Longidaza, 3000 IU, lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for injection, 5 pcs.

pharmachologic effect

The drug is highly active and is a macromolecular complex of the proteolytic enzyme hyaluronidase. When taken, it has the following effects:

  • relieves inflammation;
  • eliminates swelling;
  • promotes activation of humoral immunity;
  • antifibrotic.

Longidaza improves tissue nutrition, eliminates adhesions, contractures, accelerates the resorption of bruises and hematomas, and also increases joint mobility.

The drug works best in the initial stages of the disease, preventing its progression and the development of complications.

Longidaza also enhances the effect of local anesthetics, increasing their bioavailability.

The medication is characterized by incredibly low toxicity and the absence of negative effects on the body.

TOP-best analogues of Longidase up to 900 rubles


This medicine is often prescribed for inflammation associated with the prostate. It has a soft and effective effect of a complex type. This aspect is confirmed by numerous reviews on the network. It can be considered an effective analogue only when it comes to the treatment of prostatitis. It should be noted the presence of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The key component is a squeeze of silkworm larvae. The first result of the course will be visible after the introduction of the first candle. Gradually normalizes the process of urination and eliminates swelling in soft tissues. Can be used as the main medicine when preparing a course. The cost of packaging is not cheap, however, in terms of effectiveness, the drug is superior to expensive analogues.

Average price – 899 rubles.



  • performance;
  • complex effect;
  • pronounced treatment effect;
  • absence of synthetic additives and preservatives;
  • value for money.


  • used only for prostatitis.


The release form of this medicine is rectal suppositories. Also available in the form of a solution for injection. It is based on the use of prostate extract. This product is considered the closest analogue in composition and is used to detect prostatitis. Effectively fights inflammation and improves fluid outflow, which helps normalize urination and reduce swelling. Effectively fights the inflammatory process and improves tissue trophism. Can be used in complex therapy in people whose age is +18 years.

Cost – 872 rubles.



  • several forms of release;
  • efficiency;
  • complex action;
  • performance;
  • absence of impurities;
  • minimum number of contraindications.


  • not identified.

Prostamol Uno

This product from a time-tested German manufacturer is in high demand among European consumers. It is based on the use of creeping palm extract. The plant-based drug can be used for the complex treatment of prostatitis. The medicine copes well with swelling and inflammation in the prostate gland. After the first use, there is an improvement in the outflow of urine and a slowdown in tissue growth in the prostate area, and blood flow gradually improves. It can also be used to increase the effectiveness of therapy when detecting benign prostate adenoma. When subsequently changing medications, you should consult with a specialist regarding the safety and effectiveness of the chosen therapy. Taken once a day immediately after meals. Prescribed to patients over 18 years of age.

How much does the packaging cost? The purchase will cost 802 rubles.

Prostamol Uno


  • performance;
  • can be used during therapy;
  • release form;
  • numerous positive reviews;
  • no impurities.


  • not identified.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

When the drug is administered by injection, it immediately enters the bloodstream, due to which the maximum concentration of the active substance is achieved in less than half an hour. The bioavailability of Longidase is about 90 percent, and it penetrates into any tissue of the human body. The half-life in this case is one day, and the drug is completely eliminated only after 5 days. It is excreted mainly by the kidneys, partly by the intestines.

When using suppositories, the maximum concentration is achieved only after 60 minutes. This dosage form has 70% bioavailability, and its half-life is extended to 2-3 days.

Indications and contraindications for taking Longidaza

This drug is prescribed not only for the treatment, but also for the prevention of many diseases with connective tissue hyperplasia syndrome. It is used in the following medical fields:

  • Gynecology: for inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, as well as for adhesions in the pelvic area.
  • Pulmonology: fibrosing and sclerosing diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract, tuberculosis.
  • Urology: chronic prostatitis and complicated cystitis.
  • Surgery: prevention of adhesions after extensive abdominal surgery.
  • Dermatovenereology: scleroderma, rough, keloid, disfiguring scars after various skin pathological processes.

There are also contraindications to the use of Longidase and, despite the low toxicity of the drug, there are quite a few of them:

  • Individual intolerance to hyaluronidase.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • CKD.
  • Bleeding and hemorrhage.
  • Age under 18 years.
  • Infections during the acute period of the disease.


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Longidaza: how to take

  • Injection form. The course of therapy ranges from 5 to 25 injections, each of which is given once every few days, the frequency depends on the prescription of the treating doctor. When using Longidase for prophylactic purposes, the interval between injections is 2 weeks.

Before administration, the powder is dissolved in 1-2 milliliters of procaine or in saline if the anesthetic is intolerant. The drug is administered slowly and immediately after preparation; it cannot be stored.

  • Suppositories. They are administered vaginally before bedtime and in a lying position, rectally only after cleansing the intestines. The course of treatment ranges from 10 to 20 suppositories, depending on the pathology. The interval between administrations is from 48 to 72 hours.

What are generics?

It is not always possible to purchase an expensive original medicine in pharmacies. Sometimes you have to settle for an inexpensive substitute. What is their main difference? Let's try to figure it out using a comparison table:

A substance obtained for the first time (synthesized or isolated).The substance used is the same as the patented one.
Passed all preclinical tests.No tests are carried out.
Protected by patent for a certain period.No patent.
High price.Budget options.
Efficiency at its best.The impact indicator is 15 - 20 percent lower than the original.

Which product is better to buy? It is advisable to give preference to proven global brands, whose products fully comply with all standards and have the necessary certificates. A review of reviews shows that Chinese and Indian products (even originals) are made from poorly purified raw materials, so their effectiveness is questionable.

This is not to say that all generics are inexpensive. If the price for a package is less than 30 rubles, then it is a counterfeit. A counterfeit is revealed by sloppy packaging, blurry letters, unusual shape of tablets and their color. Experts do not advise purchasing products at a “ridiculous” price.

The advantages of generics include:

  • the opportunity to make an independent choice;
  • effectiveness in selecting the correct dosage;
  • reasonable cost;
  • Possibility to purchase at any pharmacy.

There are also negative characteristics, and they are worth mentioning:

  • changing the formulation may negatively affect the treatment: the effect decreases or becomes excessively strong;
  • when producing a generic drug, the raw materials may be of insufficient quality or not completely purified;
  • the presence of additional components other than the original may lead to allergies or side effects.

Longidase analogs

Regardless of which generic or analogue is to be found, it must, first of all, have a similar list of components and matching active ingredients, as well as indications for use. The identity of the active substance indicates that the product is pharmaceutically equivalent or pharmaceutically alternative to the original. Do not overlook the inactive ingredients in analogues, which affect safety and effectiveness.

There is no need to self-medicate and self-prescribe. Therefore, before you start taking a medication, even if it is over-the-counter, you must consult your doctor.

There are a huge number of Longidase analogues. There are generics of Russian and foreign origin. Your doctor will tell you how to choose and which company is better to give preference to. Cost should not be the main selection criterion. It is necessary to carefully study the instructions and determine its identity with the original.

The question of where to buy medication is not difficult. Longidaz analogues are sold in any pharmacy. You can order goods online in the online store. However, this is not the best option. This applies not only to this medicine, but to all medicines whose main task is to improve human health.

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