Diprospan is a broad-spectrum hormonal drug

The hormonal drug Dirospan is a ready-made medicinal suspension. It can be purchased in ampoules or disposable syringes. The product is a clear solution, sometimes with a yellowish tint. It contains suspended particles that, when shaken, transform the liquid into a stable suspension.

The medicine belongs to glucosteroids. Diprospan injections, the instructions indicate this, include betamethasone. It is the main active ingredient. In the manufacture of the medicine, a complex of auxiliary components is used that enhance the effect of the medicine. A single dose of 1 ml contains 5 mg of betamethosone. The medicine is characterized by anti-inflammatory, antitoxic, antiallergic, antishock, and immunosuppressive effects. In addition, it has a pronounced effect on metabolism.


Diprospan injections, the instructions indicate this, are used for a wide range of pathologies. The effectiveness of the product has been proven in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It alleviates the condition of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, bursitis, etc.

Diprospan is indicated, the instructions emphasize attention, also in other situations. It is often used in therapy:

  • Allergic pathologies. In particular, it is used to stabilize the condition of patients suffering from bronchial asthma and hay fever. The drug allows you to quickly remove the symptoms of rhinitis when it occurs seasonally, as well as relieve an allergic reaction to medications and insect bites.
  • Dermatological diseases. The effectiveness of the product has been proven in practice against dermatitis, eczema, neurodermatitis, urticaria, etc.
  • Systemic connective tissue pathologies, including lupus erythematosus and scleroderma.
  • Hemoblastosis. The medicine is used in the complex therapy of leukemia and lymphomas in adults.

Diprospan, the instructions for use indicate this, can be used in severe conditions of patients. It is prescribed for toxic, traumatic, cardiogenic, surgical, burn shock. The drug is indicated for severe anaphylactoid and allergic reactions, cerebral edema that occurs during radiation therapy or after surgery, hepatic coma, thyrotoxic crisis.


Today, many modern high-tech methods have been developed for the treatment of injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, bones, joints, tendons and muscles. These are various arthroscopic surgical techniques that, using the most modern equipment, make it possible, using the most modern equipment, to quickly, effectively and less traumaticly eliminate the cause of pain and dysfunction of the limb, return the person to the joy of movement, and not just alleviate the symptoms for a while, postponing the solution to the problem until later or not at all. deciding, as in the case of diprospan injections. Then it may already be too late.


Diprospan injections, the instructions for use warn about this, have an absolute contraindication - hypersensitivity to betamethasone or any of the auxiliary components. There are many other contraindications for the use of the drug, so you need to know why diprospan is dangerous.

The drug is not prescribed for the treatment of diseases of the skeletal system in the presence of septic and infectious lesions of the joint, as well as in the presence of periarticular osteoporosis or intra-articular bone fracture. The drug cannot be used in the post-vaccination period. It is unacceptable to treat diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism and hypertension. Before using the product, the doctor must exclude other possible risks that are associated with contraindications.

The drug can be prescribed for the treatment of severe infectious diseases only in combination with other targeted drugs in specific therapy regimens. You should stop using the medicine if you have pathologies of the digestive system, such as peptic ulcers, diverticulitis, gastritis, etc. Treatment of children with the drug is possible only after 3 years. Pregnancy and lactation are conditional contraindications, since studies of the effect of the drug on the woman’s body in such conditions have not been conducted.

How to use Diprospan?

For intramuscular injections, 1–2 ml of suspension is administered.

The recommended dose for intradermal administration is 0.2 ml per cm2. For long-term therapy, the limit is no more than 1 ml per week.

For periarticular and intra-articular injections, the dosage varies from 0.25 to 2 ml. The amount of active substance is determined depending on the size of the joint and the degree of damage.

Periarticular and joint injections are performed by medical staff. It is undesirable to inject directly into the tendon, since such an injection may cause microtears in the tissue. During and after treatment, the patient should avoid physical activity.

Typically, patients tolerate the Diprospan injection well, but if necessary, it can be combined with painkillers: lidocaine or procaine. Medicines are mixed in one syringe.

An overdose does not have life-threatening consequences, but is undesirable due to the effect on the natural synthesis of hormones.

Side effects

Side effects when using the drug Diprospan occur when contraindications and the doctor-recommended regimen of use are violated. In this case, negative reactions can occur from various systems of the human body.

The most common side effects that occur are:

  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Arrhythmia.
  • Headache.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Insomnia.
  • Muscle weakness.
  • Deterioration of the condition of the skin.
  • Depression.
  • Nervousness.

But also when taking the drug, more serious side reactions may occur that pose a threat to health. They are all given in the instructions for use of the drug. If they occur, the use of diprospan should be abandoned.

Belgian glucocorticoid Diprospan

The drug Diprospan is a simple corticosteroid for systemic use.
It is used in various fields of medicine as part of monotherapy and complex hormone replacement therapy, and has a pronounced therapeutic effect. It is most widely used to treat joints. Inflammation, trauma, degenerative processes, age-related changes in cartilage and muscle tissue, accompanied by limited mobility, respond well to GCS therapy. The drug is used to treat moderate and severe forms of allergies.

Instructions for use

The drug is intended for intramuscular administration. It cannot be injected into a vein or subcutaneously. In this case, the injection is carried out deep into a large muscle. It is important to prevent the drug from getting into other tissues to prevent their possible atrophy. In severe conditions that require emergency measures, 2 ml of the drug is prescribed.

To the question: how often can diprospan be injected intramuscularly, the attending physician must answer in each specific case. He will also select the necessary dosage for the treatment of a particular pathology. Diprospan injections should be used based on the information provided in the instructions for use.

Uncontrolled use of a hormonal drug can lead to an overdose, which is dangerous with various negative consequences for the body. Severe vomiting, nervous agitation, and a jump in blood pressure may occur.

Reviews when the drug is prescribed correctly are always positive. Patients focus on rapid relief and elimination of painful symptoms. The affordable price of the drug is also attractive.

Diprospan ampoules should be stored at room temperature in a dark place out of reach of children. This drug has many analogues, but only a doctor should select a replacement.

Composition, pharmacodynamics and dosage forms

Betamethasone sodium phosphate is an active participant in hydrolysis. Once in the body, the compound is instantly absorbed from the injection site, triggers the therapeutic mechanism and is eliminated very quickly.

Betamethasone dipropionate has an indirect effect, due to which a long-lasting and lasting therapeutic effect is achieved.

The kidneys are involved in the elimination of betamethasone compounds.

Ukrainian pharmacies sell Diprospan ampoules. The package contains 5 sealed glass containers with injection suspension, 1 ml each. It is possible to sell ampoules individually. Dispensed by prescription.

Benefits of injection treatment for keloid scars

The advantages of this type of scar treatment are as follows:

  • Injections are considered one of the safest methods for eliminating keloids, as they rarely cause allergies in patients.
  • In most cases, this type of treatment is effective.
  • After this type of impact on the keloid, its appearance improves significantly.
  • The procedure itself is painless and is tolerated quite easily by patients.
  • This type of treatment is suitable for patients of all ages.
  • The cost of this type of procedure is quite reasonable.


The description of the drug Diprospan on this page is a simplified author’s version of the apteka911 website, created on the basis of the instructions for use.
Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the manufacturer's original instructions (attached to each package of the drug). Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

Starting from scratch: how to live with a diagnosis of alopecia.

Murzaeva Irina Yurievna

Endocrinologist, Preventive Medicine Doctor

May 9, 2016

Alopecia is hair loss. There is such a complex and “terrible” type of hair loss - total alopecia (complete hair loss). This is the story of a girl suffering from such a pathology, how not to despair and continue to fight.

  1. At the age of 20–30 years, common causes of hair loss are stress, an unbalanced diet, and pregnancy. After 40 years, hair thinning begins due to hormonal imbalance.
  2. No self-diagnosis - if it seems to you that your hair has stopped lying as usual, immediately contact a trichologist. The examination of the body must be comprehensive.
  3. Doctors classify total alopecia as an autoimmune disease - the human body rejects native hair follicles.

Based on materials from Allur magazine 05/2016

“Since childhood, I had long brown hair below my shoulders. I've never even painted them. I also didn’t experiment with haircuts and styling: my hair was straight and surprisingly thick. Up to 24 years old. And then within four months I lost them. This happened six years ago.

It all started suddenly. I was working at a fashion magazine then, my first adult job, and suddenly our team was changing. I started to twitch: will I be fired or not? Two new bosses appeared at once. I lived under hellish stress for a month.

I have always been an emotional person - it was quite easy to make me hysterical. I perceived any event - an unsuccessful shoot, a quarrel with a loved one - as the end of the world. She always blamed herself for everything, considered herself worse than others. Soon I went on vacation and began to notice that there was a problem with my hair: if you run your hand, it stays on your fingers. The first reaction is panic. Since childhood, I haven’t been particularly sick with anything. I didn’t understand who to run to and what to do. I called my mother - she calmed me down and recommended traditional medicine: burdock oil, tinctures with pepper.

At first I didn't take it seriously. I thought: autumn, vitamin deficiency... It didn’t even occur to me to go to the doctor. Then I didn’t know what trichologists do. At the same time, I broke up with my boyfriend. The indirect cause was hair. I began to have a complex that they were falling out, blaming this problem for everything. And the stress became even stronger. The loss continued for several months. By the New Year, my hair had thinned by a third, and my scalp was clearly showing through. I finally decided to go to the clinic. The doctor I went to said, “Your hair will never grow back.” I cut my hair shorter, and then completely shaved my head bald. I went through a week-long hysteria. So in less than six months I was left without hair.

My friend’s boyfriend, who had his own hair problems at that time, advised me to consult with Academician Yuri Sergeev, founder of the Institute of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. The doctor put me on the powerful hormonal glucocorticoid drug diprospan for several years. It does not eliminate the cause of hair loss, but simply relieves the symptoms. As soon as you stop injecting it, your hair starts falling out. Unfortunately, in our country it is prescribed in most cases of problems similar to mine. Diprospan is also prescribed for autoimmune diseases, one-time for allergies, bursitis, and some respiratory diseases. In addition to intramuscular injections, I was prescribed vitamin mesotherapy.

The first time I had the procedure done, it took me 40 minutes – it hurt like hell. After the session, the skin begins to burn and itch, but you cannot touch it. Plus they give you several deep injections - it seems like right into the bone of the skull. After three to four months, the hair grew back. I got my hair short. And I naively thought that I had solved the problem. After a month without mesotherapy and hormonal injections, my hair fell out again. I am grateful to my mother and sister, who supported me very much. “Lenochka, you are the most beautiful!” - Mom repeated. I'm sure she was panicking in her heart, but she didn't show it. Even my grandmother, who is over eighty, got involved: “So, I wrote out recipes for you from the magazine “Vestnik ZOZH”…”

Some time passed, and a makeup artist friend advised me to contact the State Scientific Center for Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology on Korolenko Street. The doctor prescribed the same diprospan injections into the areas of hair loss, as well as physiotherapy with narrow-band low-wave ultraviolet radiation: a special solution is applied to the head, something like a helmet is put on, and the rays are applied. I was treated there for two and a half years. They injected me with diprospan, and when my hair grew back, they only did mesotherapy. Without diprospan, my hair began to fall out again, and I was again prescribed a course of injections.

I understood: I couldn’t stay on hormones for a long time. Need a break. At the next doctor’s appointment, the first thing they asked me about my parents was to make sure that hair loss was not hereditary. My parents are now 60 years old, my dad doesn’t even have a hint of baldness. The test results were perfect, even in space. Money and effort were wasted.

I saved myself with Japanese keratin fibers - I sprinkled them on my scalp like powder, and the gaps became less noticeable. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to go without a hat or scarf for so long. When everything started to piss me off, I shaved my head. Thanks to my friends: they assured me that this “styling” suits me.

And I came to an ordinary beauty salon on Sukharevskaya, to Galina Yakovleva. She is one of the best doctors I have ever met during all my suffering. Galina was horrified when she found out how much Diprospan had been injected into me before. We started all over again, but without hormones. I periodically wanted to lose my temper. Diprospan is like a drug - I wanted to inject it again so that my precious hair would grow faster. Now they are expensive in every sense.

Galya suggested plasma lifting. I liked the idea - the body recovers using its own resources. We started with plasma, injecting it once every ten days (about 10 thousand rubles for one test tube, I needed two for a session), then we did mesotherapy, carboxytherapy (5 thousand rubles per procedure), which really helped me. CO2 was driven under the skin to stir up the hair follicle. A pleasant “side” effect was perfect facial skin. For the last two years I have not used foundation at all, there is not even a hint of wrinkles, but you get used to the pain. Now my eyebrows and eyelashes - in six injections - are done without anesthesia.

Over nine months of treatment, we restored the hair by 50–60%. I was pleased with the result, I thought it would all be over by the New Year. But last summer a tragic event occurred - a very close friend died. Everything happened suddenly, nothing foreshadowed trouble. We talked to him in the morning, but in the evening he was no longer there. And shortly before this, an extremely unpleasant story happened: I was attacked in the entrance of my house. Everything turned out fine - I tore the scarf from my head and said that I was terminally ill. The man was scared. The stress was terrible. Then not only my hair began to fall out, but also my eyebrows. After that, I clearly realized that my emotional state was reflected in my hair.

I made an appointment with a psychologist. I realized that talking to myself is an important part of treatment. The psychologist told me: “How much you don’t love yourself! Hair is one of the elements of female beauty. And you have exhausted yourself...” When he said this out loud, I suddenly realized obvious things. Day after day, year after year, I convinced myself: “I’m mediocre, I can’t do anything, and yet he didn’t look at me like that...” And my dislike for myself led me to this state. I started working on myself, trying to stop being hysterical. I became a believer, I go to church more often and now I understand: they don’t send us what is impossible to survive. You just need to change your attitude towards the test. This is daily hard work, a struggle with yourself. Sometimes friends ask what to do with problem hair, where to go, who to make an appointment with. The only thing I advise them is: “Calm down! Right now. Then you will decide what to do.” But calming down is the hardest thing.

To restore my mental balance, I took up sports: I run in the summer, ski in the winter, and do strength training in the gym all year round. I used to have excellent student syndrome. When they gave me the first B during the session, I cried. Mom was indignant: “Lena, what are you doing? What tears? Everyone is alive - mom, dad, relatives. What is the problem?" The problem was me. I always tormented myself the most. My work is a big part of my life, I am a very ambitious person. But the higher your ambitions, the more acutely you perceive failures. How many times has Galya Yakovleva listened to my complaints. I could have cried in her chair. I was looking for the reason for all my failures in illness. Galya is an excellent doctor. If it weren’t for a series of stresses - an incident at the entrance and the death of a friend - we would have succeeded. But treatment has stalled.

At one of the shoots, singer Vera Brezhneva, who was inspired by my story, advised me to stop knocking on a closed door, otherwise nothing would change. Galya did her best. And I started looking for another doctor. All these years I had to figure out how to hide my condition. My job is constant communication, which means I need an image that attracts people and does not repel them.

When I first saw myself in the mirror with my head shaved, it was a shock. At that moment, my hairdresser friend calmed and encouraged me. But for several days I couldn’t look at myself. I was afraid to touch my head. At first I wore a hat, then decided on scarves. I now have a huge collection of them in different colors and textures - I can give master classes on how best to tie them.

My French teacher was sure that I wore a headscarf not because of problems with my hair, but simply because it was my style. The situation at the London airport became a reason for serious worries: I was asked to take off my headscarf. I couldn’t do this in front of everyone, only in a separate room. For a visa, you must be photographed without a headscarf. She said at the control: “I have problems with my hair.” The bald officer grinned: “Look, me too.”

My makeup became brighter, I wanted to highlight my eyes more - when you wear a turban, all attention is focused on them. Sometimes I wear large clip-on clips. There are times when I'm ready to give in and buy a wig, but then I tell myself no. I don't think it's fair. I don't want to hide my problem. Yes, some of my friends wear wigs. But it's their choice. I want to be stronger than my misfortune. And it doesn't matter what people say about me. Perhaps I should be grateful that this happened. Otherwise, I would have remained hysterical and painfully sensitive. During this time, I rethought a lot. Previously, relationships were easy and fun - I was twenty years old, I wanted to hang out, have fun, nothing serious. Then I decided that without hair, men no longer liked me. But a person appeared in my life who refuted my fears. This is my old friend. The last time he saw me with long hair, he suddenly called me five years later. We've been in close contact for over a year now. And he likes me the way I am.

Six years have passed. I have experienced all stages - from rare hair loss and focal alopecia to total - alopecia totalis. Even my vellus hair doesn't grow anymore. This is an extreme stage and there is little chance of solving the problem. Hair is still growing on the body, there are eyebrows and eyelashes, but without pigment. It’s a pity that at the beginning of treatment I didn’t know anything about my psychological problem. I would have skipped hormone therapy and gone straight to my emotional health.

Now every week I go for mesotherapy to dermatovenerologist and endocrinologist Nino Bigvave-Abbas at the Bellefontaine clinic. She is positive. This treatment gives the best result in my situation. Nino herself mixes injection cocktails of vitamins for me and says that in a couple of months we will try plasma therapy. The task is to stir up dormant hair follicles, and for this you will have to be patient. Long-term stress has disrupted blood flow. The recovery process can take months, even years. And there is no confidence in victory. No one is immune from severe stress. But my happiness is that I have already learned to get out of ordinary unpleasant situations with minimal losses.

The psychologist believes that it is imperative to come to terms with yourself, to accept yourself as you are. A year ago, on vacation in Israel, I went without a headscarf and did not arouse any increased interest - the people around did not care. Having had a glass of wine and become bolder, I can now post a photo without a headscarf on Facebook. I know that I have a good skull shape. I felt so good on the beach without a headscarf! But I’m not ready to film it here in Moscow yet, I’m not that strong yet. Although I wouldn’t have been able to tell my story six months ago either.”

Based on materials from Allur magazine 05/2016

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