Pencil for inhalation SR VIETNAM “Golden Star” - reviews

Composition and release form

Soft balm for external use1 ban.
clove oil; cinnamon oil; Eucalyptus oil; peppermint oil and other natural and excipients

in a tin jar 4 g.

Pencil for inhalation1 pencil
peppermint oil19,85%
Eucalyptus oil5%
clove oil0,38%
cinnamon oil0,46%

in a plastic tube 1.3 g.

Balm for external use1 fl.
menthol crystal1400 mg
camphor444 mg
peppermint oil1145 mg
Eucalyptus oil5 mg
clove oil23 mg
cinnamon oil19 mg

in bottles of 5 ml; 1 bottle in a cardboard pack.

Pencil for inhalation SR VIETNAM “Golden Star” - reviews


Pros: Compact, inexpensive, economical

Cons: Short-term effect, contraindicated for allergies

Maybe aromatherapy in any of its forms is not suitable for me? Why is the effect so weak and it doesn’t become easier to breathe? Only for those couple of minutes after inhaling the aroma from this pencil. Why do I feel like this star is burning the nasal mucosa?

Vague doubts about this product. Of these “breathers”, this is the first and most unsuccessful in my opinion. I used foreign ones bought on vacation. Good stuff. I just gave it away and lost it and in the end I’m looking for store-bought ones again at the pharmacy. I won’t buy this product again for sure :)

It lies and even still smells in the shelf. From time to time I torture it and get nothing.

By the way, it’s been smelling for 3 years already. Everything smells like it :)

Well, this thing is compact. Miniature and will fit anywhere. Often found in the pharmacy. Cheap. Long-lasting. A little, but it makes breathing easier.

There was such a star once, but in a jar, so the effect was different. More powerful.

Or maybe not her. In general, I don’t recommend it, but I can’t say anything bad either;)


Pros: inexpensive, convenient, helps with runny nose

Disadvantages: Didn't find any

Everyone probably knows the “Golden Star” balm, or, as it is usually called, the Vietnamese “Star” balm. Since childhood, I remember its pungent smell and the small iron red jar. And recently I found out that it appeared in the form of a pencil for inhalation. This “Star” inhalation pencil was recommended to me by my friend. At first I didn’t really believe it, but just then my runny nose started, and I decided to try to breathe. The pencil itself is small, it’s convenient to stick it in your nose

Natalya Makushina

Advantages: refreshing and invigorating, effective

I bought this long-lasting balm a year ago and it still works!!

The inner core has not weathered and still has a strong smell.

At first I bought it, like all normal and adequate people, against a runny nose))

So what did I get?


As I say, it really helps with a runny nose. It does not cure it, but helps to avoid acquiring it again.


this wonderful pencil, like the no less wonderful jar of “Golden Star” balm, relieves headaches


in fact, I bought this product only to REMEMBER my childhood...

Once upon a time, a small inhaler of foreign origin was brought to me from God knows where. And recently I found him, he was naturally odorless. But the nostalgia remained. And I found...that source that inspired something about childhood.


This balm repels my cat, who runs around in the middle of the day and asks to play with her. When I'm busy, she runs up and starts biting my leg, saying, mistress, get up, play with me)

Yes, at first I fulfilled her wishes (all cats consider their owners their slaves), soon the nippers became more and more painful. And then I noticed that the cat ran away at the sight of this inhaler. I think that the composition contains menthol anyway, which makes my angry one run away from the battlefield)


For anyone interested in WHAT’S inside: I dug it up: there’s a balloon impregnated with an inhalation agent.

So for me this inhaler is simply irreplaceable!

Oh, well, the price a year ago was 70 rubles)


After giving birth, only my nails began to grow well. =) Well, it's like a retreat. Now, at the first sign of a cold, I use Tiger Balm. The doctor prescribed this for me when I once again came in with a runny nose and cough. This is just a miracle. A thin layer on the chest, steamed the legs, lubricated the feet, put on socks and went to bed. So in the morning I feel like a human being. My throat hurts - I rub it on my neck. Runny nose - bridge of the nose. In a word, this is my lifesaver. The number of pills in my medicine cabinet has decreased by 3 times. =) And I don’t always have time to go to the pharmacy, so I have a medicine for all diseases. =) Plus I take vitamins all the time

(Valeria777) Valeria


Price, availability, wide range of applications.


Possible allergic reactions


Anyone who doesn’t know about the Vietnamese balm Golden Star, almost everyone is sure. This bright smell of cloves, menthol, peppermint has been familiar to me since childhood. For all colds, runny noses, coughs, my mother rubbed me with this balm. Time has passed, but I still use Zvezdochka.

Today this balm is available in several forms: an ointment, a liquid form, and a stick for cold inhalation. Lately I have fallen in love with the pencil; it is very convenient to use, carry it with you, and apply it.

The composition and active components of the pencil are the same: essential oils, menthol, peppermint, eucalyptus and clove oils, camphor, and petroleum jelly. This pencil is used to prevent colds, nasal congestion and runny nose. It is absolutely safe to use, since you do not smear the skin, but only inhale the inhalation vapors. You need to inhale 15 to 20 times, 1-2 breaths per inhalation, throughout the day.

Of course, it also has contraindications; it must be used with caution, but if you use it correctly, you will not have any problems or allergic reactions. This product has been proven over the years, is the best, most effective and multifunctional.


Greetings to users of the site irekommend! I decided to share my opinion on the gold star inhalation pencil. A couple of years ago my nose couldn’t breathe at all, and when it doesn’t breathe, I can’t sleep. Before going to bed. I hovered my legs

Nadezhda S


The smell of “Golden Star” is another smell from childhood, when in case of any suspicious abnormality or suspicion of a cold, they smeared my nose, heels, and back with this balm in a small iron box. And it didn’t matter that my eyes started to water and my back itched, the main thing was that it often helped. Even as a preventive measure, when I came home covered in snow, and my grandmother realized that I had been riding down the slide with the guys on my briefcase for a good hour again, she smeared it on my nose as a preventive measure.

Moreover, if someone in the family was anointed with the “Golden Star”, then it is clear from the threshold that the house is fighting a cold. Aromatherapy was not known at that time, but thank you, “Zvezdochka” smelled, although medicinal, but overall pleasant.

Now the production of this medicinal brand has expanded, and there is already a liquid balm, a pencil balm, and even Zvezdochka-Flu has appeared, similar to Theraflu.

I used liquid balm, I used it out of interest to eliminate headaches when I didn’t want to swallow chemicals. The headache wasn’t too bad, I usually even tolerate it, and it just goes away on its own. I applied it to my temples, the menthol in the composition cooled them, and it seemed to me that it became somehow easier. Then after 40 minutes, everything returned to its place. I applied it again. In general, this happened several times until I realized that the headache seemed to go away. It probably took about 3 hours. It’s hard to say whether Zvezdochka helped, or whether she herself stopped hurting. But Zvezdochka has a red herring. When attention is switched from the pain to the smell, to the cooling sensation from the menthol, it seems that it really hurts less. But I don't know how it will work with a more severe headache. Alternatively, you can try. Anything is better than swallowing chemical pills again.

Alexander B.

I remember the “Star” balm from the distant 80s. This miracle ointment of Vietnamese healers was used for many things. Over time, the boom passed, but the medicine remained in medicine cabinets. I found the main use when using the balm for nasal congestion and runny nose. It breaks almost instantly. For moderate headaches, just rub the ointment on your temples and the pain will gradually dissolve. “Zvezdochka” also has an anti-irritant and soothing effect on the skin. When applying the balm to the skin after numerous mosquito bites, the itching stops and the swelling disappears. And it seems to me that mosquitoes will fly around you after that.



perfectly pierces the nose




I always use it when I feel a runny nose coming on. The remedy, of course, is not a panacea, but it gives a sense of smell. The smell is pleasant, no discomfort was ever felt. I have already used seven tubes.



efficiency, benefits, pleasant smell, compact packaging


the price is a bit high

The other day I got sick and was almost on the verge of a runny nose, I went to the pharmacy and decided to try out this wonderful inhalation pencil from the Golden Star brand, about which I had previously read a lot of positive reviews. Opinion: It’s true that a small package costs quite a bit, about one hundred and seventy rubles, but the drug is quite effective, it’s the only way it breaks the nose. Eliminates congestion and helps get rid of a runny nose at the initial stage. It is very easy and convenient to use, place it in each nostril and inhale a couple of times. Very cool product and compact, easy to take with you. Conclusion: I can recommend purchasing the Golden Star inhalation pencil to absolutely everyone, without exception!



Availability, effect, quick help, long shelf life, compact



A week ago I became very ill for the second time this year, and it has only just begun. As a child, there was a miracle remedy in a red metal round box called “golden star”; the balm had to be applied to the nasolabial fold and wings of the nose for a runny nose and difficulty breathing. The release form has long ago changed and now “Golden Star Balm” is sold in the form of a pencil for inhalation. The label is already worn out after 2 years!) By the way, the shelf life is 5 years, very convenient. The pencil opens easily and simply. Inside we can see the pencil itself. The pencil helps me a lot at night, when my nose is stuffy and it’s impossible to breathe. Only inhalations, like drops/sprays, should be used when the nose is clean! Having carried out this procedure before bed, I can sleep peacefully until dawn. I wake up only once to repeat the procedure. The pencil is convenient, it will easily fit even in the smallest pocket, yes, I go outside with it. It doesn’t look too strange, but the main thing is that it helps! I definitely recommend it, it should be in every first aid kit!



Reduces the risk of colds



Hi all! I want to tell you about the inhalation pencil Balm Golden Star! When I get a cold and get sick, my nose doesn’t breathe well, my throat hurts... in general, the condition is not very good! As a child, my grandmother used Golden Star Balm, only it looked different, in a round jar! When she had a cold, she always applied it to her nose and it always helped! But later I forgot about it... perhaps because it was not easy to use! Today I actively use the inhalation pencil Balm Golden Star! Because it is great for prevention, and also copes well with colds! Inhalation must be carried out through the nasal passages 10-15 times a day! 1-2 breaths per 1 dose! The packaging is very convenient, I always carry it with me! My whole family has it too! I recommend! Excellent tool!

Daisy Duck


not expensive, effective against seasonal colds



I learned about the Zvezdochka inhaler back in 2011. At that time, I was still a young man who bought it for himself at a pharmacy and began to regularly do something to his nose in the winter. This bothered me at first. Well, imagine, suddenly a guy opens something that looks like chapstick and inhales first through one nostril, then the other. I was wary. And this turned out to be the Zvnzdochka inhaler. It’s not like they started releasing it in a decent tube, and not in this iron can that you can’t open. For two years I watched him use it and he really didn’t get sick, didn’t catch a cold, didn’t have a runny nose, or worse. I decided to buy one for myself. And now I haven’t had a runny nose or colds for a long time. But if there is a flu epidemic in the city, I still get sick every time. An inhaler does not save me from an epidemic.



Easy to use, great for treating nasal congestion


Did not find

Today I want to talk about the “gold star” pencil inhaler. As you already know, there is the well-known “golden star” balm, which since childhood our parents used to smear on our chests and under our noses when we had a cold, but when we have a runny nose and the skin under the nose is already chafed and irritated, this is not a very suitable remedy for use. Cold autumn has begun, rains and very rainy weather and the chances of getting sick are great, I advise you to buy a pencil inhaler “golden star”, as it is easy to use and convenient. Even with a runny nose, not only an adult, but also a child will not have any problems using it. As soon as your nose is blocked, all you have to do is bring it up and smell it, and it clears your nose instantly. Not expensive and very effective. When using it, no drops are needed. Helps with nasal congestion and cough.



Good composition. Great for preventing colds.


For me no.

I remembered this remedy quite by accident, standing in a pharmacy at the window, choosing something for nasal congestion. As a child, I always had these in my medicine cabinet, but I couldn’t remember what these inhalers were called. I went up to the pharmacy and said: “When I was a child, I remember there were such things, you put them in your nose, you inhale deeply, it smells like Golden Star balm.” Honestly, I didn’t really hope that such an “ancient” remedy could still be found in pharmacies. But it turned out there is! It still exists and is popular. And he became even prettier. Dispensed without a doctor's prescription. It's called Pencil for Inhalation, Golden Star Balm. The inhaler is used in the complex treatment of rhinitis. 10-15 times a day, inhale through the nasal passages 1-2 times at a time. This wonderful pencil contains clove, eucalyptus and peppermint oils, camphor, and crystalline menthol. The auxiliary substance is paraffin. I use this pencil inhaler when my nose is stuffy, and as part of the treatment for colds. And just for prevention. My job is working with people. Many people are sick now. Therefore, I use this inhaler throughout the day. It’s a small pencil, I threw it in my purse and went :-) Maybe my review will remind you of such an inexpensive remedy to help prevent colds. Good health to everyone, don't get sick.


Let me start with the fact that my nose is the weakest point in my body. Firstly, I am dependent on vasoconstrictor drugs, and secondly, if my nose starts running, it either lasts for a long time, or it turns into sinusitis and I have to take antibiotics.

And recently I got sick again in a place with children. A terrible condition: my eyes are watering, my nose is running, my head hurts. And I remembered about the Golden Star balm. I think I’ll now apply the scales and wings of my nose and I’ll be happy. I tried not to think about the fact that I would smell a kilometer away, and that fumes would get into my eyes. I didn’t have this miracle remedy at home, so I sent my husband to the store. As always, he messed everything up and bought this pencil instead of balm.

The product itself is in a plastic tube with a screw cap and, together with the instructions, is placed in a cardboard box. Very convenient, small, you can take it with you. It’s easy to use, you need to unscrew the cap, bring it to your nostril and inhale air into yourself, do the same with the second nostril.

I did this procedure with my nose and oh, miracle! For a while, the flow from my nose stopped. The smell of the product is pleasant, even a six-year-old child breathed it with pleasure. I used it every hour, even specially setting an alarm. The intervals between using the pencil and when its effect ended were longer and longer each time, and the next morning I woke up without a runny nose, which I was incredibly happy about.

I think this remedy can also be used during the cold season as a preventive measure.

The only drawback that I have identified is that it is contraindicated for children under two years of age. It takes a long time to treat my one-year-old daughter’s runny nose (((


Good afternoon everyone! I started purchasing such inhalers a long time ago, about 8 years ago, if not more. I bought new ones not because the old ones were losing their power, they don’t lose it at all (as if they last forever), but simply because I lost them or gave them away to someone.

This miracle inhaler contains the well-known balm, which is sold in a red Golden Star tin. However, for ease of use, the manufacturer came up with the idea of ​​placing this balm in a special tank (which so immodestly resembles the shape of a female tampon) with holes at the top and bottom on the sides, so that when inhaled, air passes freely through this balm and is filled with healing vapors.

This inhaler will come to the rescue:

  • for the treatment of a runny nose (rhinitis) in combination at the initial stage of the disease (about 15 times a day, 1-2 breaths into each nasal passage);
  • for the victorious cure of a runny nose, when drops no longer help (2 weeks after the start of the runny nose itself, when no drops helped, I was sometimes cured with this balm. However, here you need to take into account that the mucous membrane should not get used to it, otherwise this method will not work be cured);
  • to prevent a runny nose (however, you must use it with caution, otherwise, as I wrote above, the nasal mucosa may get used to the vapors of the balm and not react to it if you get sick).

Many people to whom I have given these inhalers use them every day. I don't recommend doing this unless you feel like you might get sick. From my own experience, I can say that when I used it every day and then got sick, it didn’t help with attraction at all. However, if I didn’t use it before I got sick, and only remembered it when I was already sick, then it helped me like no one else, especially when I already had a runny nose.

And I especially do not recommend using it for children (not for treatment). It’s just like a drug for them, and you never know how it can affect their mucous membranes and nervous system as a whole. Therefore, remove it higher and give it to them only if they are sick.

It costs differently in different pharmacies, around 50-80 rubles. But I repeat again that it is eternal! I've been using one for several years now and it doesn't wear out at all, like new!

Health and good luck to everyone!

Just Siberian Girl

All the best!

Well, admit it: who has already had a cold this season? Personally, I didn’t even have a runny nose. And now I’ll tell you why.

I think that among all the readers of my review, there will not be a single one who would not be familiar with the Golden Star . During my childhood, this small red jar with odorous contents was in every home. But have you heard about the “Golden Star” inhalation pencil ? Personally, I learned about its existence relatively recently and completely by accident.

He told me about this remedy

driving instructor, after I got to the bottom of him, why the car smells like “star” He used this inhaler to prevent colds. And believe me, a person who spends the entire working day in a small enclosed space with people of all kinds of viruses understands something about this very prevention.

I listened, turned the plastic tube over in my hands, became convinced that I definitely needed it and... happily forgot

I remembered this pencil almost a year later - in the middle of this autumn - when I accidentally saw it in a pharmacy. And, naturally, I bought it right away.

Where to buy: any pharmacies.

Price: about 100 rub.

From the manufacturer:

The drug has a local irritating, distracting and antiseptic effect.

The effect of the pencil is manifested by reducing the inflammatory process and eliminating pain caused by the influenza virus, as well as colds and other factors.

The use of Zvezdochka balm in the form of a pencil for inhalation is justified in the treatment of rhinitis.


Individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, especially to essential oils. Children under 2 years old.


5 mg clove oil, 124 mg camphor, 6 mg cinnamon bark oil, 658 mg levomenthol, 258 mg mint oil, 65 mg eucalyptus oil.

Release form:

The “Golden Star” inhalation pencil is a plastic tube with a cap and a filter inside the tube, impregnated with ingredients. A paper label is glued to the cap of the inhaler. The inhalation pencil, along with instructions for use, is placed in a cardboard box.

Use cases and results:

  1. This pencil was purchased primarily as a means of preventing colds . I know that many people use various essential oils for prevention. And here a whole bouquet of oils is collected, and even in a convenient form. I always have a Star pencil in my bag.

I do inhalations when I go to crowded places (shops, public transport, post office, etc.). And also when I communicate or am simply next to a sick person.

And you know, since I bought this pencil, not only have I not had a cold, but I haven’t even had a slight runny nose! Although, in general, I have a very weak immune system.

  1. For nasal congestion . My dad complained about nasal congestion, I recommended this pencil to him. Dad later said that it “breaks through” perfectly, the nose immediately begins to breathe.
  2. Headache relief. I won’t say that the pencil will get rid of headaches, but it significantly alleviates it. A couple of times he helped me out a lot when I didn’t have any pills on hand.
  3. For dizziness and nausea. I already wrote once
    about the fact that I have low blood pressure, so I can feel sick anywhere - in line, on public transport, at a concert. So, the Zvezdochka pencil is an excellent means of urgently bringing me “to my senses.” Almost like ammonia))) As soon as you inhale this remedy deeply, the lightheadedness immediately recedes, your head becomes clearer.

a “Golden Star” inhalation pencil with you , it definitely won’t be superfluous

Thank you for your attention, be healthy!

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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