Dysport, 1 piece, 3 ml, 300 units, lyophilisate for solution for injection

Dysport is a drug based on botulinum toxin A (Clostridium botulinum A). When injected, it locally reduces muscle mobility, causing them to relax. Manufactured by the British company Ipsen Products, certified in Russia for use in cosmetology and the treatment of spastic conditions of peripheral muscle groups.

Dysport injections are called beauty injections, as they are used to eliminate facial wrinkles - the muscle relaxant eliminates the cause of the appearance of wrinkles on the skin; over time, a habit is formed of not using this muscle group, which serves to prevent the formation of new wrinkles. Injections are also used to treat hyperhidrosis - botulinum toxin blocks the transmission of commands from the nervous system to the sweat glands, as a result of which sweating becomes less intense.

Principle of action and description of the drug

The active component of Dysport is a protein group toxin, a waste product of the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. This is a potent organic poison that leads to local paralysis due to its effect on the nervous system. The toxin destroys the fibers through which signals are transmitted from the brain centers to the muscles.

After the injections, the muscles in problem areas stop compressing the skin. The relief formed due to active facial expressions is restored, the skin becomes smooth.

Local intramuscular injections in microdoses have a reversible effect - nerve structures are gradually restored, muscle activity returns. The effect of Dysport injections during initial use lasts up to six months; with repeated use, the effect lasts up to nine months.

Dysport is available in powder form for injection. Dosage of botulinum toxin type A - hemagglutinin 300 and 500 units. After dilution, the concentration of the toxin in both cases is 200 units per 1 milliliter. Additional substances in the composition are human albumin (helps restore tissue structure and improve their nutrition) and lactose to obtain a solution.

The drug is stored at a temperature of 2 to 8 ° C; after opening the bottle, Dysport is suitable for use for 8 hours. The product is not sold in pharmacy chains; it is distributed only to medical institutions.

Dysport - interview with a doctor about the drug Dysport

Interview with a Candidate of Medical Sciences, maxillofacial surgeon about the drug Dysport.

Question: Who is the manufacturer of Dysport?

Answer: Dysport was created to restore skin texture by the French company IPSEN, which, by the way, produces Smecta. It is also produced in the UK, but under the strict control of the French. Let me also define Dysport: it is a botulinum toxin that has a paralytic effect on the nervous system. When botulinum toxin is applied correctly, it blocks very mobile areas of muscle fibers. The active ingredient in Dysport is hemagglutinin (botulinum toxin type A), as well as excipients.

Question: If Dysport is a botulinum toxin, like Botox, it is primarily a toxin, that is, a poison, and is it not life-threatening?

Answer: People are afraid of poison, but for the properties of botulinum toxin to manifest itself as a poison, more than 500 thousand units of Botox must be administered at a time, Dysport is 3 times more. In cosmetic procedures, such as smoothing facial wrinkles, up to 40 units of Botox or up to 100 units of Dysport are injected; in the treatment of hyperhidrosis, up to 100 units of Botox and 300 units of Dysport. When treating facial wrinkles, the total dose to all areas of Dysport should not exceed, once, 200 Units. For comparison, doctors of other specialties, for example, a vertebrologist who solves problems of the spine, inject up to 300 units of Botox at a time. In child neurology and pediatrics, botulinum toxins are actively used for problems with cerebral palsy and foot deformities, and the dosages there are many times higher than in cosmetology. It is not true to say that botulinum toxins are harmful. It is true that any procedure should only be performed by a doctor in a licensed medical facility.

Question: How many units of Dysport correspond to the result of 1 unit of Botox?

Answer: Here the ratio is 3:1, that is, 3 units of Dysport are equal to 1 unit of Botox.

Question: What is the difference between Dysport and Botox?

Answer: The active ingredients of Botox and Dysport are the same, but there is still a slight difference. Difference in molecular size: It was previously believed that the larger the molecule, the less diffusion. It was believed that the reaction from the use of botulinum toxin would go further (diffusion), onto adjacent tissues and the drug would cause complications. However, modern research has proven that the size of the molecule does not affect the diffusion process. Therefore, this difference between the drugs Botox and Dysport is reduced to nothing. I want to emphasize that only your attending physician can clearly tell you which drug you need. Both drugs are registered in Russia and have marketing authorizations.

Question: And yet, are there any differences between Botox and Dysport?

Answer: If you look very carefully for differences, they can be found in the instructions for use. For example, Botox is recommended for use for strabismus, and Dysport for hyperhidrosis, although I treat hyperhidrosis with Botox and the results are excellent.

Question: What are the benefits of Dysport?

Answer: Despite the practical identity of Dysport and Botox, Dysport still has a number of advantages, namely: • Quick results. With Dysport, the result can be seen in 2-3 days, while with Botox only after a week. • Penetration depth. Dysport is injected into the dermis to a depth of 3 cm • Duration of the result. Dysport injections smooth out wrinkles for at least six months.

Question: Is Dysport addictive?

Answer: Addiction to drugs is more emotional than physical. People get used to seeing themselves younger, without wrinkles, and the effect of botulinum toxins is reversible and the skin condition returns to its original state.

Question: Is it true that Botox or Dysport create a “mask effect”?

Answer: Yes, this happened at the dawn of the use of Botox in cosmetology, when it was not clear how many units were needed per problem area. The patient believed that butter could not spoil the porridge, and the doctor followed his lead. Now there are strict recommendations from manufacturers and such an effect is unlikely for a cosmetologist.

Question: Indications for the use of Dysport in cosmetology?

Answer: I would like to highlight the main indications for the use of Dysport: • Drooping eyebrow line • “Crow’s feet” around the eyes • Deep frown lines between the eyebrows • Deep wrinkles on the forehead • Fading skin on the neck and décolleté • General hyperactivity of the facial muscles

Question: Contraindications for Dysport?

Answer: Yes, Dysport, like all medications, has contraindications. I will list them in order: • Hypersensitivity to any of the components of botulinum toxin • Pregnancy and breastfeeding • Acute phase of the disease in any period • Oncology • Age under 18 years • Low blood clotting

Question: How many injections of Dysport are needed and for which zone?

Answer: I, as a doctor, am categorically against naming the specific number of injections required for the problem area without a personal examination of the patient. There are many factors that influence the number of injections, including excess weight, age, lifestyle, depth and length of wrinkles, and much more. Only examination and identification of the presence of diseases will give a complete picture to the doctor before deciding on the number of units required for the procedure.

Question: What is the procedure for botulinum therapy with Dysport?

Answer: The procedure can be divided into several stages: • Visual inspection of the intended area for the procedure, to identify moles, rashes or inflammation • Make-up removal and antiseptic treatment of the area for correction are carried out • Pinpoint marking of injection sites on the face • If necessary, anesthesia of the area with cream correction • Introduction of Dysport and light massaging movements to distribute the drug under the skin • The final stage is treatment with an antiseptic

Botulinum therapy procedure with Dysport

Question: Side effects after Dysport?

Answer: In 86% of cases, undesirable consequences after Dysport occur if the patient hid the presence of some disease or does not follow the doctor’s recommendations after the procedure. Short-term dizziness and swelling, pain at the injection sites are possible. I would attribute another 10% of side effects after the Dysport procedure to those who performed the procedures not by a doctor, a certified specialist... It is no secret that beauty salons or nurses at home continue to perform procedures that are strictly regulated to be done only in clinics with a medical license. And 4% of the remaining are people who are not susceptible to botulinum toxins and are sick with botulism. Too much administration of a substance at once or a very small amount, but often over a short period of time, can cause the body to become unresponsive, that is, addiction with the development of insensitivity to the drug. You can finally make sure that botulinum therapy is not suitable only by trying two different drugs, for example Dysport and Botox.

Question: Recommendations after Dysport?

Answer: After the procedure, I usually recommend: • Do not take a horizontal position for the next 3 hours • Do not mechanically impact the injection sites of Dysport for 24 hours • If injections were made in the area around the eyes, then you should not rub them for a week • Refrain from traveling to hot countries, because increased temperature and humidity contribute to the rapid elimination of Dysport • Do not drink alcohol for 2 weeks • Limit sauna, steam bath or swimming pool for 2 weeks • Also stop heavy workouts in the gym for 2 weeks.

Botulinum therapy procedure with Dysport

Reviews about the drug Dysport

Of all the botulinum toxins, I liked Dysport the most. Budget-friendly and lasts as well as Botox. I tried Botox and Xeomin in addition to this.

Dysport is great, the main thing here is to understand where the real one is and that the master is a doctor. I’ve been doing the procedure twice a year lately and everything is ok.

After 32 years, I began to think about a procedure such as Botox. At first, small and narrow wrinkles began to appear on my forehead, and then they became quite noticeable wrinkles, which 4 years have certainly added to my size. As soon as the wrinkles in the corners of the eyes stopped disappearing even at rest, not to mention the wrinkles on the forehead, I began to study the drugs in more detail. It turned out that Botox is only one of several botulinum toxin preparations. For myself, I settled on Dysport, since it is the most affordable and the effect lasts the least. For me, for the first time, just the shortest lasting effect was enough, because I had a lot of fears. A very important aspect when choosing a place for a procedure is the availability of a medical license. I read so much before deciding! The girls do it according to friends and at home. There are no words. Then you won’t have any complaints against anyone when one eye doesn’t open halfway. Only a licensed clinic and only a doctor with a valid certificate! During the consultation, the doctor found out in detail what diseases I had and whether I was taking any medications now. She asked what I expected from the procedure and explained what would happen when the drug “set up”. On the diagram of the face, the doctor marked the points where the drug would be administered and how many units were needed in my case. The result was 84 units. I signed consent to the Dysport procedure and the doctor began her duties. The doctor also said that ordinary people should not try to understand the difference between Botox, Dysport or Relatox, that’s all for doctors. The patient can try and look for his own drug, but if something works out the way you wanted, then there is no need to change the drug. The needle for inserting Dysport is very small and thin. I didn’t feel anything at all during the procedure itself. Everything lasted about 7-8 minutes in total. Consultation and preparation take much longer. I received a memo with restrictions and behavior in the next couple of days. It turned out that you cannot drink alcohol for the first 2 weeks, visit the sauna and solarium for a week, avoid heavy physical activity, and also refrain from pronounced facial emotions. After 2 days, on the contrary, you need to actively use facial expressions, so I really liked that they give such a reminder. I really liked the effect. The first to disappear were the eyebrow folds and crow's feet, and after a couple of days, the wrinkles on the forehead. The face was natural, no “mask” or anything like that. It wasn’t so usual that you kind of frown, but on your forehead it’s quiet and quiet. It seemed to me that the face itself looked younger due to the lack of wrinkles. My long-time habit of constantly wrinkling my forehead in any emotion has disappeared. In my case, Dysport lasted 5 months. Then gradually the effect faded away. I did the next procedure 7 months after the first.

Restrictions and contraindications

Before Dysport injections, you must consult with a specialist who will give an opinion on the use of the drug and conduct tests to identify existing diseases and pathologies of the body.
This is necessary in order to make a decision about using the drug. Relative contraindications include:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases, acute diseases.
  • Skin lesions in the area of ​​drug administration.

Absolute contraindications:

  • Allergic reactions to the components of the drug.
  • Some cardiovascular pathologies.
  • Autoimmune neuromuscular diseases.
  • Respiratory failure.
  • Swallowing dysfunction.
  • Some endocrine diseases.

Botulinum toxin injections are most effective for facial wrinkles. After 35 years, age-related changes in the structure of the skin begin, the intensity of collagen production decreases, tissue microcirculation worsens, and regenerative processes slow down. To combat natural changes, it is recommended to combine Dysport with anti-aging drugs.

Contraindications to the use of Dysport

  • hypersensitivity to the drug
  • myasthenia gravis (excessive fatigue of striated muscles) and myasthenic-like syndromes
  • soft tissue infections in injection areas
  • taking aminoglycosides, spectinomycin, relanium, anticoagulants, baclofen, antiplatelet agents
  • pregnancy
  • lactation
  • age up to 2 years
  • generalized movement disorders
  • bleeding disorders
  • exacerbation of herpes
  • hemophilia
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases
  • renal or liver failure

Dysport injections are successfully used to smooth out deep wrinkles. Due to the relaxation of active muscles, the skin becomes smoother. By systematically repeating the procedure (the number and period are set by the doctor), deep folds are neutralized and the formation of new ones is prevented. The maximum positive effect can be achieved through the combined use of Dysport with chemical peeling, biorevitalization, and contouring.

How does the procedure work?

Injections do not cause intense pain in most patients; anesthesia is not used for injections.

  • The cosmetologist marks out places for the injection of Dysport and disinfects the skin.
  • The drug is administered with a thin needle in a calculated dosage.
  • A cold compress is applied to the injection area.
  • After removing the compress, the patient is allowed to go home.

The first effect becomes noticeable within three days. The pronounced result is visible within one and a half to two weeks from the moment of the procedure.

Mechanism of action of Dysport

Dysport injections in cosmetology are due to the drug’s ability to relax facial muscles. By blocking neuromuscular transmission, wrinkles caused by the contraction of certain muscles are smoothed out. The procedure is reversible; muscles and nerve fibers are not affected during the procedure, and after 4-6 months the process is restored. With each new administration of Dysport, the result of the procedure is prolonged.

The effect of the drug to reduce the tone of facial muscles is most effective at 35-45 years of age. At a later age, Dysport injections become irrelevant.

The Dysport injection procedure is also used in the treatment of hyperhidrosis. Blocking neuromuscular transmission causes the sweat gland to significantly reduce its secretion. However, given that the process of sweating is an important part in maintaining the body’s water-salt balance and freeing it from decay products, specialists are very attentive to the need to carry out such a procedure.

Possible side effects

In the first 1-2 days after injections, the following may occur:

  • Slight swelling, redness, small hematomas around the needle wound.
  • Feeling of lethargy, muscle weakness in the treated area.
  • Weakness, dizziness, headache.

These symptoms are a reaction to the drug, go away on their own, and do not require seeking help.

If, after using Dysport, severe muscle weakness in the body, allergic reactions, or other symptoms are observed, you should consult a doctor.

Causes of wrinkles

Age-related changes affect the condition of the skin. We are talking about disruption of hormone production, deterioration of vascular microcirculation and insufficient regenerative activity of the epithelium. As a result, the skin becomes flabby and lifeless. A separate ailment that leads to the formation of facial wrinkles is increased tone of the facial muscles. This problem can arise even after 25 years. The first folds usually appear in the eye area, corners of the mouth and nasolabial area.

Wrinkles form gradually. First, the skin loses its elasticity due to a lack of collagen and elastin in the tissues. Then excess tension in the facial muscles appears. The rate of formation of facial folds depends on a person’s lifestyle, chronic diseases and heredity. The appearance of such a defect at a young age negatively affects the quality of life.

Reasons for appearance:

  • Excessive tension in facial muscles. All people are subject to emotions, so facial expressions are constantly involved. At a certain stage, the muscles can no longer relax completely, which is why folds appear.
  • Rapid weight loss. An aggressive method of losing weight leads to a deficiency of subcutaneous tissue.
  • Connective tissue diseases. Congenital and acquired pathologies can affect the elasticity and contractile activity of facial muscles.
  • Lack of collagen, elastin and other proteins that support tissue structure. Deficiency of these components occurs after 30 years.
  • Chronic stress. In this case, not only internal organs are affected, but also facial structures.
  • Diseases of the nervous system. All muscles contract under the influence of a nerve impulse.
  • Endocrine system disorder. Pathologies of the thyroid gland and reproductive system can cause early formation of facial folds.

The exact causes of wrinkles are not always clear. Doctors can only say that this facial skin condition is natural. Injections help fight facial folds if there is increased tone of the facial muscles.

Preparation and rehabilitation

Injections require little preparation:

  • You should not drink alcohol the day before.
  • On the day of the procedure, you must limit your mobility, do not make sudden movements, or bend over.

After injections:

  • Do not take a horizontal position for several hours.
  • Avoid sudden temperature changes.
  • Don't exercise for a few days.
  • Avoid stress on the heart.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol for two weeks.

Complications after dysport

  • Diplopia (double vision)
  • Swelling of the periorbital area (eyelids)
  • Drooping (ptosis) of the eyebrows
  • Drooping of the lower eyelid, lacrimation.

These side effects are not frequent, their occurrence is less than 1% with proper administration and a highly qualified cosmetologist.

Contraindications: neuromuscular disorders, inflammatory process on the skin, blood diseases (hemophilia), pregnancy, lactation, neurological diseases, somatic diseases, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, age under 18 years.

Only certified specialists with a certificate of specialist in the field of medical cosmetology can work with these drugs!

Injections with botulinum toxin preparations

At the Academy VIP clinic in Nizhny Novgorod, procedures with Dysport are performed by cosmetologists of the highest category with more than 15 years of experience. In a multidisciplinary medical center, the patient can undergo a comprehensive examination to identify contraindications and receive recommendations on additional ways to improve skin texture.

  • We work only with certified original Dysport. The effectiveness and safety of the procedure depends on this.
  • The clinic complies with the storage conditions for the drug. If the temperature regime is not observed, use of Dysport is prohibited. We strictly comply with the manufacturer's requirements.
  • We do not use an opened bottle for longer than the permissible period. The health of patients is our priority. We do everything to minimize the likelihood of complications.
  • The clinic has all the conditions to provide assistance in case of an allergic reaction or other side effect.

You can make an appointment for a preliminary consultation with a VIP Academy cosmetologist by calling +7 (831) 200-47-38.

Cost of Dysport injection at D. Grishkyan’s clinic in Moscow

Dysport injections cost

Procedure namePrices
Dysport - 1 unit.150
Injections of the drug Dysport in the area between the eyebrows4000
Injections of the drug Dysport in the forehead area2500
Correction of the periorbital zone with Dysport2500
Correction of the perioral zone with Dysport900
Correction of the nasal bridge with Dysport900
Chin correction with Dysport900
Treatment of palm hyperhidrosis with Dysport26000
Treatment of foot hyperhidrosis with Dysport35000
1 bottle of Dysport (500 units) one-time administration38000

Why should you use Dysport?

Of course, the choice of drug depends on the indications and preferences of the client. However, there is a difference between these drugs. Although, the effect is identical. Botox is produced by an American company, while Dysport is produced by the French

Factories producing the drug are located in France and the UK. Dysport
contains lactose, while Botox contains sodium chloride. If we talk about the content of bolotoxin in drugs, then there is less of it in Dysport. Both drugs contain auxiliary components.

Is Dysport dangerous?

Initially, botulinum toxin was used to treat spastic muscle conditions in infants, including spasmodic torticollis and severe blepharospasm. Then they began to treat migraine headaches with its help. And when it is injected into the facial muscles, they relax, which is not a harmful effect. On the contrary, during the immobilization of the muscles, the skin will be able to recover and synthesize the necessary components within itself.


Botulinum toxin does not make the face a “mask”. Facial expressions are preserved, wrinkles simply cease to appear.

How many procedures are needed and what will be the effect?

Dysport injections lead to the following results:

  • The characteristic glowing effect of healthy skin
  • Smoothing wrinkles
  • Eliminate redness
  • Tightening the oval of the face
  • Evening out skin texture

Any botulinum toxin preparation is calculated depending on which muscle needs to be immobilized, or which area should be spared from excessive sweating. In this case, the calculation is not in injections, but in quantities called “units”.

How many units are needed in your case, the doctor will tell you after the examination. We usually introduce Dysport based on the following calculations:

· if this is the forehead area, 50-70 units may be needed; · if it is crow's feet, 20-40 units will be introduced; · to immobilize the fold in the area between the eyebrows, you need to inject 30-50 units.

The face after the injections is slightly swollen, and the effect is unnoticeable in the first 2 days, but from the third day, movement of the treated muscles begins to become difficult, and by the 7th day, small wrinkles begin to smooth out. The full effect occurs 10-14 days after the administration of Dysport. The effect of the drug lasts about 6 months.

When used to eliminate sweating, Dysport begins to act within the same time frame. It lasts for about six months.

Note! To immobilize facial muscles, a set of injections is performed once, every six months. There is no need to take any repeat courses during this period.

What is the difference between the drugs

Botox is produced by ALLERGAN (USA), Dysport is produced by IPSEN (France).

The action of both drugs is based on the ability of purified botulinum toxin type A to block the impulse emanating from the nerve fiber to the facial muscle. The main difference between them is the molecular weight of the drugs, which affects the degree of diffusion into tissue. Cosmetologists equate one unit of Botox to 4 units of Dysport.

Cosmetologists at the Medial clinic have been trained under the programs of manufacturing companies, trained in European clinics and have extensive experience working with Botox and Dysport preparations.

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