How to treat a persistent dry cough in a child: a review of drugs

Causes of dry cough

The development of cough may be associated with direct or indirect irritation of cough receptors in the upper respiratory tract. For example, a natural reaction would be a dry cough in response to choking, inhalation of strong-smelling chemicals, or inhalation of tobacco smoke by a non-smoker. Even excitement can provoke a cough attack. Pathological causes of dry cough include diseases that activate cough receptors in the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

Bacteria and viruses

ARVI is the most common cause of dry cough. Viruses penetrate the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, causing damage to its cells, which irritates the cough receptors. Influenza, parainfluenza, some rhinoviruses, adenoviruses and others can occur with a dry cough. The disease begins acutely, with a dry cough, redness and sore throat, runny nose, nasal congestion and other signs of an acute respiratory viral infection.

Diseases of ENT organs

A reflex cough is often associated with irritation of cough receptors located in the back wall of the pharynx and tonsils. They are stimulated by mucus flowing down the back wall of the pharynx, mediators that are released during inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx. Here are the probable causes of a dry cough: acute and chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, rhinopharyngitis, as well as postnasal drip syndrome - irritation of the larynx with discharge from the nose or paranasal sinuses.

Gastrointestinal diseases

The causes of a dry cough may lie in diseases of the digestive system, namely the stomach and esophagus. Excitation of the receptors of the trachea and bronchi is associated with compression caused by epibronchial diverticula of the esophagus - protrusions of various sizes. It may also be due to the reflux of stomach acid due to gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Heart diseases

Dry cough is accompanied by some heart diseases, for example:

  • dilated cardiomyopathy - a myocardial disease with the development of stretching of the heart cavities;
  • Coelomic pericardial cysts are benign formations;
  • pericarditis;
  • post-infarction syndrome;
  • chronic heart failure;
  • pulmonary hypertension;
  • pulmonary embolism.

Thyroid diseases

Enlargement of the thyroid gland leads to mechanical compression of surrounding tissues. The cause of a dry cough in this case may be the development of diffuse toxic goiter.

Allergic cough

There are several factors that provoke a non-productive cough: non-microbial and microbial antigens that enter the body from the outside or are already present in it. An allergic reaction in the form of symptoms of respiratory system dysfunction may be accompanied by other manifestations. The reaction to various inhalant allergens consists of allergic rhinitis or laryngitis accompanied by a dry cough.


The effect of tobacco smoke on the respiratory system is another possible cause of dry cough. However, a smoker's cough is usually accompanied by sputum that is difficult to separate.


Injuries to the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract sometimes provoke a dry cough. Typically, such injuries are explained by a recent intervention or the entry of a foreign body into the respiratory tract. In some cases, reflex vomiting is also possible. The cough persists for a long time, until the foreign body is removed or coughed up.


A dry cough in an adult without fever may be associated with a tense psycho-emotional state. The so-called neurotic psychogenic cough is associated with stress and vivid experiences.

Cough doesn't go away

The content of the article:

  • What is a persistent cough?
  • Causes of subacute cough
  • Chronic cough in diseases of the respiratory system
  • Other causes of chronic cough
  • Diagnostic methods
  • What to do if you have a persistent cough

What is a persistent cough?

Cough is a reflexive, protective reaction of the body to irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. But this is a symptom not only of colds, but also of various pathological conditions. A severe cough occurs in acute illnesses. In the chronic course, a slight cough is predominantly observed.

Types of cough depending on duration:

  1. Spicy. In 90% of cases it occurs with influenza, colds, and acute respiratory viral infections. The cough goes away in about 3 weeks. At the initial stage, the cough is dry without sputum discharge. After 3-4 days it becomes productive and sputum begins to come out. This type of cough is constant - a person coughs while he is sick.
  2. Subacute. Duration - 3-8 weeks. It tends to decrease, but sometimes there is no improvement even with proper treatment. Why the cough does not go away can only be understood after additional examination. Occurs when the disease develops slowly, which can become chronic.
  3. Chronic or persistent cough lasts more than 3 months. This is an alarming symptom of severe pathologies that cannot be ignored. Periods of exacerbation are followed by remission. Feature - attacks occur at certain times of the day.

In 90% of cases, cough is caused by viruses: influenza, parainfluenza, adenoviruses, respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus. Attention!

To actively combat RNA viruses, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation recommends the use of an antiviral drug, for example Triazavirin, when treating influenza in adults. Cough caused by bacteria is less common. Most often this is a consequence of improper therapy, self-medication, or weakened immunity.

Causes of subacute cough

The main reason is long-term colds and respiratory infections of the respiratory tract. This cough is called post-infectious. Tends to decrease in intensity and frequency. But if unpleasant symptoms increase and there is no improvement within 2-3 weeks, you need to consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis and adjust the treatment.

Other reasons:

  1. Whooping cough. A dry, prolonged cough that gradually gets worse is one of the manifestations of the disease. The attacks are accompanied by lacrimation, vomiting, and redness of the face. The difference from respiratory infections is the absence of itching in the nose and runny nose. How long a cough can last depends on whether a person is vaccinated or not. If there is no vaccination, negative manifestations can be observed for more than a month, and the disease is accompanied by severe complications.
  2. Infections caused by chlamydia and mycoplasma. These intracellular pathogens often affect the respiratory tract and provoke the development of severe inflammation.
  3. Postnasal drip. With viral, allergic, drug-induced, bacterial rhinitis, a lot of secretion is formed in the nasal cavity. The discharge flows down the back wall of the throat, irritates the cough receptors, and an obsessive dry cough appears. The pathology is accompanied by a constant desire to cough, hoarseness, and nasal congestion. The problem occurs in 20% of patients, mostly children and pregnant women.

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Chronic cough in diseases of the respiratory system

Chronic diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract are the main cause of cough, which lasts longer than 2-3 months.

What diseases can cause concern:

  1. Tuberculosis. If the cough does not go away for a long time, doctors first try to rule out tuberculosis. At an early stage, the disease is asymptomatic. Chronic cough occurs in acute form, a lot of sputum is released, often mixed with blood. Additional symptoms are chest pain, frequent or prolonged fever to subfebrile levels, weight loss, profuse sweating at night.
  2. Lungs' cancer. Malignant neoplasms in the lungs are the second most common oncological pathology. The disease often develops in active and former smokers. Signs: cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, weakness, weight loss, and blood in the sputum. To detect the disease in time, it is necessary to do fluorography once a year.
  3. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. With COPD, you are bothered by a constant cough with phlegm and difficulty breathing. The attacks occur in the first half of the day. Purulent sputum is released, heaviness in the chest is disturbing, wheezing is heard in the lungs.
  4. Pulmonary cystic fibrosis. The clinical variant of systemic cystic fibrosis is characterized by damage to the mucus-producing glands of the respiratory tract. It manifests itself as a paroxysmal cough with viscous sputum, suffocation, and shortness of breath.
  5. Eosinophilic bronchitis. Chronic cough, in which eosinophilic infiltrate accumulates in the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Breathing is dry, hoarse, a small amount of sputum is produced, sneezing, temperature is normal.
  6. Chronic bronchitis - often occurs against the background of prolonged ARVI, smoking. A progressive inflammatory process in the bronchi is accompanied by morphological restructuring of the bronchial wall. Exacerbations occur several times a year, accompanied by a wet cough with purulent sputum. Signs: shortness of breath, fever to subfebrile levels.

If a cough does not go away for a long time, this may not always indicate the presence of pathologies. Some people experience cough hypersensitivity syndrome. Receptors that are located in the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract react to tobacco smoke and strong odors. Discomfort can occur with prolonged speech stress, after eating too dry food, or with sudden changes in ambient temperature. No specific treatment is required.

Other causes of chronic cough

If a cough in an adult or child is observed for more than a month, the recovery process is delayed, this indicates a chronic pathological process. Cough does not always occur against the background of diseases of the respiratory system.


  1. Bronchial asthma. In 30% of people with chronic cough, the cause is a cough variant of asthma. With this form of the disease there is no shortness of breath, wheezing, or attacks of suffocation. The main symptom is frequent attacks of dry cough, especially at night, sometimes producing a small amount of sputum.
  2. Gastroesophageal reflux disease. The pathology occurs due to the backflow of the contents of the stomach and duodenum into the esophagus. Gastric juice contains pepsin, hydrochloric acid, and bile salts - these are aggressive substances that destroy the esophageal mucosa. Additional symptoms are heartburn, chest pain, cough, hoarseness, feeling of a lump in the throat. Similar symptoms occur with laryngopharyngeal reflux.
  3. Heart cough. A dry, debilitating cough may be a sign of heart problems. Additional symptoms are shortness of breath even with minor physical exertion, coughing attacks that bother you at night, swelling of the legs, and chest pain.
  4. Osteochondrosis of the thoracic or cervical spine. During degenerative processes in the spine, the nerve endings are pinched. There is a feeling of squeezing of the throat on one side. A debilitating dry cough is not relieved by antitussive drugs, there are no signs of intoxication, and the body temperature is normal.
  5. Diseases of the external auditory canal. The nomadic nerve innervates the external auditory canal; irritation in this area can cause a reflex cough. The reflex also occurs in the presence of a plug, a foreign body in the ear canal, or chronic dermatological pathologies of the ear.

Chronic cough can be caused by passive or active smoking. Tar and nicotine negatively affect the functioning of all organs of the respiratory system and irritate the bronchi. Smokers have coughing attacks in the morning, producing green or brown sputum. The only way to eliminate such a cough is to get rid of the bad habit, not to be near people who smoke.

Taking medications to lower blood pressure can cause chronic cough.

Diagnostic methods

For chronic cough, a specialist prescribes laboratory and instrumental examination methods, depending on the patient’s complaints and clinical manifestations of the disease.

Diagnostic methods:

  1. Complete blood count with leukocyte formula. Indicates the presence of an acute or chronic bacterial, viral, allergic process in the body.
  2. A stool and blood test for antibodies must be done to identify helminthic infestations. A persistent cough may be a sign of parasite infection.
  3. Sputum culture. Prescribed to identify bacteria, fungi, intracellular organisms.
  4. Tests for tuberculosis, allergy tests.
  5. X-ray or CT scan of the chest - prescribed for suspected pneumonia or tuberculosis.
  6. Spirometry is an assessment of external respiration to exclude broncho-obstructive disorders.
  7. X-ray of the paranasal sinuses to exclude chronic diseases of the nasal cavity.
  8. Fiberglass bronchoscopy with microbiological and cytological examination of rinsing waters.
  9. Fibrogastroscopy is prescribed if there are signs of gastrointestinal tract disease.
  10. X-ray, CT scan of the spine - to detect osteochondrosis.

What to do if you have a persistent cough

If the cough bothers you constantly, gets worse, and there are signs of respiratory failure, you do not need to self-medicate, you should seek medical help. Only a doctor can determine the cause of discomfort after examination and diagnosis.

If the cough is chronic, the doctor prescribes the following medications:

  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • bronchodilators to expand the lumen of the bronchi;
  • mucolytics - improve sputum removal;
  • antibiotics if tests show a bacterial infection;
  • vitamin complexes, means to strengthen the immune system.

If you have a wet cough, you should definitely drink more warm liquid for better sputum removal. It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room and humidify the air, eat properly and balanced.

A cough lasting more than 8 weeks in an adult or child is a reason for a mandatory comprehensive examination. Often a cough is the only sign of serious illness. The examination should begin with a visit to a therapist or pediatrician. After the initial diagnosis, consultation with an ENT specialist, gastroenterologist, pulmonologist, or cardiologist may be required.

Symptoms accompanying dry cough

Based on what manifestations occur along with a dry cough, one can draw conclusions about the possible causes of the condition and decide on diagnostic measures.

Cough without fever

A severe dry cough without fever in an adult is almost always explained by the non-inflammatory nature of the disease. Often the reasons lie in allergies, bronchial asthma, smoking, diseases of other organs and systems, especially when it comes to long-term coughing.

Paroxysmal dry cough

Coughing attacks are usually acute and are most often associated with an inflammatory process, including in the ENT organs. Also, sometimes we are talking about diseases accompanied by irritation of the cough center. The attack can be mild if the cause is ARVI or a bacterial infection, or quite painful in the case of whooping cough. In children, the symptom is more pronounced, but there are cases of severe whooping cough in adults.

Prolonged (persistent) cough

Chronic cough is rarely accompanied by high fever. It is associated with irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and can be explained by diseases of the digestive and cardiovascular systems, side effects from taking medications or allergies. If a prolonged dry cough does not go away on its own, it is important to find the cause.

Severe pain when coughing

Pain during and outside of a coughing attack is a serious symptom. Sometimes a strong, dry cough causes strain in the chest muscles, leading to muscle pain. This symptom is not a health hazard. However, chest pain is a possible indication of pneumonia. In this case, the unpleasant sensations do not depend on a change in body position or a coughing attack; they can occur anywhere - behind the sternum, between the shoulder blades, etc.

Painful sensations may also indicate heart disease.

Night cough

Increased dry cough at night is possible in different cases. Sometimes this symptom is observed exclusively at night. This may be due to prolonged retention of a horizontal position, in which mucus from the nasopharynx flows down the back wall of the respiratory tract and irritates the receptors, provoking a cough reflex. In addition, if the air in the room is dry, the mucous membrane dries out and becomes vulnerable to any irritants.

How to deal with a persistent cough

Most people, unfortunately, do not know how and how to treat a persistent cough. Many people use strong antibiotics, antipyretic tablets at temperatures below 38 ° C, put mustard plasters on, breathe over hot potatoes or rely on other folk remedies, and close the windows tightly to avoid drafts. This tactic, to put it mildly, is not entirely correct. So what can be done and what remedies should be used to get rid of a lingering cough? Help your body.

In addition to the obvious health measures - walking in the fresh air, ventilating the room at night, proper nutrition, humidifying the air in the room, consuming plenty of liquid, quitting smoking and alcohol - various herbal remedies and herbal preparations, for example, based on viburnum, help fight a lingering cough , raspberry, eucalyptus, aloe and licorice root. Tea with ginger and milk with turmeric are also reliable helpers in the fight against cough, as are traditional tea or milk with honey. They will not be able to completely cure a cough, but they can be used as general tonics and emollients.

Do not self-medicate.

Treatment of a persistent cough using antibiotics may not always bring positive results.
The fact is that these medications can put a serious strain on the body. In particular, on the gastrointestinal tract. It is also worth remembering that modern antibiotics are active against various microorganisms, but these microorganisms do not always cause a lingering cough. Pay attention to herbal preparations
. As for cough syrup, we face a rather serious problem: most chemical medications cannot be taken for more than 10 days. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to herbal preparations. In particular, Doctor MOM® cough syrup, which contains extracts of ten medicinal herbs, including aloe, licorice, ginger and turmeric. Due to its plant origin and the absence of alcohol, this syrup can be taken for up to three weeks in a row. It helps relieve inflammation and remove remaining mucus from the respiratory system. If the cough does not go away for a month or several weeks, be sure to consult a doctor. This will help determine the cause of the illness and avoid the disease becoming chronic.

Diagnosis of dry cough

A severe dry cough in an adult is a reason to visit a doctor. You can start with a therapist, and if necessary, he will refer you for consultation to specialists of a narrow profile. An initial examination is necessary to assess the condition of the respiratory system, so the doctor may prescribe diagnostic methods such as:

  • plain radiography of the chest organs;
  • tuberculosis test;
  • general blood test with leukocyte formula;
  • bronchography or bronchoscopy;
  • spirometry;
  • Ultrasound of the pleura - the membrane covering the lungs;
  • CT scan of the chest;
  • allergy tests, etc.

How to treat a persistent cough

In addition to the general health measures that we talked about above, taking medications agreed with your doctor will help get rid of a lingering cough. Medicines that suppress the cough reflex will help combat a lingering dry cough, which is hysterical and painful. If you have a prolonged cough with the release of thick and viscous sputum, you need expectorants and mucolytics, which thin the mucus and facilitate its removal.

In addition to the nature of the cough, you need to consider why the cough persists. So, to relieve an allergic cough, you will need a drug with antihistamine properties, and for a cough caused by bronchospasm, you will need a bronchodilator.

In order not to check the instructions of different medications, you can choose a drug with a combined action. These include Rengalin, which helps with all types of coughs and relieves coughs in chronic respiratory diseases, including COPD. A pronounced result is observed already on the third day after taking the drug, which is confirmed by the results of the study. Relief occurs from the first day of use. "Rengalin" does not have a hypnotic effect, does not lead to changes in mental state, is suitable for children from three years of age and can be combined with other types of therapy prescribed by a doctor.

Diagnosis of chronic runny nose and cough

Before starting treatment for chronic cough or rhinitis, CELT specialists conduct diagnostics aimed at determining the cause that caused them.

Diagnostic methods for chronic coughDiagnostic methods for chronic rhinitis
When making a diagnosis, the “HARQ” questionnaire is used, which helps to establish:
  • Time of development and initiating factors of attacks;
  • Ease of coughing up mucus;
  • Frequency of attacks;
  • The presence of a connection between the latter and the emotional state of the patient;
  • Presence of pain symptoms.

After collecting the anamnesis, the following is carried out:

  • Examination of the throat, listening to the bronchi and lungs;
  • X-ray of the lungs;
  • Sputum examination;
  • Bronchoscopy;
  • Laryngoscopy;
  • Computed tomography of the chest.
Recognition of chronic rhinitis is possible using basic and additional diagnostic techniques. The first include the following:
  • Taking anamnesis;
  • Carrying out rhinoscopy;
  • General blood and urine tests;
  • X-ray of the nasal sinuses.

If necessary, additional studies are prescribed in the form of:

  • Video endoscopic examination of the nasal cavities;
  • Rhinopneumometry;
  • Collection and examination of smears for cytology;
  • Bacteriological analysis of sputum;
  • Computed or magnetic resonance imaging.

Chronic runny nose and cough: clinical manifestations

Clinical manifestations of chronic coughClinical manifestations of chronic runny nose
The main symptom of chronic cough is the cough itself, but in different patients it manifests itself differently in terms of duration and frequency of attacks. Another clinic is shown by the following:
  • Persistent tickling sensation in the throat and chest;
  • Persistent feeling of irritation in the throat and chest;
  • Hoarseness or other voice disturbances;
  • Feeling of throat being stuffy;
  • Unusual taste in the mouth;
  • Fainting conditions;
  • Urine incontinence.

Chronic cough reduces a person’s quality of life due to the fact that attacks often develop while eating or talking. Because of this, he has to limit himself in communication. A loud cough can cause inconvenience for family members, which can lead to feelings of guilt.

Symptoms of chronic rhinitis are as follows:
  • Regularly occurring nasal congestion;
  • The appearance of nasal discharge with a viscous consistency;
  • Unpleasant sensation caused by dry nasal mucosa;
  • Formation of a crust on the nasal septum;
  • Impaired olfactory function, inability to recognize odors;
  • Impaired hearing function, its decrease;
  • Systematically occurring cough, often becoming chronic;
  • Nasal voice;
  • Dry throat and mouth.

The above signs are a reason to seek professional medical help.

Not just the elderly and children

The severity of the disease depends on two factors: the aggressiveness of the virus itself and the strength of the patient’s body. So, rhinoviruses are the most harmless. But the flu, on the contrary, gives the most dangerous complications, so it is better for everyone, young and old, to be vaccinated against it. After all, there are fulminant forms of influenza that can lead to death in just 2 days. Complications of the disease are especially dangerous for children, pregnant women and the elderly, whose immune systems are either not yet developed, weakened, or already defective. By the way, even people with cancer and other serious diseases can and should get vaccinated against the flu.

Viral infections reduce overall resistance. From this, any chronic somatic diseases dormant in the body can become fatal. Although, paradoxically, the maximum mortality from complications of influenza and ARVI is observed not in children and the elderly, but in people of young and mature age. It's all about a frivolous attitude towards one's health and underestimation of the danger of the disease, which is sometimes carried on the legs, while bed rest and adequate treatment are essential conditions for recovery. And if you have caught the disease, there is only one way out - to be treated correctly so that complications do not arise.

Get it done in 48 hours

Many are sure that it is pointless to treat ARVI with drugs and all you need is plenty of fluids, bed rest and taking symptomatic medications: for fever, cough, runny nose. But this should be done only if the infection is more or less mild, and the patient himself does not have serious chronic diseases. Otherwise, it is better not to fight viruses with your bare hands, but to take a direct antiviral medicine (may contain interferons and immunoglobulins) in the first 48 hours. This medicine will facilitate recovery and reduce the risk of complications. If the temperature began to decrease, but after a few days began to rise again, it means that a bacterial complication has arisen, which requires taking antibiotics. But they can only be prescribed by a doctor based on an examination.

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