Instructions for use and information on the medication packaging

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Instructions for use and information on the medication packaging


Each drug undergoes a series of laboratory and clinical tests, the purpose of which is to show its effectiveness and safety, as well as to identify possible undesirable effects. We tell you what the difference is between prescription and over-the-counter drugs, what you need to know about the instructions for use, and why drugs with the same active ingredient may have different names and prices.

Indications for use of the Almag 01 magnetic therapy device

What diseases does magnetic therapy help with? The list of such ailments is extremely wide. The list of indications for use of Almag 01 includes various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, neurological disorders, diseases of the cardiovascular system, etc.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system for which the use of the device is indicated:

  • osteochondrosis of the spine with reflex radicular syndrome, affecting the cervical, thoracic or lumbar regions;
  • arthritis and arthrosis of various joints: glenohumeral periarthrosis, arthritis, epicondylitis, gout;
  • deforming osteoarthritis;
  • bursitis;
  • myositis;
  • paratenonitis

Damage to the musculoskeletal system and the consequences caused by them:

  • bone fractures;
  • wounds, soft tissue contusion, hematoma, post-traumatic edema;
  • damage to ligaments and muscles;
  • postoperative wounds;
  • internal joint injuries;
  • keloid scar;
  • sluggishly healing purulent wounds, phlegmon, burns.

Neurological disorders:

  • various diseases of the peripheral nervous system;
  • neuritis: facial nerve, radial nerve, ulnar nerve, median nerve, sciatic nerve (sciatica), peroneal nerve;
  • plexitis;
  • neuralgia: trigeminal nerve, occipital nerve, intercostal neuralgia;
  • spine and spinal cord injury;
  • vascular diseases of the brain (with a combination of transient cerebrovascular accidents and chronic ischemic heart disease): cerebrospinal circulatory disorders, ischemic stroke.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system:

  • hypertension stage I-II;
  • renal hypertension;
  • coronary heart disease with stable angina pectoris (in this case, the device must be used under the supervision of the attending physician);
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypertensive type;
  • obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities (obliterating endarteritis).

Dermatological diseases:

  • itchy dermatoses;
  • conditions after skin plastic surgery.

Chronic nonspecific lung diseases:

  • chronic pneumonia;
  • Chronical bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma.

Complications of diabetes:

  • diabetic angiopathy;
  • diabetic polyneuropathy.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • pancreatitis in the subacute and chronic stages of the disease;
  • chronic gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Diseases of the venous system of the upper and lower extremities:

  • deep vein thrombosis of the leg;
  • chronic thrombophlebitis in the stage of trophic disorders;
  • varicose veins.

Diseases of the female genital organs:

  • diseases caused by ovarian hypofunction;
  • inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages during the subsidence of the acute process;
  • condition after surgical delivery (caesarean section).

Medicines and alcohol

Their combined use is strictly prohibited. This combination can cause the most severe complications. Here are just a few examples:

  • simultaneous use of aspirin and alcohol can cause not only ulceration, but also intestinal perforation;
  • paracetamol and drugs containing it with alcohol cause toxic liver poisoning and depression of the nervous system;
  • hypoglycemic agents used to treat type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus, and even small amounts of alcohol lead to a sharp decrease in glucose levels and even coma;
  • sleeping pills and alcohol reinforce each other, which leads to deep sleep, direct blockade of the respiratory center and death.


There are certain contraindications to the use of the Almag 01 device, so we recommend that you check the side effects and contraindications with your doctor.

The device is not recommended for use during pregnancy, or in the following cases:

  • the presence of an implanted pacemaker in the affected area;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • systemic blood diseases;
  • the presence of an inflammatory disease in the acute phase;
  • detected oncological diseases
  • inflammatory diseases in the acute period;
  • severe hypotension;
  • purulent processes before surgical treatment;
  • coronary heart disease in severe form;
  • acute period of cerebrovascular accident;
  • early post-infarction period;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • diencephalic syndrome.

Prescription and over-the-counter medications

Medicines are divided into prescription drugs and drugs approved for sale without a doctor's prescription. As a rule, prescription drugs include potent drugs, medications that require strict monitoring by the attending physician. Over-the-counter medications, such as those to relieve headaches or fever or cold symptoms, can be purchased at a pharmacy and used for self-medication without requiring a prescription. Nevertheless, it is important to carefully read the instructions before use; some of its points are especially important for the patient.

Which side should you apply Almag 01 to your body?

To use the medical device correctly, you need to figure out how to apply Almag 01. It is important to know the following:

  • the device consists of four inductors superimposed on the problem area;
  • due to design features, both surfaces (flat sides) of each inductor are working, which means that it makes no difference which side the device is applied to the body;
  • inductor coils should not be twisted together by 180 °
  • before the procedure you need to choose a comfortable position;
  • treatment can be carried out through light clothing, as well as through a dry bandage of plaster or gauze.

Instructions for use of the device "Almag 01"

If you do not know how to use Almag 01, the instructions for using the device will definitely be useful to you. Please read it carefully before starting treatment.

Technical characteristics of the device ALMAG-01:

The device is powered from an alternating current networkfrequency 50 Hz, voltage 220 V (- 10%, + 10%) or 230 V (- 10%, + 6%)
Power consumed by the device from the network, no more35 W
Weight of the device no more than0.62 kg
Overall dimensions of the device
— electronic unit137 x 60 x 45 mm
— impact unit (one of the coils)15 x 90 mm
Number of impact nodes4
The amplitude value of the magnetic induction on the working surface (both flat sides) of the inductor coil of the coil group of the device is(20 ± 6) mT
The pulse duration is1.5 - 2.5 ms
Repetition frequency of magnetic field pulses in each coil6 Hz
The device provides operation in intermittent mode for 6 hoursoperating time (22±1) min., break 10 min.
The device automatically disconnects from the network after(22±1) min
Mean time between failuresnot less than 1000 h
Average service life5 years

Schematic electrical diagram of "Almag 01"

People planning to use the Almag 01 device will find its diagram useful. It can be seen that the device consists of several main elements. This:

  • electronic unit responsible for generating current pulses;
  • influence unit - four inductor coils, which are connected to each other and are used to influence parts of the body affected by various diseases;
  • cable;
  • power cord.

The electronics housing is made of polystyrene, a lightweight, impact-resistant material.

When you connect the medical device to the network, two light indicators on the body light up:

  • green indicates that the device is connected to the network;
  • yellow indicates that the device is working - thanks to the connection with the timer, it goes out 20 minutes after turning on Almag 01 to the network, and the influence of the device stops, that is, the magnetic field is no longer generated.

The electrical circuit of the device is designed in such a way that for its full functioning, a break of at least 10 minutes is required between 20-minute sessions.


Package Included:

  • apparatus "Almag 01";
  • magnetic field indicator;
  • additional fastening elements;
  • user manual.

Principle of operation

The operating principle of the Almag 01 medical device is based on the use of a traveling pulsed magnetic field (TPMF). Any magnetic fields can have a healing effect on the human body, enhancing intercellular and intracellular exchange 1.

However, the BIMP has an important feature: its pulses fall in the range from 4 to 16 Hz. According to the research of the American biologist W.R. Adey2, this is a range of biologically active frequencies characteristic of our body.

The device has a rhythmic effect on diseased organs and tissues. As a result:

  • the electromagnetic characteristics of cells that have changed as a result of the disease are restored;
  • the interaction between chemical elements participating in redox processes improves, and this, in turn, also leads to the restoration of impaired body functions.

The inductor coils of the device are designed in such a way that a traveling pulsed magnetic field can penetrate deep into tissue to a depth of 8 centimeters. Thanks to this, it is possible to treat diseases of organs located deep under the skin.

It is also important to note that the device improves blood flow at the site of treatment. It means that:

  • blood viscosity decreases and, accordingly, the risk of blood clots decreases;
  • The lumen of blood vessels increases, additional capillaries open, they become more permeable.

Blood supply in the area affected by the Almag 01 device is significantly improved. The cells are provided with the necessary oxygen, construction proteins and immunoglobulins, and inflammatory products are promptly removed from them. Metabolism is activated, this leads to the fact that regeneration processes proceed more quickly, cells are restored and renewed, and the progression of the disease slows down.

The nervous system is most susceptible to the effects of BIMPs. The use of Almag 01 helps stimulate inhibition processes, which provides a sedative (calming) effect. The device can be used to treat some cases of insomnia, as the magnetic field promotes healthy sleep.

The device normalizes the production and release into the blood of hormones in the brain structures that affect the function of endocrine organs. Thanks to this, you can use it to:

  • correct some hormonal imbalances;
  • create an anti-stress effect;

Also, the Almag 01 medical device effectively treats pain syndromes of various origins. This is ensured due to the fact that BIMP is able to reduce the sensitivity of peripheral nerve receptors, and this, in turn, causes gradual attenuation and complete disappearance of pain.

The device can also help people with cerebrovascular accidents. A running pulsed magnetic field reduces the tone of brain vessels and increases their lumen. This improves cerebral circulation and makes metabolism more active 3.

The medical device has a significant impact on the cardiovascular system. Thanks to it, the heart rate is normalized, blood vessels dilate, and blood flow improves. This allows, for example, to effectively combat hypertension.

The effect of BIMP stimulates metabolic processes, provides analgesic, anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory effects. Studies have shown that during a course of treatment using Almag 01, the number of leukocytes in the blood increases. This means that the device stimulates the work of the thymus gland, lymph nodes, spleen and other immunocompetent organs.

This medical device has another important feature. Regardless of what disease you are treating, during the treatment biologically active points are stimulated, which causes a reflex response in the muscles and internal organs associated with them. This also benefits the body4.

Any organism has such a characteristic as the level of adaptation. It can be defined as the ability to withstand the negative influences of the external environment, as well as the ability to self-heal. A course of treatment with Almag 01 not only provides a variety of therapeutic effects, but also leads to a smooth increase in the patient’s level of adaptation. This contributes to the treatment of not only acute but also chronic diseases.

The device "Almag 01"

The device is extremely simple. Its main elements are an electronic unit that generates current pulses, an impact unit, which includes four interconnected inductor coils, a cable and an electronic cord. All connections are flexible and permanent5.

There are two indicators on the electronic unit housing. Green indicates that the device is connected to the network, yellow indicates that the device is working. The yellow indicator is connected to a timer and stops generating a magnetic field 20 minutes after being connected to the network. If the yellow indicator goes out, you need to turn off Almag 01 and reconnect it to the power supply after at least 10 minutes.

Inductor coils are used directly to influence the human body. Each of them has two working surfaces. This means that it makes no difference which side you apply them to.

To determine whether the device is in working order, use the magnetic field indicator included in the package. Apply it alternately to the working surfaces of the coils. It will indicate that the device is working by flashing a light or vibrating (depending on the specific type of indicator included with your device).

If you connect the device to the power supply and it is working properly, then the electronic unit begins to generate current pulses, which are distributed over coils that convert them into magnetic induction pulses. As a result, a traveling pulsed magnetic field is created in the direction from the first coil to the fourth. It provides the therapeutic effect the patient needs.

Magnetic field indicator in Almag-01

What is the included magnetic field indicator used for? This is an important additional device. The indicator will show whether the Almag 01 device is working.

How to use the device? To check the functionality of the device, it is enough:

  • connect “Almag 01” to the network;
  • put the indicator on the work surface - you can select any of the four coils.

If everything is in order with the device, it is connected to the network and generates a magnetic field, the light on the indicator body will begin to blink. If this does not happen, check that you have inserted the plug well into the outlet. If the light does not blink, this may mean the following:

  • problems with connecting to the electrical network;
  • device malfunction;
  • indicator malfunction.

Some devices come with an indicator that indicates the operation of the device not by flashing a light bulb, but by vibration.

If Almag 01 does not work and the warranty period has not yet expired, you need to contact the store where you purchased it. They will exchange your faulty device for a new one or help you send it to a service center so that specialists can fix the problem.

Safety precautions when working with the device

  1. Before using the device, be sure to carefully read the instruction manual.
  2. Inspect the device. Make sure that the housing, inductors and cables are not damaged. If there is any damage, the Almag 01 device must not be used under any circumstances.
  3. The device can only be connected to a working electrical outlet. Sockets with an operating voltage of ~220V (-10%, +10%) or ~230V (-10%, +6%) and a frequency of 50 Hz are suitable. Make sure that the network cable is not stretched to the limit when connecting.
  4. Protect the device from dampness, shock and shock. When treating the device with a disinfectant solution, avoid getting moisture inside the inductor coils and the electronic unit.

Precautions for therapeutic effects

  1. The duration of the first procedure is 10 minutes or even less.
  2. When treating two zones, the total exposure time is no more than 30 minutes.
  3. If an effect on the cervicothoracic spine is necessary, the duration of the first three procedures is no more than 10 minutes.
  4. Direct effects on the heart and brain are prohibited.

The device cannot:

  • lift and carry by the power cord;
  • place next to magnetic storage media and magnetically sensitive devices (audio, video equipment and other similar devices).

How to check the functionality of the Almag 01 device?

The delivery set includes a special device - a magnetic field indicator. It is intended to test the functionality of the Almag 01 device. It's very easy to use:

  • turn on the device;
  • place the indicator on the working surface of the coil;
  • Wait until the indicator blinks or vibrates (depending on which model is included in your kit).

If the indicator does not react in any way when the device is turned on, then something is wrong with the device.


Treatment with Almag has many advantages. The most important of them:

  • ease of use - to conduct a session, you do not need to have special knowledge and skills;
  • the ability to influence not only the skin, but also the internal organs of a person - this is achieved due to the fact that the magnetic field can penetrate 6-8 cm inside the human body;
  • safety of the device - subject to the basic precautions indicated above, it can be used by elderly people, as well as people in a weakened state;
  • good tolerance of the magnetic field by patients for whom other physiotherapeutic procedures are contraindicated;
  • complete absence of any dependence or addiction, as well as side effects - you can calmly stop the procedures at any time;
  • Almag treatment can be done at home, so you don’t have to periodically visit the treatment room, wait in line, or arrange an appointment time6;
  • the ability to cover various problem areas in one course;
  • long-term use - the average lifespan of the device is 5 years, but it can serve you longer.

The main advantage of the Almag 01 device is, of course, its high efficiency. It is confirmed by clinical studies conducted, in particular, at the Russian Scientific Center for Restorative Medicine and Balneology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Moscow City Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after N. I. Pirogov.

What does the packaging say?

On the packaging you will find the most important information about the medicine.

  • Trade and international name of the drug.
    The trade, brand name is printed in large letters, the international name - the name of the active substance, the active ingredient - in a smaller font. Drugs with the same international name may be sold under different brand names, and the price will vary.
  • Amount of active substance.
    For example, 1 ml of Omnitus syrup contains 0.8 mg butamirate citrate.
  • Method of administration
    . For example: “For oral administration.”
  • Quantity and dosage form.
    For example: 20 tablets.
  • Expiration date, storage conditions.
    For example: 5 years. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.
  • Series number and name of the manufacturing company

Mechanism of action

A traveling pulsed magnetic field is significantly more effective in affecting the cells of the human body than alternating and constant fields. Thanks to this, the device:

  • restores damaged cells and tissues;
  • improves intracellular and intercellular metabolism;
  • stimulates the restoration processes that occur in tissues.

A course consisting of 10-20 sessions helps relieve pain and improve well-being, and also promotes recovery.

Instrument statistics

Clinical studies have shown that during a course of using the Almag 01 device, the following is observed:

  • in 27.6% of patients there was a marked improvement;
  • 51.4% of patients had moderate improvement;
  • in 21% of patients there was a slight improvement.

No deterioration of the condition was recorded.

Specialists from City Clinical Hospital No. 11 7 (Ryazan) used the device to treat patients suffering from benign hyperplasia. As a result, in more than 90% of patients, pain in the genital area decreased or disappeared, and in many patients with symptoms of sexual disorders, restoration of copulatory function was noted.

In the Central Park of the State Military Clinical Hospital named after. Academician N. N. Burdenko “Almag 01” was used to treat injuries. Studies have shown that treatment times were reduced by approximately 10% compared to a control group of patients who did not participate in sessions using the device.

Side effects

Like any medicine, Triazavirin can have unwanted effects. List of consequences of use:

  • eosinophilia;
  • allergic reaction (rashes on the skin);
  • headache;
  • dyspepsia (thin stool, vomiting, nausea, bloating, gastralgia, dry oral mucosa);
  • the appearance of red blood cells, bacteria, epithelial cells in the urine;
  • increased levels of liver enzymes (ALT, AST).
  • impotence.

If symptoms appear and intensify, you should consult a doctor to adjust your therapy. In case of an overdose, severe abdominal pain, dyspepsia, vomiting, and nausea occur.

When will the effect occur?

The effect of using Almag 01, as a rule, does not occur immediately. This largely depends on the disease you want to treat. The device must be used regularly. The course, depending on the disease and its nature, can range from 10 to 20 procedures; its duration must be discussed with a doctor.

Usually the effect can be felt after several treatments. But in some cases it will be necessary to undergo a full course of treatment, and sometimes a repeated course of treatment is necessary.

What to drink with it?

If there are no special instructions, then the medications are washed down with plain boiled water. Water is a good solvent and does not affect the active substance.

You should not take medications with:

  • Do not drink with milk: cardiac glycosides, caffeine, antiulcer drugs, enzymes, antibiotics, iron and calcium supplements;
  • It is also not recommended to take medications with tea: it contains tannin, which forms insoluble compounds with nitrogen-containing drugs;
  • Calcium supplements should not be taken with carbonated water.
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