Hirudotherapy: indications and contraindications for treatment with leeches

Treatment with leeches does not lose popularity. We often hear from fans of unconventional methods that these unattractive creatures heal a variety of ailments. Is this really so and why there is still no alternative to the procedure, we discussed with Marina Korotka, a reflexologist at the Republican Center for Medical Rehabilitation and Balneotherapy.

Photo: medbooking.com

Hirudotherapy: features of the technique

Bleeding using leeches is one of the most ancient medical procedures.
The first mentions of it are found in ancient chronicles, but the peak of popularity occurred in the Middle Ages. Doctors actively used bloodletting for a variety of ailments, from complications during childbirth to migraines. In some cases, up to 40 leeches were attached to the patient’s body at the same time. It was believed that worms were able to suck out “bad blood,” which would help avoid apoplexy, cure various pathologies of internal organs, and even save them from poisoning or gangrene. Today, hirudotherapy is outside the brackets of official medicine. However, doctors admit that in some cases, leeches can alleviate the patient's condition. You should not rely only on this technique; bloodletting demonstrates the best effect in combination with other medical procedures: massages, manual therapy, taking medications.

Treatment with leeches is carried out in specialized hirudotherapy centers.

The procedures require medicinal leeches, a type of annelid worm that feeds on blood. In the wild, they live in freshwater bodies, but only individuals grown in special biofactories under sterile conditions are used for medicinal purposes.

Modern hirudotherapy involves several options for using leeches:

  1. Live. The worms attach themselves to the skin, biting through it and at the same time injecting an anesthetic substance. The patient does not feel any discomfort; after saturation, the bloodsucker falls off on its own. A wound remains at the site of the bite, which heals after a couple of days.
  2. In the form of sublimates. Medicinal extracts are made from the leeches themselves or their salivary glands. The remedies can be used in courses; they are suitable for people who do not tolerate traditional hirudotherapy well.
  3. In the form of recombinant drugs. Medicines of artificial origin are made based on the gene of medicinal leeches introduced into the DNA of microorganisms. The drugs are well absorbed and cause minimal side effects.

During a session, one leech drinks up to 15 ml of blood. After use, the worms are destroyed and reuse is prohibited.

When treating with live leeches, the main therapeutic effect is associated with the forced outflow of blood. Reducing the filling of blood vessels can reduce blood pressure and improve the patient's condition. An additional effect is provided by the placement of leeches in accordance with the rules of acupuncture. Micro-punctures create an acupuncture effect and affect the condition of certain organs. It is worth considering the medicinal properties of leech saliva. It consists of the following components:

  1. Hirudin. An anticoagulant protein, an analogue is found in the venom of some reptiles. Reduces blood clotting, prevents thrombosis, improves vascular patency.
  2. Collagenase and asperase. Enzymes that inhibit platelet aggregation.
  3. Protein inhibitors. Substances that block protoinases and prevent the destruction of protein molecules.
  4. Vasodilators. Compounds that improve blood flow by dilating blood vessels.
  5. Anesthetic components. They have an analgesic effect, thanks to which the patient does not feel discomfort during and after the procedure.

For treatment, you can use synthetic drugs created based on the leech gene.

How does a treatment session with a hirudotherapist work?

Specialists in the field of hirudotherapy work in medical centers and other institutions of this profile. The therapeutic course is prescribed to the applicant individually, depending on the state of health. Typically, such a treatment course consists of 4-12 procedures.

Carrying out a hirudotherapy session involves sequentially laying out worms on the surface of the body in the area of ​​projection of the organs requiring treatment. The doctor carefully, using his hand or tweezers, takes each blood-sucking individual near the head and places it in the right place.

During one session, the hirudotherapist places from 1-3 to 10-12 blood-sucking worms, previously deprived of food. Their exact number is determined individually. The duration of treatment on average ranges from 5-10 to 40 minutes.

The doctor monitors the person’s condition during the procedure, observing the reaction of his body to the activity of leeches.

At the end of the session, the hirudotherapist removes those worms that did not have time to “fall off” on their own, using special techniques for this.

After completing the procedure, the doctor properly treats the wounds and gives recommendations on the patient’s actions after treatment.

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Indications for the procedure

Hirudotherapy cannot be considered a universal remedy for all diseases. However, the list of ailments for which bloodsuckers can help is very extensive. Before starting the procedures, you need to undergo a full examination by a therapist and take tests. Treatment is best carried out in specialized centers, under the supervision of specialists. The duration of the course and the duration of the procedures are calculated individually. It is difficult to achieve the desired effect at home; you will need the help of an assistant.

Hirudotherapy for chronic diseases

Very often, patients suffering from joint pathologies turn to hirudotherapy. Leeches are used to treat spinal osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernias. The procedures help relieve pain, reduce muscle tension, reduce stress on the back, and prevent complications. Leeches are placed between the spinal discs, above and below the affected area. The procedures are combined with massage, taking medications, and a diet recommended by the doctor.

The procedure may be beneficial for varicose veins. At the site where leeches are installed, blood flow is normalized, swelling of the lower extremities is relieved, pain and a feeling of heaviness are reduced. However, many phlebologists do not share the enthusiasm of hirudotherapists. Before treating varicose veins with leeches, you need to get your doctor's approval.

Treatment should be carried out by a certified hirudotherapist who has completed special courses. A diploma of higher medical education is required.

Hirudotherapy is prescribed for arterial hypertension. The main goal is to reduce the pressure inside the vessels. Regular sessions reduce tinnitus, prevent migraines, dizziness, nausea, and heart pain. In the absence of contraindications, preventive sessions are possible to avoid sudden attacks.

Leeches can relieve discomfort from hemorrhoids and prostatitis. The purpose of the procedure is to reduce blood flow to the affected vessels and prevent their further deformation. The procedure must be carried out by a doctor; it will require only 3-4 individuals per session. They are attached to the skin in close proximity to the affected area: near the anus, on the tailbone area or lower abdomen.

Hirudotherapy can also be recommended for the treatment of other ailments: type 2 diabetes mellitus, liver and kidney pathologies, thyroid dysfunction, thrombophlebitis.

Creams based on hirudin reduce dry skin, smooth out wrinkles, and treat local inflammation and swelling.

Application in cosmetology

Leeches will benefit not only health, but also beauty. For cosmetic procedures, it is not live worms that are used, but preparations prepared from them. Creams, serums and ointments with active ingredients can:

  • remove dry skin and prevent flaking;
  • activate metabolic processes;
  • accelerate skin cell renewal;
  • remove hematomas and swelling that occur after operations.

Creams based on extracts from leech saliva slow down skin aging, cope well with fine wrinkles, reduce inflammation and fight stress. Bath tablets with hirudin can improve the condition of the body's skin. They improve skin tone and have a calming and relaxing effect.

Some beauty salons offer masks, wraps and other procedures with preparations containing leech extract. Free samples and introductory sessions at a special price will help you understand whether products are suitable for a particular skin type.

Leeches are also used to eliminate cellulite. Bloodsuckers attached to the skin in problem areas activate lymph flow, accelerate the burning of fat cells, and stimulate metabolism. The effect is enhanced by massage and the use of body creams based on hirudin.


For people leading an active lifestyle and spending a lot of time on their feet, a series of cosmetics has been developed containing the active bioenergy complex of BAS from the medicinal leech NM1, as well as other natural components, which together exhibit an anti-stress, regenerating, analgesic effect, providing comfortable conditions for active activities. lifestyle. Cosmetics are used both for the prevention of microcirculation disorders, tissue trophism, metabolism, inflammatory processes, and for emergency care for bruises, injuries, muscle pain, fatigue, and nervous excitement.

Gel for relieving muscle fatigue

Soothing gel

Regenerating cream

Foot cream

Relaxing massage cream

Benefits of treatment: doctors' opinion

Supporters of official medicine are skeptical about treatment with leeches, emphasizing that in many cases there is a placebo effect that does not improve the patient’s condition. Carrying out the procedure at home can cause severe skin irritation. Open wounds get infected, which will have to be treated with potent drugs. The cause of trouble can be both the leeches themselves and the unpredictable reaction of the body.

The easiest and safest way is to use external products based on hirudin. They can improve skin condition, relieve swelling and local irritation. Cream purchased at a pharmacy must be used before the expiration date.

Before treatment, consultation with your doctor is necessary.

Contraindications and precautions

Despite the effectiveness of leeches, they cannot be recommended for all patients. Hirudotherapy is contraindicated for pregnant women and women breastfeeding. An indirect contraindication will be tumors of any nature, including benign ones. Procedures with leeches should not be carried out if:

  • decreased blood clotting (hemophilia);
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus type 1 in the acute stage;
  • tuberculosis;
  • severe anemia;
  • weight deficiency;
  • allergies to hirudin and other active substances.

Contraindications will be increased skin sensitivity, the presence of any fungal, viral or infectious diseases. High temperature and general deterioration in health are reasons for urgent interruption of the course. It will be possible to resume it only after the therapist confirms that the patient is completely healthy.


A leech is a living syringe with a unique set of biologically active substances, the action of which causes various effects in the human body: lowering blood pressure, improving blood clotting; For many women, leeches helped get rid of fibroids and mastopathy, dysfunctional and inflammatory gynecological disorders.

Cosmetologists appreciated hirudotherapy. The unique chemical composition of leech saliva ensures instant interaction of its components with skin cells. As a result, the skin is renewed, becomes elastic, firm, and beautiful. It takes on a pink tint, becomes soft and smooth.

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