Turboslim day and night: how does the unique biocomplex for weight loss work and are there any side effects?

  • Compound
  • Mechanism of action
  • Indications
  • Contraindications
  • Instructions
  • Side effects

CJSC Evalar is the largest Russian concern for the production of dietary supplements, and it was in its secret laboratories that a weight loss product was developed, which became a bestseller and is still at the top of the relevant ratings.
Subjected to numerous tests and studies, Turboslim day-night capsules showed good results, but several side effects and disadvantages were identified. However, any method of combating excess weight has them.

The product is based on an enhanced formula, thanks to which the “smart” drug is able to take into account the biological rhythms of the human body in the process of getting rid of unnecessary kilograms. Is that possible?

pharmachologic effect

Capsules Turboslim Day and Turboslim Night provide active action throughout the day.

Turboslim Day contains high doses of biologically active substances, as well as natural extracts. Thanks to this, the dietary supplement acts as a decongestant and drainage agent, stimulates metabolism, reduces appetite, and activates the process of burning excess fat.

L-carnitine enhances metabolic processes and accelerates the breakdown of fats.

Guarana extract contains guaranine, which helps stimulate metabolism and burn fat. As a result, the weight stabilizes after loss. Guarana helps remove excess fluid and toxins, reduces appetite, and helps reduce cholesterol in the blood.

Cherry stalks stimulate the circulation of intercellular fluid and also remove excess fluid and toxins.

Chromium picolinate reduces the craving for sweet foods by maintaining the physiological norm of glucose in the blood.

Inulin improves the condition of the intestinal flora, takes part in restoring normal lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, and reduces the feeling of hunger.

The effect of Turboslim Night is aimed at activating weight loss processes at night. Under the influence of the capsules, fats are bound, the process of their deposition slows down, and morning cleansing processes are stimulated.

Under the influence of Garcinia Cambogia extract, appetite is reduced, the synthesis of fats from carbohydrates is suspended, thereby reducing fat deposits. Hydroxycitric acid, which is contained in garcinia, stimulates the process of lipolysis, that is, the breakdown of fat.

Senna extract contains chrysophanic acid, which has a cleansing and laxative effect and stimulates the activity of the large intestine.

Under the influence of chitosan, fat absorption is blocked. Chitosan molecules contain amino groups that attract fat molecules and block their absorption by the body. The bound fats then leave the body unchanged.

Fennel extract contains a large amount of ballast substances that stimulate intestinal function. The extract of this plant acts as an anti-inflammatory, sedative, choleretic, diuretic, anti-dyspeptic, anti-spastic, antispasmodic.

Melissa extract also provides antispasmodic and calming effects . It also stimulates digestion processes.


In Turboslim capsules, the composition is not the same day and night, taking into account the fact that they must be taken at different times of the day. It is thanks to such a well-developed, enhanced formula that weight loss becomes several times more effective than using conventional drugs.


The following herbal ingredients can be found in Turboslim Day capsules:

  • L-carnitine tartrate (246 mg), including pure L-carnitine (150 mg);
  • guarana extract (198 mg), including caffeine (18 mg);
  • cherry stem extract (96 mg);
  • chromium picolinate (1.2 mg), including chromium (140 mcg);
  • inulin (44.8 mg);
  • vegetable calcium stearate (small amount);
  • silicon dioxide (small amount).

They have a predominantly anti-edematous and drainage effect on the body.


In Turboslim night capsules, the composition is different, as it is aimed primarily at accelerating metabolic processes and removing harmful substances from the body.

Ingredients listed here include:

  • garcinia extract (230 mg), including hydroxycitric acid (100 mg);
  • senna (200 mg), including chrysophanic acid (10 mg);
  • chitosan 100 mg;
  • fennel (40 mg);
  • lemon balm extract (20 mg);
  • vegetable calcium stearate (small amount);
  • silicon dioxide (small amount).

Each of the components of Turboslim capsules performs specific functions day and night, influencing different systems in a certain way. Together, fast and effective weight loss occurs, especially if you take the drugs not separately from each other, but as a single system for high-quality cleansing of the body.

It is interesting to find out exactly how, as a result of their interaction, getting rid of extra pounds occurs.

Note! Turboslim night capsules contain chitosan - a unique and very beneficial substance for the body, which is extracted from chitin. This is a component of the shells of sea crabs, shrimp, lobsters, lobsters, crayfish, etc.


The following contraindications to taking this supplement are defined:

  • high sensitivity to any of the components of dietary supplements;
  • heart and vascular diseases (heart failure, arrhythmia , arterial hypertension );
  • insomnia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • pregnancy and lactation time .

It is important to consult with a specialist before starting to take the supplement.


Sometimes it is not possible to find this remedy in a pharmacy. In this case, there is no need to be upset. There are a number of analogues that have a similar effect:

  • Meridia.
  • Xenalten.
  • Orsoten.
  • Reduxin.
  • Xenical.

These remedies effectively fight extra pounds, lead to normal digestion, and improve well-being. Take them 1-2 times a day, the exact dosage is indicated in the instructions included with the product packaging.

Instructions for Turboslim Day and Night (Method and dosage)

Turboslim Day, instructions for use

The instructions stipulate that this product should be taken two capsules every day. One capsule should be taken during breakfast and lunch. The duration of the entire course of taking dietary supplements is 4 weeks. If there is such a need, after a month's break the course of treatment can be repeated.

Instructions for Turboslim Night

Turboslim night should be taken in the evening, during dinner, 1 capsule per day. The duration of the course is 4 weeks. This is followed by a month-long break, after which, if necessary, you can repeat the course. A nutritionist will tell you more about how to take the complex.


Although the dietary supplement is not a drug, before using it for weight loss, you need to carefully study the capsule dosage regimen. For this purpose, there are instructions for use, which contain a detailed description of how to take Turboslim day and night correctly. Each time of day has its own weight loss system.


Let's see how to drink Turboslim day, according to the instructions.

  1. Take 2 capsules at once.
  2. Take in the morning, during breakfast.
  3. Weight loss course - 1 month. If desired, it can be extended. In a shorter period of time, you may not achieve the desired result.

The regimen is simple and does not require any serious effort.


Turboslim night has a similar weight loss scheme.

  1. Drink 1-2 capsules. That is, there is still a difference with daily capsules. If there is not much excess weight, 1 tablet will be enough. If this is obesity, which you will have to work with for more than one month, it is better to start immediately with 2 capsules.
  2. Take in the evening, during dinner.
  3. The weight loss course lasts 1 month, but it can be extended if desired.

If you need an urgent and stunning result, the simultaneous use of these two drugs is recommended.

For quick weight loss, we also have an effective remedy, which we recommend taking a closer look at in the article: “Turboslim Express Weight Loss.”

Day Night

If you want to see impressive numbers on the scale, you can start taking both Turboslim drugs day and night. But at the same time, it is advisable to be aware that the cleansing of the body will occur several times more intense. Accordingly, the load on the excretory systems will increase. Will they stand this test? Will it be comfortable for you to constantly run to the toilet during the day - interrupting the work process, and at night - disrupting your sleep? Think about it.

The double capsule regimen is a convenient combination of the previous two.

  1. In the morning, during breakfast, - 2 red capsules Turboslim day.
  2. In the evening, during dinner, - 1 or 2 blue capsules Turboslim night.
  3. The weight loss course remains the same - 1 month.

Women want to take care of themselves and control their weight constantly. But in the struggle for a slim figure without fat deposits, a lot of time is wasted, since a significant part of life is spent sleeping. But most of the drugs offered on the market are designed only for daily shedding of extra pounds.

The Turboslim biocomplex takes into account the chronobiology of weight loss, allowing you to lose weight both day and night. You can achieve good results, but only if side effects do not begin to manifest themselves.

Helpful advice. And yet, losing weight will be more rapid if you supplement Turboslim day and night with at least minor exercise (well, at least force yourself to walk in the evenings) and follow the basic principles of proper nutrition.

Reviews of Turboslim Day and Night - Strengthened Formula

There are numerous positive reviews about Turboslim Day - Strengthened Formula, as well as reviews about Turboslim Night - Strengthened Formula. In general, reviews from people losing weight who used these pills indicate that the supplement allows you to lose weight, and at the same time feel light and work actively. Turboslim - Enhanced Formula allows you to reduce appetite and at the same time dull the feeling of hunger.

But users note that the most noticeable results appear if, while taking dietary supplements, they actively engage in sports and adhere to a more or less correct diet. Some people also use Turboslim cream . Doctors still advise to take a sensible approach to the choice of drugs for weight loss and not to use them without prior consultation with a specialist.

Does it help you lose weight?

This product really helps you lose weight and get rid of extra pounds. Practice shows that after a 4-week course of taking the drug you can lose from 5 to 8 kilograms. Weight loss is carried out gradually, without harm to the body.

Effective weight loss is achieved due to the following effects of the product:

  • Fats are broken down.
  • Metabolism accelerates.
  • Appetite decreases.
  • Toxins, harmful substances and excess fluid are removed from the body.
  • Extra pounds disappear gradually, without causing harm to the body.
  • The body is saturated with vitamins and nutrients, which leads to improved well-being.

What is turboslim day-night

It is a natural biological supplement that helps effectively burn fat. Turboslim capsules day and night are aimed at combating the feeling of hunger, which makes it very difficult for many people to stick to a diet. This means that you will still have to exercise and eat right. Day and night pills are a supplement that makes losing weight easier. The product always comes with instructions, which you must read and follow the recommendations from it.

How does turboslim work?

From the description above it is clear that the tablets day and night help the body in activating metabolic processes, reducing appetite and quickly removing excess water and fat from the body. The effect of losing weight still depends on your diet and exercise, but achieving quick results becomes much easier. When losing weight, human biorhythms are taken into account and has a comprehensive, broad effect on all causes of excess weight gain. This type of medication must be taken according to the system described in the instructions or prescribed by a doctor.

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Composition of the drug Turboslim

Contains preparations of natural substances from plant components that undergo an extraction procedure. The composition of Turboslim day and night contains extracts from flowers, stems, leaves, which have proven themselves to be positive in the matter of weight loss. The beneficial properties of exotic and local plants are mixed:

  • grape leaves;
  • garcinia and ficus;
  • corn silk;
  • artichoke and prickly pear;
  • lemon balm and fennel;
  • seaweed and turmeric;
  • horsetail and burdock.

Turboslim daily

There are several varieties of this drug, which are designed for daytime use, nighttime use, and there are enhanced formulas. The composition includes 5 active additives that help the body cope with diet, physical activity and speed up the fat burning process. Turboslim day contains the following components:

  1. Guarana extract. This substance has a complex effect on the body, helping to activate fat burning, reducing food cravings, and removing excess water.
  2. L-carnitine. A common element in sports nutrition, it is used to speed up the metabolic process (metabolism).
  3. Chromium picolinate. Able to regulate glucose levels, which often causes obesity, reduces cravings for sweets.
  4. Cherry stem extract. Promotes the removal of toxins and excess fluid from the body, stimulates the drainage effect.
  5. Inulin. It has a positive effect on the state of intestinal flora, removal of toxins, and acceleration of metabolism.

Turboslim night

This version of the drug is aimed at achieving maximum weight loss effect at night. There are two options for these purposes:

  • Turboslim night;
  • Turboslim night enhanced formula.

Properly selected components of the product are aimed at slowing down the deposition of fat and stimulating intestinal activity. The night version contains the following vitamins and nutrients:

  1. Senna extract. It has a mild laxative effect, which helps in the process of cleansing the intestines of waste and toxins. This element significantly increases intestinal motility.
  2. Garcinia Cambogia (extract). Often added to many weight loss products. The substance helps suppress appetite, which has a positive effect on dieting and slows down the process of fat formation.
  3. Fennel extract. Its properties were known back in Ancient Greece. It has antispastic, soothing, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic effects. The main task of the component is to support the body that is experiencing stress.
  4. Chitosan. Slows down the process of fat absorption. The component contains active substances that prevent fat cells from being deposited, removing them unchanged.
  5. Melissa extract. This component has an antispasmodic effect and improves the digestion process.

Reviews from doctors

This complex, according to doctors, is highly effective. It helps speed up metabolism and destroy fat in the body. The components of the product are of natural origin, so the additive does not cause harm to the human body .
Doctors say that the drug can actually lead to weight loss. In addition to the fight against extra pounds, the human body is cleansed, harmful substances are eliminated, which has a beneficial effect on a person’s well-being.

Doctors recommend using this remedy if you gain extra pounds, but it is very important to follow the dosage and not exceed it. Then the human body will be healthy, and it will be possible to achieve the desired slimness.

Indications for use

The manufacturer recommends taking the day-night complex in combination to achieve the desired effect faster, but this is not necessary. Anyone who is overweight, has excessive fat deposits, or has an increased appetite throughout the day should take the pills. There are also separate indications for the use of Turboslim at night or during the day. When choosing a complex, you should take into account the recommendations.


  • strong craving for sweets;
  • swelling of the body in rounds;
  • lethargy, weakness throughout the day;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • constant desire to eat.


  • fat deposits;
  • increased appetite for dinner;
  • stomach problems at night.

Side effects

The day-night complex is very popular, but there are concerns among people about the safety of taking it. There are side effects of Turboslim that occur when the drug is used for too long or the instructions for use are not followed. Before starting the day-night course, you should carefully read the list of contraindications. Possible side effects of Day-Night Turboslim include:

  • systematic loose stools, which provokes heaviness in the stomach;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • the effect of senna (laxative) increases over time;
  • discomfort due to frequent bowel movements;
  • intestinal inflammation;
  • dehydration;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • dizziness, weakness, clouding of consciousness;
  • increase in pressure
  • feeling anxious for no reason;
  • feeling of heat, facial flushing;
  • irritability, aggression.

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