Calamine: for what diseases should you buy?

  • What is Calamine lotion?
  • Indications for use of Calamine lotion
  • Action of Calamine lotion
Anyone who has ever encountered chickenpox or other most unpleasant dermatological diseases probably knows about Calamine lotion . This is literally a panacea for itching and burning, infection of wounds and the traces remaining after them. But Calamine is applicable not only for chickenpox, and it is useful to know when else this remedy from your home medicine cabinet may come in handy.

Composition and dosage forms

Calamine comes in lotion form. The liquid is packaged in glass containers with a volume of 100 ml. Each bottle has a secondary cardboard packaging with instructions included. In veterinary medicine, calamine is also used in the form of an ointment.

The drug contains several active ingredients:

  • calamine - a soothing, relieving irritation, redness, itching and cooling component, its content in the lotion is 15%;
  • Zinc oxide is an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antipruritic component, the content of the drug is 5%.

Among the auxiliary and stabilizing substances of the lotion:

  • bentonite;
  • sodium salts;
  • glycerol;
  • distilled water.

Calamine ointment also contains iron oxide, white clay, phenols, herbal extracts and other compounds.

What is Calamine lotion?

In post-Soviet countries, Calamine lotion is not as popular as in the West.
At the same time, it’s worth trying to use it once, as it will displace brilliant green, iodine, and potassium permanganate, which are more common in the fight against dermatological diseases. Calamine lotion is a proven product based on zinc oxide and the same calamine from which the name comes. Calamine is a hydrous zinc silicate mineral. That is, the main therapeutic effect of the lotion is entirely due to zinc. The drug comes from Israel, where, among other things, calamine is extracted. Its other deposits are considered to be Greece and Sardinia, Transbaikalia, and partly the coasts of North America and North Africa.

A drug based on calamine and zinc oxide is prescribed in the treatment of dermatological diseases of various etiologies, but mainly infectious ones. Its additional components are:

  • distilled water,
  • liquefied phenol,
  • glycerol,
  • sodium citrate,
  • medical clay.

The following are excluded from the composition of the drug:

  • hormonal substances
  • alcohol,
  • allergens.

The most popular form of calamine is lotion. It was also present on the shelves in the form of gels and ointments.

Calamine lotion is distinguished by its versatility, effectiveness in treating skin diseases, and ease of use. Due to its properties, Calamine lotion is capable of displacing the green stuff that is so familiar to us from the home medicine cabinet. The range of its actions is an order of magnitude wider, and its undeniable advantage is its colorlessness. To use the lotion, the bottle with it must be shaken thoroughly, this will ensure uniformity of the mass. Then a cotton pad is moistened with it and problem areas of the skin are treated with light, gentle movements. The lotion must dry on the surface of the skin to fully determine its effect.

Frequent use of lotion is not necessary. It is important to follow the doctor's recommendations, but usually calamine is not used more than four times a day.

How does Calamine work?

The active components of the drug, when applied externally, have a cooling effect, reduce burning, irritation, pain, promote the resorption of external swelling, and improve microcirculation. Zinc has some bactericidal and virucidal properties and helps block the spread of infection. During the period of application, the medicine creates a thin protective film on the surface of damaged skin, accelerates healing and epithelization of tissues, and dries out the papular rash. The effect of one dose lasts for several hours.

Calamine is practically not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream; its substances are not detected or accumulated inside the body. For this reason, the drug can be used without fear for the health of internal organs.

Calamine. Best Ingredient for Oily Skin

Good day everyone!

I have oily skin, and I have long been accustomed to seeing my forehead and nose, or even my entire face, shiny throughout the day.

In October 2022, I tried calamine products for the first time, which changed the way I thought about what my skin could look like.

What is calamine, why is it needed and how does it affect oily skin - under the cut.

For many years I thought that enlarged pores were a punishment, and oily skin was a diagnosis. Well, people don’t know a lot, which is why they live as they are used to.

Since I discovered acids in skin care, the oily sheen has become less pronounced (but still hasn’t left me), and my pores have become normal. I was practically celebrating my victory when suddenly I came across several samples of a care cream with pink calamine.

Since then, I've learned something new about my skin - it doesn't have to be shiny with oil during the day.

What is calamine?

For many, many years, smart people have been using pink calamine powder to treat oily skin.

It is a fairly cheap ingredient because it is easily obtained and is found in variety in nature.

The source of calamine is such a beautiful mineral - hemimorphite

The most important property of calamine for oily skin is its ability to absorb

and absorb various compounds, including the product of the sebaceous glands.

In addition to the adsorption of excess fat from the surface of the skin (which helps prevent inflammation), it also has an additional (decorative) effect

: The skin becomes more even in tone and takes on a fresher appearance.

Calamine will also appeal to sensitive and allergic skin, as it has a calming effect, relieves irritation and fights its cause.

What else?

Calamine reduces swelling of the skin, relieves redness, dries out inflammation, and promotes the formation of a protective layer of the skin while reducing barrier functions.

In cosmetology, the so-called. calamine lotion, which is used to soothe atopic, allergic or simply irritated skin.

By the way, the currently popular two-phase products for spot treatment of inflammation with pink powder at the bottom are nothing more than calamine-based products.

In the photo Mizon spot treatment

Therefore, I do not recommend buying them if they cost more than 500 rubles, because most likely the price for them is unreasonably high..

What do you need to know about this ingredient?

  1. The properties of calamine acquire a pronounced effect in high concentrations, which means that it should be in the first half of the list of ingredients.
  2. By using several calamine products, you enhance the overall effect.
  3. Calamine works as part of any product (care and decorative), so it can be used at any stage.
  4. Calamine visually lightens the skin (depending on the concentration), this must be taken into account in makeup.
  5. It is absolutely safe for any skin, but it can dry out dry skin; this should be kept in mind and, if necessary, used spot-on or short-term.
  6. The color of calamine varies from white to light pink depending on the degree of purification. Its pink color is given by an admixture of iron oxide, and it is this combination that gives the skin a delicate tint when using products with calamine.


If you have oily and/or sensitive skin and would sell your soul to get rid of shine during the day, perhaps you should start with calamine products?

For me, this ingredient has already become necessary and extremely important, and I don’t understand why I didn’t come across it earlier.

a few examples as an example.

containing calamine.

Jart+ V7 Pink Toning – brightening and brightening face cream with calamine, AHA acids and vitamin C (~ $45)

2) COSRX AC Collection Ultimate Spot Cream

— cream for spot treatment of inflammation (~ $20)

3) Innisfree Capsule Recipe Mask (Rose & Calamine)

— soothing mini mask with rose and calamine (~ $5)

4) CIRACLE Pimple Solution Pink Powder

— spot treatment against inflammation (~ $15)

5) Su:m37 Sun Away Mild Tone-up Sun Block

— Sanskrin with a light toning effect (~ $35)


— clay mask for problem skin (~ $5)

7) Uriage Pruriced Cream

— anti-itch cream for dry skin (~ $14)

Have you tried products with calamine? What are your impressions?

In the near future I plan to highlight the calamine products that I liked the most.

Thank you for your attention!


Indications for Calamine

It is recommended to use the drug for uncomplicated infectious skin diseases - in complex therapy or independently. Calamine has a good symptomatic effect against chickenpox: it disinfects blisters, prevents the addition of a secondary infection, and quickly reduces itching. Other indications for use of the drug:

  • skin itching of various origins: irritation from clothing, allergic reactions to various substances, dermatitis;
  • psoriatic formations: to reduce plaques and prevent their growth;
  • eczema;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • dermatoses;
  • skin rash due to rubella;
  • rashes due to burns from poisonous plants;
  • superficial thermal, chemical or sunburn;
  • consequences of bites from mosquitoes, ants, midges, horseflies, wasps, bees, gadflies and other insects.

Calamine can also be used as an antiseptic to moisten scratches, abrasions, abrasions, calluses and other damage to the skin. The product accelerates their healing and significantly reduces the unpleasant physical sensations from wounds. There is evidence that lotion and ointment reduce the symptoms of herpes zoster and accelerate skin healing in herpetic rashes.

Calamine for chickenpox

array ( 'ID' => '8585', '~ID' => '8585', 'NAME' => 'Calamine for chickenpox', '~NAME' => 'Calamine for chickenpox', 'IBLOCK_ID' => ' 43', '~IBLOCK_ID' => '43', 'IBLOCK_SECTION_ID' => '1186', '~IBLOCK_SECTION_ID' => '1186', 'DETAIL_TEXT' => ' The main symptom of chickenpox is a rash on the body and head. great inconvenience for the patient. The rash is accompanied by severe itching. To reduce itching, doctors recommend lubricating the rash with brilliant green, which is not always appropriate. The new line of drugs to relieve itching includes colorless products. One of them is Calamine. Remedy for chickenpox Calamine is natural.

It is used to treat skin diseases, including chickenpox.
In pharmacies you can buy Calamine lotion
Calamine ointment, Calamine tablets.
The composition of Calamine lotion includes a mixture of zinc and iron oxide (calamine) and zinc oxide without impurities, as well as glycerol, reduced phenol, purified water, etc. The lotion is a bright pink transparent liquid, bottled in glass bottles.
The instructions
for using
Calamine lotion
tell you how to use it correctly
for chickenpox:
shake the bottle with lotion. Dip a cotton swab into the contents and smear the bubbles, being careful not to damage their shell. After 5-10 seconds, a protective film appears on the rash, and a whitish spot appears on the skin that does not get dirty. If the rashes occupy a large area, then it is better to use a cotton pad for lubrication. You can treat the rash with Calamine every time the itching returns. If necessary, the lotion can be easily washed off with plain water. There are practically no contraindications, because Calamine lotion does not contain allergens, alcohol or hormonal drugs. Calamine lotion for chickenpox:

  • reduces itching, burning, irritation of the skin;
  • dries out rashes;
  • creates a protective film on damaged areas of the skin;
  • quickly restores damaged skin cells;

The composition of Calamine ointment includes calamine, medical clay, phenol, plant extract, etc. The ointment is a thick white substance placed in a transparent jar.

Calamine tablets contain calamine, potato starch and other ingredients. The ingredients are placed in a sweet shell.

Use of Calamine for chickenpox

gives very good results. Calamine helps reduce itching, disinfects, relieves inflammation, dries the skin, and relieves swelling.

Calamine for chickenpox in children

irreplaceable. Children suffer greatly from severe itching and try to scratch the itchy skin. It is not always possible to constantly monitor the child, so relieving symptoms of itching is the main task of parents. And here Calamine lotion will help them.


relieves itching, the skin flakes less, helps with skin restoration. Disadvantages: expensive, wasteful.

...Parents and children, if you have chickenpox, Calamine is for you!

Calamine lotion helped very well when first my daughter and then my son (they are the same age as me) got chickenpox. I smeared the pimples six times a day, and my kids practically didn’t itch. The rash went away quickly and left no traces. I recommend calamine to everyone.


', '~DETAIL_TEXT' => '

The main symptom of chickenpox is a rash on the body and head. It causes great inconvenience to the patient. The rash is accompanied by severe itching. To reduce itching, doctors recommend lubricating the rash with brilliant green, which is not always appropriate. The new line of preparations for relieving itching includes colorless products. One of them is Calamine.

Calamine is a natural remedy for chickenpox.

It is used to treat skin diseases, including chickenpox.

Calamine lotion in pharmacies.

Calamine ointment, Calamine tablets.
The composition of Calamine lotion includes a mixture of zinc and iron oxide (calamine) and zinc oxide without impurities, as well as glycerol, reduced phenol, purified water, etc.

The lotion is a bright pink transparent liquid bottled in glass bottles.

In the instructions

on the use of
Calamine lotion
, it is said how to use it correctly
for chickenpox:
shake the bottle with lotion. Dip a cotton swab into the contents and smear the bubbles, being careful not to damage their shell. After 5-10 seconds, a protective film appears on the rash, and a whitish spot appears on the skin that does not get dirty. If the rashes occupy a large area, then it is better to use a cotton pad for lubrication. You can treat the rash with Calamine every time the itching returns. If necessary, the lotion can be easily washed off with plain water.

There are practically no contraindications, because Calamine lotion does not contain allergens, alcohol or hormonal drugs.

Calamine lotion for chickenpox:

  • reduces itching, burning, irritation of the skin;
  • dries out rashes;
  • creates a protective film on damaged areas of the skin;
  • quickly restores damaged skin cells;

The composition of Calamine ointment includes calamine, medical clay, phenol, plant extract, etc. The ointment is a thick white substance placed in a transparent jar.

Calamine tablets contain calamine, potato starch and other ingredients. The ingredients are placed in a sweet shell.

Use of Calamine for chickenpox

gives very good results. Calamine helps reduce itching, disinfects, relieves inflammation, dries the skin, and relieves swelling.

Calamine for chickenpox in children

irreplaceable. Children suffer greatly from severe itching and try to scratch the itchy skin. It is not always possible to constantly monitor the child, so relieving symptoms of itching is the main task of parents. And here Calamine lotion will help them.


relieves itching, the skin flakes less, helps with skin restoration. Disadvantages: expensive, wasteful.

...Parents and children, if you have chickenpox, Calamine is for you!

Calamine lotion helped very well when first my daughter and then my son (they are the same age as me) got chickenpox. I smeared the pimples six times a day, and my kids practically didn’t itch. The rash went away quickly and left no traces. I recommend calamine to everyone.


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The main symptom of chickenpox is a rash on the body and head. It causes great inconvenience to the patient. The rash is accompanied by severe itching. To reduce itching, doctors recommend lubricating the rash with brilliant green, which is not always appropriate. The new line of preparations for relieving itching includes colorless products. One of them is Calamine.

Calamine is a natural remedy for chickenpox.

It is used to treat skin diseases, including chickenpox.

Calamine lotion in pharmacies.

Calamine ointment, Calamine tablets.
The composition of Calamine lotion includes a mixture of zinc and iron oxide (calamine) and zinc oxide without impurities, as well as glycerol, reduced phenol, purified water, etc.

The lotion is a bright pink transparent liquid bottled in glass bottles.

In the instructions

on the use of
Calamine lotion
, it is said how to use it correctly
for chickenpox:
shake the bottle with lotion. Dip a cotton swab into the contents and smear the bubbles, being careful not to damage their shell. After 5-10 seconds, a protective film appears on the rash, and a whitish spot appears on the skin that does not get dirty. If the rashes occupy a large area, then it is better to use a cotton pad for lubrication. You can treat the rash with Calamine every time the itching returns. If necessary, the lotion can be easily washed off with plain water.

There are practically no contraindications, because Calamine lotion does not contain allergens, alcohol or hormonal drugs.

Calamine lotion for chickenpox:

  • reduces itching, burning, irritation of the skin;
  • dries out rashes;
  • creates a protective film on damaged areas of the skin;
  • quickly restores damaged skin cells;

The composition of Calamine ointment includes calamine, medical clay, phenol, plant extract, etc. The ointment is a thick white substance placed in a transparent jar.

Calamine tablets contain calamine, potato starch and other ingredients. The ingredients are placed in a sweet shell.

Use of Calamine for chickenpox

gives very good results. Calamine helps reduce itching, disinfects, relieves inflammation, dries the skin, and relieves swelling.

Calamine for chickenpox in children

irreplaceable. Children suffer greatly from severe itching and try to scratch the itchy skin. It is not always possible to constantly monitor the child, so relieving symptoms of itching is the main task of parents. And here Calamine lotion will help them.


relieves itching, the skin flakes less, helps with skin restoration. Disadvantages: expensive, wasteful.

...Parents and children, if you have chickenpox, Calamine is for you!

Calamine lotion helped very well when first my daughter and then my son (they are the same age as me) got chickenpox. I smeared the pimples six times a day, and my kids practically didn’t itch. The rash went away quickly and left no traces. I recommend calamine to everyone.


Material prepared by: Ravodin Roman Anatolchevich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor

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Side effects and contraindications

Calamine is well tolerated by most patients and does not cause intoxication, skin irritation or any systemic manifestations in the body. The only contraindication to its use is individual high sensitivity to any component. Its probable symptoms:

  • increased burning sensation;
  • the appearance of urticaria during treatment;
  • swelling, redness of the skin;
  • severe itching.

If such signs appear, you should stop therapy, wash off any remaining product from the body with warm water and use an antihistamine.

Infancy, pregnancy and breastfeeding are not contraindications. Following the instructions, the drug can be used to treat diaper rash.

Application of Calamine: instructions

The lotion must be used without diluting the liquid with water or other means.

  1. Before removing, shake the bottle several times, remove the cap and apply a cotton swab to it.
  2. The suspension must be applied to damaged areas of the skin, previously washed. Cover with a bandage only areas with a violation of the integrity of the integument.
  3. The lotion should not be used under sealed bandages or for compresses.
  4. After the liquid has dried, it is not necessary to rinse off the remaining lotion. You only need to cleanse your skin before the next application.
  5. You can repeat the procedure several times a day until the symptoms of inflammation or irritation disappear.

If well tolerated, adults can use Calamine ointment, applying it in the same way. The medicine must not be swallowed.

If necessary, Calamine can be combined with other medications after prior consultation with a dermatologist.

Action of Calamine lotion

What result does a patient seeking medical help expect for each of the above diseases? Briefly, the effect of the drug can be described as follows:

  • antibacterial - disinfects and disinfects the surface of the skin,
  • drying - dries out rashes,
  • decongestant - reduces swelling,
  • anti-inflammatory - relieves irritation and inflammation,
  • antipruritic - relieves itching and burning, similar unpleasant symptoms,
  • regenerating - activates regenerative processes in skin cells,
  • protective - creates a protective layer over damaged skin that prevents the action of irritating factors.

The drug is multifunctional. All of the above actions of Calamine lotion occur simultaneously. What patients especially value Calamine for is its soothing effect on irritated skin - the lotion perfectly cools the skin. The action of the lotion is soft and gentle, which allows it to be used for the youngest patients, for example, with such “childhood” diseases as chickenpox.

Regular use of Calamine for diseases from the list of indications allows you to shorten the duration of the disease as much as possible and facilitate its course. Discomfort is minimized, the risk of bacterial infection and all kinds of suppuration is eliminated, as a result of which the damage heals in the shortest possible time.

However, with lotion, as with any medicine, you need to be careful. A contraindication to the use of Calamine is considered to be individual intolerance to its individual components, as indicated by worsening symptoms upon first use.

It is better to discuss the prospect of using Calamine lotion, especially in the case of complex diseases with dermatological manifestations, with a medical professional. You can resort to using lotion for insect bites and sunburn on your own, but complex treatment will always be as effective as possible.

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