Medicines used to treat bronchial asthma

Drugs for the treatment of bronchial asthma - a group of drugs that relieve or prevent the clinical manifestations of bronchial asthma (BA) - a violation of bronchopulmonary conduction, accompanied by impaired respiratory function.

The mechanisms of development of bronchial asthma are based on hereditary predisposition and an allergic component.

During an attack of asthma, there is a narrowing of the bronchi and an increase in bronchial secretions. In this case, difficulty breathing occurs, it becomes heavy, wheezing and whistling sounds appear.

Attacks of bronchospasm are provoked by so-called triggers, or they are also called trigger factors. This could be: library dust, animal hair, insect microparticles, pollen from flowering plants, sometimes a breath of cold air or physical activity. In some people, bronchospasm is associated with taking certain medications, such as taking Aspirin. This kind of asthma is called aspirin asthma, and it occurs only when taking drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

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