Allokin-alpha, 6 pcs., 1 mg, lyophilisate for solution for injection

Pharmacological properties of the drug Allokin-alpha

Pharmacodynamics. Alloferon is an oligopeptide. Alloferon is an effective inducer of the synthesis of endogenous alpha and gamma interferons and an activator of the natural killer system. The drug stimulates the recognition and lysis of defective cells by cytotoxic lymphocytes. During the experiments, the drug was found to be highly effective against infections caused by influenza A and B viruses, hepatitis B, and herpes. Alloferon does not cause general toxicity, allergic reactions, does not exhibit mutagenic, carcinogenic or embryotoxic effects, and does not affect reproductive function. Pharmacokinetics. After penetration into the systemic bloodstream, it interacts with immunocompetent cells, after which the detection of alloferon is difficult due to the close structural affinity of its metabolites with serum proteins. An increase in interferon levels is observed 2 hours after administration of the drug and remains at a high level (2–2.5 times higher than the usual background) for 6–8 hours, reaching the initial values ​​by the end of the day. Increased functional activity of natural killer cells is observed for 7 days after administration of the drug.

Allokin-alpha 1 mg 3 pcs. lyophilisate for preparing a solution for subcutaneous administration

pharmachologic effect

Antiviral, immunomodulatory agent.

Composition and release form Allokin-alpha 1 mg 3 pcs. lyophilisate for preparing a solution for subcutaneous administration

Solution - 1 amp.:

  • Alloferon [Histidyl-glycyl-valyl-seryl-glycyl-histidyl-glycyl-glutaminyl-histidyl-glycyl-valyl-histidyl-glycine] 1.0 mg.

Lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for subcutaneous administration 1.0 mg.

1.0 mg per clear glass ampoule. 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10 ampoules are placed in a blister pack. 1 or 2 blister packs along with instructions for use are placed in a cardboard pack

Description of the dosage form

Lyophilized powder or porous mass of white color. Hygroscopic.

Directions for use and doses

The drug is administered subcutaneously.

The standard course of treatment for infections caused by oncogenic types of human papillomavirus includes injections of the drug at a dose of 1 mg every other day, for a total of 6 injections per course.

The standard course of treatment for recurrent herpes includes injections of the drug at a dose of 1 mg every other day, for a total of 3 injections per course.

For moderate forms of acute hepatitis B, the drug is administered after verification of the diagnosis at a dose of 1 mg 3 times a week for 3 weeks (9 injections in total).

To prepare a solution for injection, use 1 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution as a solvent.


Alloferon is an oligopeptide. The nature of the pharmacological action is most similar to interferon alpha. Alloferon is an effective inducer of the synthesis of endogenous interferons and an activator of the natural killer system, capable of stimulating the recognition and lysis of defective cells by cytotoxic lymphocytes. Experiments have demonstrated high effectiveness against infections caused by influenza A and B viruses, hepatitis B and C, herpes types 1 and 2 and human papilloma (oncogenic types). Alloferon does not have general toxicity, allergenic properties, mutagenic or carcinogenic effects, does not have embryotoxic effects and does not affect reproductive function.


It quickly penetrates into the blood, where it interacts with immunocompetent cells, after which determining the concentration of Alloferon is difficult due to the close structural similarity of its metabolites to blood serum proteins. An increase in interferon concentration was observed 2 hours after administration of the drug and remained at a high level (2-2.5 times higher than the usual background) for 6-8 hours, reaching the initial values ​​by the end of the day. Increased functional activity of natural killer cells was observed within 7 days after drug administration.

Indications for use Allokin-alpha 1 mg 3 pcs. lyophilisate for preparing a solution for subcutaneous administration

Chronic papillomavirus infection caused by oncogenic human papillomaviruses, chronic recurrent herpes types 1 and 2, as part of complex therapy for the moderate (icteric) form of acute hepatitis B.


Hypersensitivity, pregnancy and breastfeeding (stop during treatment), severe autoimmune diseases. Childhood.

Application of Allokin-alpha 1 mg 3 pcs. lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for subcutaneous administration during pregnancy and lactation

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation

Contraindicated in children.

special instructions

In monotherapy, Allokin-alpha is recommended for the treatment of human papillomavirus infection caused by oncogenic types of the virus, in the absence of clinical and subclinical lesions of the cervix and anogenital area.

As part of complex therapy - for the treatment of clinical and subclinical forms of lesions of the cervix and anogenital area by human papillomavirus infection caused by oncogenic types of the virus.

Treatment of chronic recurrent herpes types 1 and 2 is recommended to begin when the very first signs of the disease appear.

For hepatitis B - no later than the 7th day from the onset of jaundice.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

If dizziness occurs, you should refrain from driving or operating machinery.


To date, no cases of drug overdose have been identified.

Side effects Allokin-alpha 1 mg 3 pcs. lyophilisate for preparing a solution for subcutaneous administration

In some cases, weakness, dizziness, and the formation of new rash elements are possible (with a herpetic infection).

Drug interactions

In the treatment of chronic recurrent genital herpes, it can be prescribed in combination with acyclovir and its derivatives (the drugs have different mechanisms of action and complement each other in the treatment of viral infection). In acute hepatitis B, the drug is prescribed against the background of generally accepted basic therapy. No interaction with other drugs has been identified.

Use of the drug Allokin-alpha

Enter s.c. To prepare the solution for injection, 0.9% sodium chloride solution is used as a solvent. When administering the drug subcutaneously, use 1 ml of solvent. Herpetic infection. The standard course of treatment for recurrent herpes infection includes injections of the drug at a dose of 1 mg subcutaneously every other day, a total of 3 injections per course. In case of insufficient effectiveness and in the absence of significant side effects, the next time the infection relapses, it is recommended to prescribe injections at a dose of 1 mg every other day, for a total of 6–9 injections per course. Hepatitis. In the treatment of moderate acute hepatitis B, the drug is administered after confirmation of the diagnosis at a dose of 1 mg 3 times a week for 3 weeks (9 injections in total). In case of a milder course of the disease, the drug is administered according to the same scheme.


Some drugs produced in Russia and abroad have a similar effect to Allokin Alpha. Such funds include:

  • Amizon;
  • Arpeflu;
  • Isoprinosine;
  • Panavir;
  • Oksolin;
  • Amiksin;
  • Kagocel;
  • Groprinosin;
  • Gardasil;
  • Cervarix.

The main analogue of Allokin Alpha is Panavir, which has similar antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. The product has approximately the same cost and effectiveness, so it is difficult to determine which drug is better. Each doctor chooses a medication for a patient based on individual factors: the patient’s condition, type of pathology, degree of severity, etc.

Special instructions for the use of the drug Allokin-alpha

It is recommended to start treatment when the first signs of the disease appear; for hepatitis B, no later than the 7th day from the onset of symptoms of jaundice. In acute hepatitis B, the drug is prescribed as part of generally accepted basic therapy. In the treatment of chronic recurrent genital herpes, it can be prescribed in combination with antiviral drugs. Use during pregnancy and lactation . During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the use of the drug is contraindicated. Children. The use of the drug is contraindicated for children under 18 years of age. The ability to influence the reaction rate when driving a vehicle or working with other mechanisms. During treatment, care must be taken when driving vehicles and engaging in other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions, since some patients may experience dizziness.

Allokin Alpha injections

This antiviral drug is used to treat such common diseases as papillomavirus and herpes. The causative agents of these pathologies live in the human body constantly, but make themselves felt only when the immune system is weakened. Symptoms of the disease can be reduced with the help of local remedies such as ointments, but the virus still remains active in the body. Injections of Allokin Alpha solution can suppress the action of pathogenic bacteria.


The main active component of the drug is a cytokine-like peptide called “alloferon”. This substance is produced through chemical synthesis and is a patented product in a number of countries, including the USA, Japan, and some European countries. Due to its uniqueness, Allokin Alpha has no analogues in structure, but only substitutes with a similar effect on the body and viruses.

Release form

The injection is produced in the form of a powder from which a solution is prepared. Allokin Alpha is packaged in ampoules of 1 mg. One package contains 1, 3, 5 or 10 injection doses, as well as a file for opening glass vessels. The shelf life of the drug is 2 years if stored at 2 to 8 degrees. In Russia, the medicine is produced by the following pharmaceutical companies:

  • "Brand Pharm";
  • “RKNPK Ministry of Health and Social Development - EPMBP”;
  • State Research Institute of Especially Pure Biological Preparations FMBA Federal State Unitary Enterprise.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Alloferon, which serves as the main active component of the drug, activates natural killer cells in the body and stimulates the production of endogenous interferons. In addition, the active substance quickly identifies and destroys cells infected with cytotoxic lymphocytic structures. During therapy with Allokin Alpha, the immune system is strengthened (the medication acts as an immunomodulator). Moreover, the drug has no toxic effects.

The main pharmacological effects of Allokin Alpha are:

  • absolute relief from the symptoms of viral hepatitis, HPV, herpes infection;
  • reducing the duration of exacerbation of pathology;
  • reducing the likelihood of complications;
  • guarantee of no relapse of the disease.

Under the influence of allofen, the action of T-lymphocytes, which constitute the immunity of cellular structures, is triggered. Such substances, during interaction with drugs, actively destroy the virus that has entered the human body. After a course of treatment with Allokin Alpha, stimulation of nerve impulses occurs, as a result of which neurocellular excitability is regulated. In addition, under the influence of the drug on smooth muscle tissue, the effect of histamine, serotonin, acetylcholine and oxytocin is enhanced.

Indications for use

Allokin Alpha is prescribed for severe immunodeficiency, which is often observed with viral infections. To prevent the progression of the pathological process, the drug is used as an immunomodulator. This antiviral medication is usually prescribed for the prevention of cervical cancer and treatment of:

  • viral hepatitis types B or C;
  • herpes;
  • cervical erosion (the drug is prescribed by a gynecologist);
  • condylomas, papillomas, warts;
  • influenza, ARVI;
  • HPV;
  • labial herpes;
  • genital herpes;
  • mixed infections of urogenital localization.


The domestically produced product is widely used to suppress the human papillomavirus. Injections are effective in strengthening the immune system; in addition, they help increase the activity of T-lymphocytes, due to which viral cells divide more slowly and completely disintegrate. Allokin Alpha is contraindicated:

  • to kid;
  • pregnant or lactating woman;
  • with pronounced autoimmune diseases;
  • in the presence of intolerance or hypersensitivity to alloferon or other components of the drug.

Allokin Alpha - instructions for use

The drug stimulates the body's production of interferon, which strengthens the immune system and actively fights infections. Alloferon Alpha is a low-toxic medicine, therefore it does not cause allergic reactions, does not have a mutagenic, teratogenic or embryotoxic effect or a carcinogenic effect. However, like any other drug, it should be used as prescribed by a doctor and according to the instructions.

How to dilute the solution

The powder from one ampoule is mixed in an isotonic sodium chloride solution (1 ml). To prevent side effects, it is not recommended to dilute the product in other drugs. In addition, you cannot combine several medications in one medical syringe. The prepared solution should be used immediately after preparation, without leaving it until the next injection, since the medication quickly loses its therapeutic effect.

How to give an injection

Before the procedure, it is important to ensure thorough hygiene of the injection site; for this, the puncture area is treated with alcohol. How to inject Allokin Alpha yourself at home:

  • the drug should be administered subcutaneously, for which the skin is gathered into a fold and a needle is inserted at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • insertion of the needle should not be deep: you need to immerse it no more than 2/3 of the length;
  • the medication is injected slowly and, as a rule, into the shoulder, thigh, abdomen or under the shoulder blade;
  • The frequency of injections and concentration of Allokin Alpha is prescribed by the doctor, based on the type of disease, severity of symptoms, etc.


The standard course of therapy with Allokin Alpha consists of three injections, which are given at intervals of a day. However, with severe pathology or advanced disease, the duration of the course increases, and the doctor adjusts the treatment regimen. To prepare the solution, it is important to use only the products specified in the instructions. Standard dosage for the treatment of viral diseases:

  • for diseases caused by oncogenic types of papillomavirus, 1 ml of the drug is administered every second day, and treatment lasts 12 days;
  • for the treatment of viral hepatitis C or B, 1 injection three times a week is indicated (9 procedures in total);
  • after a relapse of herpes, the patient is given 1 ampoule of the drug every other day, and the course of treatment includes 3 injections.
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special instructions

During treatment with Allokin Alpha, you should avoid activities that require increased concentration and quick reaction, as there is a possibility of dizziness, drowsiness, and chills. In addition, it is important to be careful when driving a car, and, if possible, to completely abandon this activity during therapy. If the use of the drug is aimed at suppressing viral hepatitis, complex treatment begins 6-7 days later than the appearance of severe symptoms of jaundice such as:

  • fever;
  • darkening of urine;
  • yellowing of the skin, eye sclera;
  • pain in the right hypochondrium.

During pregnancy and lactation

Despite the fact that the main active ingredient Allokin Alpha does not produce any teratogenic or mutagenic effects, the use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding is prohibited. If there is a need to use this medication for the treatment of viral pathologies, the child should be transferred to infant formula and weaned off the breast for the duration of therapy. Allokin Alpha and pregnancy are categorically incompatible.

Interaction with other drugs

Allokin Alpha for HPV and other viral diseases is often prescribed in combination with other drugs. For example, chronic herpes is treated by combining an injection medication with Acyclovir (or its analogues), since both drugs are antiviral and complement each other. To suppress hepatitis B, Allokin Alpha is used as part of basic therapy.

Interaction with alcohol

During treatment with the medication, it is necessary to avoid drinking alcohol, since Allokin Alpha increases the percentage of interferon in the blood, which is highly sensitive to any changes at the chemical level. The final reaction of the body can have unpredictable consequences. Despite the fact that no research has been conducted in this area, scientists have no doubt about the negative effects of mixing alcohol with the drug: this will, at a minimum, reduce the effectiveness of treatment, and in extreme cases, cause harm to health.

Side effects

Injections against HPV, hepatitis, herpes and other viruses are usually well tolerated by patients. However, in rare cases, the drug can provoke negative effects, which are often caused by an overdose of the drug, failure to comply with hygiene standards, or combination with other medications. Possible side effects:

  • dizziness;
  • muscle weakness;
  • headache;
  • decreased excitability of the nervous system;
  • allergic reactions;
  • the appearance of new foci of herpetic eruptions.

Price Allokin Alpha

The cost of an antiviral drug is influenced by several factors - the number of ampoules in a box, production, pricing policy of the pharmacy and its location. You can buy Allokin Alpha only with a doctor’s prescription, certified by a stamp and signature. The table below shows the average cost of the drug in different pharmacies in Moscow.

Manufacturer Dosage Price in rubles
Federal State Institution RKNPK of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation 3 ampoules 3800
FSUE RKNPK Rosmedtekhnologii 6 ampoules 7500
GosNII OCHB FMBA FSUE 1 ampoule 1300
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