Validol: features of taking the drug


According to Wikipedia, the INN (international nonproprietary name) of Validol is levomenthol solution in menthylisovalerate , chemical formula is C15H28O2.
Composition of Validol tablets: 60 mg of levomenthol solution in menthylisovalerate - the active ingredient. Additional components: calcium stearate, sucrose.

Composition of Validol in capsules: 50 mg or 100 mg of levomenthol solution in menthylisovalerate - the active ingredient. Additional ingredients: pharmaceutical gelatin, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, glycerol , propyl parahydroxybenzoate, purified water.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Validol is a complex substance obtained during the process of dissolving menthol (levomenthol) in menthylisovalerate (menthyl ester of isovaleric acid). In the case of sublingual use of validol , for which tablets or capsules of the drug should be placed under the tongue, its pharmacological effect is manifested due to the influence of its two active ingredients - menthol and menthylisovalerate .

The action of menthol in the oral cavity is aimed at irritating the nerve endings located on the mucous membrane. It has been proven that such irritation leads to a reflex dilation of blood vessels (including coronary vessels).

The effect of menthylisovalerate is manifested due to its ability to stimulate in the central nervous system the production and further release of peptides ( dynorphin , endorphin , kinin , enkephalin ) and the mediator histamine , which are regulators of pain and vascular permeability . In this case, the combined effect of these substances acts as an analgesic and sedative compound.

As a result of the general effect of the active ingredients of validol, the observed pain sensations , peripheral blood circulation , and a calming (sedative) effect is manifested, from which validol helps with various painful conditions associated with the cardiovascular system.

Absorption of the active ingredients of the drug in the oral cavity occurs very quickly and within a few minutes their maximum concentrations circulate in the systemic bloodstream. The effect of validol , in the case of its sublingual use, is felt within 3-5 minutes.

Partial transformation of validol occurs in the liver with the formation of products ( glucuronides ) excreted in bile and urine, as well as in the air exhaled by a person.

Composition of the drug

To find out exactly how Validol affects blood pressure, whether it helps to increase or decrease it, you need to know about the composition of the drug. It includes two active components:

  • Valerian. Indicated for insomnia, increased nervous overload, fatigue, imbalance. The valerian herb itself contains useful organic acids that help eliminate the listed symptoms - formic, malic, palmitic, acetic and stearic.
  • Menthol. Being in the composition of the drug in the form of valerian herb ether, menthol helps to calm down, get rid of causeless anxiety, irritability and emotional stress. Due to its dilating effect on the coronary vessels, the component is also an antispasmodic. Eliminates headaches and smooth muscle spasms.

Such a simple composition and low cost of the drug make it a safe, reliable remedy, and Validol has a minimal number of side effects. However, despite the harmlessness of the drug, like any other medicine, it is better to use it after consultation with your doctor.

Indications for use of Validol

Indications for use of Validol are:

  • states of hysteria ;
  • functional cardialgia ;
  • various neuroses ;
  • sensations of headaches ,
  • arising during nitrate ;
  • motion sickness syndrome (including symptoms of nausea / vomiting due to air and/or seasickness ).

When is it appointed?

Due to its sedative and hypotensive properties, the drug has a wide range of indications. It is prescribed for:

  • Mental overload, stress, neuroses.
  • Hysteria.
  • Pain in the area of ​​the heart, sternum. But only in case of pain, pressing discomfort, it is better to exclude Nitroglycerin.
  • Hypertension.
  • Seasickness.
  • Cardiopalmus.
  • Convulsions are provoked by cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis.

It does not accumulate in the body and has virtually no side effects.


Before taking Validol tablets or capsules, you must familiarize yourself with the contraindications to their use, which include personal hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the dosage form of the drug and the pathology of sugar intolerance (if they are present in the dosage form).

sucrose as an additional component , which is why Validol tablets should be taken with caution by people suffering from diabetes .

Drug and heart disease

Validol is often used for pathologies of the “main engine”; it helps eliminate pain in the heart and head. In the absence of contraindications, it is suitable for long-term use.

Basically, blood pressure increases with bradycardia, angina or pre-infarction, and with these pathologies the drug can harm the patient.

This is due to the fact that only the symptoms are alleviated and the person receives relief, but the contraction of the heart itself persists and soon leads to a heart attack or necrosis of cardiac tissue.

In this case, it is quite difficult for a doctor to make a diagnosis, since the picture of the pathology is blurred.

Side effects

allergic manifestations may occur , including itching / rash on the skin, Quincke's edema and urticaria .

The use of validol in large dosages and over a long period of time can lead to lacrimation , dizziness and nausea . These manifestations usually disappear when dosages are reduced or therapy is temporarily discontinued.

Adverse reactions and overdose

Due to individual intolerance to the components, an allergic reaction may occur, manifested by a rash, itching or hives.

If you take the medicine in excessive doses over a long period, there may be a deterioration in the condition, accompanied by nausea, dizziness, and watery eyes. Such signs are not dangerous and disappear immediately as soon as the dose is reduced to an acceptable value. Or you can stop taking it for a while.

An overdose may lower blood pressure or increase the likelihood of unwanted reactions.

An overdose can enhance the good and bad effects of taking the drug. There may be deterioration in heart function, severe pain in the head, nausea followed by vomiting, agitation, and suppression of the functions of the central nervous system.

In this case, it is advisable to begin symptomatic therapy.

Instructions for use of Validol

Before starting therapy with Validol, it is advised to establish the body’s personal sensitivity to its ingredients and, depending on their tolerance, determine how many tablets or capsules can be taken in 24 hours and whether taking large dosages is harmful in this particular case.

Capsules and tablets Validol, instructions for use

Instructions for use of Validol in capsules and tablets recommend their sublingual (under the tongue) use. Any form of the drug should be placed in the oral cavity under the tongue and kept there until it is completely absorbed. A single dose is considered to be one tablet (60 mg) or one capsule (50 mg or 100 mg). The average number of daily doses is 2-4 times, the maximum allowable dosage in 24 hours is 600 mg (10 tablets; 12 capsules of 50 mg or 6 capsules of 100 mg). It is better to limit the duration of alternating courses of therapy to 7 days. If the drug has zero or insufficient effectiveness 5-10 minutes after its complete absorption, the possibility of using other drugs should be considered.

Instructions for using Validol with glucose are identical to the above description.

Patient reviews

Svetlana, Tula “Validol is a salvation for me and my husband. We are both heart patients, so attacks of tachycardia occur quite often. We use Validol in capsules. It seems to me that this form of release is the most effective. When unpleasant symptoms appear, I put the tablet under my tongue and try to lie down. In terms of money, the drug is also suitable for us.”

Ivan, Ryazan “I’ve been using Validol for many years. The advantages include accessibility, quick effect, ease of use. I don’t see any downsides to the drug. In terms of price-quality ratio, this is an excellent product. Of course, the drug will not help with serious pathologies. But it perfectly relieves attacks of arrhythmia and tachycardia.”

Marina, Tolyatti “I always carry Validol with me in my bag in the summer heat. It helps me relieve attacks of lightheadedness and nausea during hot periods. I don’t advise anyone to self-medicate, but you can still have a tablet of this remedy with you. I also heard that this medicine helps with motion sickness. It is relatively harmless. It is even prescribed to pregnant women.”

Anastasia, Perm “I recently felt an unpleasant pulling sensation in the heart area. By evening the pain only grew, but there was no way to go to the hospital. I took Corvalol drops, but they didn’t help. I remembered that my grandmother often takes Validol for such symptoms. I found the pills in her medicine cabinet and put one under her tongue. After 10 minutes everything went away. The pain did not recur. Although the product is cheap, it works great.”


Taking large doses of the drug leads to Validol lowering blood pressure or increasing the risk of side effects and their severity.

Overdose, that is, the use of an excessive number of tablets or capsules at a time, enhances both the positive and negative effects of the drug and can lead to a sharp decrease cardiac function , , the formation of severe headaches and severe nausea leading to vomiting , overexcitation and even depression functionality of the central nervous system.

In this case, depending on the observed manifestations and their intensity, symptomatic treatment .

Validol and hypotension

The human condition with low blood pressure (scientifically hypotension or vegetative-vascular dystonia) is characterized by increased sweating, pale skin, weakness, weather sensitivity and malaise. During a drop in blood pressure, the tonometer shows marks of 90/60, 80/50, which forces the patient to look for means to improve the condition.

In such a situation, taking Validol will have the opposite effect, because it dilates blood vessels, calms you down, and after taking it makes you fall asleep. But a hypotensive person needs the opposite effect - increasing blood pressure, normalizing the pulse and receiving a boost of energy. It becomes obvious that taking Validol for hypotension is not only pointless, but also dangerous:

  • blood ceases to fully supply the brain;
  • the vessels dilate even more, causing a lack of oxygen;
  • the general tone of the body decreases, the pressure drops even more.

Such a sedative effect will not help a hypotensive patient, but will only complicate his condition. Therefore, with low blood pressure, it is better to use caffeine-based drugs - Citramon, Caffeine, Etimizol, Cordiamin.


Parallel use with opioid analgesics , psychotropic drugs , ethanol-containing drugs and anesthesia drugs increases their effects.

Combined use with nitrates reduces the feeling of headache that occurs during their use.

Combined use with antihypertensive drugs may potentiate their effectiveness.


Level 4 ATC code matches:







If for some reason the use of Validol is impossible, doctors can recommend the following analogues:

  • Advocard;
  • Gulidol;
  • Cardiolin;
  • Dystonin;
  • Cardiofit;
  • Cormenthol;
  • Kratal;
  • Pumpan;
  • Barboval;
  • Tonginal;
  • Instenon;
  • Rhythmocore;
  • Tricardin , etc.

Validol during pregnancy and lactation

The question of whether pregnant or breastfeeding women can take sedatives should be considered on a case-by-case basis, with the understanding that even when a single dose of a minimal dose of a sedative is completely normal, continued use may cause harm to the fetus, mother or breastfeeding child. to kid. In this regard, deciding whether Validol can be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding should be left to the consideration of the attending physician.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

During the first three months of pregnancy, the medicine is often prescribed to women to reduce the manifestations of early toxicosis. The drug helps eliminate nausea, excessive gas formation and salivation.

The use of the medicine during this period should only be carried out with a doctor's prescription. It is recommended to carefully monitor pulse and blood pressure.

During pregnancy, the drug is prescribed very carefully

During breastfeeding, the use of tablets, capsules and any other form should be avoided, since the active components of the medicine penetrate into the mother's milk and therefore reach the baby. Validol during lactation is indicated only if the benefit outweighs the risk.

Reviews about Validol

The vast majority of people leave purely positive reviews about Validol, especially when this drug is used occasionally to relieve various anxiety , stress or other similar conditions. Also, this medicine copes well with headaches nitrate therapy , and is a weak hypnotic and hypotonic .

Side effects

Side effects of the drug and overdose of Validol are quite rare. This is evidenced by many years of practice and positive reviews from patients. Sometimes patients experience nausea, lacrimation, stomach pain, dizziness, and allergic manifestations. As a rule, these signs go away on their own after discontinuation of the drug and do not require special treatment. In rare cases, gastric lavage and hemodialysis are required.

Taking Validol incorrectly can cause headaches and other side effects.

Symptoms of an overdose of Validol include:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • increased salivation and lacrimation;
  • a sharp drop in pressure;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • vascular collapse.

An allergic reaction can manifest itself in the form of nasal congestion, conjunctivitis, difficulty breathing, cold sticky sweat, and decreased blood pressure.

Since the medicine is taken under the tongue, gastric lavage is not advisable. First aid is to drink plenty of clean water, because the drug is excreted in the urine.

Validol price, where to buy

The price of Validol, depending on the manufacturer and the number of tablets or capsules in secondary packaging, varies slightly, but still remains affordable for any consumer, since you can buy 10 tablets or capsules of the drug for 30-40 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


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