Bifidumbacterin: a cure for intestinal disorders

What kind of remedy is Bifidumbacterin?

The drug is a microbial substance that contains colonies of living bifidocultures that populate the intestinal lumen. For better action, the medicine contains lactose - the “food” of bacteria, thanks to which they quickly multiply in the body. The medicine is intended to eliminate digestive pathologies and eliminate intoxications.

The tool has several forms:

  • dry preparation in powder: white, packaged in portioned sachets;
  • capsules;
  • vaginal suppositories;
  • liquid concentrate in ampoules or vials;
  • Bifidumbacterin 1000: in tablet form.

The drug package contains from 1 to 5 doses.


Bifidumbacterin refers to drugs that normalize intestinal microflora. This drug acts as a kind of “migration service” that regulates the “national” composition of the microbial population inhabiting the intestines. It is no secret that the species composition of bacterial microflora is not constant and, under certain circumstances, the balance can be shifted towards pathogenic or opportunistic microorganisms. Everything happens almost as in real life: when the number of labor migrants from third world countries reaches a critical mass, expect social unrest. In relation to the digestive tract, these “unrests” are expressed in the development of various intestinal infections. Infectious intestinal invasions, in turn, trigger inflammatory and degenerative processes in the gastrointestinal tract, cause intestinal dysbiosis, contribute to impaired motility of the digestive tract and, in most cases, tend to become chronic. Antibacterial drugs widely used to eliminate intestinal infections (including, of course, antibiotics) often carry certain side reactions “on their tail”: severe allergies, persistent dysbacteriosis, the formation of antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains (which subsequently cannot be killed even by “shafts” - any treatment will useless), suppression of cellular immunity, etc. In this regard, the efforts of infectious disease specialists at the present stage of development of medicine are aimed at acceptable limitation of antibiotic therapy and a gradual move away from these sometimes irreplaceable, but very “problematic” drugs.

Bifidumbacterin in some cases can be used as an adequate alternative to antibacterial drugs. First of all, bifidumbacterin is a probiotic, i.e. a drug that contains live microorganisms that normally inhabit the human intestine. Moving through the “nooks and crannies” of the digestive tract, these bacteria artificially introduced into the body retain their activity and in every possible way contribute to maintaining a normal internal “microclimate”, modifying the composition of the microflora and influencing its metabolism. Bifidobacteria, which are part of bifidumbacterin, are antagonistic to many pathogenic and facultative pathogenic microorganisms (here we can mention staphylococci, enteropathogenic Escherichia coli, Proteus, Shigella, a number of yeast-like fungi, etc.). Bifidobacteria restore the balance of intestinal and vaginal microflora, optimize the digestive and protective functions of the intestine, and increase the body's nonspecific resistance.

Bifidumbaktein is available in four dosage forms: tablets, vaginal and rectal suppositories (one form, but both routes of administration can be used), powder for oral and topical use, and lyophilisate for preparing a suspension. The dosage regimen depends on the purpose of using the drug and the dosage form. When preparing a solution of bifidumbacterin, it is not recommended to use water heated above 40°C. Taking oral forms of the drug is not compatible with taking antibiotics.

When is Bifidumbacterin used?

It is recommended to use the drug:

  • with dysbacteriosis;
  • acute intestinal infections;
  • malabsorption of nutrients;
  • inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • dysfunctions due to taking antibiotics;
  • for the prevention of dysbiosis in infants when changing the type of diet;
  • for the prevention of mastitis in women.

In complex therapy, the medicine is prescribed for sepsis, pneumonia, and gynecological inflammation.

How to use Bifidumbacterin powder

The dry preparation should be taken orally. Adults, depending on the condition, require from 1 to 5 doses of the drug per dose up to three times a day.

  1. The contents of the package must first be diluted with several tablespoons of warm water: about 5 ml per dose.
  2. Stir for 2-3 minutes and drink.
  3. To improve the effect, it is recommended to increase the proportion of dairy products and vegetables in the diet.

The prepared solution cannot be stored; it must be used immediately. Course of continuous treatment: from 2 to 12 weeks.

Bifidumbacterin suppositories - reviews


In defense of this drug, I can say that it really helps.... It does not cure, it only helps the body cope with the problem that has arisen.... To treat all the ailments in the instructions, more serious drugs with a bunch of contraindications are needed.... As for restoring the microflora, so with this task he copes with a bang….Therefore, it can be used not even for treatment but for prevention….It definitely won’t do any harm….Unless, of course, you are allergic to this drug….The drug needs to be stored in refrigerators, as suppositories contain lactobacilli….As for smell, but it’s quite unpleasant, it smells like fat... it’s stated in the description that it resembles the smell of confectionery fat in my opinion, I don’t remember exactly what the definition sounds like... I think that instead of taking all sorts of restorative drugs by mouth, you can go the other way!) Although this also creates psychological discomfort!) By the way, previously the price of this drug was 38 rubles, now it costs 90......apparently there is a demand....


Have a good day and good mood everyone! I am writing another review about beneficial bacteria, of which I have tried a great many in my life! This time we will talk about rectal and vaginal suppositories - Bifidumbacterin. I decided to use them after the next...


This year I vacationed on the Black Sea with my friends. She suffered from disentery. She was very seriously ill. She spent 5 days in the infectious diseases hospital. She received massive treatment with antibacterial drugs. In order to repopulate my intestines after such sanitation, I was treated with Bifidumbacterin upon returning home. Intestinal function was restored very quickly. And there was an appetite. An excellent modern probiotic preparation. And the price is affordable, unlike other widely advertised drugs.

Olga Ch.

“Bifidumbacterin” is a live bacteria that they began to give us in the infectious diseases department for whooping cough. It so happens that we are all not immune from diseases. And in case of serious illnesses, we have to be treated with antibiotics. After using antibiotics, we used to use live bacteria to restore the intestinal microflora. This time in the inpatient department they gave us Bifidumbacterin. We took it with the child 3 times a day, after an hour, after antibiotics. After being hospitalized for 2 weeks and being discharged, we continued to drink live bacteria on our own. You can buy them at the pharmacy, the cost is 100 rubles for 10 sachets.

Maria Bondarehko


For a long time I suffered from colic and problems with bowel movements in my infant, the baby was on formula, and there was always some kind of problem. We tried giving Hilak Forte, and bought dill water at the pharmacy, and gave Linex. Everything is useless.

They haven't changed pediatricians yet. The new doctor immediately told me to forget all the newfangled medications, buy bifidumbacterin and wrote a dose for a 4-month-old baby.

From the second appointment we felt relief! It’s crazy, we suffered so much, but the solution was very simple. We took the course and everything worked out.

Now, for 5 years now, this has been an indispensable item in the kit. And when taking antibiotics, we always take bifidumbacterin.

The only thing is that it needs to be stored only in the refrigerator. Well, there are inconveniences with diluting with water.

But the effect is worth it - I recommend it!



cheap and effective.


They are not here


There are many suppositories for thrush. Of course, I haven’t tried them all. In my experience, there was already a review of pimafucin and ginesol, I also wrote about it. . But, girls! Nothing compares to Bifidumbacterin suppositories at the ridiculous price of 100 rubles for 10 pieces. They are completely harmless to the body. The composition includes bifidobacteria, which are antagonists (that is, displacing pathogenic bacteria and fungi and other flora, the so-called opportunistic microflora), which are not needed in the vagina. They do not touch beneficial bacteria in the form of lactobacilli. The range of applications for candles is wide. It is also used rectally for intestinal dysbiosis.

Another advantage is that they don’t flow out of you like a stream the next day. Of course, you need to put a gasket, but the remains of the candle gradually come out and do not create any discomfort.

The candle should be placed at night, deep into the vagina. Course 7 days. If you have active thrush, you still need to use oral forms of antifungal tablets or capsules.

Thrush is notoriously difficult to remove completely from the body. Especially when a woman suffers from constant vaginal dysbiosis. For a fungus, a disturbed microflora is a paradise for life. I had white vaginal discharge for a long time, it was not accompanied by itching or anything else. Having tried Bifidumbacterin suppositories (they are made in Russia), after a week my discharge went away.

Excerpts from the instructions:

After treatment, it is important to restore your own beneficial microflora. And the easiest way to do this is to consume lactic acid products - kefir or fermented baked milk, 2-3 glasses a day. Gradually, after a month, your own flora will become a natural barrier against pathogenic microflora.

Fräulein Angelika

I also took this drug. And she gave it to the children. Only for them, of course, the dosage was less. It was well tolerated, but I can’t say anything about its effectiveness. I drank it prophylactically, so to speak.

Minx and Cheat

This is fine. The candles are very good, don't give them up. In addition, it is recommended to drink bifidum bacterin 2 weeks before birth for the benefit of the child.

Allochka 5558


Inexpensive, easy to use, helps.


For me there are none

Hello, friends! Today I’ll tell you about one remedy that helped me out at the time. These are Vitapharma's Bifidumbacterin suppositories. About five years ago I suffered from a disease called dysbacteriosis. Not only the intestines, but also the vagina. It's a disgusting thing, I want to tell you. I was treated by several doctors and all without success. Until one gynecologist prescribed me Bifidumbacterin suppositories. I had to take it for a week. Two candles in the morning and evening. The candles themselves are not expensive. I paid 65 rubles for them. Candles are a colony of bifidobacteria mixed with paraffin and confectionery fat. With their help, the intestinal or vaginal microflora is normalized. According to the instructions, the suppositories normalize the microflora, thereby improving immunity. They really help. After the course I felt better. Candles, like all similar ones, are each sealed separately. They open easily and enter too. And the most important thing is that there is an effect. The bacteria are alive. The gynecologist advised me to use suppositories every time I feel discomfort, at least for five days. That's what I started doing. I even used it during pregnancy. They always help out. They really help. At the same time they are inexpensive. I recommend these suppositories to strengthen the immune system and normalize microflora. But before use, you still need to consult a doctor. Organisms are different. I wish you health and strong immunity!



Great helper for women's health



Hello everybody. In my reviews I have already written about such a serious problem as colpitis and about such a good remedy as Terzhinan. Yes, this drug is good and helps with this problem, but after it it is necessary to restore the microflora, if this is not done, the disease returns again and again. And once again this feeling of wild discomfort overtook me again. I went to the doctor, the treatment was the same. I decided to try it myself, because I knew that a drug such as Bifidumbacterin suppositories could be used as an independent treatment. That is, this drug will simply stimulate its own microflora to fight foreign bacteria, which cause this problem. To begin with, I would like to write about the action of this remedy in gynecological practice: when these bacteria included in the suppositories enter the vagina, fill the mucous surface, suppressing the activity of other microorganisms, including harmful ones. It is in gynecological practice that the medicine is used to enhance redox processes and normalize the natural microflora, as evidenced by the instructions. It should be noted that they have a very good effect on the vaginal microflora, activating local immunity. One suppository contains approximately 10 million CFU of Bifidobacterium bifidum, one package contains 10 suppositories. Personally, it was enough for me for one course of use. How to use: One suppository in the morning and evening before bed. As for leaking out, I can immediately say that they practically don’t flow at all, maybe due to the fact that the suppositories themselves are small, so to speak, or maybe they are simply well distributed along the walls of the vagina, so that by the end there’s simply nothing to leak out. Now the result of my treatment: I am very pleased with this drug, and even moreover, I will say that why don’t gynecologists prescribe this drug as an independent one? My symptoms began to disappear almost immediately, somewhere after the fourth suppository. And then they completely disappeared, which I was very surprised at, since I couldn’t even imagine that this cheap remedy could help in treating such an ailment. In general, I recommend it to everyone. And it restores the microflora and gets rid of terrible bacteria. Because all antibacterial suppositories destroy not only bad microbes, but also good ones.



Helps with constipation



Good day! Today is my review of Bifidumbacterin suppositories from the Vita Pharma campaign. Candles should be stored in the refrigerator. Here, if you are interested, read the instructions. There are many indications. It was prescribed to me a long time ago for the treatment of thrush. At first they helped well, then they stopped. The candles are small, which is very convenient for children to use. But what an inconvenient packaging! Don't break along the dotted line. Each cell opens with great difficulty. I've never seen anything so uncomfortable. But here, apparently, it’s either good packaging or a cheap price. I recently started using these suppositories for constipation in children. Previously, we used glycerin or microlax. But one doctor said that this is very harmful for children and suggested using these suppositories. They are small in size and children do not experience any discomfort when using them. This is a very safe and effective method. Everything comes out quickly and smoothly, if not on the same day, then the next day - for sure! I am very glad that I learned about this use of these candles. But! Everything that suits us may not suit you and vice versa. Thank you for your attention! See you soon!



effective, low price



After a summer holiday, which was not typical for water, a different climate and sea, the gynecologist recommended that it was necessary to restore the microflora. All suppositories that the doctor suggested cost from 380 to 650 rubles. I decided to buy something simpler, especially since it’s not for treatment, but for normalization. I read about the side effects of advertised and expensive candles, especially since I had no desire to buy them. I chose the most harmless remedy, Bifidumbacterin. But for those who have poor microflora, it is not recommended to use it; by introducing new bacteria, it can cause even more harm! For the rest, Bifidumbacterin is just that. The package contains Bifidumbacterin, 10 suppositories. It is necessary to store them in the refrigerator on the door (it is less cool there). It is better to use at night. Insert and immediately take a horizontal position, candles tend to melt and leak, you need to use a panty liner. I used two packages of Bifidumbacterin, I bought the second one just to be sure to put it on course. I used it every day at night; if I didn’t plan to go anywhere before lunch, I used another candle in the morning. They do not cause any discomfort. The candles are odorless, white, non-greasy, and do not cause discomfort. There were no side effects. I visited the gynecologist again, examined and tested, the microflora was ideal. Suppositories Bifidumbacterin, I recommend!



not expensive, effective



Hello everyone, good day everyone! I don’t like to write about medications and illnesses, but this remedy amazed me, so I think it’s necessary to bring it to my attention. Anyone who has encountered such a beast, in quotation marks, as dysbiosis, knows what a nasty thing it is. When everything hurts at once, when medications for indigestion and others don’t help, but it only gets worse. So I became acquainted with this problem, fortunately I did not suffer for long, a kind pharmacist recommended a budget remedy, namely Bifidumbacterin suppositories, explaining that suppositories do not pass through the entire gastrointestinal tract, which is safer than powders and capsules. Of course, the administration of the drug itself is not a pleasant thing, it’s easier to swallow a pill and wait for the result, but the effect of the suppository comes faster, the symptoms disappear almost immediately, so, of course, I’m not a doctor, but I recommend it. Although it is better to consult with a specialist, by the way, I have heard that after antibiotics, in order to avoid thrush, this drug is taken vaginally. Health to everyone!



Necessary for preventing the consequences of antibiotic treatment.



Good day everyone. I’m ashamed to admit, but only after I was forty years old did I learn that there is not only intestinal dysbiosis, but also a similar disorder of the vagina. I found out in a good sanatorium in Sochi, when I went to a paid gynecologist, due to constant irritations of the mucous membrane of unknown origin. The doctor explained to me for a long time the consequences of taking antibiotics (and I was fond of them at that time), and I transferred everything to the intestines. I underwent treatment there - antifungal prophylaxis. And I learned about a treatment regimen for the consequences of taking antibiotics: a course of nystatin (tablets and suppositories), a course of bifidumbacterin (tablets and suppositories). Since then there has been almost no irritation.


It so happened that after taking antibiotics, the microflora was disrupted not only in the intestines... And I was treated for a long time and persistently for bacterial vaginosis and subsequent thrush. But treating them is one thing, but you also need to restore the microflora, this is completely different.

Before that, I saw a doctor, who, after a course of treatment for vaginosis, prescribed me for recovery

These are the suppositories that caused a severe exacerbation of thrush, although, it would seem, everything had already been cured. I decided not to take any more risks with those candles, especially since I had read about them that they have the property of causing thrush. But we need to somehow restore the microflora!

I read on the Internet about such a mega-budget product as Bifidumbacterin.

It costs only 80 rubles, 10 suppositories, which must be used once a day. In addition, they do not provoke an exacerbation of thrush (at least that is what was written).

The most important thing before using such drugs to restore microflora is to completely treat thrush. For example, if only local remedies (suppositories, creams) were used to treat it, then it is very likely that with a course of Bifidumbacterin, thrush will occur again. Therefore, it is important to combine treatment: take pills and use local remedies, and only when you are sure that the thrush has been treated can you take a recovery course.

First I got treatment

tablets and suppositories for thrush, and then, a week later, I started taking Bifidumbacterin. I must say, I was very afraid that, as in the first case, I would have an exacerbation, but this, thank God, did not happen. I was able to complete the entire course, and I was satisfied with the results. In addition, I was pleased that the discharge with these candles is quite small, non-liquid, they do not cause discomfort, one daily pad is enough. I will continue to use this drug if necessary.


On January 1 (no, just imagine) I wake up and instead of eating salads and joy from the upcoming long holidays, I feel almost all the delights of thrush. Alas

We had a couple of remedies in stock (candles

clotrimazole and the remnants of the terrible

Metrogil, who, by the way, again gave all his terrible side effects), who immediately went into battle. Neither on the 1st, nor on the 2nd, nor even on the 3rd, I could not get through to the antenatal clinic, so I had no choice - I fought on my own. The fact that it was thrush was guessed only by the terrible itching and weak odorless discharge (if there was one, then one could assume something else, but only thrush coincides), so I treat it with whatever I have, but all the time there is no doubt: I'm flying? Because the discharge is too weak and not “milky” enough.

Therefore, after the almost complete disappearance of the symptoms (which means it’s probably all the same), on the third day I decided to help the microflora of the long-suffering organ and the Internet suggested Bifidumbacterin!

Biological properties - living microbial cells of bifidobacteria have high antagonistic activity against a wide range of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms, including staphylococci, Proteus, enteropathogenic Escherichia coli, Shigella, yeast-like fungi, which determines the normalizing effect of the drug in disorders of intestinal bacteriocenosis and female genitalia. Displacement of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora contributes to the restoration of normal flora.

The indications for use are quite extensive (in the quote they were reduced to one that interested me), but the essence comes down to restoring the natural microflora:

Vaginally for adults:

  • Vaginal dysbiosis, including bacterial vaginosis (gardnerellosis); prescribed as an independent remedy or in combination with immunobiological drugs.

The drug is used to restore normal microflora in combination with and after specific antimicrobial, antiviral and immunomodulatory therapy.

And the price is just a fairy tale - 65 rubles for 10 candles. Course 5-10 days, 1-2 per day. The packaging is more than enough.

There is nothing scary or chemical in the composition, we calmly use it without the threat of “we treat one thing, we cripple another.”

1 suppository contains:

Active substance: bifidobacterium bifidum - at least 10 million CFU. Aux. things

It can also be used rectally, but I haven’t used them that way, but I have no doubt that the effect should be as expected.

In gynecological practice: (nonspecific colpitis, vaginal dysbiosis, senile vaginitis of a hormonal nature, etc.) the drug is prescribed vaginally, 1 suppository 2 times a day for 5-10 days. ... Rehabilitation therapy after the use of antibiotics: the drug is administered 1 suppository 1-2 times a day for 10 days. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated after 10-20 days.

I used 1 suppository at night for 7 days.

Keep in mind, use after treating thrush!

There are no contraindications for the use of bifidumbacterin. It is not recommended to use the drug in the presence of yeast-like fungi (“thrush”) due to the risk of exacerbation of the disease.

When I first opened the package, I was a little scared by the color of the tip of the candle - light brown, despite the fact that the rest of the color was white, but after reading the dosage form, it becomes clear that there is no need to worry

Suppositories are white or different shades of beige, cone-shaped or cylindrical in shape, color inhomogeneity in the form of inclusions or “marbling” is allowed, as well as the coloring of the tip of the suppository from pale yellow to light brown, has a specific smell of confectionery fat.

The “well-being” became more pleasing every day and the slightest signs of the former itching receded, worries about the “plucked” natural flora were calmed by bifidumbacterin. I recommend!


Hello! Did you know that this inexpensive drug helps cope with such a problem as vaginal candidiasis... I think every woman is aware of this problem. And if after antibiotics, for the purpose of prevention, you take a course of suppositories, then thrush may not occur. And if you are overcome by such an illness, then these suppositories will help restore the vaginal microflora. After all, fungi destroy normal microflora and destroy beneficial bacteria. So, after taking the pill, we use these suppositories as a course, 2 times a day, 1 pc. 5 days. Just this pack is enough for one course. The sage dissolves quickly, and during the day you can’t live without it every day. But by the way, not much of it flows out, and the candle itself is small. There is absolutely no smell. They didn't cause any discomfort either. But!!! Because this is still a pharmaceutical drug, use it after consultation with a doctor!!! And in general, thrush does not like self-medication, everything is under the supervision of a doctor! It is necessary to take smears, otherwise there is a risk of relapse. Although it is always there and this nasty thing can overcome us from decreased immunity, from taking antibiotics and even from stress and sweets! And you definitely need to treat the porter! Otherwise, everything will be in circles... don’t get sick, my dears

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