Treatment with bischofite: benefits and role in medicine, indications for use

What is bischofite and what is it used for?

Bischofite is a naturally occurring mineral created millions of years ago by the sediments of an ancient sea. It is extracted in the form of brine and already on the surface it is evaporated to the state of salt. Today, several large deposits of the mineral are known. The deepest of them is located near Poltava, where it is mined at a depth of 2.5 km, and the source itself is very clean.

How is bischofite useful? The effectiveness of the mineral is explained by its composition, which includes about 70 microelements, primarily magnesium, iodine, bromine, sodium, and iron.

How much bischofite and water is required for each bath?

  • A foot bath requires 10-15 liters of warm water, at least 15-30 g (2-3 tbsp) of dry bischofite or 150 ml of bischofite solution.
  • For a manual bath (brushes only) you need 1-2 liters of warm water and at least 5 g (1 tsp) of dry bischofite or 15 ml of bischofite solution.
  • For a manual bath (hands and elbows at the same time) you need 4-5 liters of warm water, at least 10-20 g (1-2 tbsp) of dry bischofite or 50 ml of bischofite solution.
  • For a sitz bath, you need to fill the bath with warm water (30-40 liters) and add at least 100 g of dry bischofite or 0.25 liters of bischofite solution. If the bath is intended for feet and knees, then the water should cover the knees; if the bath is intended for the hip joints, then the water should reach the lower back).

Bishofite: its properties and use in medicine

The composition of the mineral is characterized by a high concentration of magnesium chloride. In this indicator, it surpasses all types of sea salts, including the Dead Sea. Scientists have long proven the special importance of magnesium for our health. The trace element takes part in more than 300 reactions and processes in the body. And it is especially important for:

musculoskeletal system - magnesium regulates the proper absorption of calcium, preventing its accumulation in soft tissues and joints. Due to this, it maintains the health of the spine and makes bones stronger. In addition, the microelement relieves swelling and inflammation of the joints, therefore it is indispensable in the treatment and prevention of arthritis and arthrosis. Bishofite preparations for joints and back are here.

muscle system and relief from cramps - the mineral relieves pain and inflammation in the muscles, relaxes them and helps cope with physical activity

nervous system – the microelement effectively relaxes nerve cells, relieving stress, irritability and insomnia. Bishofite preparations for the nervous system are here.

heart and veins - relaxes the heart muscle and improves rhythm, protects against hypertension, atherosclerosis and blood clots. Special gel for venous mesh - Venomag.

digestive system – relaxes the intestinal muscles and relieves spasms. And thanks to its choleretic and laxative effects, it effectively treats constipation and solves most common gastrointestinal problems. Especially for gastrointestinal problems - Detoxmag.

oral health – the mineral relieves inflammation, has a pronounced antimicrobial and decongestant effect. Therefore, special pastes and rinses are now being created based on it. Bishofite preparations for the oral cavity.

It is these effects of magnesium that explain the medicinal properties of bischofite and its effectiveness in the treatment and rehabilitation of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.

Bishofite is used in medicine in the form of general and local baths, compresses, rubbing, and lotions. And if previously it was offered mainly to patients in sanatoriums, now, thanks to convenient preparations based on it, treatment with bischofite at home has become popular. Find out more about the methods of using bischofite.

General warm baths

  • Before taking a bath with bischofite, take a hygienic shower and wash your body thoroughly with soap or shower gel.
  • To prepare the bath, you will need 100-150 liters of warm water (36-39°C) and at least 200 g of dry bischofite (or 0.5 liter of bischofite solution). If you want to enhance the effect, dissolve 500 g of dry bischofite (or 1 liter of solution) in water.
  • Take a bath with bischofite for no longer than 20 minutes.
  • After you have taken a bath with bischofite, do not shower or use soap or shower gel - just pat your skin gently with a towel.
  • It is advisable to rest for 15-20 minutes after a bath with bischofite.

Course of treatment: 12-14 procedures

Frequency of procedures: every other day

Bishofite: indications for use

Bischophytotherapy is effective for many diseases, and above all:

  • joint diseases: arthritis and arthrosis
  • pathologies of the musculoskeletal system - rheumatism, radiculitis, spinal problems, osteochondrosis
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels - arrhythmia, hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, circulatory disorders, vegetative-vascular dystonia
  • diseases of the nervous system - neuroses, stress, depression, insomnia
  • inflammation of the genitourinary system
  • dental diseases - gingivitis, periodontitis, stomatitis
  • reduced immunity, fatigue, lethargy
  • gastrointestinal diseases - constipation, cholelithiasis

The mineral gently relieves pain and inflammation, relaxes muscles and improves metabolism. The benefits of bischofite in the treatment of skin and cosmetic problems have been proven. And these are not all the pathologies that this mineral can cope with. Indications for its use include more than 50 ailments. But bischofite is especially good at treating diseases of the joints and back. It is usually used in 2-week courses, which can be repeated every 2-3 months.

Bishofite price, where to buy

Buying Bishofite in Moscow and other Russian cities is not difficult. The pharmacy chain offers different forms of release: gel, bath product, Bishofite Poltava heel gel.

The price of Bishofite gel 75 ml in Moscow pharmacies ranges from 42-52 rubles. In Volgograd it can be purchased for 44-53 rubles. The cost of heel gel 100 ml is 450 rubles, and bath products with Bischofite 500 ml are 100-138 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Sofia cream for body (tube 75 ml (17 herbs + bischofite)) KorolevPharm

    96 RUR order

  • Shark Oil cream Bischofite with Chondroitin for body 75mlTwins Tech

    132 RUR order

  • 911- Gel-balm (100ml/Bishofite/d/body) Twins Tech

    76 RUR order

  • Bishofite gel (75ml tube) Infarma 2000

    83 RUR order

  • 911 Bischofite gel-balm for body and joint pain* (100 ml) CocoRocheLab (Mirrolla)

    RUB 139 order

show more


  • Larkspur with bischofite 75ml cream-balm Elixir, Dnepropetrovsk
    28 UAH. order
  • 911 With bischofite for the body against joint pain 100 ml gel TOV VTF "Farmakom", Ukraine

    22 UAH order

  • Joint with bischofite 75 ml gel LLC "Flora-pharm", Ukraine

    31 UAH order

  • Bishofit Poltava “Forte cold Forte cold” 100 ml “Bishofit Mg++” Ecobiz PP, Poltava

    32 UAH order

  • Bishofit Detoxmag 100 ml drinking solution Ecobiz PP, Poltava

    50 UAH order


show more

Bishofite: contraindications for use and side effects

However, even such a magical remedy as bischofite has contraindications. There are few of them:

  • high body temperature
  • individual intolerance to the mineral or its components (for example, iodine or bromine)
  • severe skin lesions
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage
  • general contraindications to balneo-, heat- and other types of physical procedures
  • malignant neoplasms, incl. conditions after operations for malignant neoplasms
  • pregnancy - after consultation with a doctor

The medicine bischofite practically does not cause side effects. Only in rare cases may an allergic reaction to individual components of the mineral develop while taking it.


Level 4 ATX code matches:

Gialgan Fidia

Movex Comfort

Traumeel S




Goal T

Piascledine 300

Chondroitin Complex



There are no structural analogues. This substance is included in body gel, solution, bath product, balms (with comfrey, golden mustache, cinquefoil and other herbs, glucosamine, bee venom) produced by different manufacturers.

You can buy dry Bishofite, which is a concentrated salt.

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