"Diprospan" injections: reviews for osteochondrosis

Until non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs began to be actively used in the treatment of various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, glucocorticosteroids were mainly used in the drug therapy of these pathologies.

Currently, this group of drugs has receded into the background, but in some cases these drugs are still prescribed by doctors in connection with certain indications. Glucocorticosteroids have lost their popularity due to the fact that these drugs have a lot of side effects, and there is a very extensive list of contraindications for their use. In some cases, when treating osteochondrosis with severe pain syndromes, the prescription is advisable. Currently, one of the most effective and widespread glucocorticosteroids is the drug “Diprospan”.

"Diprospan" injections: reviews for osteochondrosis

In the article we will look at Diprospan injections: reviews for osteochondrosis, indications and contraindications for this drug, as well as rules for administration.

Pharmacological action and composition of the drug

Betamethasone is the main active component of this drug.

Important! The drug has two release forms, one of which is aimed at quickly achieving a therapeutic effect, and the other provides a prolonged effect.

The drug is available in the form of ampoules of one milliliter. The consistency of the drug should be slightly viscous.

The main component of Diprospan is betamethasone


  1. Betamethasone disodium phosphate – 2 milligrams.
  2. Betamethasone dipropionate – 5 milligrams.

The drug has high glococorticosteroid activity. It also contains slight corticoid activity. This drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, which is necessary in the treatment of osteochondrosis. The composition of the drug allows it to effectively influence areas of inflammation and suppress the development of the inflammatory process in them.

In addition, Diprospan also has an immunomodulatory and anti-shock effect. The effect of the drug occurs within ten to twenty minutes after its administration, which is why Diprospan is widely used to relieve acute pain, as well as as an emergency anti-shock drug. After administration of the suspension, the drug continues to act in the body for another three days.

Belgian glucocorticoid Diprospan

The drug Diprospan is a simple corticosteroid for systemic use.
It is used in various fields of medicine as part of monotherapy and complex hormone replacement therapy, and has a pronounced therapeutic effect. It is most widely used to treat joints. Inflammation, trauma, degenerative processes, age-related changes in cartilage and muscle tissue, accompanied by limited mobility, respond well to GCS therapy. The drug is used to treat moderate and severe forms of allergies.


Before prescribing glucocorticosteroids to a patient, the doctor must fully study his medical history, symptoms, and pathologies. This is necessary because in many cases this group of drugs can be prescribed in addition to existing therapy, since treatment with glucocorticosteroids alone may be ineffective.

"Diprospan" refers to glucocorticosteroids

Diseases for which glucocorticosteroids are prescribed:

  • osteochondrosis of the spine, regardless of its location;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • inflammatory processes of soft tissues and ligaments.

There are also a number of diseases for which glucocorticosteroids are used as additional therapy, including:

  • allergies;
  • skin lesions;
  • renal failure;
  • connective tissue damage.

“Diprospan” is especially effective for pathologies of the locomotor system, including osteochondrosis

When is Diprospan prescribed?

Glucocorticosteroid therapy can be primary or additional for a wide range of conditions:

dermatology of any etiology (psoriasis, eczema, atopic dermatitis, etc.);

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system, connective tissue (arthritis, arthrosis, bursitis, epicondylitis, torticollis, fasciitis, etc.);
  • allergies (seasonal rhinitis, bronchial asthma, allergic bronchitis, hay fever, reactions to insect bites, urticaria, etc.);
  • hemoblastoses in adults and children;
  • in combination with mineralocorticosteroid therapy for adrenal insufficiency;
  • pathological changes in blood composition;
  • nephritis and nephrotic syndrome;
  • states of shock.


A group of drugs such as glucocorticosteroids has a fairly large number of contraindications. The main pathologies for which the use of glucocorticosteroids is contraindicated:

  • mycoses;
  • allergies to components and hypersensitivity to components of the drug;
  • intra-articular administration of the suspension is contraindicated if the patient has infectious arthritis.

Also, glucocorticosteroids are contraindicated in children.

Pathologies and conditions in which glucocorticosteroids should be used with caution:

  • infections and parasitic diseases of any etiology. In this case, diseases suffered throughout life and contacts with a sick person are taken into account;
  • patients with severe infectious diseases are allowed to take glucocorticosteroids only as an auxiliary therapy against the background of the main treatment;
  • in the period before and after vaccination;
  • HIV infections;
  • patients who have or have previously had any pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • renal failure;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • liver failure;
  • patients who have third or fourth degree obesity.

It is important to consider contraindications before using the medicine

If, upon the first administration of the drug "Diprospan", the drug did not show the proper analgesic effect or the effect was short-term, then the subsequent administration of this drug is considered inappropriate.

The drug should not be administered into the space between the vertebrae or into infected areas.

Overdose of the drug Diprospan, symptoms and treatment

Symptoms An acute overdose of betamethasone is not life-threatening. Administration of GCS for several days in high doses does not lead to undesirable consequences (except for cases of use in very high doses or in case of use for diabetes mellitus, glaucoma, exacerbation of erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, or in patients who are simultaneously receiving therapy with digitalis preparations, indirect anticoagulants or potassium-sparing diuretics). Treatment. Careful monitoring of the patient's condition is necessary. Optimal fluid intake and control of electrolyte levels in blood plasma and urine, primarily the balance of sodium and potassium, are shown. If an imbalance of these ions is detected, appropriate therapy must be carried out.

"Diprospan" for osteochondrosis

When treating osteochondrosis, many doctors decide to prescribe glucocorticosteroids to the patient. Most often, they rely on their clinical experience to select the right drug. The drug "Diprospan" quickly gained the trust of specialists, since its first applications have already begun to show fast and effective results. The drug received positive reviews not only from doctors, but also from the patients themselves, who experienced its effective effect. This drug has one positive quality that distinguishes it from other drugs in this group. “Diprospan” not only quickly eliminates pain, but is also a good prophylactic against possible complications. The drug received this quality due to its unique composition.

This drug, after entering the human body, begins to block the inflammatory process. Substances that contribute to the development of inflammation fall under the action of the drug substances and lose their ability to provoke a further inflammatory reaction.

This remedy successfully fights the manifestations of osteochondrosis

It must be remembered that glucocorticosteroids can be used in the treatment of osteochondrosis only to relieve pain. These medications cannot eliminate the causes of the disease itself.

With such drug therapy, specialists usually prescribe the additional use of chondroprotective drugs. This is due to the fact that long-term use of glococorticosteroids can negatively affect the condition of the joints, causing the destruction of joint tissue.


The description of the drug Diprospan on this page is a simplified author’s version of the apteka911 website, created on the basis of the instructions for use.
Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the manufacturer's original instructions (attached to each package of the drug). Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

Methods of using Diprospan

There are several methods of administering this drug:

  • intramuscularly;
  • intra-articular injection;
  • periarticular injection into soft tissues;
  • intradermally.

Important! The drug is contraindicated for intravenous and subcutaneous administration. The dosage and duration of the course of use are selected by a specialist for each patient individually. In this case, the diagnosis, the degree of damage by the disease, as well as concomitant pathologies must be taken into account.

The standard course of glucocorticosteroid therapy is one to five injections, followed by an interval of one week. After the desired effect of the drug is achieved, the dosage is gradually reduced to the minimum. Only after bringing the dose to the very minimum can the drug be discontinued. If the symptoms of the disease return at the minimum dosage, then the dose of the drug is increased again.

Typically, Diprospan is administered intramuscularly.

If Diprospan is used as a blockade, the drug must be diluted with lidocaine or novocaine. The choice of drug depends on the patient’s tolerance, which is individual for each patient. If during the administration of the drug the patient experiences pain at the injection site, then before administration the injection site must be treated with a local anesthetic.

Important! "Diprospan" is a long-acting drug. The components of this drug remain in the patient’s body for another ten days after its administration, which is why Diprospan should be used no more than once every fourteen to thirty days.

Pharmacological properties of the drug Diprospan

Pharmacodynamics. The drug Diprospan is a combination of soluble and poorly soluble betamethasone esters for intramuscular, intra-articular, periarticular, intrasynovial and intradermal administration, as well as for administration directly into the lesion. Diprospan has high GCS activity and insignificant mineralocorticoid activity. The small size of betamethasone dipropionate crystals allows the use of small diameter needles (up to 0.9 mm) for intradermal injections and injection directly into the lesion. Pharmacokinetics. Betamethasone sodium phosphate is a highly soluble component that is rapidly absorbed from the injection site, which ensures a rapid onset of therapeutic action. Betamethasone dipropionate is a poorly soluble component that is slowly absorbed from the depot created at the injection site and provides a long-lasting effect of the drug.

Rules for the introduction of "Diprospan"

If the drug is prescribed for intramuscular administration, one to two milliliters of the drug is usually prescribed. If it must be injected into the periarticular area, in this case zero point two milliliters are injected per square centimeter of the joint surface. If the drug must be administered inside the joint itself, then the dosage is a maximum of two milliliters per injection, the drug is administered no more than once a week.

Side effects of the medicine

  1. Long-term therapy with this drug can disrupt metabolic processes in the patient's body. Therefore, with long-term use of Diprospan, the patient may notice the appearance of edema due to water retention in the body. Weight gain may also occur.
  2. On the part of the heart, an increase in blood pressure may be observed. If the medication is taken incorrectly, there is a risk of heart failure.
  3. Muscles lose their strength and mass, bones become more fragile, and there is a risk of osteoporosis.
  4. From the digestive system, severe flatulence is observed, and pancreatitis may develop. The walls of the stomach and intestines are affected by ulcers and erosions.
  5. In the presence of increased intracranial pressure, headaches and dizziness, and decreased vision may be noted. The patient may also suffer from insomnia, constant fatigue, and irritability. In severe cases, depression may develop.
  6. Intraocular pressure increases, vision sharpness decreases. Possible development of exophthalmos. In rare cases, the patient may lose vision completely.
  7. The patient’s individual reaction to the medicine can manifest itself in the form of allergies, from hyperemia and urticaria to anaphylactic shock.
  8. Many patients, after introducing the drug into the body, note a feeling of a sharp rush of blood to the face.

Diprospan has serious side effects

Reception features

When treating habitual dislocation, it is not recommended to use the drug “Diprospan” as a medicine, since with this problem the medicine will not be able to give a positive effect, so its use in this situation is not advisable.

Important! During the use of glucocorticosteroids, it is necessary to carefully monitor the patient's blood sugar level.

The administration of glucocorticosteroids is contraindicated intravenously or subcutaneously. Insertion into the intervertebral space and intervertebral disc is also not recommended.

It must be remembered that glucocorticosteroids and alcohol are two substances that are incompatible with each other. That is why taking any alcoholic beverages should be stopped several days before starting a course of glucocorticosteroid therapy.

While taking the drug, you must follow certain rules

During the course of drug therapy with Diprospan, the patient must also give up low- and high-alcohol drinks of any kind. This combination of substances in the body can lead to an increase in all the side effects of the drug. When taking alcohol together with glucocorticosteroids, as well as when overdosing on the drug, the patient will experience side effects of this drug, but several times stronger than they exist with normal treatment. The main thing is that in case of an overdose of glucocorticosteroids, the symptoms cannot be relieved with an antidote, because it does not exist. In this condition, the patient is treated symptomatically. The first thing to do is to remove the excess substance from the body using detoxification therapy. It is carried out by infusing the patient with glucose solution intravenously.

Interactions of the drug Diprospan

The simultaneous administration of phenobarbital, rifampicin, phenytoin or ephedrine may increase the metabolism of the drug, thereby reducing its therapeutic effectiveness. With the combined use of GCS and estrogens, dose adjustment of the drug may be required (due to the possibility of overdose). The simultaneous use of Diprospan with diuretics, which promotes the excretion of potassium, increases the likelihood of developing hypokalemia. The combined use of GCS and cardiac glycosides increases the risk of arrhythmia or digitalis intoxication (due to hypokalemia). Diprospan may enhance potassium excretion caused by amphotericin-B. Concomitant use of Diprospan and indirect anticoagulants may lead to changes in blood clotting, which may require dose adjustment. With the combined use of GCS with NSAIDs or ethanol, it is possible to increase the incidence or severity of erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. With simultaneous use, GCS can reduce the concentration of salicylates in the blood plasma. The combined administration of GCS and somatropin may slow down the absorption of the latter.

Interaction with other drugs

Glucocorticosteroids are not recommended for use simultaneously with NSAIDs. This is due to the fact that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which have a strong impact on the patient’s gastrointestinal tract during their use, in contact with glucocorticosteroids further enhance this effect. As a result, the patient may develop a stomach ulcer, and if there are existing lesions of the gastric walls, there is a risk of perforation of the ulcer and gastric bleeding.

If a patient who is prescribed glucocorticosteroid therapy is taking the hormone estrogen, then the doctor will need to change the dosage of the drug in accordance with the individual patient, since in this case there is a risk of overdose.

Important! The use of diuretics in combination with glucocorticosteroids is impossible. Diuretics remove potassium from the body in large quantities. This can lead to the development of hypokalemia in the patient, since some glucocorticosteroids, including Diprospan, can also increase the release of potassium from the body.

It is important to know whether Diprospan can be combined with other drugs

The use of anticoagulant drugs together with glucocorticosteroids may affect blood clotting or lead to thickening. With this combination, adjustment of the dosage of the drug is also required.


Today, many modern high-tech methods have been developed for the treatment of injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, bones, joints, tendons and muscles. These are various arthroscopic surgical techniques that, using the most modern equipment, make it possible, using the most modern equipment, to quickly, effectively and less traumaticly eliminate the cause of pain and dysfunction of the limb, return the person to the joy of movement, and not just alleviate the symptoms for a while, postponing the solution to the problem until later or not at all. deciding, as in the case of diprospan injections. Then it may already be too late.

Overdose of glucocorticosteroids

Exceeding the dosage of glucocorticosteroids, as a rule, cannot lead the patient to life-threatening conditions. But at the same time, there are a number of conditions requiring emergency care that can develop with an overdose of glucocorticosteroids. This condition can occur in a patient with diabetes, which is why blood sugar levels must be monitored throughout treatment, even in those patients who have never suffered from high sugar. Also, taking these drugs can lead to stomach or intestinal bleeding in patients who have stomach or intestinal ulcers.

An overdose of Diprospan may result in an unpleasant condition


The dosage regimen and route of administration are determined individually, depending on the indications, severity of the disease and patient response.

The drug should be used in the minimum effective dose, the period of use should be as short as possible.

The initial dose is adjusted until the desired therapeutic effect is achieved. If after a sufficient period of time the therapeutic effect is not observed, the drug is discontinued by gradually reducing the dose of the drug. Diprospan® and select another appropriate treatment method.

After achieving a therapeutic effect, the maintenance dose is selected by gradually reducing the dose of betamethasone, which is administered at appropriate intervals. The reduction is continued until the minimum effective dose is reached.

If a stressful situation (not related to the disease) occurs or threatens to occur, it may be necessary to increase the dose of Diprospan.

Discontinuation of the drug after long-term therapy is carried out by gradually reducing the dose.

The patient's condition is monitored for at least a year after completion of long-term therapy or use in high doses.

Administration of the drug into soft tissues, into the lesion and inside the joint can, with a pronounced local effect, simultaneously lead to a systemic effect.

Considering the likelihood of developing anaphylactoid reactions with parenteral administration of GCS, the necessary precautions should be taken before administering the drug, especially if there is a history of allergic reactions to drugs.

Diprospan® contains two active substances - betamethasone compounds, one of which, betamethasone sodium phosphate, is a rapidly soluble fraction and therefore quickly penetrates the systemic circulation. The possible systemic effect of the drug should be taken into account.

During the use of the drug Diprospan®, mental disorders are possible, especially in patients with emotional instability or a tendency to psychosis.

When prescribing Diprospan to patients with diabetes mellitus, adjustment of hypoglycemic therapy may be required.

Patients receiving Diprospan® in doses that suppress the immune system should be warned about the need to avoid contact with patients with chickenpox and measles (especially important when prescribing the drug to children).

When using the drug Diprospan®, it should be taken into account that GCS can mask the signs of an infectious disease, as well as reduce the body's resistance to infections.

Prescription of Diprospan for active tuberculosis is possible only in cases of fulminant or disseminated tuberculosis in combination with adequate anti-tuberculosis therapy. When prescribing Diprospan to patients with latent tuberculosis or with a positive reaction to tuberculin, the issue of preventive anti-tuberculosis therapy should be decided. When using rifampin prophylactically, an increase in the hepatic clearance of betamethasone should be taken into account (dose adjustment may be required).

If there is fluid in the joint cavity, a septic process should be excluded.

A noticeable increase in pain, swelling, increased temperature of the surrounding tissues and further limitation of joint mobility indicate infectious arthritis. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, antibacterial therapy must be prescribed.

Repeated injections into a joint for osteoarthritis may increase the risk of joint destruction. The introduction of GCS into the tendon tissue gradually leads to tendon rupture.

After successful therapy with intra-articular injections of the drug Diprospan®, the patient should avoid overloading the joint.

Long-term use of corticosteroids can lead to posterior subcapsular cataracts (especially in children), glaucoma with possible damage to the optic nerve, and may contribute to the development of secondary eye infections (fungal or viral).

It is necessary to periodically conduct an ophthalmological examination, especially in patients receiving Diprospan® for more than 6 months.

With an increase in blood pressure, fluid and sodium chloride retention in tissues and an increase in potassium excretion from the body (less likely than with the use of other corticosteroids), patients are recommended to follow a diet with limited salt and are additionally prescribed potassium-containing drugs. All corticosteroids enhance calcium excretion.

With the simultaneous use of Diprospan and cardiac glycosides or drugs that affect the electrolyte composition of plasma, monitoring of the water-electrolyte balance is required.

Acetylsalicylic acid is prescribed with caution in combination with the drug Diprospan® for hypoprothrombinemia.

The development of secondary adrenal insufficiency due to too rapid withdrawal of GCS is possible within several months after the end of therapy. If a stressful situation occurs or threatens during this period, therapy with Diprospan® should be resumed and a mineralocorticoid drug should be prescribed at the same time (due to a possible disruption of mineralocorticoid secretion). Gradual withdrawal of GCS can reduce the risk of developing secondary adrenal insufficiency.

With the use of GCS, changes in sperm motility and number are possible.

During long-term therapy with GCS, it is advisable to consider the possibility of switching from parenteral to oral GCS, taking into account the assessment of the benefit/risk ratio.

Patients receiving GCS should not be vaccinated against smallpox or undergo other immunizations, especially during treatment with GCS in high doses, due to the possibility of developing neurological complications and a low immune response (lack of antibody formation). Immunization is possible during replacement therapy (for example, with primary adrenal insufficiency).

Use in pediatrics

Children undergoing Diprospan® therapy (especially long-term therapy) should be under close medical supervision for possible growth retardation and the development of secondary adrenal insufficiency.

Storage of the drug

Glucocorticosteroids do not have strict storage rules. These medicines can be stored either in the refrigerator or at room temperature. It is necessary to ensure that the drug does not overheat. The storage location of the drug should not exceed twenty-five degrees. This medicine must also be protected from freezing.

Glucocorticosteroids are suitable for use within three years from the date of manufacture. It must be remembered that these instructions for the drug "Diprospan" are provided for informational purposes only. In order to find out more detailed information about this drug, you need to contact the manufacturer of this drug. Independent use of Diprospan is strictly prohibited. The drug is sold in pharmacies only with a prescription.

"Diprospan" is available only with a prescription

Composition, pharmacodynamics and dosage forms

Betamethasone sodium phosphate is an active participant in hydrolysis. Once in the body, the compound is instantly absorbed from the injection site, triggers the therapeutic mechanism and is eliminated very quickly.

Betamethasone dipropionate has an indirect effect, due to which a long-lasting and lasting therapeutic effect is achieved.

The kidneys are involved in the elimination of betamethasone compounds.

Ukrainian pharmacies sell Diprospan ampoules. The package contains 5 sealed glass containers with injection suspension, 1 ml each. It is possible to sell ampoules individually. Dispensed by prescription.

Price of the drug and analogues

One package of Diprospan contains from one to five ampoules of the drug. The price of the drug may vary depending on the country of manufacture. On average, the cost of one Diprospan ampoule of one milliliter can range from eighty to five hundred rubles. The price of a drug produced in Russia is noticeably lower than that of foreign manufacturers. At the same time, the place of production of the drug does not affect its quality in any way.

Analogues of the drug are “Flosteron”, “Celeston”, “Soderm”, “Depos”. We will consider the latter below.


Use of the drug Diprospan

IM if systemic GCS therapy is necessary; directly into the affected soft tissue or in the form of intra-articular and periarticular injections for arthritis; in the form of intradermal injections for various dermatological diseases; in the form of local injections into the lesion for some foot diseases. The dosage regimen and route of administration are set individually, depending on the indications, severity of the disease and the patient’s response to treatment. If a satisfactory clinical effect does not occur after a certain period of time, treatment with Diprospan should be discontinued and other appropriate therapy initiated. For systemic therapy, the initial dose of Diprospan in most cases is 1–2 ml. The administration is repeated as necessary, depending on the patient’s condition. The drug is injected deep intramuscularly into the gluteal muscle:

  • in severe conditions requiring the use of emergency measures, the initial dose of the drug can be 2 ml;
  • for various dermatological diseases, as a rule, 1 ml of Diprospan is sufficient;
  • for asthma, hay fever, allergic bronchitis and allergic rhinitis, a significant improvement in the condition is achieved within a few hours after intramuscular administration of 1–2 ml of the drug;
  • for acute and chronic bursitis, the initial dose for intramuscular administration is 1–2 ml of Diprospan, with several repeated injections if necessary.

When administered locally, simultaneous use of a local anesthetic is necessary only in isolated cases. If simultaneous administration of a local anesthetic is desirable, use 1–2% solution of procaine hydrochloride or lidocaine, using solutions of drugs that do not contain methylparaben, propylparaben, phenol and other similar substances. When using an anesthetic in combination with Diprospan, the solution is prepared in this way: first, the required dose of the drug is drawn into a syringe from the bottle, then the required amount of local anesthetic is drawn from the ampoule into the same syringe and shaken for a short time. In case of acute bursitis (subdeltoid, subscapular, ulnar and prepatellar), the introduction of 1-2 ml of Diprospan into the synovial bursa can relieve pain and restore mobility within several hours. Treatment of chronic bursitis is carried out with lower doses of the drug after stopping an acute attack of the disease. In case of acute tenosynovitis, tendonitis and peritendinitis, 1 injection of Diprospan alleviates the patient’s condition; in case of a chronic disease, the injection of the drug should be repeated depending on the reaction. It is necessary to avoid injecting the drug directly into the tendon. Intra-articular administration of Diprospan in a dose of 0.5-2 ml eliminates pain and stiffness of joints in rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis for 2-4 hours after administration. The duration of the therapeutic effect of the drug varies significantly and can be 4 weeks or more. Recommended doses of Diprospan when administered into large joints are 1–2 ml; medium - 0.5–1 ml; in small ones - 0.25–0.5 ml. For some dermatological diseases, intradermal administration of Diprospan directly into the lesion , the dose is 0.2 ml/cm2. The lesion is evenly pricked using a tuberculin syringe and a needle with a diameter of approximately 0.9 mm. The total number of Diprospan injections into all areas should not exceed 1 ml over 1 week. Recommended single doses of Diprospan (with intervals between injections of 1 week) for diseases of the feet: for hard calluses - 0.25–0.5 ml (as a rule, 2 injections are effective); for “spur” - 0.5 ml; for stiffness of the big toe - 0.5 ml; for synovial cyst - from 0.25 to 0.5 ml; for tenosynovitis - 0.5 ml; for acute gouty arthritis - from 0.5 to 1 ml. For administration, it is recommended to use a tuberculin syringe with a needle with a diameter of approximately 1 mm. After achieving a therapeutic effect, the maintenance dose is selected by gradually reducing the initial dose by reducing the concentration of betamethasone in the solution, which is administered at appropriate time intervals. The dose reduction is continued until the minimum effective dose is reached. If a stressful situation (not related to the disease) occurs or threatens to occur, it may be necessary to increase the dose of Diprospan. Discontinuation of the drug after long-term therapy should be carried out by gradually reducing the dose. The patient's condition is monitored for at least a year after the end of long-term therapy or after using Diprospan in high doses.


In general, reviews of Diprospan are positive. Some patients have experienced side effects, but this is more rare.

Alexey, 53 years old:

“Whatever pills I took (osteochondrosis), injections were given - and everything was useless! As soon as I injected 1 mg of Diprospan, the pain on my right leg disappeared after the second injection! The pain also disappeared on my left leg. Now I’m not just walking, but jumping with a weight of more than 100. Save-and-for!”

Elena, 35 years old:

"Perfect!! It didn’t just relieve pain, but raised mood, vitality and performance... It’s a pity that it can’t be used often.”

Ivan, 47 years old:

“Very effective and strong drug. The main thing is not to abuse it - after frequent use for many years it causes terrible side effects.”

Review of "Diprospan" for osteochondrosis

Renat, 37 years old:

“One of the best anti-inflammatory drugs of the corticosteroid group. The effect comes quickly and lasts a long time due to the presence of two components. True, it is now very difficult to find it in pharmacies. Even medical representatives of the manufacturer’s company cannot give an answer to this problem. Excessive prescription of this drug in the Russian Federation is not according to indications.”

Andrey, 62 years old:

“Personally, Diprospan helped me a lot. I worked in a mine for many years. My back hurt almost constantly. The doctor prescribed Diprospan, but warned: there are too many side effects. After the injection, the pain went away almost within a few hours. Fortunately, side effects were avoided, the main thing is not to overuse)).”

Anna, 42 years old:

“Osteochondrosis simply tormented me; I didn’t know what to do with this pain. It’s chronic and you can’t just calm it down. They prescribed Diprospan, I read the reviews - they say it’s effective. At first there was relief, and then somehow everything disappeared, again the same torment. I don’t even know whether to recommend this medicine; on the one hand, it helped, but on the other, it was short-lived. Maybe it was worth repeating the injection, but I was afraid. Better decide with your doctor"

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