Vasodilator drugs (peripheral vasodilators)

One of the most common diseases is spinal osteochondrosis, which affects every second person in the world, regardless of body type, social status and other characteristics. Speaking about the symptoms of this disease, we can note unpleasant sensations in different areas of the back in the form of pain, heaviness and discomfort. The reason for this is dystrophic changes in the intervertebral discs and joints, due to which destructive processes develop, swelling appears and the surrounding tissues become inflamed, which leads to pain.

The most important “highlight” of osteochondrosis is that during destructive processes, nerve endings and fibers in the sympathetic nervous system are damaged, impulses moving through the blood vessels weaken, and therefore spasms occur in the vascular system and blood supply is disrupted. Taken together, this slows down metabolism, worsens the quality of internal organs, and without competent treatment can lead to irreparable consequences. Thus, with such an insidious disease as osteochondrosis, it is important to use vasodilating drugs that are included in the prescribed set of medications.

When monitoring the development of osteochondrosis, one can often notice that the reaction to irritation of pain receptors is vasospasm, which complicates the patient’s situation. Also, such a reaction can occur when blood vessels are compressed by the vertebral processes. For the same reason, there is an increase in inflammatory tissue edema and progression of ischemic disease. As a result, the degree of damage to cartilage and bones worsens. This is why medications that dilate vascular walls are so important for those who have been diagnosed with osteochondrosis.

Vasodilators for osteochondrosis of the neck

In the article we will understand how vasodilators work for osteochondrosis of the neck, what their types are and how to take them correctly.

The main causes of pathology and stages of its development

Near the spine, blood vessels, rich in oxygen and nutrients, pass from the heart to the brain. The lateral processes of the vertebrae form a canal through which the vertebral arteries pass, the function of which is to supply blood to the occipital, temporal lobes and inner ear. These areas of the brain are responsible for the perception and processing of visual and sound information, as well as for the analysis of taste and smell. The center of balance is in the inner ear.

Note! A pathological change in the vertebrae can be called a situation when they slightly change their position, therefore, the channels narrow, which leads to disruption of blood flow and a sense of balance. However, osteophytes, the same bone growths, irritate nerve endings and blood vessels and provoke their spasms. This is the essence of osteochondrosis.

There are three stages of pathological changes in blood circulation in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

  1. At the first (initial) stage, the patient experiences dizziness, headache spasms, ringing and noise in the ears, problems sleeping, decreased productivity and focusing on anything.
  2. In the second stage (subcompensation), the patient is characterized by forgetfulness, lethargy, problems with controlling his actions and speech, and his mental and physical activity is noticeably reduced.
  3. During the third stage (decompensation), the patient’s central nervous system experiences irreversible changes that make the person conditionally incapacitated, that is, from that moment on, he is unable to independently care for himself and his life.

There are several stages of development of cervical osteochondrosis

Eating disorders and the development of ischemic changes can provoke the occurrence of symptoms that are typical for the symptoms of osteochondrosis of the neck. A person begins to feel pain in various parts of the head, tinnitus, and also complain of problems with vision and hearing. There is the most severe manifestation of this disease, the symptoms of which are similar to those of ischemic stroke.

If negative influencing factors are periodically repeated, then even many years of remission will not be able to protect against the return of the diagnosis.

The most common reasons will be presented below, but this does not mean that there are others. Most residents of large cities are at risk of developing this disease or are already taking special medications for cervical osteochondrosis.

  1. Overeating and, as a consequence, excess weight, since there is no disease that would not be complicated by the presence of excess fat.
  2. Problems with posture.
  3. Constant and long-term work at the computer.
  4. A sedentary or lying lifestyle is one of the main factors. If a person does not move enough, then his muscles weaken due to “uselessness”. They usually take on most of the load on the spine. But in a weakened state of the muscles, the spine will not be able to cope with heavy loads for long.

In order to prevent and prevent further development of the disease, it is customary to prescribe treatment with vasodilating drugs.

Drug groups

There is a fairly large list of which drugs dilate cerebral vessels.

It includes funds from several groups:

  • Adrenergic blockers;
  • Calcium antagonists;
  • Plant alkaloids (ergot, opium poppy, etc.);
  • Phosphodiesterase inhibitors;
  • Correctors for cerebrovascular accidents;
  • Nootropics;
  • Nicotinic acid preparations;
  • Purine derivatives, etc.

Many drugs from different groups have a vasodilating effect.

Adrenergic blockers

Adrenaline has a vasoconstrictor effect. Adrenergic blockers deactivate adrenaline receptors and the hormone itself, which leads to rapid vasodilation.

There are four types of adrenergic receptors in the walls of blood vessels, and therefore drugs are divided into:

  • Alpha blockers (alpha-1 and alpha-2);
  • Beta blockers (beta-1 and beta-2);
  • Alpha-beta adrenergic blockers.

Drugs from these groups affect blood vessels of various locations, therefore they are used to treat diseases of various organs and systems.

Alpha-blockers have a faster vasodilating effect. Therefore, they are used to treat migraines, hypertensive crises, stroke.

One of the main signs of high blood pressure is pain.

Which drugs in this series dilate the blood vessels of the brain best are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Popular drugs for cerebral vessels from among alpha-blockers:

Alpha-1 blockersAlpha 1-2 adrenergic blockers

It should be noted that alpha-2 blockers (the drug Yohimbine) have virtually no effect on the cerebral arteries and are used mainly for the treatment of male impotence.

Beta blockers (Anaprilin, Propranolol, Obzidan, Timolol) initially cause vasoconstriction, but when taken for 1-2 weeks it gives way to dilation. Therefore, these drugs are prescribed for systematic use in arterial hypertension.

At the same time, there are non-selective beta blockers and selective ones. The first group has a non-selective vasodilator effect. The second group affects the heart more and has virtually no effect on blood circulation in the central nervous system. Therefore, the list of indications for these drugs differs.

Calcium channel blockers

These drugs can act only on the arteries, leaving the tone of the venous vessels unchanged. At the same time, the flow of arterial blood to the brain improves, which improves its nutrition, causes oxygen saturation, and increases metabolism. For these properties, calcium antagonists are used in the treatment of hypertension, heart and vascular diseases, and stroke.

This group of drugs includes 3 generations. First generation drugs have a faster effect, while second generation drugs have prolonged effects. The newest drugs act for a long time and more selectively on the heart and peripheral vessels, and also have fewer side effects.

Table 2. The most popular representatives of the pharmacological group:

Pharmacological group1st generation2nd generation3rd generation
  • Anipamil
  • Gallopamil
  • Tiapamil
  • Falipamil
  • Nicardipine
  • Nifedipine
  • Amlodipine
  • Riodipine
  • Felodipin
  • Isradipin
  • Nimodipine
  • Nisoldipine
  • Lacidipine
  • Lercanidipine

Some of these drugs are not among those registered by the Ministry of Health, since their clinical trials have not yet been completed (for example, Anipamil, Gallopamil, Tiapamil, etc.). The most proven and long-used remedy from this group is Verapamil.

It is available under various trade names:

  • Isoptin;
  • Lekoptin;
  • Kaveril;
  • Veracard et al.

But despite its safety, Verapamil is more used as an antiarrhythmic drug due to its effect on the heart.

Dihydropyridines of the 2nd generation are most widely used as vasodilators due to their pronounced antispasmodic activity. These funds are represented in our country by a very large list. Their trade names can be seen in the photo below:

The most popular 2nd generation drugs

Preparations based on plant alkaloids

Don't be alarmed by the origins of these drugs. Although they are obtained from parts of poisonous plants, alkaloids in such small quantities are not capable of causing poisoning of the body (if used correctly), but they have a number of beneficial effects.

Ergot alkaloids

Substances related to ergot alkaloids cause different effects in the human body and affect different organs. In particular, some drugs from this group have an adrenergic blocking effect, as a result of which the tone of vascular smooth muscle fibers decreases and they dilate.

Therefore, these drugs are used to lower blood pressure and treat headaches of various origins. Not all ergot alkaloids are used for these purposes (some of them even have the opposite effect), so they should be prescribed by a doctor.

The following have proven themselves to be good for dilating the arteries of the brain:

  • Nicergoline;
  • Ergotamine and dihydroergotamine;
  • Ergotoxin and dihydroergotoxin.

These drugs have a number of side effects, which are sometimes difficult to distinguish from the disease itself (nausea, dizziness). In addition, they can cause poisoning if used incorrectly. Therefore, they can only be used as prescribed by a doctor and under his supervision.

Opium poppy alkaloid

Papaverine, an alkaloid from the opium poppy, is a well-known antispasmodic drug that causes vasodilation and a decrease in blood pressure. This drug for eliminating spasm of the cerebral arteries acts on smooth muscle fibers throughout the body.

Therefore, the range of its application is very wide:

  • tension headaches;
  • spasmodic pain in the abdomen (with intestinal spasms, biliary colic, etc.);
  • bronchospasms;
  • menstrual pain;
  • spasmodic pain in the genitourinary system (with urethritis, cystitis, kidney stones, etc.);
  • treatment of cardiovascular diseases (angina pectoris, endoarteritis, etc.);
  • vasospasms.

The use of papaverine is possible during pregnancy at any stage, since it is not only harmless to the mother and child, but also, by dilating blood vessels, improves blood supply to the uterus, which contributes to a more active delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the child. The price of this drug is affordable for everyone, which makes it the drug of choice in many situations.

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In case of serious problems with the blood supply to the brain, especially with ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes, the use of agents that not only dilate blood vessels, but also have antioxidant and antihypoxic activity is vital. Such vasodilators for the brain are called correctors of cerebral circulatory disorders.

These include:

  • Vinpocetine;
  • Bravinton;
  • Cavinton;
  • Telektol.

They not only dilate blood vessels, but also have a positive effect on tissue blood supply, microcirculation, oxygen supply, and restore metabolic processes in brain tissue.

Most medications are used to treat and prevent brain diseases

These drugs can be used both for acute conditions and for their prevention, including to stimulate brain activity, improve memory during exams and in situations requiring increased mental performance. But they must be prescribed by a doctor.

Without medical supervision, you can use dietary supplements (dietary supplements) with a similar effect, containing Gingo Biloba, Instenon, Vasobral and other substances).


Nootropics have a similar effect to the previous group of drugs. But they are still capable of protecting brain cells from various unfavorable phenomena due to the stabilization of their membranes, increased production of ATP and various biologically active substances, proteins, etc.

Therefore, these drugs to eliminate spasm of blood vessels in the head are used in many degenerative diseases of the brain:

  • For tumors;
  • For injuries and concussions;
  • For cerebral atherosclerosis;
  • After hypoxic conditions;
  • For memory impairment;
  • In children with mental retardation syndrome.

Nootropics are used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of fatigue in situations that require increased attention and mental activity, to improve memory, normalize sleep, etc. The most commonly used drugs from this group are presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Nootropics:

Pharmacological groupDrug names
Pyrrolidone derivativesPiracetam
GABA derivatives and analoguesAminalon, Phenibut, Sodium hydroxybutyrate
Amino acidsGlycine
Diaphenylpyrrolidone derivativesFenotropil

In addition to these drugs, drugs from other groups also have a nootropic effect:

  • Adrenergic blockers (Cinnarizine);
  • Neuromodulators (Phenotropil);
  • Correctors NMC (Vinpocetine);
  • General tonics (succinic acid, melatonin, ginseng extract);
  • Antioxidants (Mexidol), etc.

Almost all of them have a pronounced vasodilating effect.

Purine derivatives

The most prominent representative of this group with a pronounced vasodilating effect is Pentoxifylline. This drug not only dilates the arteries, but also activates collateral circulation.

In addition, it increases the ATP content in the brain (this is the substance responsible for the production of energy in the body for all biological processes in it). Which leads to improved blood supply, oxygen saturation, and improvement of all metabolic processes. Therefore, Pentoxifylline is used for various diseases associated with circulatory disorders, including ischemic stroke.

Spasmed vessels allow less blood to pass through and do not provide adequate nutrition to brain tissue

Nicotinic acid preparations

Drugs for dilating cerebral blood vessels from this group contain nicotinic acid or its derivatives. They have a positive effect on blood composition, lower cholesterol levels, prevent the formation of blood clots, and also dilate capillaries and larger vessels.

The most used means:

  • A nicotinic acid;
  • Nikoshpan;
  • Enduratin.

They are used for the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases and cerebrovascular diseases. Due to its vasodilating effect, nicotinic acid stimulates nutrition and hair growth, so it is also used for increased hair loss.

Mechanism of action

Medications specializing in vasodilation and used in the treatment of neck osteochondrosis are divided into 2 general groups.

  1. Centrally acting drugs that act on the vasomotor center, which, in turn, is located deep inside the brain.
  2. Peripheral-acting drugs, which are divided into a couple of subgroups:
  • drugs that are used to weaken the pain nerve impulse. They belong to the group of neutropic principles of action: they block the impulse, thereby stopping its harmful effect on smooth vascular muscles and preventing spasms;
  • drugs that are used to directly or indirectly influence the vascular muscles, thereby helping to increase the lumen of the vessel. The need for this therapy is that it helps to cope with spasms of the smooth muscle walls that regulate the lumen of blood vessels. The lumen of the blood vessels should not narrow, as this makes it difficult to nourish the tissues.

You only need to contact a specialist to select the right medicine - based on the tests, he will prescribe the right drug

Only a doctor who specializes in this is able to correctly draw up a treatment plan and select a set of medications that will help cope with this pathology. It is important to note that taking these medications cannot be long-term. When the natural course of transmission of nerve signals to the blood vessels is normalized, their reception can be completed. If you follow the doctor’s treatment plan, you can avoid unwanted severe consequences and complications for your body and health when treating cervical osteochondrosis with various drugs.

Classification of peripheral vasodilator drugs

Peripheral vasodilator drugs are classified according to their chemical structure and origin into:

  • 2-amino-1-phenylethanol derivatives: isoxsuprine;
  • nicotinic acid preparations: nicotinic acid;
  • purine derivatives: xanthinol nicotinate, pentoxifylline;
  • ergot alkaloids: nicergoline;
  • Vinca alkaloids: vincamine;
  • others: naftidofuryl, bendazole, bencyclane.

In addition, magnesium sulfate, hydralazine, antihypertensive drugs - calcium antagonists (amlodipine, nifedipine, felodipine, isradipine, nitrendipine), nitric oxide donors (sodium nitroprusside), potassium channel activators (minoxidil, diazoxide) have a peripheral vasodilating effect.

There are also combination preparations of the peripheral vasodilator bendazole with the myotropic antispasmodic papaverine.

About precaution

Do not overuse vasodilators.

Note! You cannot take all drugs of this effect at once. Making a treatment plan on your own can be very risky and dangerous. It is the treating specialist, and not someone else, who must analyze the symptoms, make a diagnosis, and then prescribe the necessary medications.

Every doctor has his own opinion about vasodilator drugs. This may be due to the fact that any small error can cause harm to a person, so it is important to know that such medications:

  • provoke the removal of calcium from the body, which can have a negative effect on the restoration of bones and intervertebral discs;
  • act not only on affected vessels, but also on healthy ones, and this leads to the opposite effect;
  • often lead to a “stealing effect”, i.e. they dilate and improve the condition of healthy blood vessels, and not those for which the therapy was carried out.

Vasodilators have some contraindications and side effects

It is clear that vasodilation as the main treatment for ischemia and atherosclerosis cannot be considered a good option.

Like any medicine, drugs for vasodilation have certain contraindications. Some of them are like this.

  1. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  2. Epilepsy.
  3. Cardiac disorders.
  4. Hypertension, that is, constant high blood pressure.
  5. Kidney failure.

You should also stop taking medications if you have allergies or individual intolerances.

Goals of drug treatment

Treatment of osteochondrosis with drugs is so effective in the early stages of the disease that, with a properly selected treatment regimen, it can completely cure osteochondrosis or permanently eliminate its most unpleasant symptoms. In the later stages, drug control of the disease is possible.

Medicines for osteochondrosis are designed to influence the disease not only symptomatically, but also to eliminate its causes systemically. Therefore, therapy is carried out in the following directions:

  • anesthesia of affected areas;
  • relieving inflammation and stopping the acute period of the disease;
  • restoration of microcirculation in affected tissues;
  • improving metabolic processes and protecting cartilage from further destruction (for example, by free radicals);
  • regeneration of cartilage tissue in intervertebral discs;
  • restoration of mobility in the vertebral joints.

In cases where the disease is accompanied by depression or emotional stress, therapy is also aimed at restoring a normal psychological state.

During the period of remission, patients can do without medications or take them in courses in prophylactic dosages.

List of special substances for vessels

Vascular medications for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine are prescribed by a doctor. Various drugs are used to normalize blood flow.

Aminophylline (“Eufillin”)

Today, one of the most well-known active ingredients of vasodilator drugs is aminophylline. An example of such a medicine is “Eufillin”. It is usually prescribed as tablets, but there is also a type of medicine for intramuscular and intravenous therapies. It is also widely used with electrophoresis for pathological processes in the spine. The main function is based on the fact that it relaxes vascular smooth muscles, so taking this drug helps prevent the development of blood clots and improve circulation. Ultimately, the pain is relieved and blood circulation improves as the muscles relax.

You should only take this medication if it has been prescribed by a specialist, because it has several unpleasant side effects. For example, convulsive syndrome, pain in the heart, blood pressure may suddenly drop, dizziness and some others.

Rules for taking Eufillin

Nicotinic acid, or vitamin PP

Nicotinic acid is used to dilate small vessels, even those in the brain. The use of this drug has a good effect on blood circulation, allows you to achieve a special effect and lowers the cholesterol level in the blood. Basically, the substance is used intramuscularly, but there are cases when it is administered intravenously.

Side effects of vitamin PP include dizziness, slight redness of the face, flushing of the upper body, and a feeling of flushing in the head. There is no need to worry if this medicine has been prescribed, since all the “side effects” listed above are short-lived, which means they will quickly disappear.

Rules for taking nicotinic acid

Lipoic acid, or berlithione

Lipoic acid is used in medicine to improve endoneurial blood flow. Berlition stimulates the strengthening of blood vessels and leads to cell restoration.

In tablets, take 0.05 g after meals 3-4 times a day.


Pentoxifylline helps get rid of spasms in blood vessels and has a good effect on clotting. Also, the use of this drug has the following effect: it stops platelet aggregation and makes the blood less viscous, which leads to increased bleeding in problem areas.

The drug is used both intravenously and in tablets. Bad consequences include hypotension, arrhythmia, heart pain, and headaches.

Features of treatment with peripheral vasodilator drugs

Due to the high risk of shock and collapse - a sharp drop in blood pressure with loss of consciousness - peripheral vasodilator drugs are prescribed with caution to people with hypotension (low blood pressure).

Peripheral vasodilator drugs, lowering blood pressure, with a sharp change in the horizontal position of the body to a vertical one, can lead to an outflow of blood from the brain, which is manifested by dizziness and even loss of consciousness. This condition is called orthostatic hypotension. To prevent the development of such an effect after taking peripheral vasodilator drugs, the patient should lie down or sit for about half an hour, without getting up suddenly.

Since peripheral vasodilator drugs thin the blood, having an antiplatelet effect, their use is contraindicated in patients with reduced blood clotting and uncontrolled bleeding.

When using peripheral vasodilator drugs, you should stop drinking alcohol and smoking.

Treatment of neck osteochondrosis with ointments

When treating osteochondrosis, special ointments are often used to alleviate the patient’s illness. Their peculiarity is that they have a very small number of contraindications (possible pressure changes, headaches, nausea, dizziness and drowsiness), act gently and do not cause discomfort. Abiflor ointment is very effective and popular among people, which helps to expand and strengthen vascular walls, as well as regenerate their patency and reduce pain. The composition includes the following components: perfume oils, emulsifiers, fir water extract, vitamin E and some others.

At the same time, there are other ointments with the effect of dilating the walls of blood vessels, which have a warming effect:

  • "Nicoflex";
  • "Menovazan";
  • "Gevkamen" and others.

The use of vasodilating ointments gives no less effective results

The main thing to remember is that before taking vascular medications, be they tablets, ointments, or drugs for intravenous or intramuscular administration, you must consult with a qualified medical specialist in the field. You can see different reviews about the above medications, and thanks to them and a specialist, it is possible to choose the very “panacea” that will free a person from unpleasant symptoms.

Prevention of osteochondrosis

Prevention of various diseases always takes place in the life of any person, and osteochondrosis is no exception. To do this, it is enough to try to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, do gymnastics and be in physical shape. Stress and other emotional shocks can give a good start to the development of osteochondrosis, so it is necessary to avoid stressful situations or cope with them without breaking points. Proper nutrition is a truly important part of the prevention and treatment of neck osteochondrosis.

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