Stellanin-PEG 3% 20 g ointment for external use

Composition and release form

The drug is available from the pharmacy in the form of leniment for external use. It has a brown tint, a homogeneous, moderately thick consistency and an unexpressed characteristic odor of the medicine. Packaged in small 20 g tubes and secondary cardboard packaging. One pack contains 1 tube and instructions for taking the product are included.

The active substance is diethylbenzimidazolium triiodide. Auxiliary components: povidone, glycerin, petroleum jelly, dimexide.

The drug Stellanin is available from the pharmacy according to a doctor's prescription.

Stellanin-PEG ointment is a quick aid to the skin in the treatment of acne and pimples!

You try everything you can for treatment, but without having time to recover from old problem areas, new inflammations form on the face...

The unique ointment, which we will talk about in this article, relieves rashes of purulent contents. And most importantly, it prevents scars and bruises from forming at the site of inflammation.

The cause of purulent acne is blockage of the sebaceous glands and the presence of various pathogenic bacteria on the skin.

For this reason, the sebaceous ducts become infected and then the inflammatory process inside them begins.

At the same time, the skin around the pimple turns red, then swells, and only then a tubercle forms in the very middle, which becomes filled with light pus.

In the process of treating purulent pimples and blackheads, the question of great concern is how to get rid of them as quickly as possible and how to prevent the formation of marks on the skin in their place.

These traces in medical practice have a special term that defines the consequences of acne. This term is Post-acne (scars and scars after squeezing out pimples).

To treat acne, you need a powerful remedy that quickly relieves inflammation and gets rid of pus. It should accelerate the regeneration of young skin, completely blocking the process of formation of coarse collagen fibers - precisely the very reason for the appearance of scars and scars.

And the ideal solution to the problem has been found.

Today, the pharmacies of the Solnechnoe Zdorovye chain offer a unique product, Stellanin-PEG, for the treatment of purulent acne, including soft tissue and skin wounds in particularly severe cases.

The active ingredient in this medicine is the substance stellanin.

Currently, Stellanin-PEG ointment is the only product with a direct effect on regenerative processes.

The operating mechanism helps accelerate the regeneration process of healthy skin, and also helps prevent the formation of scars and cicatrices.

At the same time, the substance Stellanin inhibits the activity of phospholipase, thereby closing the synthesis of inflammatory mediators - prostaglandins.

As a result, the inflammatory process stops, and swelling and itching disappear.

Leading Russian scientists have confirmed the high effectiveness of this product.

It was noted that even with the use of Stellanin-PEG on the first day, inflammation decreases, and most importantly, new young cells are formed, characterized by a high level of metabolic processes.

Stellanin-PEG ointment in the wound itself increases by 7.5 times the number of fibroblasts - the main cells that participate in the restoration of the entire skin.

Important information about the life-saving product!

In the production of ointments, a neutral polymer base is used as a filler from polyethylene glycol, which has a strong ability to adsorb toxins.

In addition, the most valuable feature of this foundation is its non-comedogenicity, namely, it does not clog or pollute skin pores.

Method of use of Stelanin-PEG:

This ointment is applied in a thin layer to damaged areas of the skin three times a day.

Effect of using Stellanin-PEG ointment:

1. By cleansing, it removes purulent contents from the source of inflammation due to polyethylene glycol, a hydrophilic auxiliary substance; 2. Destroys pathogenic microorganisms - by its action, Stellanin-PEG kills staphylococci, acne bacteria that cause pimples and pus. 3. Eliminates inflammation - prevents the process of synthesis of inflammatory mediators, which stops the inflammatory process. 4. Triggers the regeneration of the skin - Stellanin ointment activates the function of mitochondria and thereby increases their size. This allows this mechanism to regenerate young and healthy skin.

Stellanin-PEG ointment does an excellent job of eliminating acne (blackheads and pimples).

To eliminate the recurrence of the problem, we recommend consulting with a doctor to completely get rid of the main factor in the manifestation of the disease, which is the source of blockage of the sebaceous glands.

You can find out the cost of Stallanin-PEG ointment by following the link:

On the website you can immediately place an order and receive it at the Solar Health pharmacy closest to you. Payment for the ointment will be made upon receipt of the goods at the pharmacy.

Maintain the health and beauty of your skin and enjoy the wonderful results!

pharmachologic effect

The pharmacological activity of the drug consists of antibacterial, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects.

Due to the iodine in the composition, the drug has a bactericidal effect, destroying pathogenic microbes on the surface of the dermis.

The pharmaceutical product prevents the development of infections in the wound and accelerates the regeneration process.

The therapeutic effect of the drug is manifested against streptococcus, staphylococcus, Proteus, candida and some other pathogenic agents.

Answers on questions

After applying Stellanin-PEG ointment to a trophic ulcer with a large area and depth of lesion, pain appeared in the wound. What to do next?


This is the result of damage to the nerve endings in the ulcer. When treating extensive purulent wounds with Stellanin-PEG ointment (due to the high osmotic potential), the wound quickly dries out, which also affects the affected nerve endings. To get rid of pain, it is necessary to treat the wound with lidocaine solution before applying the ointment. Open the ampoule and moisten the surface of the wound, allow the drug to be absorbed and then apply Stellanin-PEG ointment.

— Stellanin (iodine) will not burn a burn wound? (the burn was “cleaned” and now there is a continuous deep wound in this place).


The active iodine in the ointment Stellanin is bound to the organic part of the molecule very tightly, and therefore is released slowly and over a long period of time. Therefore, it will not “burn” the wound. But with a deep wound, pain is still possible. To get rid of them, it is necessary to treat the wound with a lidocaine solution before applying the ointment.

— I have a severe burn on my hand (day 6). Please tell me, can Stellanin be used together with the Atrauman Ag bandage with silver and Bepanten plus?


Not recommended. One of the components of Stellanin ointment is active iodine. It is deactivated when interacting with silver and the components of Bepanten-Plus ointment.

Using the Atrauman Ag dressing can and will provide you with a bactericidal effect on the burn surface. But the regenerative capabilities of Bepanten-Plus ointment are practically zero. The fact is that the active ingredient of this ointment is dexpanthenol. Dexpanthenol in the body forms an active metabolite - pantothenic acid (pantothenic acid is a water-soluble B vitamin). In British National Formulary (BNF) (BMA and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, op cit, p340.). The Martindale reference also states that pantothenic acid "has no recognized therapeutic use" (Martindale - Complete Drug Reference; Reynolds, op cit, pp1257, 1258, 1266 and 1270.)

Therefore, the healing of your burn will occur only due to physiological regeneration provided by the capabilities of your body.

If you need to STIMULATE healing, we recommend using Stellanin ointment.

How to use Stellanin ointment:

  • the drug is applied in a thin layer of 1.5-2 mm directly to the affected surface, after which a medical bandage is applied (or you can use any wound dressing that does not contain ointment coatings);
  • dressings are changed 1-2 times a day.

— I used Stellanin ointment, the wound was almost healed, do I need to continue applying the ointment?
There was a burning sensation upon application. Answer:

If the skin restoration process has not yet been completed, you should not interrupt treatment. The burning sensation that appears is normal and confirms that regeneration is proceeding successfully (burning means that “young” skin has already acquired sensitivity - nerve endings have developed in the previously damaged area of ​​​​the skin). If at the first stage you used Stellanin-PEG ointment, which “dries out” the wound because it has high osmotic activity, then at this stage of treatment it is important not to dry out the young skin. In this case, we recommend that you switch to Stellanin ointment (one of the components of which is Vaseline).

— If you use Stellanin ointment with an Atrauman Ag dressing, will the stimulation of healing be deactivated? ( It’s kind of scary to just bandage it).


We have not conducted an experiment on the combined use of Stellanin ointment with the Atrauman Ag dressing. But Stellanin ointment has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity (gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, anaerobes, fungi, viruses).

Therefore, by applying Stellanin to the wound surface and applying a bandage (sterile bandage) to it, you in any case cleanse the wound of pathogenic bacteria.

Does Stellanin help get rid of future burn scars?

A scar is a connective tissue scar.
It is formed if the germ layer of the skin is damaged and the wound heals naturally. When using Stellanin, the formation of granulation tissue is sharply accelerated, and marginal and islet epithelization is initiated. Therefore, the likelihood that there will be no scar is very high. — What are the benefits of using Stellanin preparations immediately after receiving wounds and burns?

The most significant feature of the use of Stelanin preparations is their ability to significantly reduce the healing time of a wound and prevent the formation of scars in its place.


The main indications for use of the ointment are:

  1. Trophic extensive ulcers on the legs.
  2. ​Bedsores of varying severity.
  3. ​Burns of the dermis, in particular 1-2 degrees.
  4. Violation of the integrity of the skin - superficial and deep wound formations, cuts, various scratches, scratches and marks after insect bites.
  5. ​Prevention of infection of wound surfaces during surgery.
  6. ​Creating favorable conditions for better engraftment of the skin graft.


Absolute contraindications to the use of the drug Stellanin are:

  1. Pathological conditions of the thyroid gland (adenoma, increase in thyroid hormones).
  2. ​Parallel use of pharmaceutical drugs with radioactive iodine by the patient.
  3. ​Severe kidney disease.
  4. ​Age less than 18 years.
  5. ​The first 3 months of bearing a child.
  6. ​Individual intolerance to active and additional components.

With extreme caution and under the strict supervision of a specialist, the ointment is prescribed during breastfeeding, the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy, and the last stage of kidney failure.

Instructions for Stellanin ointment

According to the instructions, the drug Stellanin is intended for external use. Leniment is applied to the surface of the skin with a thin layer of 1-2 mm.

The duration of treatment and dosage depend on the severity of the pathological process and the location of the damaged areas. The maximum daily dose of the drug is not more than 10 g. If necessary, you can apply a patch or occlusive dressing over the ointment.

For the treatment of wound surfaces, areas of skin with technical tongues and burns, the product is applied in an equal layer, no thicker than 1.5 mm, over the entire affected area. A sterile gauze bandage is applied on top. In case of such diseases, its replacement is carried out once every 1-2 days for skin burns and twice a day for wound injuries and trophic ulcers of the lower extremities. The duration of the course is individual, depending on the restoration of the skin.

For small cracks, scratches, scratches and abrasions, apply the ointment up to 2 times a day in a small and even layer to the affected area.

Stellanin-PEG 3% 20 g ointment for external use

Latin name


Release form



100 g of ointment for external use contains:

Active substance: 1,3-diethylbenzimidazolium triiodide - 3.0 g;

Excipients: povidone (low molecular weight polyvinylpyrrolidone), dimexide, polyethylene oxide 1500 (polyethylene glycol 1500), polyethylene oxide 400 (polyethylene glycol 400).


Tube 20 g.

pharmachologic effect

Stellanin-PEG is a drug with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and tissue regeneration improving effects.


The mechanism of pharmacological activity of the drug is the antibacterial effect of 1,3-diethylbenzimidazolium. Active iodine, which is part of 1,3-diethylbenzimidazolium triiodide, inactivates bacterial wall proteins and bacterial enzyme proteins, thereby exerting a bactericidal effect on microorganisms. The pronounced antimicrobial effect of the drug prevents wound infection. Along with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, the ointment has a high osmotic potential, which is especially important in the treatment of purulent wounds, because promotes the evacuation of purulent discharge from the wound defect.


Systemic absorption of the active substance is absent even with damaged skin, however, therapeutic concentrations of the drug are present in the wound.


— Treatment of acute purulent processes (wounds) of the skin and soft tissues (boils, carbuncles, hydroadenitis, phlegmon, abscesses).

— Additional treatment of purulent complications of postoperative wounds (after excision, coagulation, episiotomy, for the treatment of skin cracks, wounds and sutures).

— Thermal lesions of the skin and soft tissues of I-III degrees, complicated by an infectious process.

— Trophic ulcers, bedsores, complicated by an infectious process.

- Abrasions, cuts, scratches, cracks, scratches.


— Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug Stellanin-PEG,

- thyrotoxicosis,

- thyroid adenoma,

- severe renal failure,

- simultaneous therapy with radioactive iodine,

- children under 18 years of age,

— First trimester of pregnancy.


chronic renal failure, II and III trimesters of pregnancy, lactation period.

Directions for use and doses

The ointment is applied in a thin layer of about 1.5-2 mm directly to the wound surface, after which a sterile gauze bandage is applied or the drug is applied to the dressing material and then to the wound. The ointment layer should exceed the circumference of the wound by at least 5 mm. Tampons soaked in ointment are loosely filled into the cavities of purulent wounds after surgical treatment, and gauze turundas with the drug are injected into the fistulous tracts. If the wound is localized in a place that is inconvenient for bandaging, it is permissible to use an adhesive bandage or adhesive bandage.

The dressings are changed 1-2 times a day.

The daily dose should not exceed 10 g. The duration of treatment is on average 5 - 15 days.

For minor skin damage (abrasions, cuts, scratches, cracks, scratches), the drug is applied in a thin layer to the affected surface 2 times a day.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

It is prohibited to take Stellanin-PEG during the first trimester of pregnancy.


take in the II and III trimesters of pregnancy and during lactation.

Side effects

In rare cases, allergic skin reactions (itching, skin hyperemia) are possible, and if they occur, you should stop using the drug.

special instructions

Avoid getting the ointment in your eyes. If the drug gets into your eyes, rinse with warm water.


Stellanin-PEG should not be used in combination with other antiseptics containing mercury, oxidizing agents, alkalis and cationic surfactants. An alkaline or acidic environment, the presence of fat, pus, and blood weaken the antiseptic activity.


Cases of overdose have not been described. If the drug is accidentally taken orally, nausea and vomiting may occur. It is necessary to rinse the stomach and consult a doctor; if necessary, carry out symptomatic treatment.

Best before date

2 years.

Storage conditions

The drug should be stored in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature of 0-25 ° C. Keep out of the reach of children.

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