Chaga (black birch mushroom) crushed raw materials 120 g

The weight of the fruiting body of the mushroom can reach almost 3 kg. It can grow on a tree for several decades, affecting areas of the bark that lack integrity. The spores form growths of disproportionate shape. They have a deep dark shade; there are a large number of cracks and light veins on the surface. Every year the fungus makes its way closer to the trunk, as a result of which the tree gradually dies.

Fungal growths can be found in forest-steppe and taiga Russian zones, in forests and birch groves. In addition, chaga grows in Korean, American countries, and in mountainous areas. It is collected in different seasons, the main thing is to remove it from a living, not damp tree. When collected from dead plants, the mushroom will not have the desired positive effect on the body, since the activity of the valuable components in the composition will be negligible. The optimal storage method is crushed and dried. Birch mushroom has incredible health benefits. Ancestors believed that it helps to cope with hundreds of different ailments. Until now, “wood sponge” (popular name) is widely used in folk medicine.

Composition and characteristics

Chaga is a complete source of beneficial organic acids, dietary fiber, as well as resins, minerals and vitamins. The composition contains practically no fats (less than 1 g per 100 g of edible part), carbohydrates - no more than 1.5 g, proteins - no less than 2 g. The calorie content of the product does not exceed 20 kcal.

The following substances are present in large quantities in the product:

  • alkaloids,
  • tannins,
  • acetic acid,
  • flavonoids,
  • phenols,
  • lignin,
  • formic acid,
  • phytoncides,
  • sterols,
  • wine acid,
  • melanin,
  • polysaccharides,
  • oxalic acid.

Tannins, which the mushroom is rich in, have a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effect. A complex of organic acids helps normalize the acid-base balance, and phytoncides protect the body from germs and viruses. The lignin contained has a beneficial effect on kidney function, melanin accelerates metabolism, and polysaccharides charge energy and restore strength.

Flavonoids are useful because they have an analgesic and diuretic effect, remove bile, and relieve inflammation. Fiber in birch mushroom normalizes digestive processes, alkaloids normalize blood pressure levels and relieve spasms. The product is useful for its pronounced antimicrobial and antitumor properties. It is used to relieve symptoms of various dangerous diseases, and is widely used for weight loss and improved well-being.

Medical raw materials

In birch plantations, when carrying out sanitary felling, it is advisable to leave trees with chaga growths, since this is a valuable medical raw material.

The medicinal properties of chaga were known back in the 16th–17th centuries; it contains biologically active substances that have a general strengthening, tonic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Harvesting chaga growths can be done at any time of the year. The most valuable are young fresh growths collected in spring and autumn from growing birch trees.

Marina Kulikova, Candidate of Biological Sciences

Chaga prepared for brewing

The healing properties of chaga, or, as it is otherwise called, birch mushroom , have been known for a long time. Its use as a medicine was described in the works of the famous medieval physician Abu Ali ibn Sina (Avicenna) .

A Russian chronicle of the 11th century tells how, with the help of a decoction of birch mushroom, the lips of Grand Duke Vladimir Monomakh were cured of cancer. Since the 16th century, residents of Siberia have used chaga as a panacea for many serious diseases.

Useful and healing properties

The benefits of regular consumption of birch mushroom include a positive effect on the nervous system, a tonic effect, reliable protection against the proliferation of cancer cells, the removal of harmful substances, including heavy metals, and the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended for the treatment of dental problems (stomatitis, periodontal disease), sleep disorders, depression, polyps and gastritis. The mushroom drink rejuvenates the body, normalizing the functioning of the endocrine system.

The main beneficial properties include the following:

  • regulation of blood sugar levels;
  • increasing resistance to infections;
  • normalization of intestinal microflora;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • rapid healing of wounds;
  • strengthening vascular walls;
  • acceleration of blood composition renewal;
  • increasing the activity of drugs that fight malignant tumors;
  • normalization of the respiratory system;
  • stabilization of pressure (arterial and blood).

Various infusions and decoctions of chaga are an excellent prevention of many dangerous diseases. They effectively protect against the occurrence of psoriasis, cirrhosis, pathological changes in the gastric mucosa, lesions of the mammary glands, inflammation in the kidneys, and high blood pressure.

Chaga is a useful product for those who want to lose excess weight. Thanks to the content of amino acids, minerals and organic acids, metabolism is accelerated. The remedy with the mushroom helps fight obesity and prevents the disease. The weight loss drink is prepared based on mushroom infusion and propolis. By consuming it every day in the morning and eating right, after 2 weeks you can feel noticeable improvements.


The surface of the growths is black, usually shiny, as if varnished, hard, with numerous deep cracks. The inner part of chaga is a dense plexus of mycelium of a woody consistency with clearly defined layers that differ in color and hardness.

The top layer, especially its outer part, is black and very hard. The next one is dark brown, with hard tissue. The layer immediately adjacent to the wood is light brown, penetrated by small yellowish veins, and is softer, since the fungal tissue here is mixed with the already destroyed wood tissues.

Chaga growth continues throughout the life of the affected tree and stops when it dies.

How to use chaga

Taking treated mushroom growths helps in the treatment and prevention of many dangerous ailments. An excellent effect is noted for a weak immune system, sore joints, sexual diseases, and damage to the skin. You should take breaks in treatment for at least 7 days after a monthly course to avoid the appearance of rapid heartbeat and increased nervousness.

In case of inflammation in the nasopharynx, difficulty breathing associated with diseases of the respiratory system, it is recommended to inhale chaga for several minutes a day. For preventive purposes, it is useful to drink mushroom tea. Treatment with decoctions and infusions should be carried out only after consultation with a specialist. Therapy is conditionally divided into 2 parts. In the first period, the inflammatory process is relieved, general well-being improves, and pain goes away. In the second, the disease gradually goes away, performance increases, and strength is restored.

Birch mushroom goes well with herbal remedies such as St. John's wort, calendula, propolis, marsh perennial grass called calamus, chamomile, plantain. Often used in combination with rose hips, licorice, and wormwood.

Making tea

To make a healthy tonic drink you will need 0.5 liters of warm water and 50 g of processed plant materials. Chaga is filled with water and infused for at least 1 day. For cooking, it is best to use a ceramic container. After this, you need to strain the resulting broth and bring the resulting amount to the original amount.

The resulting 0.5 liters of tea should be shaken before drinking. The optimal dosage of the drink is 200 ml 2 times a day for a couple of months. It is advisable to drink it before main meals. The remaining volume should be stored in a cool place.

Oil products

A mixture of mushroom decoction (1 tsp) and unrefined olive oil (3 tbsp) can effectively treat a runny nose during a cold or sinusitis. After mixing the ingredients, the mixture should sit for about 24 hours. The resulting composition can treat joints, eliminate muscle pain after exercise and injury, and lubricate damaged areas of the skin. The oil is useful for varicose veins and trophic ulcers.

Oily compositions with a parasitic fungus are saturated with pterins, which have a pronounced antitumor effect. They can be used for skin, uterine, prostate or breast cancer. As a base for the ointment, you need to take lard, which, together with the infusion, is brought to a boil and infused for several days.

Decoctions and infusions

To prepare an effective remedy with chaga (ground to a powder of 200 g), you will need to prepare the following herbal ingredients:

  • licorice (about 10 g),
  • rose hips (90 g),
  • St. John's wort (20 g),
  • pine buds (90 g),
  • wormwood (5 g).

All components are poured with cold water in an amount of 3 liters for several hours, after which the mixture should be boiled and allowed to stand for one day. After this, you need to add 400 g of any flower honey, 200 g of alcoholic beverage and 100 g of perennial aloe juice to the strained broth. You should drink the prepared medicine one spoon at a time before main meals. This decoction is recommended for all forms of malignant tumors.

For fungal diseases, an infusion of 500 ml of alcohol and 8 tablespoons of “wood sponge” helps. For skin diseases, you can use a mixture of a spoonful of chaga, boiled water and chamomile in the form of compresses. Chamomile-mushroom mixture also helps with dental problems. Use for rinsing.

Life cycles

After the formation of growths under the bark and in cracks in the wood of dead trees (dead wood, fallen wood, windfall) or on the dry sides of living trees, fruiting bodies of the fungus I. obliquus - widely spread, completely adherent to the substrate, covering the tree trunk for 3–4 m with a width of 10 –50 cm. During the period of development under the bark, they are soft-leathery, pale woody or pale ocher in color. After the bark falls off, the fruiting bodies of the fungus become noticeable, taking on the appearance of brittle films of brown, dark brown or black-brown color. During this period, spores are formed in the fruiting bodies, which infect healthy trees.


During the period of formation of chaga growths in the trunks, central (core), yellowish rot develops, which is separated from healthy wood by a grayish-brown ring. If there are fruiting bodies on the trunks, yellowish-white heart-sapwood rot with dark lines develops in the wood. In the last stage of decay, the affected wood becomes soft, easily splits into fibers and is divided into annual layers. Affected trees lose their resistance to wind and break.

Contraindications and possible harm

There are no special contraindications to taking birch mushroom. It does not contain hazardous substances and does not accumulate in the body. It is prohibited for people with individual intolerance to the product or its component. Harm may occur if consumed excessively. A rapid heartbeat, changes in blood pressure, and excessive emotionality are possible. In this case, it is necessary to stop therapy or reduce the dose. If during the treatment course fluid begins to be retained in the body or swelling occurs, you need to prepare a more concentrated decoction.

You should refrain from taking it internally when carrying a child or breastfeeding. The mushroom is not recommended for chronic colitis or dysentery. The optimal dose for weight loss is no more than 30 ml of decoction or tea. This amount will not harm, but will only speed up the burning of fat deposits.

In addition, the use of the mushroom has a number of restrictions:

  • Avoid drinking sweet carbonated water, excessively salty foods, fatty meats and processed foods.
  • Glucose should not be administered intravenously.
  • It is not recommended to take antibiotics, since the natural product is not compatible with penicillin drugs.

By leading a healthy lifestyle and taking chaga in moderation, you can get rid of the signs of the disease, significantly improve your health and increase your performance.

Storage containers

Containers for storing dried product must be clean and dry. Fresh mushrooms are easily affected by mold, so they must be dried.

In order for chaga to retain its properties, you need to use the following containers:

  • glass jars with mesh lids;
  • paper bags;
  • linen bags;
  • carton boxes.

Chaga pieces can be ground into powder. It is not recommended to store the product in metal containers, as this reduces its benefits. The containers themselves should be located in a room that is well ventilated.

The product should not be prepared in large quantities, since the healing properties are retained only for 4 months. Herbalists do not recommend using plastic containers. The wrong choice of cookware reduces the shelf life of raw materials.

Advice! After drying, the mushroom becomes very hard, so it must be cut or crushed immediately.

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Expert opinion

Many herbalists and traditional medicine doctors recognize the effectiveness of birch chaga. Doctor Natalia Dmitrievna Vergazova notes that chaga remedies increase the body’s resistance to negative external influences, have an antioxidant effect and strengthen the immune system. She also talks about chaga as a natural aid in cleansing the body and removing toxins from it, including those produced by alcohol.

Fungotherapist I.P. Kareva points out the effectiveness of chaga in the treatment of purulent skin lesions leading to inflammation and dermatitis of varying severity.


Chaga is harvested all year round, but it is more convenient to collect it from autumn to spring, when the trees are leafless and the mushroom is clearly visible. At this time, the raw material has greater biological activity. The growths are cut down with an ax or cut off with a saw, then the loose, light-colored part is cut off from them. After cutting, the chaga pieces are dried in dryers at a temperature not exceeding 60 ºС.

That former patient told me about Doctor Maslennikov that he was an old zemstvo doctor from the Aleksandrovsky district, near Moscow. That he had been treated in the same hospital for decades, as it was previously accepted. And then he noticed that, although more and more people write about cancer in the medical literature, cancer does not happen among sick peasants. Why would this be?.. He began to investigate, he began to investigate,” Kostoglotov repeated with pleasure, “and discovered such a thing: that, saving money on tea, the men in this entire area brewed not tea, but chaga, otherwise called birch mushroom... A.I. Solzhenitsyn. Cancer building

In cosmetology

Chaga is used in cosmetics to maintain healthy skin and hair. Creams and ointments containing chaga provide a rejuvenating effect - the skin of the face is tightened, fine wrinkles are smoothed out.

Mask for oily skin

1 tsp. mix rye flour with 1 tsp. honey Add the yolk and 1 tsp. chaga powder. Mix and apply to face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Mask for dry skin

To prepare it, 1 tsp. mix olive oil with 2 tbsp. l. crushed chaga. Add the yolk, mix, add ⅓ cup of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. After this, apply to the face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

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