Instructions for use DIPROSPAN® (DIPROSPAN)

pharmachologic effect

Glucocorticosteroid. The active ingredient is betamethasone . The mechanism of action is based on inhibition of the release of interleukins 1 and 2, interferon-gamma from macrophages and lymphocytes.

The drug has antiallergic, antishock, anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive, antitoxic and desensitizing effects. Diprospan does not affect the level of circulating beta-endorphin, but suppresses the release of beta-lipotropin and ACTH from the pituitary gland .

Is Diprospan hormonal or not?

The drug is hormonal.

Diprospan after rhinoplasty

Diprospan is often prescribed after rhinoplasty. Diprospan is a hormonal drug, and patients always have many questions regarding this drug.

The main question is, is it safe? Will a person get better when using it? Will there be any unevenness or depression of the skin above the injection site? Is it possible to do secondary rhinoplasty if you don’t like the result of the primary rhinoplasty, and during the rehabilitation period the doctor administered Diprospan?

What is Diprospan?

First you need to figure out what kind of drug Diprospan is? This is a hormonal drug, the active ingredient of which is betamethasone - a synthetic glucocorticosteroid, an analogue of natural hormones (cortisol, cortisone) produced in the adrenal cortex.

Glucocorticosteroids have a main property - they have a powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect. And there are no other substances in the pharmaceutical industry that have a similar anti-edematous effect. Therefore, Diprospan is prescribed to patients after nose surgery.

Another important property of glucocorticosteroids is that they have catabolic activity. Diprospan reduces the formation of granulation and connective tissue, and, therefore, inhibits the process, which can negatively affect the effect of rhinoplasty and lead to the formation of pathological scars.

Injections of Diprospan into the soft tissues of the tip of the nose help prevent severe scarring. If scars have already formed after rhinoplasty, injections of the drug can reduce their severity and eliminate this aesthetic defect as much as possible.

Reasons for using Diprospan after rhinoplasty are:

  • Reduction of swelling, mainly in the area of ​​the tip of the nose.
  • Prevention of severe scarring.
  • Reduction in the size of pathological postoperative scars.

Is Diprospan dangerous?

In short, no. However, there are many myths and questions surrounding hormonal drugs that it is necessary to answer this question in as much detail as possible.

What are the specifics of using the drug Diprospan?

Many patients are concerned that Diprospan is a hormonal drug. Unlike the systemic use of this kind of drugs used to treat hormonal imbalances, diabetes, infertility and other diseases, Diprospan does not affect all organs.

It is applied topically only to a small area of ​​tissue. It penetrates poorly into the bloodstream, so it has no overall effect on the body. Systemic action is possible only with large dosages, but the medicine is immediately stopped after swelling decreases.

Side effects: myths and reality

We found out that Diprospan does not have a systemic effect after rhinoplasty. What does this mean in practice? In practice, this means that many of the side effects that plastic surgery patients fear do not and cannot exist.

For example, some are frightened by the prospect of “getting better on hormones.”

To achieve a similar effect, you need to use drugs with systemic action in high doses and over a long period. After one or two injections of Diprospan into the nasal tissue, weight gain is impossible even in theory.

Decreased immunity is another imaginary threat.

Yes, corticosteroids are used in official medicine as immunosuppressants. With their help, doctors reduce the severity of unwanted immune reactions. Allergists include betamethasone in treatment regimens for bronchial asthma. It is important to understand that in order to suppress immune reactions, it is necessary to inject Diprospan intramuscularly and administer it in doses that provide a systemic effect. Such dosages are not used after nose surgery. Moreover, the drug has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the immune system, reduces the risk of allergic reactions, and works as an anti-shock agent. Thanks to the high concentration of betamethasone disodium phosphate, all regenerative processes are accelerated significantly.

The third group of concerns is associated with the possible formation of dimples or “dents” at the injection site (as a rule, Diprospan injections are made into the tip of the nose or into the skin above it).

Here we must admit that such an effect is possible. Betamethasone has a pronounced catabolic effect, which means that it can provoke atrophy of the soft tissues of the nose. An aesthetic defect in the form of skin unevenness may indeed form above the injection area.

An injection of diprospan into the nose during rhinoplasty is prescribed by the attending physician if it is necessary to quickly eliminate large swelling. It is strictly forbidden to inject yourself, as it is dangerous to health.

Reviews from patients about diprospan after rhinoplasty claim that the patient does not experience any unpleasant sensations when the drug is administered. There is no need to inject painkillers into the swollen tissue before injections. The plastic surgeon injects a small dose of the drug locally into each area of ​​swelling, which speeds up the process of tissue restoration.

Among the main advantages of using modern methods of combating edema are the following:

  • instant penetration into damaged tissue gives a quick positive effect, helping to neutralize the spread of edema;
  • swelling disappears several times faster, preventing the formation of unsightly scars at the healing site.

Important. An injection after rhinoplasty dramatically reduces the appearance of new swelling or bruising, stimulates tissue restoration, and has a positive effect on regeneration processes. But if used incorrectly, the drug can lead to retraction of the nasal tissue.

Possible side effects when using diprospan after rhinoplasty

It is necessary to use the drug only in a hospital under the supervision of the attending physician, since negative effects may occur that negatively affect the body. For most patients, Diprospan injections after rhinoplasty are absolutely harmless, but there are a number of side effects that you need to be aware of.​

  • A sudden loss of appetite, accompanied by attacks of nausea, is possible.
  • If the dosage is incorrect, otheoporosis may occur, since the medicine affects the absorption of calcium.
  • The appearance of unreasonable anxiety, leading to panic, prolonged depression.
  • Unmotivated pressure surges.
  • A decrease in the body's resistance to infectious diseases, which is dangerous during the spread of influenza or ARVI.
  • Rapid weight gain, which can lead to obesity.
  • Failure of the menstrual cycle.
  • Increased excitability, leading to insomnia.

Diprospan after rhinoplasty is prescribed by the attending physician if the swelling lasts a long time and the recovery process is sluggish. The specialist independently regulates the dosage and depth of injections in order to achieve the maximum positive effect while minimizing possible risks.

How is the injection given after rhinoplasty?

According to the method of carrying out the procedure, the effect is reminiscent of mesotherapy. Thanks to the use of very thin needles, the patient does not feel pain.

The depth of penetration is regulated by the doctor, always insignificant. Only swollen areas are treated. A small drop of blood may appear at the injection site. The effect accumulates over 3-5 days. The medicine remains in the problem area for up to 2 months, accelerating tissue healing processes. The suspension, entering the area of ​​edema, does not spread to neighboring tissues, acting strictly on the local area.

Numerous positive reviews on the effect of diprospan after rhinoplasty confirm the effectiveness of the drug in postoperative recovery of the body. When prescribing injections, the attending physician must take into account the general condition, weight, complexity of rhinoplasty, and other factors influencing the dosage and duration of treatment.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The medication can inhibit the secretion of FSH and TSH. The drug Diprospan stimulates the production of erythropoietins , increases the number of red blood cells, reduces the number of eosinophils and lymphocytes, and increases the excitability of the central nervous system. When the active component interacts with specific cytoplasmic receptors, a complex is formed that is able to penetrate inside the cell, into its nucleus and stimulate the process of mRNA synthesis (it is this that induces the process of formation of lipocortin and other proteins that mediate cellular effects).

Lipocortin suppresses the process of release of arachidonic acid , inhibits phospholipase A2, suppresses the process of synthesis of leukotrienes, prostaglandins and endoperoxides, which are actively involved in inflammatory processes and in the formation of an allergic response. Under the influence of Diprospan, the amount of protein in the blood plasma decreases due to globulins, but at the same time the albumin/globulin ratio increases, the production of albumins in the tissues of the kidneys and liver increases, and protein catabolism in muscle tissue increases.

The effect of the drug Diprospan on lipid metabolism: redistribution of fat (fat deposits are localized mainly in the abdomen, face, shoulder girdle), increased synthesis of triglycerides and higher fatty acids, formation of hypercholesterolemia. The effect of the drug on carbohydrate metabolism: activation of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, increased synthesis of aminotransferases (leads to activation of gluconeogenesis), increased absorption of carbohydrates from the digestive tract, increased activity of glucose-6-phosphatase (increases the flow of glucose into the blood from the liver).

The effect of the drug on water-electrolyte metabolism: stimulation of the excretion of potassium ions, retention of water and sodium ions in the body, “washing out” of calcium ions from the skeletal system, decreased absorption of calcium ions from the digestive tract, increased excretion of calcium ions by the renal system. The anti-inflammatory effect is achieved by inhibiting the release of inflammatory mediators by eosinophils; by reducing the number of mast cells (they are the ones who produce hyaluronic acid), inducing the formation of lipocortin, by stabilizing organelle membranes (lysosomal organelles are of particular importance), stabilizing cell membranes, by reducing capillary permeability.

The antiallergic effect is achieved by suppressing the secretion and synthesis of allergic mediators, inhibiting the process of antibody formation, by changing the body's immune response, reducing the sensitivity of effector cells to allergic mediators, by inhibiting the release of biologically active substances and histamine from mast cells, T-lymphocytes, B -lymphocytes.

For COPD, the drug Diprospan prevents and inhibits the development of swelling of the mucous membranes, slows down the course of inflammatory processes, slows down the deposition of circulating immune complexes in the mucous membranes of the bronchial tree, and reduces the rate of eosinophilic infiltration of the submucosal layer in the epithelia of the bronchial tree. The medication inhibits the process of desquamation and erosion of the mucous membranes. Due to the reduction in production and inhibition of mucus production, its viscosity decreases.

Antitoxic and antishock effects are achieved by increasing blood pressure through vasoconstriction, increasing the level of catecholamines circulating in the blood and restoring the sensitivity of adrenergic receptors to them. The effect is achieved through the activation of liver enzymes, which take part in the metabolism of xenobiotics and endobiotics, by reducing the permeability of vascular walls, and also due to the membrane protective effect.

The immunosuppressive effect is ensured by a decrease in the rate of release of cytokines (interferon gamma, interleukin-1,2) from macrophages and lymphocytes. The drug suppresses the secretion and synthesis of ACTH, and secondarily inhibits the process of synthesis of endogenous glucocorticosteroids. Under the influence of the medication, the likelihood of scar formation decreases due to inhibition of the speed of connective tissue reactions during inflammation. You can buy Diprospan in the form of suspensions and solution for injection.

Overdose of glucocorticosteroids

Exceeding the dosage of glucocorticosteroids, as a rule, cannot lead the patient to life-threatening conditions. But at the same time, there are a number of conditions requiring emergency care that can develop with an overdose of glucocorticosteroids. This condition can occur in a patient with diabetes, which is why blood sugar levels must be monitored throughout treatment, even in those patients who have never suffered from high sugar. Also, taking these drugs can lead to stomach or intestinal bleeding in patients who have stomach or intestinal ulcers.

An overdose of Diprospan may result in an unpleasant condition

Indications for use of Diprospan

What is Diprospan medicine for?

Indications for the use of Diprospan injections are as follows; the medication is prescribed for:

  • shock (toxic, cardiogenic, surgical, burn, traumatic);
  • for anaphylactoid reactions ;
  • blood transfusion shock;
  • allergic reactions;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • asthmatic status;
  • for severe bronchial asthma ;
  • with cerebral edema (after radiation therapy, after surgery);
  • in acute adrenal insufficiency .

Also, indications for use are:

  • systemic pathology of connective tissue ( rheumatoid arthritis , SLE );
  • poisoning with cauterizing liquids (prevention of the formation of cicatricial narrowings and reducing the severity of inflammation);
  • hepatic coma;
  • acute hepatitis;
  • thyrotoxic crisis.

Blockades with Diprospan are often placed.

Contraindications for Diprospan

Instructions for use of Diprospan do not recommend prescribing the medication intra-articularly:

  • with pathological bleeding;
  • for periarticular infections ;
  • for septic and infectious lesions of the joint;
  • with a severe form of periarticular osteoporosis;
  • for general infectious diseases;
  • with an intra-articular bone fracture;
  • after arthroplasty ;
  • with severe bone destruction;
  • with a “dry” joint;
  • with osteoarthritis without signs of synovitis;
  • with joint instability after arthritis,
  • with aseptic necrosis of the epiphyses of the bones that form the joint.

For fungal, infectious, parasitic and bacterial infections, for herpes zoster, herpes simplex, tuberculosis (latent or active forms), for strongyloidiasis, amebiasis, measles, chicken pox, systemic mycosis - Diprospan is used with caution.

In severe infectious diseases, the drug can be prescribed only with simultaneous specific therapy.

The drug is not used for diseases of the digestive tract:

  • diverticulitis;
  • peptic ulcer of the digestive system;
  • gastritis;
  • esophagitis;
  • intestinal anastomosis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • ulcerative colitis.

Betamethasone is not prescribed in the post-vaccination period, for lymphadenitis after the BCG .

The drug is contraindicated for use:

  • for arterial hypertension ;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • with a recent myocardial infarction;
  • with decompensated form of CHF;
  • for Itsenko-Cushing's disease ;
  • with thyrotoxicosis;
  • with nephrourolithiasis ;
  • severe pathology of the liver and kidneys;
  • with polio;
  • obesity;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • systemic osteoporosis;
  • with hypoalbuminemia;
  • in acute psychosis ;
  • glaucoma (closed and open angle forms);
  • during pregnancy;
  • during breastfeeding.

betamethasone is also a contraindication for Diprospan .

Storage of the drug

Glucocorticosteroids do not have strict storage rules. These medicines can be stored either in the refrigerator or at room temperature. It is necessary to ensure that the drug does not overheat. The storage location of the drug should not exceed twenty-five degrees. This medicine must also be protected from freezing.

Glucocorticosteroids are suitable for use within three years from the date of manufacture. It must be remembered that these instructions for the drug "Diprospan" are provided for informational purposes only. In order to find out more detailed information about this drug, you need to contact the manufacturer of this drug. Independent use of Diprospan is strictly prohibited. The drug is sold in pharmacies only with a prescription.

"Diprospan" is available only with a prescription

Side effects of Diprospan

Side effects from the use of the drug Diprospan depend on the ability to comply with the circadian treatment regimen, dosage and duration of use of the medication.

Endocrine system: manifestation of latent diabetes mellitus, “steroid” diabetes mellitus, delayed sexual development in children, Itsenko-Cushing syndrome (myasthenia gravis, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea , stretch marks, hirsutism , pituitary-type obesity, moon-shaped face, increased blood pressure).

Digestive tract: loss of appetite, “steroid” ulcer of the gastrointestinal system, pancreatitis, vomiting, nausea, flatulence, hiccups , increased levels of liver enzymes.

Cardiovascular system: formation of thrombosis, hypercoagulation , increased severity of CHF, bradycardia, arrhythmia.

Nervous system: convulsions, headaches, pseudotumor of the cerebellum, manic-depressive psychosis , euphoria , spatial disorientation , delirium, vertigo, dizziness, insomnia, anxiety , nervousness, increased intracranial pressure, paranoia , depression.

Description of the side effects of Diprospan on the sensory organs: posterior subcapsular cataract, sudden loss of vision, exophthalmos , trophic changes in the cornea, increased intraocular pressure.

Metabolism: increased sweating, increased protein breakdown, negative nitrogen balance, increased body weight, hypocalcemia, increased excretion of calcium ions from the body.

Musculoskeletal system: osteoporosis, atrophy and decrease in muscle mass, “steroid” myopathy , rupture of muscle tendons, slowing down the processes of ossification and growth of the skeletal system in children as a result of premature closure of the epiphyseal growth zones.

Skin: tendency to develop candidiasis and pyoderma, steroid acne, pigmentation disorders, thinning of the skin, formation of ecchymoses and petechiae, slow wound healing.

It is possible to form an allergic response, leukocyturia .

With intravenous administration, convulsions, “flushes” of blood flow to the face, and arrhythmias are possible.

Interaction with other drugs

Glucocorticosteroids are not recommended for use simultaneously with NSAIDs. This is due to the fact that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which have a strong impact on the patient’s gastrointestinal tract during their use, in contact with glucocorticosteroids further enhance this effect. As a result, the patient may develop a stomach ulcer, and if there are existing lesions of the gastric walls, there is a risk of perforation of the ulcer and gastric bleeding.

If a patient who is prescribed glucocorticosteroid therapy is taking the hormone estrogen, then the doctor will need to change the dosage of the drug in accordance with the individual patient, since in this case there is a risk of overdose.

Important! The use of diuretics in combination with glucocorticosteroids is impossible. Diuretics remove potassium from the body in large quantities. This can lead to the development of hypokalemia in the patient, since some glucocorticosteroids, including Diprospan, can also increase the release of potassium from the body.

It is important to know whether Diprospan can be combined with other drugs

The use of anticoagulant drugs together with glucocorticosteroids may affect blood clotting or lead to thickening. With this combination, adjustment of the dosage of the drug is also required.

Diprospan injections, instructions for use

betamethasone dosage regimen and route of administration are selected depending on the nature and severity of the underlying disease.

According to the instructions for use of Diprospan, the infusion solution is diluted in a 0.9% sodium chloride solution or in a dextrose solution before administration. Only freshly prepared solution can be administered. Diprospan injections are given deep intramuscularly at a dose of 4-8 mg for severe pathology.

Periarticular and intraarticular injections of the drug are carried out into very large joints at a dose of 4-8 mg. An injection into the joint directly allows for a more effective effect on the inflammatory process in it. Injections are also given into the knee, but it is better to entrust such injections to doctors, as this is a complex process.

For skin diseases, the drug is administered inside the wound or intradermally at a dose of 0.2 ml/square centimeter.

For bursitis, local infiltration is carried out: 1-2 mg. If necessary, the drug can be administered subconjunctivally at a dose of 2 mg.

When using the medication, it is very important to consider contraindications.

The product is not available in the form of ointments or tablets.

How many times can you inject and how often?

It is better to consult your doctor about this, who will select the dose necessary for you. Uncontrolled use of the drug negatively affects the condition of the body.


Before prescribing glucocorticosteroids to a patient, the doctor must fully study his medical history, symptoms, and pathologies. This is necessary because in many cases this group of drugs can be prescribed in addition to existing therapy, since treatment with glucocorticosteroids alone may be ineffective.

"Diprospan" refers to glucocorticosteroids

Diseases for which glucocorticosteroids are prescribed:

  • osteochondrosis of the spine, regardless of its location;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • inflammatory processes of soft tissues and ligaments.

There are also a number of diseases for which glucocorticosteroids are used as additional therapy, including:

  • allergies;
  • skin lesions;
  • renal failure;
  • connective tissue damage.

“Diprospan” is especially effective for pathologies of the locomotor system, including osteochondrosis


Diprospan reduces the effectiveness of anticoagulants , insulin, antihypertensive drugs, and oral hypoglycemic medications. The drug weakens the activity of vaccines and the effect of diuretics .

The use of barbiturates, phenytoin, and Rifampicin weakens the effect of the drug. The risk of side effects increases when treated with antipsychotics, estrogens, androgens, NSAIDs, immunosuppressants, ritodrine, digitalis glycosides, nitrates, tricyclic antidepressants.

Diprospan increases the severity of the hepatotoxic effects of paracetamol. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors and Amphotericin B increase the risk of osteoporosis. The drug slows down the metabolism of Cyclosporine and increases its toxicity, enhances the metabolism of mexiletine, isoniazid, and increases the concentration of folic acid. The medication reduces the effectiveness of somatotropin .

special instructions

Diprospan can be mixed with solutions of local anesthetics in equal volumes. It is unacceptable to use the medication in the treatment of hyaline membrane disease in newborns.

The drug should not be injected into the intervertebral spaces, into infected areas and unstable joints. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to conduct an examination: a general blood test, blood glucose levels, electrolytes.

For concomitant tuberculosis, sepsis, and intercurrent infections, antibiotics are administered simultaneously. Reviews of the drug indicate the high effectiveness of the drug if all recommendations are followed. It is important to consider that in patients with hypothyroidism, the clearance of glucocorticosteroids is reduced; in thyrotoxicosis, the opposite effect is recorded.

Reception features

When treating habitual dislocation, it is not recommended to use the drug “Diprospan” as a medicine, since with this problem the medicine will not be able to give a positive effect, so its use in this situation is not advisable.

Important! During the use of glucocorticosteroids, it is necessary to carefully monitor the patient's blood sugar level.

The administration of glucocorticosteroids is contraindicated intravenously or subcutaneously. Insertion into the intervertebral space and intervertebral disc is also not recommended.

It must be remembered that glucocorticosteroids and alcohol are two substances that are incompatible with each other. That is why taking any alcoholic beverages should be stopped several days before starting a course of glucocorticosteroid therapy.

While taking the drug, you must follow certain rules

During the course of drug therapy with Diprospan, the patient must also give up low- and high-alcohol drinks of any kind. This combination of substances in the body can lead to an increase in all the side effects of the drug. When taking alcohol together with glucocorticosteroids, as well as when overdosing on the drug, the patient will experience side effects of this drug, but several times stronger than they exist with normal treatment. The main thing is that in case of an overdose of glucocorticosteroids, the symptoms cannot be relieved with an antidote, because it does not exist. In this condition, the patient is treated symptomatically. The first thing to do is to remove the excess substance from the body using detoxification therapy. It is carried out by infusing the patient with glucose solution intravenously.

Diprospan's analogs

Level 4 ATC code matches:












Analogues in injections are:

  • Betaspan Depot
  • Depos
  • Flosteron

Which is better: Kenalog or Diprospan?

Both drugs belong to the same pharmaceutical group of glucocorticosteroid drugs. However, based on research, Diprospan is considered a more effective remedy than Kenalog, while the price of the former is slightly higher.

Rules for the introduction of "Diprospan"

If the drug is prescribed for intramuscular administration, one to two milliliters of the drug is usually prescribed. If it must be injected into the periarticular area, in this case zero point two milliliters are injected per square centimeter of the joint surface. If the drug must be administered inside the joint itself, then the dosage is a maximum of two milliliters per injection, the drug is administered no more than once a week.

Reviews about Diprospan

Good reviews about Diprospan injections are very common. The drug is mentioned as a powerful anti-inflammatory and antiallergic agent that quickly relieves all unpleasant symptoms.

The medicine Diprospan copes with psoriasis quickly and efficiently, everyone has a generally good opinion about it. The medication also helps with eczema, the use of the drug has positive reviews for arthrosis. However, although the medicine is quite effective, it sometimes has side effects, such as weight gain and shortness of breath.

Diprospan for allergies, reviews from doctors

This remedy should be used only as prescribed by a doctor, and should not be abused under any circumstances. The medication stops an allergic attack, however, the use of the drug also has a poisonous effect on the body.

"Diprospan" for osteochondrosis

When treating osteochondrosis, many doctors decide to prescribe glucocorticosteroids to the patient. Most often, they rely on their clinical experience to select the right drug. The drug "Diprospan" quickly gained the trust of specialists, since its first applications have already begun to show fast and effective results. The drug received positive reviews not only from doctors, but also from the patients themselves, who experienced its effective effect. This drug has one positive quality that distinguishes it from other drugs in this group. “Diprospan” not only quickly eliminates pain, but is also a good prophylactic against possible complications. The drug received this quality due to its unique composition.

This drug, after entering the human body, begins to block the inflammatory process. Substances that contribute to the development of inflammation fall under the action of the drug substances and lose their ability to provoke a further inflammatory reaction.

This remedy successfully fights the manifestations of osteochondrosis

It must be remembered that glucocorticosteroids can be used in the treatment of osteochondrosis only to relieve pain. These medications cannot eliminate the causes of the disease itself.

With such drug therapy, specialists usually prescribe the additional use of chondroprotective drugs. This is due to the fact that long-term use of glococorticosteroids can negatively affect the condition of the joints, causing the destruction of joint tissue.

Diprospan price, where to buy

  • The price of 1 ampoule of Diprospan is about 400 rubles. You can buy the drug in Moscow for about 370 rubles.
  • The price of Diprospan injections in Ukraine is 1400-1600 UAH for 5 ampoules of 1 ml.
  • How much does an allergy shot cost, for example, in Kharkov? Approximately - 300 UAH. In Odessa - 330 UAH.
  • Tablets of this drug are not sold.
  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan

LuxPharma* special offer

  • Diprospan amp.
    No. 1 2090 rub. order


  • Diprospan susp. for injection 2mg+5mg/ml 1mlSchering-Plough Labo NV

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  • Diprospan ampoules 2mg+5mg/ml 1ml No. 1Shering-Plough

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  • Diprospan 1 ml No. 5 solution Schering-Plough Labo N.V./Schering-Plough, Belgium/France
    1420 UAH.order
  • Diprospan 1 ml No. 1 powder SENEXI HSC-EROUVILLE SAINT-CLAIR, France

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  • Diprospan ampoule Diprospan injection suspension ampoules 1 ml No. 5 Belgium, Schering-Plough Labo

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  • Diprospan syringe Diprospan injection suspension syringe 1 ml with 2 needles No. 1 Belgium, Schering-Plough Labo

    330 UAH. order

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