was found in 90% of children with ADHD, which is also typical for children suffering from other residual neurological (borderline mental) disorders. The basis on which these disorders develop is usually minimal brain dysfunction.

Psychophysiological studies revealed violations of indirect memory in 40% of cases, violations of short-term memory - in 60%, instability of attention - in 70%.

The Luscher color test (8 colors) showed that most children are characterized by rapid and excessive excitability, rapid fatigue and excessive development of fantastic ideas. They are highly emotionally active, which acts as compensation for social deprivation, as well as the desire to avoid feelings of loneliness and isolation.

We were able to obtain additional and extremely important results concerning the representation of certain frequency ranges in various brain structures, their spectral power, the presence of asymmetry, the numerical expression of the index of a particular rhythm in selected structures and other indicators that are difficult to assess by visually assessing the recording application of computer analysis of EEG.

From the data we obtained, averaged over 200 practically healthy children aged 3-11 years, the right parieto-occipital region is normally the “source” area in children starting from the age of three, which is confirmed by the results of other studies [2, 10, 14]. In addition, there are a large number of connections between the parietal-occipital region of the right hemisphere of the brain with the anterior (frontal) structures and with the corresponding structures of the left hemisphere of the brain, and these connections are pronounced and stable (significant connections).

A completely different picture is observed when analyzing the EEG in sick children of the same age with ADHD. The obtained averaged data from cross-correlation analysis regarding connections between brain structures for 150 patients aged 3-11 years suffering from this pathology differ from the norm in several respects.

Firstly, and this is typical for most residual neurological disorders, there are practically no connections between the parieto-occipital region of the right hemisphere of the brain and the anterior (frontal) structures.

Secondly, the number of significant connections (with a correlation coefficient of more than 0.3) of the parieto-occipital region with other structures decreases sharply.

Thirdly, the direction of connections changes: from normal, the parieto-occipital zone of the right hemisphere turns into.

Thus, there is a presence of conjugate inhibition of the parietal-occipital zone of the right hemisphere of the brain and a limitation of connections of this zone with other structures that can remove or reduce such inhibition.

Based on spectral and cross-correlation analysis of EEG, we have developed a comprehensive method for treating ADHD in children [2, 15]. In the complex treatment of ADHD, psychopharmacotherapy plays a leading role. The method is based on the position that in the vast majority of practical cases, this disorder is a consequence of residual damage to brain structures and the resulting disruption of interaction between structures that ensure normal brain development. The indicated etiology of disorders, which is completely clear, for example, in aphasia (traumatic, post-stroke, etc.), is completely ignored when correcting other speech and borderline pathologies in general. The path we have chosen to eliminate borderline disorders and ADHD, which is the most pronounced disorder in terms of manifestations, lies through intensive activation of brain reserves, suppression of foci of paroxysmal activity, restoration of disrupted structural interaction with the help of directed external influences through feedback and consolidation of the resulting restoration with the help of nonspecific pharmacological correctors.

Activation of brain reserves is necessary for almost all pathologies that are based on primary damage to brain structures. Even if such a lesion does not manifest itself directly, it affects the interaction between brain structures, which in fact constitutes the pathological basis of many psychoneurological diseases and in particular residual neurological (borderline) disorders, including ADHD. It is important to note that total, undirected activation in some cases can aggravate and even consolidate existing disturbances in the interaction between structures. Therefore, any such influence, in our opinion, should be carried out under careful objective control of brain function.

As the main drugs used to suppress paroxysmal activity, we use the so-called atypical benzodiazepines - clonazepam (antelepsin), as well as carbamazepine (finlepsin, tegretol). Currently, at least two types of benzodiazepine receptors have been identified, the mediator of which is GABA: BDR-1, responsible for anti-anxiety and anticonvulsant effects, and BDR-2, responsible for the sedative effect and muscle relaxant effects. The significant effectiveness of the above drugs is due to their 3-4 times greater (than typical benzodiazepines) affinity for BDR-1 [16]. Since a direct relationship between the clinical effect and the dose of the mentioned drugs has not been established [16], we make an individual selection of dosages based on QEEG indicators and the patient’s well-being.

Clonazepam (POLFA SF, Poland), antelepsin (ASTA Medica, Arzneimittelwerk Dresden GmbH, Germany) are benzodiazepine derivatives. In clinical practice, they are used to treat minor and major forms of epilepsy with myoclonic seizures, psychomotor crises, and increased muscle tone. In case of an overdose, movement coordination disorders, irritability, depressive symptoms, increased fatigue, and nausea are possible [17]. We do not use daily dosages of clonazepam higher than 1-1.5 mg, divided into three doses. Also, much attention is paid to a gradual increase in the dose of the drug (over 1-2 weeks) and a gradual decrease upon withdrawal. The total duration of the course is at least 2 months with mandatory (according to EEG readings) repetition throughout the year.

Carbamazepine (ALSI Pharma, Russia), Carbamazepine-Apo (Apotex Inc, Canada). Synonyms - finlepsin, finlepsin retard (Pliva Hrvatska doo, Croatia), tegretol (NOVARTIS PHARMA AG, Switzerland) are iminostilbene derivatives, but are structurally close to tricyclic antidepressants of the dibenzoazepine group. They have a pronounced anticonvulsant effect and moderate antidepressant and normothimic effects [16, 17]. Since carbamazepine, of all the drugs that affect seizure readiness, has the least number of side effects, we often use it in children in age-specific dosages (average daily dose - 15 mg/kg in 2-3 doses) for 45-60 days with gradual increasing the daily dose and gradually decreasing upon withdrawal. Of all the varieties of carbamazepine, Tegretol has the mildest effect, and Finlepsin has the most severe effect. For children under 7-9 years old, we use only Tegretol.

To activate brain reserves, we use both classical nootropics - drugs that are neurometabolic stimulants (piracetam, nootropil, lusetam), and substances with nootropic, cerebroprotective effects (pantogam, instenon, cortexin, glycine, gliatilin). The main criterion for true nootropic drugs is the selective activation of energy metabolism in nerve cells. Stimulation of brain reserves with nootropics involves the involvement of neurons (reserve or previously under the influence of slow-wave processes) in the formation of processes of alpha and beta rhythmic activity. In addition, let us recall that the EEG profile of many nootropics is close to the profile of psychostimulants, which is important in the treatment of ADHD.

The classic drugs of this group, piracetam (piracetam (Balkanpharma, Bulgaria; Akrikhin, Russia), nootropil (UCB SA Pharma Sector, Belgium), lucetam (Egis, Hungary)), are practically not used in the treatment of children, since in some cases they increase paroxysmal activity in different areas of the cerebral cortex and stem structures. This is not surprising, since a total increase in energy metabolism in brain cells also affects the cells of pathological generators, perhaps even to a greater extent than other cellular structures.

In our work, we widely use pantogam (PIK-PHARMA; IMG RAS State University, Russia), hopantothenic acid (calcium hopanthenate - UfaVITA, Russia) - a calcium salt of D-homopanteic acid, which has similar properties to GABA and pantothenic acid. When used once, these drugs do not have a noticeable effect on the EEG, but have a pronounced anticonvulsant effect. In addition, pantogam reduces spontaneous motor activity, increases resistance to hypoxia, reduces aggressiveness and causes prolongation of the action of barbiturates [18], without losing such important properties as improving memory, increasing performance, and increasing concentration. There is evidence that pantogam increases the number of interneuron connections by including additional connections, bypassing the damaged ones [19], prolongs and somewhat enhances the effect of benzodiazepines (clonazepam, etc.), which makes it possible to reduce the daily dose of the latter when taken together. Pantogam is used orally after 15-30 minutes. after meal. Single dose for children - 0.25-0.5 g; daily dose - 0.75-3 g. Course of treatment - 1-4 months, in some cases - up to 6 months. After 3-6 months, a second course of treatment is possible.

Pantogam, which we use as a nootropic drug that stimulates brain reserves, does not cause a noticeable change in the EEG profile when used once in recommended therapeutic doses. At the same time, its multi-day (for 6 or more weeks) use causes an increase in the power of alpha and beta rhythmic activity, that is, it corresponds to the effect of psychostimulants. It is clear that these processes must take a long period of time. The important thing is that they go in the direction necessary to compensate for impaired brain mechanisms.

Phenibut, glycine, cortexin, gliatilin and phosphatidylcholine (lecithin), which we also use in the treatment of ADHD, have a similar effect to nootropics.

Phenibut (Belmedpraparaty, Belarus; Moscow Endocrine Plant, Russia; Olainfarm, Latvia). There is no INN. According to its chemical structure, it is one of the derivatives of GABA. It has the properties of nootropics, but at the same time has a tranquilizing effect. In clinical practice, it is used for asthenic and anxiety-neurotic conditions, restlessness, insomnia, and hyperactivity. It is also prescribed for children for tics and stuttering. It enhances the effect of antiparkinsonian drugs, which suggests the presence of a dopaminergic component in the drug [17]. We also use phenibut in cases of a pronounced neurotic component or in the presence of persistent sleep disturbances in children at a dose of 12.5-25 mg at night (in a single dose) for 3-4 weeks.

Glycine (aminoacetic acid) is an amino acid that, along with GABA and glutamic acid, is one of the main inhibitory neurotransmitters in the brain. It is also used in complex therapy of cerebral circulatory disorders and psychoorganic syndrome [20]. , which produces glycine, based on the Laboratory of Macromolecular Compounds (Russia), based on clinical trials, recommends using the drug for a weakened nervous system, anxiety, depressive disorders, and increased irritability. We have confirmed the positive effect of glycine in all of the above disorders. Course - from 2-3 weeks (for moderate asthenia and prophylactically) to 1-2 months, 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day sublingually. Available in tablets of 0.1 g (10 or 50 pieces per package) [17].

Cortexin (GEROPHARM, Russia) is a peptide bioregulator that has a tissue-specific effect on the cerebral cortex, providing metabolic, cerebroprotective, nootropic and anticonvulsant effects. The drug reduces the toxic effects of neurotropic substances, improves learning and memory processes, stimulates reparative processes in the brain, accelerates the recovery of brain functions after stressors. The mechanism of action of cortexin is associated with its metabolic activity: the drug regulates the ratio of inhibitory and excitatory amino acids, the level of serotonin and dopamine, has a GABAergic effect, has antioxidant activity and the ability to restore the bioelectrical activity of the brain [21]. It is used once a day (10 mg), intramuscularly for 5-10 days (repeated course - after 3-4 months).

Gliatilin (CSC, Italy), choline alfoscerate (packaged by Pharmcore Production, Russia). Cholinomimetic with a predominant effect on cholinergic receptors in the central nervous system. The mechanism of action is based on the fact that when choline enters the body, alfoscerate is broken down by enzymes into choline and glycerophosphate: choline is involved in the biosynthesis of acetylcholine, one of the main mediators of nervous excitation; glycerophosphate is a precursor of phospholipids (phosphatidylcholine) in the neuron membrane. Thus, gliatilin improves the transmission of nerve impulses in cholinergic neurons, has a positive effect on the plasticity of neuronal membranes and the function of receptors. We prescribe it in capsules (400 mg) twice a day before meals, the course duration is 2 months.

Phosphatidylcholine (lecithin) (Lecital, USA, Yuvix Pharma, Russia) is one of the main phospholipids, which is part of almost all cell membranes of the brain. It is used for asthenia of various origins, compensation for the consequences of traumatic brain injury, speech disorders (delayed development of speech function, stuttering), reading and writing disorders, impaired attention and behavior in children. Used as a dietary supplement in various cold dishes, 1-2 teaspoons for children under 12 years of age and 1-2 tablespoons for children over 12 years of age, or 1 capsule (520 mg or 350 mg) 2-3 times a day. Course duration is 45-60 days.

In addition to the drugs described above, we widely use herbal medicine. Novo-passit (IVAX Pharmaceuticals sro, Czech Republic), syrup or tablets, soothing herbal infusions (valerian, motherwort, hops, mint, etc.), a complex of motherwort with oregano and vitamin preparations were prescribed. Herbal adaptogens were used - eleutherococcus, lemongrass, aralia, aloe extract, and natural substances of the same class - apilak, propolis. Herbal medicine is used for a long time after an intensive course of treatment, along with vitamin therapy.

The pharmacological types of influences we use are, in fact, preparatory. By turning on brain reserves and suppressing paroxysmal activity, they create the necessary background in brain function for the most effective use of self-regulation mechanisms - adaptive biofeedback, as well as physiotherapeutic treatment, speech therapy classes and psychotherapy.

The results of treating patients with ADHD in a comprehensive manner are presented in Table 1.

The pathogenesis of ADHD and other residual neurological (borderline mental) disorders of childhood is based on minimal brain dysfunction, which causes a delay in the formation of the biorhythmological organization of processes in the child’s cerebral cortex. The delay in the formation of the biorhythmological organization leads to a disruption in the interaction between the leading parts of the cerebral cortex, in particular between the frontal, temporal and parieto-occipital zones, which is the main reason for the appearance of various pathological symptoms. The method of cross-correlation analysis of EEG that we use allows us to identify disturbances in interstructural interaction at the early stages of its development (at the age of 2-4 years) and apply effective comprehensive measures to eliminate it. A comprehensive treatment method, including the choice of the type and dose of psychopharmacological drugs based on the results of a computer analysis of the EEG of each patient, the use of adaptive biofeedback, physiotherapeutic treatment and methods of group and family psychotherapy, can significantly improve the outcomes of ADHD: eliminate its main manifestations within 4-12 months, instead several years, using currently existing treatment methods. The high clinical effectiveness of the complex treatment method is due to the restoration of genetically programmed interaction between the leading parts of the cerebral cortex against the background of suppression of the work of determinant paroxysmal structures and restoration of biorhythmic processes using adaptive biocontrol. Restructuring the functioning of the cerebral cortex and restoring the interaction between its leading parts, when using new approaches to treatment, occurs several times more effectively than with traditional methods of treatment, which is confirmed by electrophysiological and clinical indicators.

The positive dynamics of restoration of interstructural relationships is crucial, since restoration of impaired functions alone without restoration of interstructural interaction in the brain, as a rule, leads to relapse of the disease and the course of treatment (under EEG control) should be continued until the specified interaction is completely restored.

The new treatment method we have developed, used to treat ADHD, is based mainly on the use of brain reserves, its unrealized flexible connections in order to create a new dominant structure as opposed to the existing - pathological one. It should be noted that all applied effects are carried out under the strict objective control of computer EEG analysis for each patient.

Based on influences that use the activation of brain reserves and its self-regulation mechanisms, we actively use psychopharmacological drugs, in particular those that include reserve neurons and selectively suppress the activity of pathological generators. Stimulation of brain reserves with nootropics involves the involvement of neurons (reserve or previously under the influence of slow-wave processes) in the formation of processes of alpha and beta rhythmic activity.

The use of feedback in therapy, as well as the nootropic drugs we have chosen, leads to changes in the functioning parameters of the cerebral cortex and a change in the relationships between its structures in the direction of restoring their normal interaction. We use a simplified feedback method based on imposing rhythmic activity (code frequency - CD) on the brain in the range of 1.2-2.3 counts/sec using a portable phono- and photostimulator. As EEG analysis and treatment results show, when feedback is used, the interactions between the frontal, parieto-temporal and parieto-occipital areas of the brain and their interhemispheric direction change. Consolidation of the resulting change most likely occurs through the formation of new connections connecting activated reserve brain cells.

Table 1.

Treatment results for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Disease Number of patients Complete


Significant improvement The number of cases is complete.


(V %)

Number of relapses with follow-up of at least 2 years
n % to total


n % to total number n % to total


ADHD is predominantly a hyperactive type 92 66 71,1 20 21,7 92,8 9 9,8
ADHD - type with a predominance of attention deficit 86 66 76,7 15 17,4 94,1 7 8,1

combined type

50 38 76,0 9 18,0 94,0 8 16,1
Total patients with ADHD 228 170 74,6 57 19,0 93,6 23 11,3

E.V. Fesenko, Yu.A. Fesenko

City Children's Clinic No. 19

Center for Rehabilitation Treatment "Child Psychiatry"

Department of Clinical Psychology, St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Academy

Elena Vladimirovna Fesenko – Head of the Center for Medical and Social Rehabilitation for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities


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