Arbidol is an effective medicine for respiratory diseases

When should you use the medication?

The drug is recommended to combat viral infections. It is recommended to prescribe the medication when rotavirus enters the digestive tract. In this case, Arbidol is used as part of the main treatment. It is acceptable to use the drug to eliminate herpetic eruptions (herpes simplex).

The drug is indicated after surgery. This helps prevent complications and improve overall immunity.

The drug is indicated as a systemic antiviral agent. It is taken simultaneously with symptomatic therapy (medicines for fever, cough and other drugs).

Arbidol for adults

You can drink Arbidol for preventive purposes or during the treatment of viral diseases. To prevent the occurrence of respiratory pathology, 200 mg is indicated twice a week for 21 days.

If you have had contact with respiratory patients, you need to drink 200 mg once a day. The duration of preventive measures should be up to 2 weeks.

Therapy for viral diseases:

  • Uncomplicated course - 200 mg four times a day (intervals between doses - 6 hours), course therapy lasts 5 days;
  • Complicated course (inflammation of the lungs, bronchi, otitis media and others) - adults, 200 mg four times a day for 5 days; then take 200 mg once a day for 1 month.

To prevent respiratory failure (RF), drink 200 mg once a day. For the treatment of DN, 200 mg is indicated twice a day for 8-10 days.

When relieving symptoms of chronic bronchitis or herpetic infection, you need to drink Arbidol 200 mg four times a day. Course therapy lasts 5-7 days. Then the dosage is reduced to 200 mg twice a day. Maintenance therapy lasts 1 month.

To prevent postoperative complications, it is recommended to drink 200 mg per day. The drug is started to be taken 2 days before surgery, and is also taken 2.5 days after surgery.

Attention! You should drink 200 mg once, the maximum amount is 800 mg per day.

Arbidol Maximum - instructions for use

12+ Where to buy

Dosage 200 mg – capsules No. 10 from white or white with a greenish-yellow or cream tint to light yellow or light yellow with a greenish tint.

  • Treatment:
    200 mg x 4 times a day, 5 days
  • Post-exposure prophylaxis:
    200 mg x 1 time per day, 10–14 days
  • Seasonal prophylaxis:
    200 mg x 2 times a week, 3 weeks

Registration number: LP-002690 dated 10/31/2014

Trade name of the drug: Arbidol® Maximum

International nonproprietary name: Umifenovir

Dosage form: capsules

Composition per capsule:

Active ingredient: umifenovir hydrochloride monohydrate (in terms of umifenovir hydrochloride) – 207 mg (in terms of umifenovir hydrochloride) – 200 mg.

Excipients: potato starch - 45.67 mg, microcrystalline cellulose - 11.20 mg, colloidal silicon dioxide (Aerosil) - 2.80 mg, povidone (kollidon 25) - 7.73 mg, calcium stearate - 2.80 mg, croscarmellose sodium – 2.80 mg, weight of capsule contents – 280 mg.

Hard gelatin capsules No. 0:

Composition of the capsule shell (body and cap): titanium dioxide (E 171) – 1.92 mg, gelatin – 94.08 mg. The total weight of the capsule is 376 mg.


Hard gelatin capsules No. 0, white. The contents of the capsule are a mixture containing granules and powder from white or white with a greenish-yellow or cream tint to light yellow or light yellow with a greenish tint.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: antiviral agent.

ATX code: J05AX13

Pharmacological properties


Antiviral agent. Specifically suppresses in vitro influenza viruses A and B (Influenza virus A, B), including highly pathogenic subtypes A(H1N1)pdm09 and A(H5N1), as well as other viruses that cause acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) (coronavirus, associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), rhinovirus (Rhinovirus), adenovirus (Adenovirus), respiratory syncytial virus (Pneumovirus) and parainfluenza virus (Paramyxovirus)). In in vitro studies, it specifically inhibits the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19). The EC50 (half maximal effective concentration) in Vero E6 cells is 4.11 µM, which corresponds to 2.11 µg/ml. The clinical significance of this requires further study.

According to the mechanism of antiviral action, it belongs to fusion inhibitors, interacts with the hemagglutinin of the virus and prevents the fusion of the lipid membrane of the virus and cell membranes. It has a moderate immunomodulatory effect and increases the body's resistance to viral infections. It has interferon-inducing activity - in a study on mice, the induction of interferons was noted after 16 hours, and high titers of interferons remained in the blood up to 48 hours after administration. Stimulates cellular and humoral immune responses: increases the number of lymphocytes in the blood, especially T-cells (CD3), increases the number of T-helpers (CD4) without affecting the level of T-suppressors (CD8), normalizes the immunoregulatory index, stimulates the phagocytic function of macrophages and increases the number of natural killer (NK) cells.

Therapeutic effectiveness for viral infections is manifested in a decrease in the duration and severity of the disease and its main symptoms, as well as in a decrease in the incidence of complications associated with viral infection and exacerbations of chronic bacterial diseases.

When treating influenza or ARVI in adult patients, a clinical study showed that the effect of the drug in adult patients is most pronounced in the acute period of the disease and is manifested by a reduction in the time for resolution of symptoms of the disease, a decrease in the severity of the manifestations of the disease and a reduction in the time for elimination of the virus.

Therapy with the drug leads to a higher frequency of relief of symptoms of the disease on the third day of therapy compared to placebo - 60 hours after the start of therapy, the resolution of all symptoms of laboratory-confirmed influenza is more than 5 times higher than the same indicator in the placebo group.

A significant effect of the drug on the rate of elimination of the influenza virus was established, which, in particular, was manifested by a decrease in the frequency of detection of viral RNA on the 4th day.

Refers to low-toxic drugs (LD50 > 4 g/kg). Does not have any negative effects on the human body when administered orally in recommended doses.


Quickly absorbed and distributed throughout organs and tissues. The maximum concentration in blood plasma when taken at a dose of 50 mg is achieved after 1.2 hours, at a dose of 100 mg - after 1.5 hours. Metabolized in the liver. The half-life is on average 17-21 hours. About 40% is excreted unchanged, mainly with bile (38.9%) and in small amounts by the kidneys (0.12%). During the first day, 90% of the administered dose is eliminated.

Indications for use

Prevention and treatment in adults and children over 12 years of age: influenza A and B, other acute respiratory viral infections.

Complex therapy of recurrent herpes infection.

Prevention of postoperative infectious complications.

Complex therapy of acute intestinal infections of rotavirus etiology in children over 12 years of age.


Hypersensitivity to umifenovir or any component of the drug; children up to 12 years of age. First trimester of pregnancy. Breastfeeding period.


Second and third trimesters of pregnancy.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

In animal studies, no harmful effects on pregnancy, embryonic and fetal development, labor or postnatal development were identified.

The use of Arbidol® Maximum in the first trimester of pregnancy is contraindicated.

In the second and third trimester of pregnancy, Arbidol® Maximum can be used only for the treatment and prevention of influenza and if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus. The benefit/risk ratio is determined by the attending physician.

It is not known whether Arbidol® Maximum passes into breast milk in women during lactation. If you need to use Arbidol® Maximum, you should stop breastfeeding.

Directions for use and doses

Inside, before meals.

A single dose for adults and children over 12 years of age is 200 mg (1 capsule).

Indication Dosage regimen
In adults and children over 12 years of age:
Nonspecific prevention during an epidemic of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections in a single dose 2 times a week for 3 weeks.
Nonspecific prophylaxis in direct contact with patients with influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections in a single dose 1 time per day for 10-14 days.
Treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections in a single dose 4 times a day (every 6 hours) for 5 days.
Complex therapy for recurrent herpes infection in a single dose 4 times a day (every 6 hours) for 5-7 days, then in a single dose 2 times a week for 4 weeks.
Prevention of postoperative infectious complications in a single dose 2 days before surgery, then on days 2 and 5 after surgery.
For children over 12 years of age:
Complex therapy of acute intestinal infections of rotavirus etiology in a single dose 4 times a day (every 6 hours) for 5 days.

The drug should be taken from the moment the first symptoms of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections appear, preferably no later than 3 days from the onset of the disease.

If, after using the drug Arbidol® Maximum for three days in the treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections, the severity of the symptoms of the disease, including high temperature (38 ° C or more), then you must consult a doctor to assess the validity of taking the drug.

Use the drug only according to the indications, method of administration and in the doses indicated in the instructions.

When treating influenza and ARVI, concomitant symptomatic therapy is possible, including taking antipyretic drugs, mucolytics and local vasoconstrictors.

Side effect

The drug Arbidol® Maximum is a low-toxic drug and is usually well tolerated.

Side effects are rare, usually mild or moderate and transient.

The frequency of adverse drug reactions is determined in accordance with the WHO classification: very often (with a frequency of more than 1/10), often (with a frequency of at least 1/100, but less than 1/10), infrequently (with a frequency of at least 1/1000, but less than 1/100), rare (with a frequency of at least 1/10,000, but less than 1/1000), very rare (with a frequency of less than 1/10,000), frequency unknown (cannot be determined from the available data).

Immune system disorders : rarely - allergic reactions.

If any of the side effects indicated in the instructions get worse, or you notice any other side effects not listed in the instructions, tell your doctor.


Not marked.

Interaction with other drugs

When prescribed with other drugs, no negative effects were noted.

No special clinical studies have been conducted to study the interactions of the drug Arbidol® Maximum with other drugs.

There was no evidence of undesirable interactions with antipyretic, mucolytic and local vasoconstrictor drugs in a clinical study.

special instructions

It is necessary to follow the regimen and duration of taking the drug recommended in the instructions. If you miss one dose of the drug, the missed dose should be taken as early as possible and continue taking the drug according to the started regimen.

If, after using the drug Arbidol® Maximum for three days in the treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections, the severity of the symptoms of the disease, including high temperature (38 ° C or more), then you must consult a doctor to assess the validity of taking the drug.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery

It does not exhibit central neurotropic activity and can be used in medical practice by people of various professions, incl. requiring increased attention and coordination of movements (transport drivers, operators, etc.).

Release form

Capsules 200 mg.

10 capsules per blister pack made of polyvinyl chloride film and printed varnished aluminum foil.

1 or 2 contour packages with instructions for use are placed in a cardboard pack.

Storage conditions

Store at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

2 years. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the packaging.

Vacation conditions

Available without a prescription.

Marketing authorization holder/organization receiving consumer complaints

OTCPharm JSC, Russia 123112, Moscow, st. Testovskaya, 10 fl. 12, room II, room 29 Tel. Fax

305022, Russia, Kursk, st. 2nd Aggregatnaya, 1a/18, tel./fax,

Arbidol for children

A suspension is recommended for children. It is produced in the form of a powder substance. To prepare the suspension, pour 30 ml of boiled water (18-22 °C) into a bottle with powder. After dilution, you need to close the container and shake the bottle vigorously so that the powder substance dissolves.

Attention!!! Hot liquid should not be poured into the bottle, as this will affect the effectiveness of the medicine. Very cold water does not dissolve the powder substance well.

After the first dilution and shaking, add boiled liquid to the mark (volume 100 ml). Shake the container again and close the lid.

The prepared liquid should be stored for no more than 10 days. The bottle should be shaken before use.

Single dosages of the finished suspension:

  • 2-6 years - 10 ml (50 mg),
  • 6-12 years - 20 ml (100 mg),
  • over 12 years old - 40 ml (200 mg).

Frequency of taking a single dosage

State Frequency of use
prevention of respiratory diseases twice a week for 21 days
upon contact with an infected person once a day for 2 weeks
treatment of viral respiratory tract infections four times a day for 5 days
rotavirus infection 4 times a day, the course of therapy is 5 days

Treatment with the drug should be started no later than 3 days from the onset of the disease.

Arbidol for children

Arbidol Maximum

Registration number: LP-002690 dated 10/31/2014

Trade name of the drug: Arbidol® Maximum

International nonproprietary name: Umifenovir

Dosage form: capsules

Composition per capsule:

Active ingredient: umifenovir hydrochloride monohydrate (in terms of umifenovir hydrochloride) – 207 mg (in terms of umifenovir hydrochloride) – 200 mg.

Excipients: potato starch - 45.67 mg, microcrystalline cellulose - 11.20 mg, colloidal silicon dioxide (Aerosil) - 2.80 mg, povidone (kollidon 25) - 7.73 mg, calcium stearate - 2.80 mg, croscarmellose sodium – 2.80 mg, weight of capsule contents – 280 mg.

Hard gelatin capsules No. 0:

Composition of the capsule shell (body and cap): titanium dioxide (E 171) – 1.92 mg, gelatin – 94.08 mg. The total weight of the capsule is 376 mg.


Hard gelatin capsules No. 0, white. The contents of the capsule are a mixture containing granules and powder from white or white with a greenish-yellow or cream tint to light yellow or light yellow with a greenish tint.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: antiviral agent.

ATX code: J05AX13

Pharmacological properties


Antiviral agent. Specifically suppresses in vitro influenza viruses A and B (Influenza virus A, B), including highly pathogenic subtypes A(H1N1)pdm09 and A(H5N1), as well as other viruses that cause acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) (coronavirus, associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), rhinovirus (Rhinovirus), adenovirus (Adenovirus), respiratory syncytial virus (Pneumovirus) and parainfluenza virus (Paramyxovirus)). In in vitro studies, it specifically inhibits the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19). The EC50 (half maximal effective concentration) in Vero E6 cells is 4.11 µM, which corresponds to 2.11 µg/ml. The clinical significance of this requires further study.

According to the mechanism of antiviral action, it belongs to fusion inhibitors, interacts with the hemagglutinin of the virus and prevents the fusion of the lipid membrane of the virus and cell membranes. It has a moderate immunomodulatory effect and increases the body's resistance to viral infections. It has interferon-inducing activity - in a study on mice, the induction of interferons was noted after 16 hours, and high titers of interferons remained in the blood up to 48 hours after administration. Stimulates cellular and humoral immune responses: increases the number of lymphocytes in the blood, especially T-cells (CD3), increases the number of T-helpers (CD4) without affecting the level of T-suppressors (CD8), normalizes the immunoregulatory index, stimulates the phagocytic function of macrophages and increases the number of natural killer (NK) cells.

Therapeutic effectiveness for viral infections is manifested in a decrease in the duration and severity of the disease and its main symptoms, as well as in a decrease in the incidence of complications associated with viral infection and exacerbations of chronic bacterial diseases.

When treating influenza or ARVI in adult patients, a clinical study showed that the effect of the drug in adult patients is most pronounced in the acute period of the disease and is manifested by a reduction in the time for resolution of symptoms of the disease, a decrease in the severity of the manifestations of the disease and a reduction in the time for elimination of the virus.

Therapy with the drug leads to a higher frequency of relief of symptoms of the disease on the third day of therapy compared to placebo - 60 hours after the start of therapy, the resolution of all symptoms of laboratory-confirmed influenza is more than 5 times higher than the same indicator in the placebo group.

A significant effect of the drug on the rate of elimination of the influenza virus was established, which, in particular, was manifested by a decrease in the frequency of detection of viral RNA on the 4th day.

Refers to low-toxic drugs (LD50 > 4 g/kg). Does not have any negative effects on the human body when administered orally in recommended doses.


Quickly absorbed and distributed throughout organs and tissues. The maximum concentration in blood plasma when taken at a dose of 50 mg is achieved after 1.2 hours, at a dose of 100 mg - after 1.5 hours. Metabolized in the liver. The half-life is on average 17-21 hours. About 40% is excreted unchanged, mainly with bile (38.9%) and in small amounts by the kidneys (0.12%). During the first day, 90% of the administered dose is eliminated.

Indications for use

Prevention and treatment in adults and children over 12 years of age: influenza A and B, other acute respiratory viral infections.

Complex therapy of recurrent herpes infection.

Prevention of postoperative infectious complications.

Complex therapy of acute intestinal infections of rotavirus etiology in children over 12 years of age.


Hypersensitivity to umifenovir or any component of the drug; children up to 12 years of age. First trimester of pregnancy. Breastfeeding period.


Second and third trimesters of pregnancy.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

In animal studies, no harmful effects on pregnancy, embryonic and fetal development, labor or postnatal development were identified.

The use of Arbidol® Maximum in the first trimester of pregnancy is contraindicated.

In the second and third trimester of pregnancy, Arbidol® Maximum can be used only for the treatment and prevention of influenza and if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus. The benefit/risk ratio is determined by the attending physician.

It is not known whether Arbidol® Maximum passes into breast milk in women during lactation. If you need to use Arbidol® Maximum, you should stop breastfeeding.

Directions for use and doses

Inside, before meals.

A single dose for adults and children over 12 years of age is 200 mg (1 capsule).

Indication Dosage regimen
In adults and children over 12 years of age:
Nonspecific prevention during an epidemic of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections in a single dose 2 times a week for 3 weeks.
Nonspecific prophylaxis in direct contact with patients with influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections in a single dose 1 time per day for 10-14 days.
Treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections in a single dose 4 times a day (every 6 hours) for 5 days.
Complex therapy for recurrent herpes infection in a single dose 4 times a day (every 6 hours) for 5-7 days, then in a single dose 2 times a week for 4 weeks.
Prevention of postoperative infectious complications in a single dose 2 days before surgery, then on days 2 and 5 after surgery.
For children over 12 years of age:
Complex therapy of acute intestinal infections of rotavirus etiology in a single dose 4 times a day (every 6 hours) for 5 days.

The drug should be taken from the moment the first symptoms of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections appear, preferably no later than 3 days from the onset of the disease.

If, after using the drug Arbidol® Maximum for three days in the treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections, the severity of the symptoms of the disease, including high temperature (38 ° C or more), then you must consult a doctor to assess the validity of taking the drug.

Use the drug only according to the indications, method of administration and in the doses indicated in the instructions.

When treating influenza and ARVI, concomitant symptomatic therapy is possible, including taking antipyretic drugs, mucolytics and local vasoconstrictors.

Side effect

The drug Arbidol® Maximum is a low-toxic drug and is usually well tolerated.

Side effects are rare, usually mild or moderate and transient.

The frequency of adverse drug reactions is determined in accordance with the WHO classification: very often (with a frequency of more than 1/10), often (with a frequency of at least 1/100, but less than 1/10), infrequently (with a frequency of at least 1/1000, but less than 1/100), rare (with a frequency of at least 1/10,000, but less than 1/1000), very rare (with a frequency of less than 1/10,000), frequency unknown (cannot be determined from the available data).

Immune system disorders : rarely - allergic reactions.

If any of the side effects indicated in the instructions get worse, or you notice any other side effects not listed in the instructions, tell your doctor.


Not marked.

Interaction with other drugs

When prescribed with other drugs, no negative effects were noted.

No special clinical studies have been conducted to study the interactions of the drug Arbidol® Maximum with other drugs.

There was no evidence of undesirable interactions with antipyretic, mucolytic and local vasoconstrictor drugs in a clinical study.

special instructions

It is necessary to follow the regimen and duration of taking the drug recommended in the instructions. If you miss one dose of the drug, the missed dose should be taken as early as possible and continue taking the drug according to the started regimen.

If, after using the drug Arbidol® Maximum for three days in the treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections, the severity of the symptoms of the disease, including high temperature (38 ° C or more), then you must consult a doctor to assess the validity of taking the drug.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery

It does not exhibit central neurotropic activity and can be used in medical practice by people of various professions, incl. requiring increased attention and coordination of movements (transport drivers, operators, etc.).

Release form

Capsules 200 mg.

10 capsules per blister pack made of polyvinyl chloride film and printed varnished aluminum foil.

1 or 2 contour packages with instructions for use are placed in a cardboard pack.

Storage conditions

Store at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

2 years. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the packaging.

Vacation conditions

Available without a prescription.

Marketing authorization holder/organization receiving consumer complaints

OTCPharm JSC, Russia 123112, Moscow, st. Testovskaya, 10 fl. 12, room II, room 29 Tel. Fax

305022, Russia, Kursk, st. 2nd Aggregatnaya, 1a/18, tel./fax,

Pharmacodynamic properties

The mechanism of reproduction of viruses is different from that of bacteria. Viral particles penetrate through the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract into the blood. The pathogen seeks to enter the host cell. This is necessary for the synthesis of new viral particles.

The microorganism penetrates the cell and uses the patient’s DNA to form the virion genome. New microbes enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. The cell that was used to create new virions dies.

Umifenovir, which is the active component of the drug, has an antiviral effect on the body. The substance prevents the viral particle from merging with the host cell. Because of this, the virus cannot penetrate into the cell.

The drug prevents the virus from multiplying. The pathogen is not able to continue its life cycle, therefore it is present in the circulatory system for a long time. The protective cells have time to recognize and destroy dangerous microorganisms.

The medication also enhances immune defense. While taking medication:

  • The number of lymphocyte cells increases;
  • The function of macrophages that capture harmful microbes is stimulated;
  • The number of immune cells that detect the presence of foreign microorganisms increases.

When the drug Arbidol is used correctly, patients tolerate the disease more easily. The duration of the disease decreases. Symptoms: hyperthermia, muscle pain, nasal congestion, sore throat begins to subside already on the 3-4th day of therapy.

Arbidol Maximum caps 200 mg N10 (OTISI)

Antiviral agent. Specifically suppresses in vitro influenza viruses A and B (Influenzavirus A, B), including highly pathogenic subtypes A(H1N1)pdm09 and A(H5N1), as well as other viruses that cause acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) (coronavirus associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), rhinovirus (Rhinovirus), adenovirus (Adenovirus), respiratory syncytial virus (Pneumovirus) and parainfluenza virus (Paramyxovirus)). According to the mechanism of antiviral action, it belongs to fusion inhibitors, interacts with the hemagglutinin of the virus and prevents the fusion of the lipid membrane of the virus and cell membranes. It has a moderate immunomodulatory effect and increases the body's resistance to viral infections. It has interferon-inducing activity - in a study on mice, the induction of interferons was noted after 16 hours, and high titers of interferons remained in the blood up to 48 hours after administration. Stimulates cellular and humoral immune responses: increases the number of lymphocytes in the blood, especially T-cells (CD3), increases the number of T-helpers (CD4) without affecting the level of T-suppressors (CD8), normalizes the immunoregulatory index, stimulates the phagocytic function of macrophages and increases the number of natural killer (NK) cells. Therapeutic effectiveness for viral infections is manifested in a decrease in the duration and severity of the disease and its main symptoms, as well as in a decrease in the incidence of complications associated with viral infection and exacerbations of chronic bacterial diseases. When treating influenza or ARVI in adult patients, a clinical study showed that the effect of the drug in adult patients is most pronounced in the acute period of the disease and is manifested by a reduction in the time for resolution of symptoms of the disease, a decrease in the severity of the manifestations of the disease and a reduction in the time for elimination of the virus. Therapy with the drug leads to a higher frequency of relief of symptoms of the disease on the third day of therapy compared to placebo - 60 hours after the start of therapy, the resolution of all symptoms of laboratory-confirmed influenza is more than 5 times higher than the same indicator in the placebo group. A significant effect of the drug on the rate of elimination of the influenza virus was established, which, in particular, was manifested by a decrease in the frequency of detection of viral RNA on the 4th day. Refers to low-toxic drugs (LD50 > 4 g/kg). Does not have any negative effects on the human body when administered orally in recommended doses.

Is it permissible during COVID-19?

Umifenovir is recommended for use both for the treatment of coronavirus infection and for the prevention of infection with Covid-19. As a preventive measure, the drug is ideal because it prevents the virus from entering cells, even if there has been contact with a sick person. Coronavirus can be present in the blood for up to 2 weeks or more without penetrating into cells. This explains the long incubation period (asymptomatic). For preventive purposes, it is recommended to take Arbidol for 2 weeks, which will prevent the virus from entering cells and its further reproduction.

It makes sense to prescribe the drug for the treatment of coronavirus infection, as it stops further reproduction of viruses. The medicine relieves symptoms and prevents complications. Arbidol copes well with mild forms of COVID-19.

Arbidol® (Arbidol®)

Antiviral agent. Specifically inhibits in vitro influenza viruses A and B {Influenzavirus A, B), including highly pathogenic subtypes A(H1N1)pdm09 and A(H5N1), as well as other viruses that cause acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) (coronavirus {Coronavirus) associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), rhinovirus (Rhinovirus), adenovirus (Adenovirus), respiratory syncytial virus (Pneumovirus) and parainfluenza virus (Paramyxovirus)). According to the mechanism of antiviral action, it belongs to fusion inhibitors, interacts with the hemagglutinin of the virus and prevents the fusion of the lipid membrane of the virus and cell membranes. It has a moderate immunomodulatory effect and increases the body's resistance to viral infections. It has interferon-inducing activity - in a study on mice, the induction of interferons was noted after 16 hours, and high titers of interferons remained in the blood up to 48 hours after administration. Stimulates cellular and humoral immune responses: increases the number of lymphocytes in the blood, especially T-cells (CD3), increases the number of T-helpers (CD4) without affecting the level of T-suppressors (CD8), normalizes the immunoregulatory index, stimulates the phagocytic function of macrophages and increases the number of natural killer (NK) cells.

Therapeutic effectiveness for viral infections is manifested in a decrease in the duration and severity of the disease and its main symptoms, as well as in a decrease in the incidence of complications associated with viral infection and exacerbations of chronic bacterial diseases.

In the treatment of influenza or ARVI in adult patients, a clinical study showed that the effect of the drug Arbidol® in adult patients is most pronounced in the acute period of the disease and is manifested by a reduction in the time for resolution of symptoms of the disease, a decrease in the severity of manifestations of the disease and a reduction in the time for elimination of the virus.

Therapy with Arbidol® leads to a higher frequency of relief of symptoms of the disease on the third day of therapy compared to placebo: 60 hours after the start of therapy, the resolution of all symptoms of laboratory-confirmed influenza is more than 5 times higher than the same indicator in the placebo group.

A significant effect of the drug Arbidol® on the rate of elimination of the influenza virus was established, which, in particular, was manifested by a decrease in the frequency of detection of viral RNA on the 4th day.

Refers to low-toxic drugs (LD50>4 g/kg). Does not have any negative effects on the human body when administered orally in recommended doses.

Is it possible to take Arbidol during pregnancy and lactation?

Arbidol during pregnancy should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. The drug is prohibited during the first 3 months of pregnancy, since the medicine has not been studied in women in this group.

It is permissible to use the medication for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in the 2nd and 3rd trimester if the benefit to the patient outweighs the possible negative effects on the embryo.

There is no data on the ability of the drug to penetrate the secretions of the mammary glands. If the medication is prescribed by a doctor, breastfeeding should be suspended for the entire period of therapy. During treatment, you need to pump regularly to maintain lactation.

Special conditions

If the drug is prescribed as a suspension to patients with diabetes, the sucrose that is present in the dosage form should be taken into account.

During therapy, you must strictly follow the instructions for use. If 1 dose was missed, it should be taken as soon as possible. And then the medicine is taken according to the schedule. It is not advisable to miss taking your medication at the scheduled time. Skipping a dosage reduces the concentration of the drug in the blood, which affects the effectiveness of therapy.

Attention! If symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection or flu do not subside within 3 days, you should consult a doctor for examination and treatment adjustment.

Restrictions on use

The medicine is not recommended if you have an allergic reaction to umifenovir. The drug should not be prescribed to patients under 2 years of age. It is prohibited to use an antiviral agent during pregnancy in the first trimester. The drug is not recommended during lactation.

You should not take the medication if:

  • Lactase deficiency;
  • Malabsorption syndrome.

Take the medication carefully in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy.

Analogues of the drug Arbidol

The medicine has structural and non-structural analogues that are not inferior in effectiveness. Similar drugs include:

  • Viferon;
  • Grippferon;
  • Kagocel;
  • Anaferon;
  • Umifenovir;
  • Arpeflu.

Structural analogues include Arpeflu, Umifenovir. They have the same active ingredient: umifenovir. The mechanism of action of drugs is similar to Arbidol. The drugs are produced in the form of tablets of 50 mg.

Non-structural analogues include Viferon, Kagocel, Anaferon, Grippferon.


Viferon is an effective analogue. It is available in the form of rectal suppositories. There is also an ointment and gel form for topical use. The drug belongs to the group of cytokines. Contains interferon alpha-2b. Due to the fact that interferons enter the body from the outside, the effect of therapy is noticeable within 1-3 hours after use. The product is suitable for influenza, rotavirus, adenovirus, respiratory syncytial, herpes and other infections.

The medication can be used in children from birth, including premature babies. The medicine is suitable for lactating and pregnant women at any stage of gestation.


Another analogue is Grippferon. It is produced in the form of nasal drops and spray. The drug is used topically. The medicine contains interferon alpha-2b. It is allowed for children, pregnant and lactating patients.


Kagocel is an interferon inducer. The medicine increases the formation of the patient’s own protective antibodies. The medicine is produced in the form of tablets. The drug is approved from 3 years of age. It is prohibited to use it during pregnancy and lactation.


Anaferon is produced in the form of tablets and drops. The active component of the drug is antibodies to human interferon gamma. The drug enhances the functioning of immune mechanisms. The medicine can be taken by children from 1 month of age. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the drug is prescribed only by a doctor. The medicine is indicated for herpetic rashes, acute respiratory viral infections, and influenza.

Arbidol today is one of the most frequently purchased drugs. The medication is suitable for both adults and children. It is acceptable to use during pregnancy from the 2nd trimester. The medicine is non-toxic and does not damage the kidneys and liver. Umifenovir is ideal for the treatment of coronavirus infection, influenza, herpes and other conditions. It can only be used as prescribed by a doctor, despite the availability in pharmacies.

Arbidol Maximum antiviral for influenza and ARVI caps. 200mg 10pcs

Active substance:

1 capsule contains: umifenovir hydrochloride monohydrate (in terms of umifenovir hydrochloride) – 200 mg.
Potato starch – 52.67 mg, microcrystalline cellulose – 11.20 mg, colloidal silicon dioxide (Aerosil) – 2.80 mg, povidone (kollidon 25) – 7.73 mg, calcium stearate – 2.80 mg, croscarmellose sodium – 2.80 mg, weight of capsule contents – 280 mg Hard gelatin capsules No. 0: composition of the capsule shell (body and cap): titanium dioxide (E 171) – 1.92 mg, gelatin – 94.08 mg. The total weight of the capsule is 376 mg.


Arbidol® is a Russian drug for ARVI and influenza, recognized internationally.

Arbidol® Maximum - double strength in one capsule for the prevention and treatment of influenza and ARVI in adults and children over 12 years of age

Research-proven action against colds and flu: 1. In 2013, Arbidol® was included by WHO in the group of direct-acting antiviral drugs in the international classification of drugs ATC*; 2. Arbidol® is the only Russian drug that is included by experts of the International Society for Influenza and Other ARVIs in the list of antiviral agents for the treatment of influenza**; 3. Arbidol® is a proven effect against colds and flu: -more than 25 clinical studies, including the Multicenter Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Study "ARBITR" and Large-scale pharmaco-epidemiological studies "EGIDA"; -more than 125 scientific publications and articles, of which more than 74 are foreign***; -more than 100 research centers; 4. The action of Arbidol® has been confirmed by research. According to studies, the drug reduces: the risk of infection up to 7 times (post-exposure prophylaxis) ****, the risk of developing complications of influenza and ARVI*****: pneumonia up to 98%; bronchitis up to 90%; sinusitis up to 78%. Arbidol reduces the duration of the disease; 5. Arbidol® is the winner of the “Product of the Year 2019” award in the “Antiviral drugs” category.

Advantages of the drug Arbidol: has a proven direct effect on viruses without actively interfering with the immune system; helps block the penetration of the virus into cells; helps block virus replication; has a wide spectrum of antiviral activity: including the highly pathogenic subtypes A(H1N1)pdm09 and A(H5N1), as well as other viruses that cause acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) (coronavirus associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), rhinovirus (Rhinovirus), adenovirus (Adenovirus), respiratory syncytial virus (Pneumovirus) and parainfluenza virus (Paramyxovirus).

Advantages of the release form: convenient to take - only one capsule per dose instead of two; The capsule prevents the appearance of unpleasant taste sensations during administration.

Links: 1. [Electronic resource]. (access date: 12/11/2019); 2. WHOCC - ATC/DDD Index [Electronic resource]. URL: (access date: 12/11/2019; 3. according to and; 4. Leneva I.A., Guskova T .A. Arbidol is an effective drug for the treatment and prevention of influenza and ARVI: a review of the results of clinical studies // RMZH. -2011 N=1462 patients (*when taking Arbidol in the first 48 hours after the onset of the disease, compared with the absence of antiviral therapy in adult patients). The results were published in V.V. Maleev, E.P. Selkova, I. V. Prostyakov, E. A. Osipova. Pharmacoepidemiological study of the course of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections in the 2010/11 season. Infectious diseases, 2012, No. 3, pp. 15-23; 6. Kadam RU, Wilson IA. Structural basis of influenza virus fusion inhibition by the antiviral drug Arbidol. Proc Natl Acad Sci US A. 2022 Jan 10;114(2):206-214; 7. Instructions for medical use of the drug Arbidol (all forms of release).

Hard gelatin capsules No. 0, white. The contents of the capsule are a mixture containing granules and powder from white or white with a greenish-yellow or cream tint to light yellow or light yellow with a greenish tint.

Release form:

Capsules 200 mg. 10 capsules per blister pack made of polyvinyl chloride film and printed varnished aluminum foil. 1 contour package with instructions for use is placed in a cardboard pack.

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