Nicotinic and butyric acids in the treatment of mental disorders

Osteochondrosis appears for various reasons. One of them is the lack of necessary substances in the nutrition of the intervertebral discs, which leads to serious changes in their structure. Thinning of the layers occurs not only in the intervertebral discs, but also in the bone and connective tissues, since there are difficulties in the supply of useful minerals and substances. Because of this, they undergo deformation and degradation. In addition, osteophytes (growths on bones) are formed.

To improve nutrition delivery, the body must first normalize blood circulation and metabolism. For this purpose, doctors prescribe drugs with a vasodilating effect.

Nicotinic acid for osteochondrosis

However, the patient must first do something else - gradually increase the concentration of nicotinic acid in the body, and then bring it to normal. This will be extremely useful in the fight against such a dangerous disease as osteochondrosis.

In this article we will understand what the disease in question is and how nicotinic acid is useful for the patient with osteochondrosis.

About the disease

In general, osteochondrosis is a disease in which intervertebral discs change pathologically.

It should immediately be noted that although this is paradoxical, medical luminaries believe that the number one cause of this disease is upright walking (moving on two legs), caused by the long process of human evolution.

Osteochondrosis is an extremely dangerous disease of the spine for humans.

In addition, various studies in the field of medicine suggest the idea that this kind of human disease was present among ancient people. The following conclusion follows from this: upright walking was not the original feature of man. This means that over time the spine itself was able to adapt to this type of walking. However, modern statisticians claim that the adaptation process was not completed completely.

In addition to a person’s genetic predisposition to osteochondrosis, there are other reasons for its occurrence. These include the following.

Table No. 1. Causes of osteochondrosis

Poor nutritionUsually the body receives the right amount of useful elements. With osteochondrosis, a problem arises in the delivery of necessary substances due to compression of the main arteries through which they arrive. This can develop due to poor nutrition.
Poor physical fitnessIf the patient’s back muscles are weak, the entire load falls on the spine and it is unknown what the maximum load that a person can withstand in such a situation is. It's better for him not to lift weights, otherwise he might make things worse for himself.
AgeOsteochondrosis often occurs in adults thirty-five to forty years old. But now more and more young people are faced with this disease. It's all about sedentary work. She is the cause of all problems.
Overweight (obesity)Increasing the amount of fat in the body, which is “enemy number one” for bones and the spine. If muscles are responsible for protecting and supporting the human skeleton, then fat deposits cause an increase in the load on the patient’s body and deformation of the intervertebral discs.
Spinal injuriesAny bruise or fracture increases the chance of the appearance and further development of osteochondrosis.

The harm of nicotine

Nicotine is a very harmful substance.

Nicotine is a dangerous neurotoxin. When poisoned, it causes cardiac arrest and paralysis of the nervous system.

The average lethal dose for humans is in the range of 0.5–1 mg per 1 kg of body weight. That is, for a man weighing 75 kg, 35 to 75 mg of this alkaloid is enough. So, indeed, a drop of pure nicotine will kill not only a horse, but also an elephant.

When smoking leaves of nicotine-containing plants, physical dependence develops. Constant contact with an alkaloid provokes pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, oncopathologies of the respiratory system and oral cavity, inflammatory processes in the gums, and stomatitis.

Treatment of osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is a chronic spinal disease, which means it cannot be cured once and for all. Because of this, the main goal of undergoing a course of treatment is different - to relieve symptoms and alleviate the patient’s health condition.

The symptoms of osteochondrosis are as follows:

  • persistent pain throughout the upper body;
  • problems with brain nutrition;
  • fainting and frequent dizziness;
  • decreased acuity of the main sense organs;
  • limited movement of limbs;

During the development of osteochondrosis, the patient often experiences headaches and discomfort in the upper extremities.

The treatment of osteochondrosis must be approached with all responsibility if there is a desire to recover as quickly as possible

Usually, a patient who suffers from moderate osteochondrosis is prescribed nicotinic acid, which is a good medicine. It can even be taken at home. In addition, it is easy to purchase since there is no need for a prescription and frequent consultations with a doctor.

Nicotinic acid perfectly removes various symptoms of osteochondrosis. It also helps blood vessels dilate and the blood become enriched with oxygen.

Nicotinic acid is taken both permanently and temporarily (if necessary). Please note that it should be taken only after meals.

Vitamin B3

According to research conducted by scientists from the USA, it turned out that a vitamin that can equally resist bacteria and infections is vitamin B. More precisely, it is vitamin B3. It copes with most bacteria that modern medicines cannot fight.

Reference: Vitamin B3 (also called niacin or vitamin PP) is a water-soluble vitamin that is easily absorbed by the body.

In addition, it turned out that niacin is a pure form of vitamin B3, and it significantly enhances the immune system (almost a thousand times). This helps protect against dangerous viruses (for example, protects against Staphylococcus aureus).

Contraindications for use

Nicotinic acid has few contraindications. Vitamin B3 is not recommended to be taken if you have the following pathologies:

  • serious liver dysfunction;
  • stroke;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • bleeding;
  • peptic ulcer at the acute stage;
  • children under 2 years old;
  • hyperuricemia;
  • severe forms of arterial hypertension;
  • gout.

Past and present of nicotinic acid

Surprisingly, this “discovery” is not new. Back in the early 60s, the American scientist, as well as the founder of such teachings as Dianetics and Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard, revealed the ability of the vitamin we are considering to remove waste and harmful toxins from the body. He also proved the safety of this vitamin for humans when consumed in excessive dosages (several thousand milligrams per day). However, a refutation was later found.

Niacin has been serving doctors for more than forty-five years as a means of detoxifying the body of patients with osteochondrosis.

An example from world history: American firefighters and rescue workers who worked on September 11, 2002 in New York at the World Trade Center (also known as the Twin Towers) underwent a Detoxification program after committing a terrible act of terrorism. It was based on Ron Hubbard's research on niacin. It was also passed by rescuers and volunteers who cleaned the Gulf of Mexico and the beaches adjacent to it from oil.

In general, niacin exists in two different forms:

  • a nicotinic acid;
  • Nicotinomide.

1867 was the time when they were able to create a new derivative product from nicotine for the first time - nicotinic acid. However, then no one bothered to understand how important this component is. Only seventy years later - in 1937 - the importance of nicotinic acid for the health of the human body was finally revealed.

Nicotinic acid was recognized as a useful medicine only after a long time.

The forms of niacin depend on the foods in which it is found. If we are talking about products of animal origin, there it takes the form of nicotinamide . If we talk about products of plant origin, then it takes the form of nicotinic acid .

A few words about nicotinic acid

This drug belongs to the class of vitamin-like drugs. However, its beneficial effect is in no way inferior to modern medical drugs.

Nicotinic acid is found in the following products:

  • milk;
  • fish;
  • fruits;
  • cereals

As a rule, its concentration in these products is sufficient to accomplish two things:

  • synthesis of all kinds of necessary substances - enzymes, as well as proteins and fats;
  • movement of hydrogen within cells.

These important processes must not be disrupted in any way.

Nicotinic acid has many positive characteristics

When taking nicotinic acid in small doses, the following happens:

  • blood thins;
  • the vessels become wider;
  • cholesterol decreases;
  • blood clots do not form.

Nicotinic acid has a beneficial effect on the central and peripheral nervous systems by enhancing nerve impulses.

Among other things, the medicine helps tissues go through the regeneration process and also normalize blood pressure.

Drug interactions

Nicotinic acid is used with caution simultaneously with other vasoactive drugs, since it enhances the effect of vascular relaxation, which causes a drop in blood pressure.

Concomitant use with bile acid sequestrants is also dangerous, since they also reduce cholesterol in the blood. If there is a need for both drugs, nicotinic acid should be taken no earlier than an hour after taking the sequestrants.

Vitamin B3 may help improve blood sugar levels. Therefore, patients with diabetes should undergo treatment under the supervision of a specialist. Additionally, you should keep in mind that taking dietary supplements containing nicotinic acid reduces the effectiveness of the following medications:

  • "Glipizide";
  • "Insulin Lizpro";
  • "Gliquidone";
  • "Phenobarbital".

In addition, for any other prescriptions, you should inform your doctor about taking nicotinic acid in order to exclude dangerous combinations.

Disease prevention

In order to prevent the development of the disease or its recurrence, the patient must take the following set of preventive measures.

  1. Proper nutrition . The patient increases the number of servings, and accordingly the amount of nutrients. In addition, a change in diet is expected - no fast foods or processed foods. The patient should eat more foods rich in proteins and fats. These include fruits and vegetables, various cereals, and meat. All this should be natural. The balance of water in the body is no less important. You need to drink water. Supermarket drinks are not permitted.
  2. Sports activities . “Movement is life,” Aristotle said many years ago. And indeed it is. Therapeutic exercise strengthens the locomotor system, improves its functioning and restores body functions. Walking, running, aerobics - all this is suitable for the prevention of osteochondrosis.
  3. Physical exercise . They must be excluded, but evenly. Hard work is canceled because bones, muscles and joints have not yet recovered. Light loads, on the contrary, are allowed in order to develop the locomotor system after the course of treatment.


Osteochondrosis is a serious disease that requires proper treatment. Once it appears, you can’t get rid of it once and for all. But this is not a reason to get upset ahead of time, because thanks to modern medicine the situation can be alleviated.

Treatment with nicotinic acid helps normalize the functioning of all parts of the body - muscles, joints, bones and blood vessels. The medicine acts quickly and effectively, eliminating pain that occurs due to osteochondrosis.

Nicotinic acid is very useful in the treatment of osteochondrosis of any part of the spine

After treatment with this drug, people claimed that their skin looked better and their cuts and wounds healed. Their hair began to grow better - it became fuller. In addition, vitality noticeably increases, immunity becomes stronger, and vision becomes sharper.

Nicotine - what is it?

Most nicotine is found in tobacco.

Nicotine is a natural alkaloid. Contained mainly in green plants of the nightshade family.

The maximum concentrations of this substance are found in tobacco and shag. In the latter, the proportion of this alkaloid varies from 7 to 14%.

This substance is present in lower concentrations in tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants. Nicotine alkaloids are also found in coca leaves.

Nicotine is a powerful insecticide. And in the recent past, it was widely used to treat plants against pests. Currently, derivatives of this substance are used as insecticides.

Initially, tobacco was prescribed as a medicine for pathological headaches - migraines. Later, a mixture of natural alkaloids was obtained by sublimation. The organic extract was used in the treatment of asthma, inflammatory processes in the spleen, and to relieve epileptic seizures.

In appearance, nicotine in its pure form is an oily liquid. It is very hygroscopic and mixes with water in any proportions.

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