Cleansing blood vessels: what is it, and is it possible to remove cholesterol plaques?

Around the so-called “vascular cleansing”

A whole industry and many myths have developed.
However, our blood vessels are not pipes; even theoretically, cleaning them to get rid of cholesterol plaques or calcium deposits is not at all so simple. Does “vascular cleaning” even exist, or is it a misconception and a marketing ploy? We talked with our expert - cardiologist, functional diagnostics doctor, candidate of medical sciences Anna Nikolaevna Kotelnikova
, to learn more about the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis.
On the eve of the New Year and the festive feast, be attentive to your diet and take care of yourself!

Vessel cleaning - what is it?

In official medical terminology, there is no such thing as “cleaning blood vessels” - this is everyday slang that is misleading and creates confusion. Unfortunately, it is impossible to remove cholesterol plaques that have already formed and clean a clogged vessel like a water pipe using a magic cleaning agent or “nanothreads”. An entire industry has already formed around the cleaning of blood vessels, however, the drugs and procedures that are offered to solve the problem do not have proven clinical effectiveness, the same applies to traditional methods. Restoring the functional state of the vascular endothelium is much more serious than detox, which is only appropriate for the primary prevention of vascular blockage. With atherosclerosis, when the vessels are narrowed by less than 50%, there is a risk of blood clots, heart attack or stroke

, the doctor prescribes drug therapy (
calcium antagonists
and other drugs). However, they do not remove plaques, but compact them, thus increasing the lumen of the vessel. Therefore, it is extremely important to adhere to simple recommendations for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

In colloquial language, “cleaning” is also called cardiac surgery to expand a dangerously narrowed vessel - angioplasty, bypass surgery, stenting

. Their methods differ, but the essence is approximately the same: a catheter is inserted into the vessel, and the damaged, pathologically narrowed area is straightened and strengthened from the inside using implants - special rings, springs or tubes. The need for such operations arises if an atherosclerotic plaque closes the lumen of the vessel (artery) by more than 50%. When the blood supply is so disrupted, cells and organs are not supplied with oxygen and nutrients, and a person’s life can hang by a thread. It happens that a vessel or artery is blocked by a blood clot - a person suddenly feels very tired to the point of loss of consciousness, rapid heartbeat, suspicious pain (headaches, in the area of ​​the heart), suffocates, and the skin turns pale. Such conditions are considered acute, and as a “cleansing” procedure, thrombolysis with special drugs is used on an outpatient basis. After stenting, bypass surgery or angioplasty, blood supply is restored, but it is necessary to take special medications and be observed by a cardiologist.

Corn silk - chemical composition

Corn silks are plant hairs that wrap around the cob. For medicinal purposes, they are harvested in the summer, when the grains reach milky ripeness. Dry the raw materials at 40°C in the oven or outside, in the shade, spreading them in a layer of 1-2 cm. Cut the hairs only by hand. If necessary, the necessary raw materials can be easily purchased at the pharmacy; there are also ready-made extracts.

The beneficial properties of corn silk are explained by their rich chemical composition:

  • beta-sitosterol;
  • glycosides;
  • saponins;
  • fatty and essential oils;
  • gum;
  • chlorophyll;
  • alkaloids;
  • sugary substances;
  • selenium;
  • vitamins of group B, C, D, E, K.

Why do blood vessels become clogged?

Vessels become blocked for various reasons, but most often this occurs due to cholesterol plaques and the deposition of calcium salts (calcinosis). The mechanism for the formation of such blockages is more complex than it seems, and it lies behind our everyday habits - even the most harmless at first glance. For example, when we eat highly salty foods

, blood thickening and fluid retention occur - blood pressure increases.
When we experience stress
, the hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine are produced - key vessels narrow, and pressure increases because the amount of blood that the heart needs to push remains unchanged. In a normal healthy state, the vessels cope with such loads, but over time, serious problems can begin, and this is not only hypertension.

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Causes of atherosclerosis

The fact is that due to systematic additional loads, microdamages can form on the walls of the arteries. Damaged tissues swell. Cells that respond to inflammation (for example, white blood cells) accumulate around the damage, and fat and cholesterol that float in the blood also cling to them - a cholesterol plaque is formed. It is no longer possible to get rid of it using completely non-invasive methods. At the same time, the walls of the vessels become coarser and thinner - this pathological condition is called atherosclerosis, which in turn can lead to coronary artery disease and causes the need for “cleansing of blood vessels”.

Thus, it is important not only to eat right, but also to maintain the functional state of the cardiovascular system.

dietary supplements

To lose weight with the help of corn silk, just buy them at the pharmacy or order them through an online store. There are different forms of release: liquid extract, alcohol tincture, capsules, phyto-packages for brewing and simply dry raw materials.

The proposed TOP 10 best products with this herbal component will guide you in prices and direct your search in the right direction.

  1. Fitodol is a complex fat-burning tea with herbs. Institute of Natural Therapy. $24.4 for 20 briquettes.
  2. Gleyatonic with corn silk and agrimony is a native micellar complex in the form of an elixir. $3.4 per 100 ml.
  3. Cleansing jelly for weight loss. Leovit. $2.2 for 5 packages.
  4. Wheat fiber. SibTar. $1.5 for 180 g.
  5. Herbal tea for weight loss. BioTradition. $1 for 20 filter bags.
  6. Corn silk. Grass. Phytocontinent. $0.9 for 50 g.
  7. Corn stalks with silks - filter bags. Horst. $0.8 for 20 pcs.
  8. Corn silk. Mountain Altai. $0.8 per 50 g.
  9. Columns with corn silks are dry raw materials. Horst. $0.7 for 35 g.
  10. Corn silk. Herbes. $0.5 for 50 g.

Each of these products is accompanied by separate instructions that must be followed. It prescribes the dosage and duration of the course.

Facts, facts... Corn silk is included in many dietary supplements for weight loss along with other plant extracts. Unlike most of them, they actually promote weight loss. Few herbs do not raise doubts in this matter. But, having seen them in the composition of the drug, you can safely take it - you can’t go wrong.

Good and bad cholesterol

There are several types of lipoproteins (cholesterols). Low-density lipoproteins
are considered bad , but there is also a good one -
high-density lipoproteins (HDL)
. The latter works almost as an antagonist of bad cholesterol, allows you to control lipid metabolism - helps in transporting substances and detoxifying the body from bad cholesterol. Below we will tell you how to maintain the correct LDL-HDL balance and what else you need to pay attention to.


As a counterbalance to the multiple beneficial properties of stigmas, I will also note their contraindications. The medicine must not be used for:

  • asthenic physique, that is, excessive thinness, since the product dulls appetite and can further aggravate the situation;
  • vein thrombosis;
  • treatment can be harmful if there is a malfunction in blood clotting, since the blood will clot faster than necessary;
  • You should not use decoctions and infusions of stigmas if you have an individual intolerance, that is, an allergy to the product.

In addition, it is forbidden to use the medicine for a long time. The maximum course is three weeks, since the decoction strongly leaches minerals from the body. And as a result, you can get serious complications. So we keep everything in moderation!

Prevention of vascular atherosclerosis

Avoid foods with high cholesterol levels

Limit animal products with high cholesterol content in your diet: lard, fatty meat, offal, fatty dairy products and whole milk, egg yolk. This does not mean that you need to completely abandon animal proteins and fats. The menu should be dominated by vegetables and fruits, complex carbohydrates and cereal fibers, especially fiber. It is important to control sugar levels and not overindulge in sweets and starchy foods - it is better to replace chocolate bars and snacks with dried fruit sweets and nuts, and your body will thank you.

The method of preparing dishes also plays an important role

- before you put meat or scrambled eggs in oil on a hot sizzling frying pan, think about whether it might be better to steam it? It is forbidden? Okay, but for frying it is better to use vegetable oils, such as olive oil.

Citrus fruits also fight fat and cholesterol

, in particular the substance pectin, isolated from
is a soluble fiber that is found only in citrus fruits themselves, but not in juice.

We get cholesterol from 2 main sources. Most of the cholesterol (about 1 g per day) is produced by our liver - and this is enough.

We get the other part directly from food.

There is another life hack: pay attention to labels in the store, try to avoid products labeled “partially hydrogenated fats”


Play sports - train your heart and blood vessels

WHO recommends at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week.

During training, the body is detoxified, and the blood vessels are strengthened - this is also a kind of “cleansing of blood vessels.”

Even after undergoing stenting/bypass surgery, you can play sports and even run a marathon. However, such patients first need to take medications for quite a long time and be observed by a doctor. Patients with cardiovascular diseases need to calculate the permissible level of physical activity and select its optimal option. bicycle ergometry is for.

, which allows you to take stress tests on a device similar to a bicycle with special sensors.

Check your cholesterol levels

Once a year, it is recommended to take a special blood test - a lipid profile - to see if there is an increase in the level of total cholesterol or its fractions. In this way, it is possible to understand in a timely manner whether everything is fine with lipid metabolism or whether drug correction is necessary.

Primary prevention of atherosclerosis and blockage of blood vessels also involves visiting a therapist or cardiologist once a year, even if there are no complaints.

Treat periodontal disease, control sugar levels and body weight

Everything in our body is interconnected. It has been proven that patients with periodontal disease, like patients with diabetes and overweight, are more predisposed to atherosclerosis.

In 2022, the study “Metabolic syndrome and periodontal disease: An overview for physicians”

(Srivastava MC, Verma PK) with important and very interesting conclusions. In patients with poor teeth and a predisposition to atherosclerosis, intensive periodontal therapy after 2 months showed a significant reduction in the levels of c-reactive protein, interleukin-6 and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.

Measure your blood pressure

The absolute norm for blood pressure in an adult is considered to be 120/80 mmHg, but depending on the individual characteristics of the body, deviations are possible.

Monitor calcium levels and nutrient balance in the body

It is recommended to take additional Omega-3

- the body does not synthesize these beneficial fatty acids on its own - and you need to eat a lot of seafood and season salads only with flaxseed oil to make up for this deficiency. Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are the basis not only for strong and clean blood vessels, but even a building material for the brain. The average adult is recommended to consume 250 mg of Omega 3 per day throughout his life.

Vitamin K3

prevents calcium from being washed out of the bones and deposited on the walls of blood vessels. Most K₂ is found in fermentation products: cheese and fermented milk products.

Vitamin D and C, coenzyme Q10 are also extremely important for blood vessels

Stay hydrated, give up bad habits and get enough sleep

Drink clean filtered water throughout the day - about 1.5 liters.

The permissible amount of alcohol per day, which does not harm your heart and blood vessels, is 1 glass of good quality red wine; it is better to completely give up smoking.

You can get the maximum benefit from sleep if you sleep for 7-8 hours in a comfortable environment, without light or gadgets, and wake up only with or without an alarm clock.

Collection, drying, storage of raw materials

Corn, unlike some plants used for weight loss (senna, garcinia cambogia, mangosteen, rauwolfia, etc.), is ubiquitous. Many farms and farmers have entire plantations of this crop. Therefore, if you do not trust industrially produced drugs, you can always obtain the raw materials yourself and prepare a weight loss product from it at home.

  1. Cobs that are in the stage of milky-wax maturity have healing properties. Harvesting takes place in late August-early September.
  2. Tear off the hairs by hand or with a knife.
  3. Spread them on a newspaper in a thin layer in a well-ventilated, warm room, but not in the open sun.
  4. If you use a special dryer, the temperature is set to 40°C.
  5. They need to be constantly turned over.
  6. The average drying time is about 2 weeks (depending on room temperature).
  7. All this time it is necessary to ensure that the fibers do not turn brown or mold. These should be immediately separated from the rest of the mass and thrown away.
  8. Store in fabric bags.
  9. Shelf life: 1 year.

Try to collect raw materials as far as possible from highways and industrial enterprises. It will be good if it is an environmentally friendly, non-smoky and non-contaminated area.

Women and men over 40 years old

Patients in the older age group should be especially attentive to the state of the cardiovascular system and the primary prevention of atherosclerosis. Statistically, men are more susceptible to this disease, and hormones play an important role in this.

During the reproductive period, a woman’s ovaries produce sexual estrogens, which regulate the content of fats in the blood and prevent the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels, that is, they protect the woman’s body from atherosclerosis.

During menopause, ovarian function declines, they stop producing estrogen, and its content in the blood drops sharply. This leads to the fact that cardiovascular diseases in women after menopause appear 5 times more often than before it.

Therefore, at this age it is recommended to consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

, who may prescribe menopausal hormone therapy if necessary. MHT can not only improve the quality of life and prolong it, but also preserve beauty from the inside.

Doctors at the Cardiology Center of the Pirogov Clinic provide qualified assistance to patients in the treatment of atherosclerosis, preventive diagnostics, as well as recovery after stenting, bypass surgery, and a heart attack.

You can make an appointment with a cardiologist or directly with Dr. Anna Nikolaevna Kotelnikova through our website.

Corn columns with silks instructions. Corn columns with silks: instructions for use


Thread-like pieces passing through a sieve with holes with a diameter of 8 mm, brown, brown-red or light yellow. The smell is weak and peculiar. Taste with mucilaginous sensation.

Pharmacological properties

Corn silk contains vitamin K, ascorbic, pantothenic acid, bitter glycosides, essential and fatty oils, inositol, resinous and sugary substances, tannin, gum, a large amount of vitamins and other useful substances. This unique composition makes it possible to effectively use corn silk as a choleretic, diuretic and hemostatic agent. The high content of vitamin K in corn silk helps improve blood clotting. Having pronounced diuretic properties, corn silk helps fight swelling, especially of a stagnant nature. A drug containing such substances increases the production of bile, makes it less viscous and improves its discharge.

Directions for use and doses

Place 10 g (3 tablespoons) of the drug in a glass or enamel container, add 200 ml (1 glass) of boiling water, cover with a lid and heat in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes. After cooling at room temperature for 45 minutes, filter and squeeze out the remaining mass. The volume of the resulting infusion is adjusted to 200 ml with boiled water. Store the prepared infusion in a cool place for no more than 2 days. Take 1/2 glass per day orally, regardless of meals.

The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor individually, taking into account the nature and extent of the disease.

Release form and packaging

25 g, 30 g of the drug in polypropylene bags or made of polymer and combined materials or polyethylene packages placed in a cardboard pack, on which a brief annotation on medical use is applied in the state and Russian languages.

The pack is covered with a polypropylene film or made of a polymer and combined material or polyethylene, then placed in a group transport container made of cardboard box along with the appropriate number of instructions for medical use in the state and Russian languages.

Search results



Description (plan):

Test No. 2

    Recipe: Griseofulvini-forte 0.125

Da tales doses numero 12 in tabuletti. Signa:

Take: Griseofulfin-forte 0.125 Give out 12 such doses in tablets Label.

    Recipe: Extracti Thermopsidis sicci 0.6

Natrii benzoatis Natrii hydrocarbonatis ana 2.0 Pulveris radicis Liquiritiae cum oleo Anisi 0.2 Misce, ut fiat pulvis. Yes. Signa:

Take: Thermopsis juice extract 0.6 Sodium benzoate Sodium bicarbonate 2.0 each With Anise oil 0.2 Mix, let it be a powder. Give. Label.

    Recipe: Olei Pini silvestris

Olei Eucalypti ana 3 ml Misce. Yes. Signa:

Take 3 ml of Eucalyptus Oil, mix and dispense. Label.

    Recipe: Dermatoli 0.2

Olei Cacao quantum satis ut fiat suppositorium rectale Dentur tales doses numero 6 Signetur:

Take Dermatol 0.2 Cocoa butter to prepare rectal suppositories Give 6 such doses Label

    Recipe: Naphthalani 40.0

Sulfuris praecipitati Picis liquidae ana 15 Saponis viridis 30.0 Misce ut fiat unguentum Detur. Signature:

Take naphthalan 40.0 and mix it to make an ointment. Give. Designate

    Recipe: Infusi radicis Valerianae ex 6.0-180 ml

Sirupi simlicis ad 200.0 Misce. Yes. Signa:

Take extracts from valerian root 6.0-180 ml Add simple syrup to 200.0 Mix. Give. Designate

    Recipe: Linimenti Streptocidi solubilis 5% 20 ml

Sterilisa! Yes. Signa:

Take liniment streptocide soluble 5% 20 ppm Sterile! Give. Label.

    Recipe: Extracti Filicis maris spissi 0.9

Mellis depurati 25.0 Misce. Yes. Signa: Take thick male fern extract 0.9 Purified honey 25.0 Mix. Give. Label.

    Recipe: Salis carolini factitii 30.0

Yes. Signa:

Take Natural Karlovy Vary Salts Give out Label

    Recipe: Tincturae Berberidis vulgaris 50 ml

Yes. Signa:

Take tincture of common barberry 50ml. Give it out. Label.

    Recipe: Infusi herbae Ledi palustris ex 15.0-150 ml

Detur. Signetur: Take an infusion of wild rosemary herb from 15.0-150 ml. Give out Mark.

    Recipe: Suppositoria vaginalia “Osarbonum” numero 10

Da in scatula originale. Signa:

Take 10 Osarbon vaginal suppositories. Give them in the original packaging. Label.

    Recipe: Solutionis Viridis nitentis hydricae 1% 20 ml

Yes. Signa: take a solution of brilliant green aqueous 1% 20 ppm, give out Signa

    Recipe: Liquoris Kalii arsenitis 5 ml

Aquae Menthae 15 ml Misce. Yes. Signa:

Take potassium arsenite solution 5 ml Peppermint water 15 ml Mix and dispense Label

    Recipe: Carbonis activati ​​100.0

Da in scatula. Signa: Take Activated Carbon 100.0 Give it in a box Label.

    Recipe: Boracis 5.0

Aquae destillatae Glycerini ana 5 ml Misce. Yes. Signa:

Take borax 5.0 Distilled water Glycerin 5 ml Mix and dispense Label

    Recipe: Decocti foliorum Vitis idaeae ex 20.0-200 ml

Yes. Signa: Take dried lingonberry leaves from 20.0-200.0 ml Give out Mark

    Recipe: Solutionis Oxyprogesteroni caproatis oleosae pro

injectionibus 12.5% ​​1 ml Da numero 6. Signa: Take oxyprogesterone capronate oil for injection 12.5% ​​1 ppm Give the number 6 and indicate

    Recipe: Emulsi olei jecoris Aselli 200.0

Da in vitro fusco. Signa:

Take fish oil emulsions 200.0 Give them in a dark bottle Label

    Translate recipes into Latin:

1. Take: Solution of adrenaline hydrotartrate 1% 10 ml Give it out. Designate:

Recipe: Solutionis Adrenalini hydrotartras 1% 10ml Da Signa:

    Take: Eucomia bark decoction from 10.0-200 ml

Give. Designate:

Recipe: Infusi herbae Eucommia et 1-0-200ml Da Signa:

    Take: Chloral hydrate 1.0

Starch mucus Distilled water 25 ml Mix. Give. Designate:

Recipe: Chlorali hydras 1.0 Decocti Amyli aqua destillati ana 2500 Misce. Yes. Signa

    Take: Birch tar 5.0

Xeroform 3.0 Castor oil 100 ml Mix. Give. Designate:

Recipe: Olei Rusci 5.0 Xeroformii 3.0 Olei Ricini 100ml Misce. Yes. Signa:

    Take: Ammonia-anise drops 2 ml

Marshmallow syrup 15.0 Mix. Give. Designate:

Recipe: Liquor Ammonii anisatus 2 ml Sirupi Althaeae 15.0 Misce.Da Signa:

    Take: Amyl nitrite 3 drops

Give these doses in number 3 in ampoules. Designate:

Recipe: Amylii nitris 3 guttam Da tales doses numero 3 in ampullis. Signa:

    Take: Infusion of wild rosemary herb 10.0-150 ml

Marshmallow syrup 25.0 Mix. Give. Designate:

Recipe: Infusi herbae Ledi palustris et 10.0-150.0 ml Sirupus Althaei 25.0 Misce.Da Signa

    Take: Cough tablets number 10

Give. Designate:

Recipe: Tabulettae contra tussim numero 10 Da Signa

    Take: Infusion of plantain leaves from 20.0-200 ml

Give. Designate:

Recipe: Infusi herbae Plantagi et Da Signa

    Take: Glutamic acid 1.5

Glucose solution 25% 450 ml Mix. Give. Designate:

Recipe: Acidi glutaminici 1.5 Glucose solution 25% 450ml

    Take: Benzylpenicillin sodium 100,000 units

Sterilized isotonic sodium chloride solution 5 ml Mix. Give. Designate:

Recipe: Benzylpenicillin 100000 units Solutio Natrii chioridi isotonica proinjectionibus 5 ml

    Take: Complex licorice powder 30.0

Give it in a box. Label:

Recipe: Pulvis radicis Glycyrrhizae compositus 30.0 Da in scatula Signa:

    Take: Boric acid solution 2% 10 ml

Zinc sulfate 0.03 Cocaine hydrochloride solution 2% 0.1 Adrenaline hydrochloride solution 0.1% V drops Mix. Give. Designate:

Recipe: Solutio Acidi borici 2% 10ml Zinci sulfatis 0.03 Solutio Cocaini hydrochloride 2% 0.1. Solutio Adrenalin hydrochloride 0.1% V guttam Misce. Yes. Signa:

    Take: Chamomile flowers 30.0

Give. Designate:

Recipe: Chamomillii flores 30.0 Da Signa:

    Take: Motherwort tincture 15 ml

Emetic nut tincture 5 ml Mix. Give. Designate:

Recipe: Tincturi Leonuri 15 ml Tincturi Strychnos nux-vomica 5ml

    Take: Liquid corn silk extract 20 ml

Give. Label:

Recipe: Stigmati Maydis extract fluid 20ml Da Signa:

    Take: Infusion of calamus rhizome 20.0-200 ml

Issue. Designate:

Recipe: fluid Calami rhizomata20.0-200ml Da Signa:

    Take: Liquid ergot extract

Liquid extract of water pepper Liquid extract of shepherd's purse 10 ml Mix. Give. Designate:

Recipe: Extracti Fluidi Claviceps Extracti Fluidi Polygoni hydropiper Extracti Fluidi Capsella ana 10ml

    Take: Sodium para-aminosalicylate granule 100.0

Give. Designate: Recipe: Aminosalicylici acidi 100.0 Da Signa:

    Take: Salep Slime 50.0

Give. Designate:

Recipe: Mucilago salepi 50.0 Da Signa

    Rewrite without abbreviations and translate:

Rp.: Specierum laxantium 5.0

Recipe: Specierum laxantium 5.0

Take a collection of laxative 5.0 Give out Label.

2. Rp.: R. Valerianae Fr. Juniperi aa 5.0 Fr. Coriandri Hb. Centauria Fol. Farfarae R. Ziquiritiae Fol.Menyathidis trifoliatae aa 7.0 Fr.Rosae 12.0 Fol.Menthae piper. 10.0

Take valerian root, 5 juniper fruits, 5 coriander leaves, coltsfoot leaves, chicory root, 7 leaves, 7 leaves, 12 rose hips, 10 peppermint leaves, mix and mark the collection.

3. Rp.: Ol. Rusci 30 ml. Spirit.aethyl. 95% Saponis viridis 15.0

Mf linim.

Recipe: Oleum Rusci. 30 ml Spiritus aethylicus 95% Saponis viridis 15.0

Misce ut fiat linimentum Detur. Signetur take birch tar 30 ml ethyl alcohol 95% 15.0: soap orchis Mix to make liniment Give out Mark

Rp.: Resorcini

Ac. carbolici aa 10.0

Recipe: Resorcini

Thymoli 1.0 Boracis 2.0 Glicerini 15 ml Spiritus aethylicus rectificini 50ml aqua destillati 20ml Misce. Detur. Signature

Take resorcinol Carbolic acid in equal amounts 10 Thymol 1.0 Borax 2.0 Glycerin 15 ml Purified ethyl alcohol 50 ml Distilled water 20 ml Mix and dispense Label.

Spiritus aethylicus 70% 10ml aqua destillati 20 ml Misce. Detur. Signature

Take brilliant green 0.3 Ethyl alcohol 70% 10 ml Distilled water 20 ml Mix. give out Designate

    a) Write trivial names in Latin in dictionary form, b) highlight frequency segments, c) determine their meaning:

1. Somilase. Somilasum enzymatic processes 2. Afungil. Afungil antifungal 3. Pharyngosept. Faringoseptum destruction of bacteria 4. Metacycline. Methacyclin is an antibiotic of the tetracycline series 5. Ethisterone. Ethisterone) hormonal steroid preparation 6. Somnofer.somnoferum iron preparation 7. Fluminorex. :Fluminorex 8. Levomycetin. Laevomycetinum antibiotic of streptomycin group 9. Brocalax. Brokalax laxative 10. Diazolin. Diazolin nitrogen group 11. Nicotensil.nikotenzil fzot group 12. Novandrol.novandrolum hormonal drug 13. Viprozide. Viprozidum acid 14. Iodopiracet.jodopiraced contains iodine 15. Rheumacid.revmacidum destruction 16. Pipolfen. Pipolphenum phenolic group 17. Dolargan. Dolargarum 18. Sterotest. Sterotest hormone preparation 19. Kordox.kordox cardiac 20. Urodane. Urodanum genitourinary 21. Diethylstilbestrol. Diethylstilbestrol is a hormone preparation containing an ethyl group 22. Vazocorbate.vazokorbatum inhibition 23. Dicaine. Dicainum local anesthetic 24. Broncholysin. Broncholytin pulmonary system 25. Bensedin. Bensedin sedative 26. Gentamicin. Gentamicinum antibiotic 27. Bilihol. Biliholum choleretic 28. Tranquilan. thrankvilarum sedative 29. Cefazolin. Cefazolinum antibiotic of the efalosporin group 30. Thiospasmin. Thiospasminum antispasmodic

    a) Divide clinical terms into term elements, b) determine the meaning of each term element, c) convey the general meaning of the terms:


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