Elkar in ampoules (injections): instructions for use

Description and composition

Elkar is a drug from the group of tissue metabolism activators. Produced pharma (Russia), available in solution (drops). On sale you can find packages of 25,50,100 ml. The price for a 25 ml bottle of the drug is 320 rubles.

The active component is levocarnitine (carnifit), complementary components are citric acid, water, and preservatives.

The liquid in the bottle is transparent or slightly colored and has a specific aroma. The amount of the main ingredient is 200 or 300 mg/ml; children are recommended to use the drug with a concentration of 20 percent. Each glass bottle is equipped with a cap with a dropper, a spoon (5 ml) with appropriate markings.

Another form of Elkar is used in children - an injection solution. The injection product contains 100 mg of levocarnitine and water (up to 1 ml), is sold in ampoules of 5 ml in quantities of 10 pieces, the price is 400 rubles per package.

Adults are recommended to use Elkar in the form of granules to prepare a drink (cost 390 rubles/10 packets).

Elkar for athletes

In sports, especially in disciplines associated with high physical activity, L-carnitine-based products are used to accelerate fat burning, increase endurance and improve performance.

Elkar is recommended for those involved in bodybuilding, fitness, weightlifting, team sports and, of course, crossfit.

The use of Elkar promotes:

  • accelerating fat burning due to activation of metabolic processes involving fatty acids;
  • increasing energy production;
  • increasing endurance, which allows you to increase the effectiveness and duration of training;
  • improvement of strength and speed indicators.

Athletes are recommended to use Elkar before competitions for 3-4 weeks. The optimal dosage is 2.5 grams (the maximum daily dose should not exceed 7.5 grams).

Should be taken before training, approximately 2 hours before. The best results are observed when taking the drug in combination with a rational and balanced diet.

Elkar's action

Levocarnitine is a substance that, in its properties and structure, resembles a number of B vitamins. Some experts call it growth vitamin BT. The substance has the following actions:

  • participates in metabolism;
  • transports aliphatic acids from the inside of cells to mitochondria;
  • helps break down fatty acids to form final consumer products;
  • optimizes protein and fat metabolism;
  • improves the production of gastric juice and a number of enzymes;
  • normalizes weight by increasing the amount of muscle tissue and reducing the presence of fat;

  • helps increase exercise tolerance;
  • inhibits the synthesis of keto acids, aerobic glycolysis;
  • eliminates lactose acidosis;
  • optimizes glycogen consumption, increases its accumulation in the cells of the liver and muscle layer;
  • improves the body's energy potential;
  • replenishes the alkaline reserve of the blood;
  • restores its own regulation of hemodynamics in the brain;
  • optimizes blood circulation in the hypoxic zone;
  • makes regeneration and repair processes in the affected area faster;
  • gives an anabolic effect.

The medicine also normalizes metabolism during hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, since it is an antagonist of its hormones, while levocarnitine does not affect the functioning of the organ itself. When taken, the substance is quickly absorbed in the small intestine, penetrates the liver, muscles, heart, and is excreted by the kidneys.

What effects does Elkar have on the athlete’s body?

Elkar - an aqueous solution of L-carnitine has a wide spectrum of action, complementing the effect of sports nutrition:

  • Increases energy production in the body from fats
  • Increases the intensity of the fat burning process
  • Improves protein absorption
  • Increases muscle elasticity and strength, reduces the risk of injury and rupture
  • Increases physical endurance and duration of effective training without feeling tired
  • Improves coordination of movements and speed-strength indicators
  • Improves mood by increasing endorphin production
  • Reduces pain in muscles after sports training, reducing the production of lactic acid in them
  • Normalizes heart function, reduces the risk of heart rhythm disturbances
  • Accelerates recovery processes after exercise

At the same time, the effectiveness and safety of Elkar are confirmed by data from clinical studies, many years of experience in use by athletes and positive reviews.

Indications of the drug

Why are drops prescribed to newborns? There are many indications; the remedy can be given from the early days of life, even to premature infants. Most often, Elkar is prescribed for newborns for distress syndrome (RDS); it also helps babies born with low body weight gain weight better.

The drug is especially indicated for children on parenteral nutrition, premature babies and those who suffered asphyxia during childbirth.

Also, at an early age and immediately after birth, the medicine is widely prescribed after birth trauma, with hypertonicity and insufficient muscle tone, with a sluggish sucking reflex.

The drug promotes better digestion of food, helps gain weight, and reduces the effects of oxygen starvation in the brain. Other possible indications:

  • adynamia;
  • hypotension;
  • malnutrition;
  • previous infections, acute respiratory viral infections (in the first weeks of life);
  • preparation for operations.

In complex therapy, the drug is used for jaundice in newborns. Since levocarnitine actively penetrates the liver and triggers the restoration of its cells, in case of jaundice it will have a detoxifying and regenerating effect. In infants of the first year of life and older children, Elkar has broader indications:

  • delayed mental and physical development;
  • intense physical and psycho-emotional stress;
  • excessive fatigue;
  • the need for rehabilitation after infectious diseases and operations;
  • skin autoimmune diseases;
  • moderate to mild hyperthyroidism;
  • various forms of vascular diseases, including those accompanied by a decrease in vascular tone;

  • toxic brain damage, poisoning;
  • head injuries;
  • neurological diseases of childhood.

The drug is also indicated for children with rare diseases that cause excessive loss of carnitine - myopathies, mitochondrial disorders. Injections are usually prescribed to newborns and older children in acute hypoxic conditions, for example, immediately after childbirth, which were accompanied by asphyxia. Elkar injections are also indicated for traumatic brain injuries, for accelerated recovery of the body after operations undergone at an early age.

Symptoms of L-carnitine deficiency in children

If there is a lack of l-carnitine in a child’s body, he will experience:

  • weakened immunity;
  • slowdown in mental and physical development;
  • loss of appetite;
  • failures in the functioning of basic systems and organs;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • muscle weakness;
  • decreased vitality, especially if this is accompanied by serious illness.

Is it possible to eliminate the deficiency of levocarnitine? The answer is clear: it is possible, an additional source of L-carnitine for children is the drug Elkar.

Contraindications and side effects, overdose

How many and what contraindications to taking the drug are there? The medicine has a minimum of prohibitions and is used in children without any age restrictions. The only contraindications are allergies and intolerance reactions that have occurred while taking the drug (more often they are associated with the presence of auxiliary components).

For women, there are prohibitions on taking Elkar during pregnancy and lactation; they are associated with the lack of sufficient data on its effect on the fetus and penetration into breast milk.

Side effects when taken correctly are rare. Usually the drug is well tolerated by newborns. Allergic reactions are observed only occasionally - rash, urticaria, itching, irritation and redness of the body and face. In isolated cases, babies experienced colic, epigastric pain, and dyspepsia (diarrhea, bloating).

If Elkar is injected too quickly, pain is noted along the vein. Patients with renal uremia may develop muscle weakness. The appearance of any negative effects is a reason to urgently consult a doctor!

Overdose usually does not lead to severe symptoms. Nausea and vomiting, heaviness in the stomach, flatulence, and a feeling of fullness in the stomach may occur. Signs of myasthenia gravis in patients with kidney pathologies usually increase with an overdose. Treatment consists of early gastric lavage and taking sorbents.

Instructions for use

The dosage of levocarnitine for children is determined only by a specialist. In the neonatal period, it is calculated strictly drop by drop. The drug can be diluted in water, for older children - in juice, compote, jelly. For infants, the product is diluted with a 5% glucose solution. Recommendations for choosing a dose for 20% drops are as follows:

  • children from the first day of life - 4-10 drops. twice/day;
  • babies from 1 month to one year - 10 drops. three times/day;

  • course of therapy - 2-6 weeks depending on the severity of the pathology;
  • the course can be repeated after six months;
  • If a child has colitis, dysbacteriosis, or problems with the pancreas, in parallel with taking Elkar, it is necessary to drink enzymes in an age-appropriate dosage.

Typically, the results of therapy become noticeable after 2-4 weeks. If the results are insufficient, the doctor may recommend increasing the dosage. Children aged 1-6 years are also prescribed 10 drops three times a day, children aged 6-12 years - 11-16 drops per dose three times a day. The course is at least a month. In case of growth retardation, children are given 40 drops/day in 2 doses for a course of 20 days. Continuous therapy is allowed for three months.

The medicine for injections is administered slowly intravenously, intramuscularly. It is diluted with sodium chloride or glucose, dextrose. The dose is selected only by a doctor! Usually it ranges from 1/4 to 1/2 ampoule/day; in severe cases, a decision may be made to increase the dose. The course of injections is 3-7 days, then they switch to taking the oral form.

Does a child need carnitine?

For the existence and functioning of any living cell, energy is required. L-carnitine is involved in metabolism as a carrier of fatty acids into the mitochondria, where fats are converted into energy “fuel” for the body.

In all diseases, energy metabolism is the first to suffer and therefore the need for carnitine increases. During physical activity and during periods of intense child growth, the need for carnitine also increases.

It is called growth vitamin. If it is deficient, the growth and development of the child slows down, and poor weight gain is noted. L-carnitine in the form of the drug "Elkar" is often used in pediatric practice.

Elkar contains L-carnitine (a natural substance) and excipients - sorbic acid and water.

Elkar - instructions. pharmachologic effect

The drug is used to correct metabolic processes. It has an anabolic effect, slows down the breakdown of proteins and carbohydrates. Elkar promotes more economical consumption of glycogen in the liver and muscles and increases its reserves. The drug restores performance during prolonged physical activity and also has an antihypoxic effect. Elkar normalizes protein and fat metabolism, improves food absorption, and increases the secretion of gastric and intestinal juices.

Elkar, according to the instructions for use, can be prescribed to newborns, children and adults.

Elkar - instructions. Indications for use

  • acute hypoxic conditions;
  • dyscirculatory encephalopathy and traumatic brain injury;
  • conditions accompanied by loss of appetite and exhaustion in children and adults;
  • decreased muscle tone;
  • retardation in physical and mental development;
  • chronic gastritis, chronic pancreatitis with decreased secretory function;
  • asthenic syndrome (increased fatigue, decreased concentration, weakness).

Elkar in pediatric practice

When purchasing Elkar drops, pay attention to the instructions for use, especially when it comes to children. Elkar drops are available in the form of a 20% solution and Elkar 30%. Instructions for use vary. Elkar drops 20% are more often prescribed to newborns and children under three years of age, since the drug of this concentration is easier to dose. Children aged 3 years and older are prescribed Elkar 30%. Do not be confused, Elkar 30% according to the instructions is prescribed in a much lower dosage than Elkar 20%.

According to the instructions, Elkar for newborns is prescribed for birth trauma and asphyxia. It is prescribed to newborns with respiratory distress syndrome and is used when nursing premature newborns with malnutrition who are on parenteral nutrition. According to the instructions, Elkar for newborns is prescribed when nursing children born at term, but with a weakened sucking reflex.

Elkar for newborns - the instructions provide for the administration of this drug according to indications from the first day of life. During the hospital stay, depending on the severity of the child’s condition, Elkar is administered intravenously or intramuscularly according to the instructions. At home, newborns continue to be given Elkar drops. The instructions provide for the administration of 20% of the drug orally, 4-10 drops in a diluted form, 2 times a day 30 minutes before feeding.

According to the instructions, Elkar can be used for children of any age with growth retardation, underweight, and during the recovery period after illnesses and surgical interventions.

Elkar 20% according to the instructions for children under 1 year of age is prescribed 10 drops 3 times a day. Elkar 20% according to the instructions for children from 1 year to 6 years is prescribed 14 drops 3 times a day. It is possible to use the drug as an additive to compote or juice. For children aged 6 to 12 years, the drug is prescribed 1/4 teaspoon 2 times a day.

Elkar 30% according to the instructions is prescribed to children from 3 to 6 years old, 5 drops 2-3 times a day. For children from 6 to 12 years old, Elcar 30% according to the instructions is prescribed 11-15 drops 2-3 times a day.

In all cases, Elkar in drops according to the instructions is taken 30 minutes before meals, after diluting with liquid. It is this regimen of administration that ensures complete absorption of the drug. The course of taking the drug depends on the disease and condition of the child. The most pronounced effect of taking the drug is observed after taking it for 5-6 months.

In children with pancreatitis, dysbiosis and irritable bowel syndrome, intestinal absorption is impaired, therefore Elkar, as indicated in the instructions for use, must be used together with enzyme preparations. All questions regarding the dosage of the drug, frequency and duration of administration should be resolved with your doctor.


Analogues and other conditions

There are few analogues in structure, but in pharmacies there are drugs with a similar effect, which are sometimes replaced by Elkar:

A drugCompoundPrice, rubles
PantogamHopantenic acid420
Calcium hopantenateHopantenic acid220
Le CarnitaLevocarnitine, arginine1400

Therapy for children under 3 years of age, especially newborns, is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor. Elcar can accumulate in soft tissues, which is facilitated by the parallel use of glucocorticosteroids and other anabolic steroids. Levocarnitine does not accumulate in the liver in any case. When consuming protein foods at the same time, it is less easily absorbed, so it is recommended to carry out therapy before meals (at least half an hour before).

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