Instructions for use POLYOXIDONIUM lyophilisate 6 mg

Composition and release form

Tablets 1 tablet. azoximer bromide 12 mg excipients: lactose; potato starch; stearic acid - to obtain a tablet weighing 0.25 g in a blister pack, 10 pcs.; in a cardboard pack 1 or 2 packages. Lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for injection and topical use 1 amp. or fl. azoximer bromide 3 mg excipients: mannitol; povidone; betacarotene - up to 4.5 mg in ampoules or vials of colorless or dark neutral glass of 4.5 mg; in a cardboard pack there are 5 ampoules or bottles; or in a blister pack of 5 ampoules or bottles; in a cardboard pack 1 package; or in a cardboard pack of 5 ampoules or bottles complete with a solvent in ampoules (5 ampoules of water for injection or 5 ampoules of 0.9% isotonic sodium chloride solution). Lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for injection and topical use 1 amp. or fl. azoximer bromide 6 mg excipients: mannitol; povidone; betacarotene - up to 9 mg in ampoules or vials of colorless or dark neutral glass of 9 mg; in a cardboard pack there are 5 ampoules or bottles; or in a blister pack of 5 ampoules or bottles; in a cardboard pack 1 package; or in a cardboard pack of 5 ampoules or bottles complete with a solvent in ampoules (5 ampoules of water for injection or 5 ampoules of 0.9% isotonic sodium chloride solution). Suppositories 1 sup. azoximer bromide 6 mg excipients: mannitol; povidone; betacarotene - up to 9 mg base: cocoa butter - to obtain a suppository weighing 1.3 g in a blister pack, 5 pcs.; in a cardboard pack 2 packs. Suppositories 1 sup. azoximer bromide 12 mg excipients: mannitol; povidone; betacarotene - up to 18 mg base: cocoa butter - until a suppository weighing 1.3 g is obtained

Polyoxidonium price, where to buy

The average price of Polyoxidonium tablets is 540 UAH. The price of Polyoxidonium 12 mg suppositories is 750 UAH, you can buy 6 mg suppositories for an average of 580 UAH. Price of Polyoxidonium in ampoules (6 mg injections) - from 600 to 1200 UAH.

You can buy 12 mg tablets in Moscow for an average of 660-750 rubles. The price of 6 mg ampoules is from 950 rubles. 6 mg suppositories cost approximately 750 rubles, 12 mg suppositories cost 850 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
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  • Polyoxidonium solution for injection and topical use 6 mg/ml 1 ml No. 5 (bottles) Petrovax Pharm NPO LLC

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  • Polyoxidonium suppositories 6 mg No. 10Petrovax Pharm NPO LLC

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  • Polyoxidonium suppositories 12 mg No. 10Petrovax Pharm NPO LLC

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Description of the dosage form

Tablets: from white with a yellowish tint to yellow with an orange tint, flat-cylindrical, chamfered, with a score line on one side and the inscription “PO” on the other. Subtle inclusions of more intense color are allowed. Lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for injection and topical use: porous mass from white with a yellowish tint to yellow. The drug is hygroscopic and photosensitive. Suppositories: torpedo-shaped, light yellow in color with a faint specific odor of cocoa butter.


Polyoxidonium has high bioavailability (89%); time to reach Cmax in the blood after intramuscular administration - 40 minutes; quickly distributed throughout all organs and tissues. The half-life of distribution in the body with intravenous administration is 25 minutes, T1/2 (slow phase) is 25.4 hours, with intramuscular administration is 36.2 hours. In the body, the drug is hydrolyzed to oligomers, which are excreted primarily by the kidneys. For suppositories: bioavailability - high (up to 70%); Cmax in the blood is achieved 1 hour after administration; T1/2 (fast phase - about 30 minutes, slow phase - 36.2 hours).

Analogues of Polyoxidonium

Level 4 ATX code matches:

Roferon A









Sodium nucleinate

Intron A









Analogs of the drug by mechanism of action: Actinolysate , Anaferon , Arpetolide , Arpeflu , Affinoleukin , Bestin , Bioaron Broncho- , Vilozen , Gepon , Gerbion , Glutaxim , Isofon , Immunal , Immunofan , Neuroferon , Ribomunil , Taktivin , Florexil , Cycloferon , Cytovir- 3 , Engistol , Polymuramil , Ismigen .


Increases the body's resistance to bacterial, fungal and viral infections. The basis of the mechanism of immunomodulatory action of Polyoxidonium is a direct effect on phagocytic cells and natural killer cells, as well as stimulation of antibody formation. Restores immune responses in secondary immunodeficiency conditions caused by infections, injuries, burns, malignant neoplasms, complications after surgery, the use of chemotherapeutic agents, incl. cytostatics, steroid hormones. When administered sublingually, Polyoxidonium activates lymphoid cells located in the bronchi, nasal cavity, and Eustachian tubes, thereby increasing the resistance of these organs to infectious agents. When administered orally, Polyoxidonium activates lymphoid cells located in the intestine, namely B-cells that produce secretory IgA. The consequence of this is an increase in the resistance of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract to infectious agents. In addition, when administered orally, Polyoxidonium activates tissue macrophages, which facilitates faster elimination of the pathogen from the body in the presence of a focus of infection. Along with the immunomodulatory effect, Polyoxidonium has pronounced detoxifying and antioxidant activity, which is determined by the structure and high-molecular nature of the drug. Increases the resistance of cell membranes to the cytotoxic effects of drugs and chemicals, reduces their toxicity. The use of Polyoxidonium in complex therapy can increase the efficiency and shorten the duration of treatment, significantly reduce the use of antibiotics, bronchodilators, corticosteroids, and extend the period of remission. The drug is well tolerated, does not have mitogenic activity, or antigenic properties; does not have allergenic, mutagenic, embryotoxic, teratogenic or carcinogenic effects.

Polyoxidonium tablets 12 mg - official instructions

Instructions for use of the drug

Please read this leaflet carefully before you start using this medicine because it contains important information for you. Save the instructions, you may need them again. If you have any questions, consult your doctor. This medicine is available without a prescription. To achieve optimal results, it should be used strictly following all recommendations outlined in the instructions. The medicine you are using is intended for you personally and should not be given to others as it may cause harm to them even if they have the same symptoms as you.

Registration number: P N002935/04. Trade name : Polyoxidonium®. International nonproprietary name : Azoximer bromide (Azoximeri bromidum). Chemical name: copolymer of 1,4-ethylenepiperazine N-oxide and (N-carboxymethyl)-1,4-ethylenepiperazinium bromide. Dosage form: tablets. Composition per tablet: Active ingredient: Azoximer bromide – 12 mg; Excipients: mannitol - 3.6 mg, povidone - 2.4 mg, lactose monohydrate - 185.0 mg, potato starch - 45.0 mg, stearic acid - 2.0 mg. Description : round, flat-cylindrical tablets of white or white with a yellowish tint, with a chamfer, with a score on one side and embossed “PO” on the other. Pharmacotherapeutic group : immunomodulatory agent. ATX code: [LO3].


Azoximer bromide has a complex effect: immunomodulatory, detoxifying, antioxidant, moderate anti-inflammatory. The basis of the mechanism of immunomodulatory action of Azoximer bromide is a direct effect on phagocytic cells and natural killer cells, as well as stimulation of antibody formation and the synthesis of interferon-alpha and interferon-gamma. The detoxification and antioxidant properties of Azoximer bromide are largely determined by the structure and high-molecular nature of the drug. Azoximer bromide increases the body's resistance to local and generalized infections of bacterial, fungal and viral etiology. Restores immunity in secondary immunodeficiency conditions caused by various infections, injuries, complications after surgical operations. A characteristic feature of Azoximer bromide when applied topically (sublingually) is the ability to activate factors of the body's early defense against infection: the drug stimulates the bactericidal properties of neutrophils, macrophages, enhances their ability to absorb bacteria, increases the bactericidal properties of saliva and secretions of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. When administered orally, Azoximer bromide also activates lymphoid cells in the intestinal lymph nodes. Azoximer bromide blocks soluble toxic substances and microparticles, has the ability to remove toxins and heavy metal salts from the body, and inhibits lipid peroxidation, both by intercepting free radicals and by eliminating catalytically active Fe2+ ions. Azoximer bromide reduces the inflammatory response by normalizing the synthesis of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines. Azoximer bromide is well tolerated, does not have mitogenic, polyclonal activity, antigenic properties, does not have allergenic, mutagenic, embryotoxic, teratogenic and carcinogenic effects. Azoximer bromide is odorless and tasteless, and does not have a local irritating effect when applied to the mucous membranes of the nose and oropharynx.


Azoximer bromide after oral administration is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, the bioavailability of the drug when administered orally is more than 70%. The maximum concentration in blood plasma is achieved 3 hours after oral administration. The pharmacokinetics of Azoximer bromide is linear (plasma concentration is proportional to the dose taken). Azoximer bromide is a hydrophilic compound. The apparent volume of distribution is approximately 0.5 l/kg, which indicates that the drug is distributed mainly in the interstitial fluid. The half-life of absorption is 35 minutes, the half-life is 18 hours. Azoximer bromide is quickly distributed throughout all organs and tissues of the body, penetrates the blood-brain and blood-ophthalmic barriers. There is no cumulative effect. In the body of Azoximer, bromide undergoes biodegradation to low molecular weight oligomers, is excreted mainly by the kidneys, with feces - no more than 3%.

Indications for use

It is used in adults and children over 3 years of age for the treatment and prevention of acute and chronic respiratory diseases in the stage of exacerbation and remission.

For treatment (in complex therapy):
  • acute and exacerbation of chronic recurrent infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oropharynx, paranasal sinuses, upper and lower respiratory tract, inner and middle ear;
  • allergic diseases (including hay fever, bronchial asthma), complicated by recurrent bacterial, fungal and viral infections.
For prevention (monotherapy):
  • recurrent herpetic infection of the nasal and labial area;
  • exacerbations of chronic foci of infections of the oropharynx, paranasal sinuses, upper respiratory tract, inner and middle ear;
  • secondary immunodeficiency conditions arising due to aging or exposure to adverse factors.


  • increased individual sensitivity;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding period;
  • children under 3 years of age;
  • acute renal failure;
  • rare hereditary lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency, glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome.


If you have the diseases listed in this section, consult your doctor before starting to take the drug:

  • chronic renal failure (used no more than 2 times a week).

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of the drug Polyoxidonium® is contraindicated for pregnant women and women during breastfeeding (there is no clinical experience of use). Experimental use of the drug Polyoxidonium® in animals did not reveal embryotoxic or teratogenic effects or effects on fetal development. Before using Polyoxidonium®, if you are pregnant, or think you might be pregnant, or are planning a pregnancy, you should consult your doctor. During breastfeeding, you should consult your doctor before using Polyoxidonium®.

Directions for use and doses

Use the drug only according to the indications, method of administration and in the doses indicated in the instructions. If there is no improvement after treatment, or symptoms worsen, or new symptoms appear, you should consult your doctor. Orally and sublingually 20–30 minutes before meals, 2 times a day: children over 10 years of age and adults - 1 tablet, children from 3 to 10 years - ½ tablet (6 mg). If necessary, repeated courses of therapy are possible after 3–4 months. When the drug is re-prescribed, its effectiveness does not decrease.


For treatment in adults:

  • influenza and acute respiratory infections - 1 tablet 2 times a day for 7 days;
  • inflammatory processes of the oropharynx - 1 tablet 2 times a day for 10 days;
  • exacerbations of chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, paranasal sinuses, chronic otitis media - 1 tablet 2 times a day for 10 days;
  • allergic diseases (including hay fever, bronchial asthma), complicated by recurrent bacterial, fungal and viral infections - 1 tablet 2 times a day for 10 days.

For treatment in children aged 3 to 10 years:

  • influenza and acute respiratory infections – ½ tablet 2 times a day for 7 days;
  • inflammatory processes of the oropharynx – ½ tablet 2 times a day for 7 days;
  • allergic diseases (including hay fever, bronchial asthma), complicated by recurrent bacterial, fungal and viral infections - ½ tablet 2 times a day for 7 days.

For treatment in children over 10 years of age:

  • influenza and acute respiratory infections - 1 tablet 2 times a day for 7 days;
  • inflammatory processes of the oropharynx - 1 tablet 2 times a day for 7 days;
  • exacerbations of chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, paranasal sinuses, chronic otitis media - 1 tablet 2 times a day for 7 days;
  • allergic diseases (including hay fever, bronchial asthma), complicated by recurrent bacterial, fungal and viral infections - 1 tablet 2 times a day for 7 days.

For prevention in adults:

  • influenza and acute respiratory infections in the pre-epidemic period - 1 tablet per day for 10 days;
  • recurrent herpetic infection of the nasal and labial area - 1 tablet 2 times a day for 10 days;
  • exacerbations of chronic foci of infections of the oropharynx, paranasal sinuses, upper respiratory tract, inner and middle ear - 1 tablet once a day for 10 days;
  • secondary immunodeficiencies arising due to aging or exposure to adverse factors - 1 tablet 1 time per day for 10 days.

For prevention in children aged 3 to 10 years:

  • influenza and acute respiratory infections in the pre-epidemic period - ½ tablet per day for 7 days;
  • recurrent herpetic infection of the nasal and labial area - ½ tablet 2 times a day for 7 days;
  • exacerbations of chronic foci of infections of the oropharynx, paranasal sinuses, upper respiratory tract, inner and middle ear - ½ tablet once a day for 10 days.

For prevention in children over 10 years of age:

  • influenza and acute respiratory infections in the pre-epidemic period - 1 tablet per day for 7 days;
  • recurrent herpetic infection of the nasal and labial area - 1 tablet 2 times a day for 7 days;
  • exacerbations of chronic foci of infections of the oropharynx, paranasal sinuses, upper respiratory tract, inner and middle ear - one tablet once a day for 10 days.

Side effect

No side effects have been reported.

If you notice any side effects not listed in the instructions, tell your doctor.


No cases of overdose have been reported.

Interaction with other drugs

Azoximer bromide does not inhibit the isoenzymes CYP1A2, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, CYP2D6, cytochrome P-450, therefore the drug is compatible with antibiotics, antiviral, antifungal and antihistamines, glucocorticosteroids and cytostatics. If you are taking the above or other medications (including over-the-counter medications), consult your doctor before starting to take Polyoxidonium®.

special instructions

If an allergic reaction develops, you should stop using the drug Polyoxidonium® and consult a doctor. If it is necessary to stop taking the drug Polyoxidonium®, discontinuation can be done immediately, without gradually reducing the dose. If you miss the next dose of the drug, its subsequent use should be carried out as usual, as indicated in these instructions or recommended by your doctor. The patient should not administer a double dose to compensate for missed doses. Do not use the drug if there are visual signs of its unsuitability (defective packaging, discoloration of the tablet).

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and other mechanisms

The use of the drug Polyoxidonium® does not affect the ability to perform potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions (including driving vehicles, working with moving mechanisms).

Release form

Tablets, 12 mg. 10 tablets in a blister pack made of polyvinyl chloride film and aluminum foil. One or two blister packs along with instructions for use are placed in a cardboard pack.

Best before date

3 years. Do not use after expiration date.

Storage conditions

At temperatures from 2 to 25 °C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Vacation conditions

Over the counter.

Manufacturer / Legal entity in whose name the registration certificate was issued

The owner of the registration certificate and.

Legal address / Address for submitting consumer claims:

Russian Federation, 142143, Moscow region, Podolsk, p. Pokrov, st. Sosnovaya, 1, tel./fax, e-mail: [email protected] ; to make claims: tel., 8 (800) 234-44-80, e-mail Production / Packaging (primary packaging): Russian Federation, 115598, Moscow, st. Zagoryevskaya, 10, bldg. 4, tel./fax: 8 (495) 329-17-18. Secondary (consumer) packaging / Issue quality control: Russian Federation, 142143, Moscow region, Podolsk, p. Pokrov, st. Sosnovaya, 1, tel./fax.

Indications for the drug Polyoxidonium


In adults and adolescents over 12 years of age in complex therapy: acute and chronic inflammatory recurrent bacterial, viral and fungal infections of the oral cavity, paranasal sinuses, upper respiratory tract, inner and middle ear.
In a group of immunocompromised adolescents and adults in the form of monotherapy (sublingual): prevention of influenza and other acute respiratory infections in the pre-epidemic period. Lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for injection and topical use.
Correction of immune deficiency in adults and children.
In adults in complex therapy (6 mg): chronic recurrent inflammatory diseases of any etiology that are not amenable to standard therapy, both in the acute stage and in remission; rheumatoid arthritis treated for a long time with immunosuppressants; or complicated by the occurrence of acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections; acute and chronic viral and bacterial infections (including urogenital infectious and inflammatory diseases); tuberculosis; acute and chronic allergic diseases (including hay fever, bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis), complicated by chronic recurrent bacterial and viral infections; during and after chemotherapy and radiation therapy of tumors; to reduce the nephro- and hepatotoxic effects of drugs; to activate regenerative processes (fractures, burns, trophic ulcers). As monotherapy for the prevention of postoperative infectious complications; correction of secondary immunodeficiencies resulting from aging or exposure to adverse factors; prevention of influenza and acute respiratory infections. In children over 6 months in complex therapy (3 mg): acute and chronic inflammatory diseases caused by pathogens of bacterial, viral, fungal infections (including ENT organs - sinusitis, rhinitis, adenoiditis, hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsil, ARVI); acute allergic and toxic-allergic conditions; bronchial asthma complicated by chronic respiratory tract infections; atopic dermatitis complicated by purulent infection; intestinal dysbiosis (in combination with specific therapy); for the rehabilitation of frequently and long-term ill children; for the prevention of influenza and acute respiratory infections. Suppositories:
In adults and children over 6 years of age in complex therapy (to correct immune deficiency): for chronic recurrent inflammatory diseases of any etiology that are not amenable to standard therapy, both in the acute and remission stages; acute and chronic viral and bacterial infections (including urethritis, cystitis, chronic pyelonephritis in the latent stage and in the acute stage, prostatitis, chronic salpingoophoritis, endometritis, colpitis; diseases caused by the papilloma virus; cervical ectopia; dysplasia and leukoplakia) ; various forms of tuberculosis; allergic diseases (including hay fever, bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis), complicated by recurrent bacterial and viral infections; rheumatoid arthritis, long-term treatment with immunosuppressants; or complicated by the occurrence of acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections; to activate regenerative processes (fractures, burns, trophic ulcers); for the rehabilitation of frequently and long-term ill people (more than 4-5 times a year); during and after chemotherapy and radiation therapy of tumors; to reduce the nephro- and hepatotoxic effects of drugs. As monotherapy: for seasonal prevention of exacerbations of chronic foci of infections, incl. in elderly people; for the prevention of recurrent herpetic infections; for the correction of secondary immunodeficiencies resulting from aging or exposure to adverse factors; for the prevention of influenza and acute respiratory infections.

Reviews for Polyoxidonium

Reviews about the drug are mostly positive. This is due to the fact that it effectively treats chronic and complicated diseases that cannot be treated with standard therapy.

Reviews of Polyoxidonium suppositories, tablets and solution are evidence of the effectiveness of each of these dosage forms. When using the drug in complex therapy, the patient recovers faster, and the disease proceeds in a much milder form.

Using the medicine as a prophylactic agent for children can reduce the incidence of diseases. Reviews from doctors about Polyoxidonium allow us to conclude that this remedy is truly irreplaceable.

Prescribing suppositories, tablets or nasal solution to children promotes faster adaptation to being in a group (at school or kindergarten). At the same time, children are much less susceptible to infections even during periods of seasonal epidemics.

Most of the positive reviews of Polyoxidonium in suppositories and other dosage forms are due to the fact that the drug is easy to use, well tolerated by children and practically does not cause side effects.

For adults, Polyoxidonium is most often prescribed for the treatment of infectious diseases. The use of suppositories in gynecology in combination with basic therapy not only helps to effectively eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but also significantly increases immunity and, accordingly, helps prevent relapses and complications.

Having analyzed reviews of Polyoxidonium injections, we can confidently say that the drug has a positive effect even in quite complex cases when the patient’s body is weakened by cancer and its treatment.

Rare negative reviews are due to the fact that the drug did not produce visible changes in the patient’s condition, which in some cases may be the result of an incorrectly selected dosage regimen that does not take into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

Reviews note the high cost of Polyoxidonium, however, given that the drug is effective, helps quickly and for a long time, eases the course and reduces the incidence of diseases, does not cause pain when administered (this applies to all dosage forms with the exception of injections, the latter, on the contrary, are very painful) , this “disadvantage” fades into the background for most patients.

Directions for use and doses


Sublingually and orally, 20-30 minutes before meals. Adults in doses of 12 or 24 mg, adolescents in doses of 12 mg daily 1, 2 or 3 times a day, depending on the diagnosis and severity of the disease. Sublingually at a dose of 12 mg: For inflammatory processes of the oral cavity (bacterial, viral and fungal nature) - 2 times a day at intervals of 12 hours, for 10-14 days. For severe forms of herpetic and fungal infections of the oral cavity - 3 times a day at intervals of 8 hours for 15 days. For chronic diseases of the paranasal sinuses and chronic otitis media - 2 times a day at intervals of 12 hours, for 5-10 days. For chronic tonsillitis - 3 times a day at intervals of 8 hours for 10-15 days. For chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract - adults at a dose of 24 mg 2 times a day, for adolescents at a dose of 12 mg 2 times a day, at intervals of 12 hours, for 10-14 days. For the prevention of influenza and acute respiratory infections - immunocompromised individuals who suffer from acute respiratory infections more than 4 times a year, Polyoxidonium is recommended in the pre-epidemic period for adults at a dose of 24 mg, for adolescents at a dose of 12 mg sublingually 2 times a day for 10-15 days. Inside. For chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract - adults at a dose of 24 mg 2 times a day, for adolescents at a dose of 12 mg 2 times a day, with an interval of 12 hours, for 10-14 days. Lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for injection and topical use. IM, IV, intranasal, sublingual. Methods of application are selected by the doctor depending on the diagnosis, severity of the disease, and age of the patient. IM or IV (drip). The drug is prescribed to adults in doses of 6-12 mg 1 time per day, daily, or every other day, or 1-2 times a week, depending on the diagnosis and severity of the disease. For intramuscular administration, the contents of the ampoule or bottle are dissolved in 1.5-2 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution or water for injection. For intravenous (drip) administration, the drug is dissolved in 3 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution, Hemodez, Reopoliglucin or 5% dextrose solution, then sterilely transferred into a bottle with the indicated solutions with a volume of 200-400 ml. The prepared solution for parenteral administration cannot be stored. Recommended treatment regimens for adults Parenteral: For acute inflammatory diseases: 6 mg daily for 3 days, then every other day with a general course of 5-10 injections. For chronic inflammatory diseases: 6 mg every other day for 5 injections, then 2 times a week for a course of at least 10 injections. For tuberculosis: 6 mg 2 times a week for a course of 10-20 injections. For rheumatoid arthritis: 6 mg every other day - 5 injections, then 2 times a week for a course of at least 10 injections. In patients with acute and chronic urogenital diseases: 6 mg every other day for a course of 10 injections in combination with chemotherapy. For chronic recurrent herpes: 6 mg every other day for a course of 10 injections in combination with antiviral drugs, interferons and inducers of interferon synthesis. For the treatment of complicated forms of allergic diseases: 6 mg, course of 5 injections - the first 2 injections daily, then every other day. For acute allergic and toxic-allergic conditions, administer 6-12 mg intravenously in combination with antiallergic drugs. In cancer patients: - before and during chemotherapy to reduce the immunosuppressive, hepato- and nephrotoxic effects of chemotherapeutic agents, 6-12 mg every other day for a course of at least 10 injections; — for the prevention of the immunosuppressive effect of the tumor, for the correction of immunodeficiency after chemotherapy and radiation therapy, after surgical removal of the tumor, long-term use of Polyoxidonium (from 2-3 months to 1 year) 6 mg 1-2 times a week is indicated. In patients with acute renal failure, it is prescribed no more than 2 times a week. Intranasal administration is prescribed for the treatment of acute and chronic infections of the ENT organs, to enhance the regenerative processes of the mucous membranes, to prevent complications and relapses of diseases, to prevent influenza and acute respiratory infections: 1-3 drops in each nasal passage after 2-3 hours (at least 3 -4 times a day) for 5-10 days. A dose of 6 mg is dissolved in 1 ml of distilled water, 0.9% sodium chloride solution or boiled water at room temperature (20 drops) and use the solution for 24 hours. For children. Methods of application are selected by the doctor depending on the diagnosis, severity of the disease, age and body weight of the patient. Parenterally (IM or IV drip) at a dose of 0.1-0.15 mg/kg daily, every other day or 2 times a week for a course of 5-10 injections. For intramuscular administration, the drug is dissolved in 1 ml of water for injection or 0.9% sodium chloride solution. For intravenous drip administration, the drug is dissolved in 1.5-2 ml of a sterile 0.9% solution of sodium chloride, Polyglucin, Hemodez or 5% dextrose solution, sterilely transferred to a bottle with the indicated solutions with a volume of 150-250 ml. Recommended treatment regimens for children For acute inflammatory diseases: 0.1 mg/kg every other day for a course of 5-7 injections. For chronic inflammatory diseases: 0.15 mg/kg 2 times a week for a course of up to 10 injections. For acute allergic and toxic-allergic conditions: IV drip at a dose of 0.15 mg/kg in combination with antiallergic drugs. For the treatment of complicated forms of allergic diseases in combination with basic therapy: IM 0.1 mg/kg in a course of 5 injections with an interval of 1-2 days. Intranasally: daily at a daily dose of 0.15 mg/kg for 5-10 days. The drug is administered intranasally, 1-3 drops into one nasal passage every 2-3 hours (at least 3-4 times a day). To prepare a solution for intranasal and sublingual use, a dose of 3 mg is dissolved in 1 ml (20 drops), a dose of 6 mg is dissolved in 2 ml of distilled water, 0.9% sodium chloride solution or boiled water at room temperature. 1 drop of the prepared solution (50 μl) contains 0.15 mg of Polyoxidonium, which is prescribed per 1 kg of child’s body weight.

Calculation of daily dose for children
Child's body weight, kgNumber of drops per dayVolume of injected solution, ml

Sublingual: for all indications - daily at a daily dose of 0.15 mg/kg for 10 days, for the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis for 10-20 days. Suppositories. Rectally (after cleansing the intestines), intravaginally. The method of administration and dosage regimen are determined by the doctor depending on the diagnosis, severity and severity of the process. Polyoxidonium can be used daily, every other day or 2 times a week. Polyoxidonium suppositories 12 mg are used rectally and intravaginally in adults. Rectally: 1 supp once a day (after cleansing the intestines). Intravaginally: the suppository is inserted into the vagina in the “lying” position once a day, at night. Polyoxidonium suppositories 6 mg are used: in adults - rectally and intravaginally as a maintenance dose; in children over 6 years of age - rectally at the rate of 0.20-0.25 mg/kg. The standard regimen for using Polyoxidonium is 1 supp. 6 or 12 mg for 3 days, and then once every 2 days with a course of 10-15 supp. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after 3-4 months. Patients with chronic immune deficiency (including cancer) are prescribed long-term (from 2-3 months to 1 year) maintenance therapy with Polyoxidonium: adults - 6-12 mg, children over 6 years - 6 mg 2 times a week. Recommended regimens and doses As part of complex therapy. Rectally. For chronic recurrent inflammatory diseases in the acute stage - according to the standard scheme, in the remission stage - 1 supp. 12 mg every 1-2 days, with a total course of 10-15 supp. For acute infectious processes - 1 sup. daily, with a general course of 10 injections. For tuberculosis - according to the standard regimen. The course of treatment is at least 15 supp., then it is possible to use maintenance therapy of 2 supp. per week for a course of 2-3 months. For allergic diseases complicated by recurrent bacterial and viral infections - according to the standard regimen. During and after chemotherapy and radiation therapy of tumors - 1 supp. daily 2-3 days before the start of therapy. Further, the frequency of administration of suppositories is determined by the doctor depending on the nature and duration of basic therapy. To reduce the nephro- and hepatotoxic effects of drugs. The duration and regimen of suppositories is determined by the doctor depending on the basic therapy. For the correction of secondary immunodeficiencies resulting from aging - 12 mg 2 times a week. Course - 10 supp. For rehabilitation of frequent (more than 4-5 times a year) and long-term ill persons - 1 supp. in one day. Course of treatment - 10 supp. For rheumatoid arthritis, long-term treatment with immunosuppressants - 1 supp. every other day with a total course of 15 injections; in case of complicated acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections of rheumatoid arthritis - according to the standard scheme. To activate regenerative processes (fractures, burns, trophic ulcers) - 1 supp. daily. The course of treatment is 10-15 supp. As monotherapy: For seasonal prevention of exacerbations of chronic foci of infections, for the prevention of recurrent herpes infections - every other day for adults - 6-12 mg, for children - 6 mg. Course - 10 supp. For the correction of secondary immunodeficiencies, prevention of influenza and acute respiratory infections - according to the standard scheme. For gynecological diseases (rectal or intravaginal) - 1 supp. (12 mg) for 3 days, and then 1 time every 2-3 days. The course of treatment is 10-15 sup.

How to prepare drops from Polyoxidonium powder

The lyophilized substrate must be diluted in distilled water or isotonic saline solution: 6 mg of powder per 20 drops (1 ml). It is important to ensure that the liquid is at room temperature.

The resulting drug is instilled into the nasal passages up to 4 times a day for 5–7 days:

  • for respiratory infections;
  • for the prevention of ARVI;
  • for complicated rhinitis and sinusitis.

The drops can be stored for no more than 24 hours in a tightly closed bottle. After this period, it is necessary to prepare a new portion of the drug.

special instructions

Lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for injection and topical use. If there is pain at the injection site, the drug is dissolved in 1 ml of 0.25% procaine solution if the patient does not have increased individual sensitivity to procaine. The solution for sublingual and intranasal use can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days. Before use, the pipette with the solution must be warmed to room temperature (20-25 °C). Suppositories. Do not exceed the indicated doses and duration of treatment without consulting your doctor.

How does Polyoxidonium work?

Azoximer bromide stimulates the body's resistance to the aggression of pathogens: fungi, viruses and bacteria. It promotes accelerated synthesis of antibodies, restores defenses after diseases, chemotherapy, complex surgical operations, radiation exposure, long-term treatment with steroid hormones and cytostatics.

Polyoxidonium increases the resistance of cell walls to damage by biological and chemical toxins, accelerates regeneration, and helps reduce the duration of treatment. The drug is non-toxic, has high bioavailability, is completely metabolized by the kidneys, and does not accumulate in the blood and tissues.

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