Medicines for the treatment of retinal diseases

Different retinal diseases require different treatment methods. Some of them are treated exclusively surgically. But a number of diseases can usually be treated in the initial stages with conservative methods - using medications (eye drops, injections).

The main goal of conservative treatment of retinal pathologies is to relieve inflammation, proliferation of newly formed vessels, as well as eliminate degenerative changes and swelling of the retina. In some cases, prescriptions are made for prophylactic purposes (“to strengthen the retina”). At the same time, the use of drugs in the form of drops is not always effective, because they do not penetrate very well into the back of the eye (in this case it is recommended to use injections or tablet forms).

Anterior and posterior parts of the eye

Retinal angiopathy - treatment with drops

Angiopathy is a pathology of retinal vessels caused by various negative factors (hypertension, diabetes mellitus). In order to eliminate its manifestations, an ophthalmologist in the early stages of the disease or as part of complex therapy prescribes certain eye drops to patients.

The goal of such therapy is to activate the metabolic processes of the organ of vision, stimulate the speed of local blood flow, and improve the process of tissue nutrition. Eye drops are becoming one of the components of therapy for symptomatic treatment. Eye drops are becoming one of the components of therapy for symptomatic treatment. Read below what medications are prescribed.

Eye drops are convenient, but not very effective.


The main component of the solution is taurine. Apply the solution 1-2 drops in each eye three times a day for a long time. The drug is produced in bottles of 5 and 10 ml.

Indications for use of Taufon:

  • Moderate retinal angiopathy.
  • Corneal injuries.
  • Early stage cataract.
  • Dystrophic changes in the retina and cornea.
  • Open angle glaucoma.

Expected effect:

  • Stabilization of cell membranes.
  • Acceleration of the regeneration process of traumatic corneal injuries.
  • Activation of metabolic and energy processes.
  • Normalization of IOP.


This is a synthetically produced antioxidant, a solution of which is instilled daily, three times a day, 1-2 drops in each eye. Treatment lasts several days or for a long time - as prescribed by a doctor. The drug is not prescribed to pregnant women, as well as to persons with allergies to the components of the solution.

Indications for use:

  • Diabetic retinal angiopathy.
  • Cerebral circulation disorders.
  • Various origins of hemorrhage in the eye.
  • Corneal burns.
  • Complicated myopathy and glaucoma.

Expected effect:

  • Resorption of small hemorrhages on the retina.
  • Protects the mesh shell from bright light.
  • Strengthening the walls of blood vessels, reducing their permeability.
  • Stimulation of local blood flow.

Emoxipine and Taufon (taurine) are the most popular eye drops for retinal diseases


Expected effect:

  • Stimulation of metabolic processes in tissues.
  • Activation of antioxidants.
  • Increased lens transparency.

*At the moment, the drug is no longer available.


Able to increase and restore visual acuity in case of eye diseases. Available in 10 ml bottles. It is instilled three times a day, 1-2 drops, for 2-3 months.

Indications for use:

  • Diabetic angiopathy.
  • Restoring visual function after eye surgery.
  • Conjunctivitis.
  • Eye burns.
  • Redness of the eyes.
  • Glaucoma.

It is better to discuss the use of any medications with your attending ophthalmologist.

Emoxy optic

Substitute for Emoxipine at a lower cost.

  • Indications for use:
  • Eye burn.
  • Bleeding in the eye.
  • Progressive myopia.
  • Inflammatory processes of the organ of vision.

Expected effect:

  • Normalization of the permeability of vascular walls.
  • Stimulation of local blood circulation.
  • Resorption of hemorrhages in the eye.
  • Elimination of the effects of oxidative stress.
  • Increasing tissue resistance to hypoxia.

Aloe extract liquid for injection - reviews



  • Efficiency
  • price


  • Didn't find it

My son was 1 year old when he became very ill; he had a severe cough and runny nose (rhinitis). Ordinary nasal drops only helped relieve swelling and clear the nose a little, but they weren’t very effective in treating it.

Our children's pediatrician prescribed us Aloe extract liquid. These are ampoules for injections, but we didn’t inject them, we diluted them with water and buried them in the nose.

How to use Aloe extract liquid.

I did it as follows (as the doctor said). I opened the ampoule with Aloe and added warm (not hot!) boiled water, about a teaspoon. I immediately made several ampoules and poured it all into an empty small jar (from Valerian tablets, great for such purposes), then it’s very good to use up these drops and the jar closes tightly enough.

To make the effect of the drops better, before instilling Aloe, rinse the nose well using special solutions (many mothers probably know them, I won’t list them). The frequency of instillation is approximately 3-4 times a day, but only 1 drop in each nostril.

After instillation, the nose was well deposited and then the snot was blown out well. There was practically no swelling. After five days of such procedures, the runny nose completely stopped, but I still instilled it for two more days for greater results.

This is how I cured my child’s runny nose.


Aloe extract liquid - An excellent general strengthening drug


  • available
  • from natural raw materials
  • tonic


  • painful injections
  • Use only as prescribed by a doctor

Let me start with the fact that the Aloe plant itself, even in freshly cut form, is already widely used in so-called home medicine. Personally, I and all my family have used the Aloe plant more than once to speed up wound healing and prevent infection. But I want to talk in more detail about the Aloe preparation in ampoules for subcutaneous injections

It is in this form that I use it as prescribed by a doctor for 10 days, one injection at a time, in order to restore the immune system and increase vitality

Of course, the injections themselves are slightly painful - but there is definitely nothing terrible about it. I use this system of 10 days of injections with a break of 15 days every spring and autumn - so to speak, during the period of weather changes and vitamin deficiency. It's up to you to decide whether to use this method or not. Be sure to consult your doctor before starting the procedure. Helps me keep myself in good shape.

Irinka becoming

I once encountered problems in the female line, after the inflammation was cured, I continued to suffer from periodic nagging pain in the lower abdomen, all tests were taken, examinations were completed, everything was in perfect order, the only thing left to do was to increase the body’s defenses, the doctor prescribed an immunomodulating drug, after which I didn’t notice any particular changes, my immunity was good reduced after being in the hospital, after three months the girlfriends who were in the hospital for conservation advised me to get aloe injections, saying that if it doesn’t get better, then it won’t get worse anyway. I decided to try it, bought it and at the same time consulted at my clinic, the doctor said that aloe is a slightly forgotten drug but effective. I gave injections at home, my husband gave injections, I don’t know which of us was more afraid of the injection or he was injected))) they injected 1 ml every evening, the injections did not hurt as everyone writes on the Internet, at least I felt pain three times in 20 injections, so probably because they got into the vessel because blood was flowing, they were injected into the buttock.

After the injection, of course, I didn’t become a new person, but my immunity clearly increased, the nagging pains disappeared and I began to get sick less from colds or any little things, and I found another use for ampoules with aloe, this is an excellent tonic for the face, it tones and smoothes out fine wrinkles, take aloe Apply from the ampoule onto a cotton swab and onto the face - the result is an excellent, toned and smooth face. In general, an excellent drug for 72 rubles, and I also forgot to add the injections need to be given intramuscularly and not subcutaneously as it is written on the package, the doctor himself said this.



  • well tolerated


  • a little painful
  • after the injection gives me a fever

When I was a student, I got a very bad cold in my appendages, and I began to be tormented daily by nagging pains in my side, first on one side, then on the other, right at the same time. At first I didn’t pay attention to it, I thought it was painful ovulation, but the pain did not stop regardless of the phases of the cycle, and sometimes it was so sharp and shooting that it caused me discomfort and I began to worry and went to see a gynecologist. During a routine examination and ultrasound, I was diagnosed with Inflammation of the appendages. The gynecologist told me - If you want to have children in the future, start treatment immediately, she prescribed me several homeopathic medicines from Heel, and the main treatment was injections of Aloe extract.

She warned that these were painful injections, the course of treatment was 10 days daily, and the next 5 days every other day. Injections of Aloe extract were supposed to improve blood flow in the pelvic area, and in general should have a very positive effect on the overall treatment. By the way, she did not prescribe any antibiotics for me, assuring me that I was young and would still have time to heal with antibiotics, and this treatment is herbal and very effective.

I bought myself Aloe extract in ampoules at the usual price, and my roommate’s girl started giving me injections. She actually completed nursing courses when she was in school, so I trusted her with my “soft spot.”

The injections are really painful, they are very difficult to inject, the leg pulls when injected, you need to inject it slowly. Then the girl began to heat the ampoule over a table lamp, to about 37 degrees no more, and by the third injection I was completely accustomed to the pain, I almost didn’t feel it, heating the drug really reduced the pain from the injection. I got all the injections, I still took Heel medications, but they had to be taken for a long time, about 3 months, but the pain in the appendages decreased after the course of injections, and I also felt good. What else I noticed after the course of injections was an increase in the abundance of menstruation and their color, perhaps all this is the influence of Aloe extract.

In general, I am very pleased with the drug injections, good effect. By the way, you can drink them, but then the effect will be general, strengthening the body, and not specific, as in my case. I tried the taste of the drug, but they are unpleasant to drink, bitter, make you want to vomit, I don’t know how you can drink them.

Lidia Farakhetdinova


We use liquid aloe extract for injection every day at work. We administer it to animals according to indications. The effectiveness is good, so I recommend it! Aloe extract combines well with other drugs.

The viral infection calicevirus, which causes ulcers in the mouth, is quite common in cats. The use of aloe extract allows for faster healing of lesions of the oral mucosa.

It is also good to use aloe extract for stomatitis, conjunctivitis, after operations on the stomach and intestines. Typically, aloe extract is prescribed for ten days; the dosage is calculated individually for each animal. Aloe extract can be administered subcutaneously in the area of ​​the shoulder blade or intramuscularly in the thigh.


Aloe helps 100%. Tried and tested empirically.

Subcutaneous injections of Aloe are excellent for those who want to get pregnant, and aloe also treats many health problems. The main thing is not to drink alcohol or smoke.

Women with thrush (candidiasis) need to drink a glass of warm water + a quarter or half a teaspoon of soda, mixed in warm water, on an empty stomach.

Baking soda increases alkalinity and kills candidiasis and other bacteria and fungi. Which is a common reason for the inability to get pregnant, because inside there is candidiasis (thrush) and an increased acidic environment, from which sperm die.


This spring we were sick as a whole friendly family: my husband and I and our children. Well, everyone got off easier than me. The runny nose lasted 3 weeks, then severe headaches began until I cried. They did an MRI for my sinusitis and acute hemisinusitis. Immediately antibiotic for 10 days. After the Ab course, the doctor immediately prescribed 30 injections of Aloe extract liquid “Darnitsa”. Very very painful injections, it brought me to tears, but what an effect. I felt much better, the headaches disappeared, my facial skin became lighter and my acne disappeared. My hair stopped falling out, dandruff disappeared, even the problem with peeling nails went away thanks to Aloe.

Now I’m thinking of carrying out the procedure of aloe injections every spring.

I'm very pleased with the effect. Listen to the doctors.

The price is generally pennies.

Intraocular injections

Intravitreal injections are the injection of a drug directly into the eye cavity (into the vitreous body). Such injections are performed for hemorrhages (partial hemophthalmia), wet form of macular degeneration, retinal edema, the appearance of newly formed vessels and other serious eye diseases.

In our clinic, intravitreal injections are performed by ophthalmologists with extensive experience in complex intraocular injections in sterile procedure rooms, in compliance with appropriate medical protocols. Such therapy for retinal pathologies, using effective medications, allows one to preserve visual function and also achieve a significant improvement in visual acuity.


The active component of the drug is ranibizumab, a substance that suppresses excessive angiogenesis (the formation of pathological blood vessels), which is characteristic of age-related macular degeneration. In addition, it helps relieve macular edema, normalizing the thickness of the retina. The drug quickly penetrates completely into the layers of the retina, reducing the size of the lesion, preventing possible hemorrhages and further progression of the growth of newly formed vessels with a pathological wall. More about Lucentis >>>


The active substance of Eylea is aflibercept. Its action is aimed at inhibiting the progression of age-related macular degeneration (wet form). In addition, it has the ability to act effectively and safely in reducing visual acuity in the case of diabetic macular edema and edema caused by retinal vein occlusion.

The innovative drug Eylea has a long-lasting effect, so injections can be performed less frequently than with Lucentis, which is much more convenient for patients. More about Eylea >>>


It is used in cases of macular edema caused by occlusion of the retinal veins. The drug is produced in the form of a thin implant in the form of a rod, which is inserted into the vitreous body. The implant contains the potent steroid dexamethasone, which begins to be released inside the vitreous in small portions. This innovative method of dosed delivery of a medication to the affected area significantly increases the duration of action of the hormone, which can last up to six months. Read more about Ozurdex >>>

Parabulbar and intravitreal injections are performed under sterile conditions

Where is the subcutaneous injection given and how?

The outer surface of the shoulder, the area under the shoulder blade, the outer and front surface of the thigh, and the side of the abdomen are excellent sites for subcutaneous injection. In all these areas of the body, you can easily gather the skin into a fold and at an angle of 45 degrees and through a thin needle, smoothly inject the medication solution. Thanks to this method of drug administration, blood vessels and nerves are not injured.

Administering a subcutaneous injection requires special skill so as not to pierce the skin to the muscle or vice versa and introduce the medicine intradermally. All manipulations are carried out in compliance with the rules and requirements of sanitation, under sterile conditions.

The method of performing subcutaneous injections is quite simple, so many patients suffering from type 1 diabetes mellitus regularly self-administer insulin. The rate of absorption of the administered pancreatic hormone directly depends on the location of its entry. Therefore, subcutaneous insulin injections cannot be given as intramuscular or intradermal injections, as this can have a negative impact on the patient’s condition at any time. Patients with normal or underweight are recommended to use syringes with short needles.

Intradermal and subcutaneous injections differ in the method of execution and the depth of administration of medications. Subcutaneous injections are made to a depth of 15 mm. Allergy tests are performed using intradermal injections and the Mantoux reaction is checked.

The staff of our medical center will provide quality care at home or in the clinic’s treatment room. All our specialists have extensive experience and will perform the necessary subcutaneous injections almost painlessly. We are always ready to help you regain your health!

The cost of subcutaneous injections can be found out by calling the Healthy People clinic or looking at the website in the prices section.

Treatment regimens for retinal angiopathy

Drug therapy in the case of angiopathy and its vascular complications should be comprehensive. If necessary, treatment can be continued in courses. Before prescribing it, an ophthalmologist develops a specific, most effective regimen for using drugs. As a rule, these are the following appointments:

  • Drug therapy aimed at activating blood circulation in the vessels of the eyes is necessary. This is a course treatment with Emoxipin, Vazonit, Mildronate, Arbiflex, Solcoseryl, Trenatal. They help activate local microcirculation processes. Another property of these drugs is improving the plasticity of red blood cells. This allows them to move faster through the small vessels of the eyes.
  • Pentoxifylline and Curantil help prevent possible thrombus formation. Xanthiol nicotinate and nicotinic acid improve blood rheology.
  • To reduce vascular permeability, ginkgo biloba and calcium dobesilate are prescribed.
  • Actovegin injections are designed to provide better nutrition to the eye tissues. To improve metabolic processes in eye tissues, ATP and cocarboxylase are used.
  • It is mandatory to take vitamin complexes to maintain eye health - Lutein-intensive, Anthocyan Forte. It is important to take ascorbic acid, which accelerates microcirculation processes in blood vessels and maintains visual acuity.
  • For diabetic retinopathy, it is necessary to adhere to a special diet that can neutralize diabetes mellitus and improve blood flow in the retinal vessels. It is worth remembering that prohibited foods include any food rich in fast carbohydrates (baked sweets, sweet soda, etc.). The same applies to excessively high-calorie foods. Limiting salt is also important, because it helps normalize metabolism and improve recovery processes.
  • Vigorous physical exercise, included in the daily routine to give energy to the muscular system, also improves the condition of the eye vessels.
  • When treating angiopathy caused by hypertension, it is mandatory to lower blood pressure levels through medications and specially designed dietary adjustments. To do this, you should contact a cardiologist and nutritionist.
  • It would not be superfluous to prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures. In the case of angiopathy, magnetic therapy courses and acupuncture can show good results.
  • Another physiotherapeutic method is “Sidorenko Glasses”. This device combines the effects of pneumomassage, infrasound, phonophoresis, and color therapy. The powerful effect on the retina of such a complex makes it possible to achieve good results in a short time.
  • Treatment also helps with massage courses on the cervical spine.
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