Elokom, 0.1%, ointment for external use, 15 g, 1 pc.

Composition and dosage forms

The active component of the drug Elocom is the substance mometasone, a hormone that suppresses the production of inflammatory mediators. Available in the following forms:

  • Cream: a homogeneous white substance with a slightly oily texture with a barely perceptible ether smell, packaged in 15 ml aluminum tubes. Auxiliary components of the drug: petroleum jelly, water, titanium dioxide, phosphoric acid, wax, stearyl alcohol and others.
  • Elokom ointment: viscous yellowish mass in 15-gram metal tubes.
  • Lotion: a transparent liquid on a water-alcohol basis, sold in 20 ml bottles equipped with dropper dispensers. Lotion stabilizing agents: propylene glycol, sodium phosphate.

All forms of the drug have a general purpose, have an anti-inflammatory effect, reduce itching, redness and swelling of the skin in dermatological diseases.


The description of the drug Elokom on this page is a simplified author’s version of the apteka911 website, created on the basis of the instructions for use.
Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the manufacturer's original instructions (attached to each package of the drug). Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

Mechanism of action of the drug Elokom

Mometasone as part of the medication slows down the release of arachidonic acid in the body, the main precursor of mediators of inflammatory reactions. Penetrating through the skin, Elokom stimulates the production of special proteins in the blood - lipocortins. They block the action of phospholipase, an enzyme responsible for the inflammatory response of tissues. As a result of use, irritation and accumulation of exudate are reduced.

Part of the applied product is absorbed into the bloodstream. With a single use, about 0.5% of the active substance penetrates into the body, the rest is concentrated directly at the site of inflammation of the skin. With regular use, the content of glucocorticoid hormone in the cells increases. Microdamages in the affected areas promote drug absorption. This is important to consider during treatment. With prolonged exposure to the body, mometasone can cause hormonal imbalances.

The better the analogues

Ukrainian pharmacies sell a domestically produced drug with the same active ingredient - Moleskine. The medicine is available in ointment or cream form. The composition of Moleskin C ointment is enriched with salicylic acid, which helps exfoliate keratinized dermis.

Moleskine is a good drug, but Elokom has competitive advantages. Firstly, the Canadian manufacturer offers patients, among other things, a lotion that is effective for treating the scalp. Secondly, despite its foreign origin, the price of Elokom is not at all high.


The medicine should not be used to get rid of diaper dermatitis and other skin irritations in infants. Other contraindications include:

  • allergic reactions to the components of the drug;
  • open injuries: bleeding scratches, abrasions, wounds;
  • neoplasms at the sites of application of the product: moles, papillomas;
  • diagnosed insufficiency of the adrenal glands, hypothalamus and pituitary gland.

Elokom should not be applied to sensitive skin of the face, groin area, or axillary areas.

The drug is prescribed to pregnant women with caution in emergency cases: with intense acute symptoms of dermatoses, when the benefit to the mother outweighs the likely risk to the health of the fetus. There is insufficient information about the effect of Elokom on intrauterine development, but no cases of teratogenic effect have been recorded.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

The safety of the use of GCS for pregnant women has not been proven, therefore therapy is carried out only in cases where the expected benefits to the woman’s health outweigh the risks to the normal intrauterine development of the fetus. In this case, the expectant mother should not treat large areas of skin, and the course of treatment should be minimal.

The same can be said about therapy for a nursing mother. Doctors must sensibly assess the likelihood of a negative impact on the baby’s health. In some cases, it is advisable to stop breastfeeding during treatment.

How to use Elokom: instructions

Cream, ointment or lotion must be applied directly to the lesions, after washing and drying the skin:

  • 0.5–1 ml per dose: a few drops, gently rubbing the drug until completely absorbed;
  • after using the ointment as prescribed by the doctor, cover the painful areas with a vapor-permeable bandage;
  • The procedure is repeated daily until the symptoms of the disease disappear.

The course of therapy is about 2 weeks. The maximum duration of use of the product is 3 weeks. If there is no result, the medication should be discontinued and additional examination should be performed.

If an infection is detected in the affected area, hormonal therapy is interrupted and antibiotics or fungicidal drugs are prescribed. If necessary, Elokom can be used after suppression of the pathogen.

ELOKOM (ointment)

, better not to know.
But I’ll still tell you in general terms. The most terrible itching that you want to scratch the bones of your fingers, because it feels as if not on the surface of the skin, but somewhere inside. There are so many bubbles that they form lakes and roads, injuring the skin, forming cracks, redness and rather unaesthetic ulcers. The most unpleasant thing is that it is not so easy to get rid of this infection, but there is plenty of discomfort from it, especially if you need to go to work every day and communicate with people, work with documents, etc. At the beginning of autumn 2016, the same exacerbation of the disease occurred . Not knowing what to do with myself, I once again had neither the energy, nor the time, nor the nerves to go to the doctors, so I taxied to the nearest pharmacy for ointment. The pharmacist recommended the hormonal ointment “Elocom” as very, very effective in this matter. Unfortunately, the box did not survive, because after several uses it ended up in the trash. But I have read the instructions, which I advise you to do.) The ointment has a strong aroma. I don’t even know what to compare it with. Something like Vishevsky ointment with the addition of mint. Well... these are my feelings. Some may think that she smells like flowers. The cost of this medicine is a little scary. At the beginning of autumn 2016, I bought ointment for almost 600 rubles. But the consumption of ointment is very economical. The consistency is thick, oily, and squeezing the ointment out of the tube is quite difficult. The color is almost transparent. About my feelings. After applying the ointment, if there are open wounds and cracks, as in my case, a slight tingling sensation is felt. If there are none (but only bubbles), the ointment does not cause pain. I used the ointment 3-4 times a day, either rubbing it in thoroughly (which is very problematic), or applying it more generously and wearing rubber medical gloves on top. This was relevant when I was cleaning or washing dishes (alas, there is no one else to do household chores), as well as at night for fear of staining the bed linen, since the ointment is greasy and does not absorb well into the skin. Due to the greenhouse effect, the ointment turned the surface of the palm into this. But the disappearance of the “charms” happened much more rapidly. The ointment worked and after about a week the hand looked like this. At the site of the lesion, the skin first peels off, peeling appears, but then it all disappears. The skin of my hands is very dry, because I was afraid to smear them with anything other than Elok ointment. In addition, dry hand skin is my eternal problem, for which there are many reasons: from running water to the temperature outside. But the result of using the ointment is noticeable. And for me it’s not just visual. This terrible itching, which made me want to climb the wall in the middle of the night, disappeared, just as this red spot disappeared over time (after about a month). If I'm not mistaken, the ointment is recommended to be used for no longer than two weeks. Then addiction may set in and there will be no further effect. So, after a week and a half of using the ointment, I was finally able to paint my nails and do something like a manicure. The same long-suffering finger that is shown in the first photo has acquired a more or less decent appearance. After treating eczema with Elok ointment and after a period of healing of the ulcers for a whole month, or even a whole month and a half, my hands did not remember that some kind of misunderstanding could befall them in the form of eczema blisters. Since I didn’t strictly adhere to the diet recommended for all “eczema sufferers” and didn’t treat my nerves, although I should have (well, I’m so stupid), the problem returned, although not on the same scale as before. Here and there, small “communities” of bubbles still grew, but their further development was significantly restrained by this miraculous ointment. Literally apply it once or twice to the area of ​​the rash and the next day there was no trace left of it. And yet, a little later I went on a diet, if you can call it that, and took a course of Afobazole. I excluded salty, smoked, sweets, alcohol and fatty foods. This is a mandatory rule for those who want to say goodbye to eczema, or limit the number of “meetings” with it - reduce the number of allergic factors! The second rule is a relatively healthy nervous system and lack of stress. There are, of course, very advanced cases when the entire body is covered with eczema and this brings a lot of suffering to the patient. My case was ugh, but nevertheless, it brought a lot of inconvenience and unpleasant sensations. The drug “Elokom” decisively helped me overcome these troubles. And yes, despite the fact that the drug is hormonal, no malfunctions or disturbances were identified. So far the disease does not bother me.

Love life and be healthy!

Side effects of the drug

Elokom is tolerated well in most cases, without causing significant negative effects on the skin. Sometimes in the first days of use, a slight burning sensation appears immediately or some time after application. In some cases, itching and redness may increase. Other possible effects:

  • development of boils;
  • acne, folliculitis.

If burning and itching progresses, you should suspect increased individual sensitivity and consult a doctor about changing the drug.

With long-term treatment, the risk of bacterial or fungal infection, demodicosis, increases. Increasing the dosage of the drug leads to the accumulation of mometasone in the blood. This can provoke a decrease in the functions of the adrenal glands and pituitary gland. The production of your own glucocorticoids decreases. After stopping the course of therapy, this is fraught with systemic hormonal disruptions. Proper use of the drug rarely leads to endocrine changes.

Popular questions about Elokom

What is Elokom ointment used for?

The ointment is used to relieve inflammation and itching that accompany dermatoses. The medicine reduces the volume of exudative discharge. The drug is effective for psoriasis, atopic dermatitis and other diseases.

What can replace Elokom cream?

The drug has analogues with an identical mechanism of action. Instead of Elokom, you can buy Moleskine or Moleskine S. The prices for these medications differ slightly.

How many days can I use Elocom?

The duration of use is determined individually. The minimum period to achieve a therapeutic effect is 5 days.

Is it possible to smear Elokom on your face?

When treating facial skin, the drug must be used very carefully, in particular, avoid getting the product into the eyes and mucous membranes. Occlusive dressings in such cases are strictly contraindicated. In this case, the course of therapy should be as short as possible, no more than 5 days.

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