Aevit: how to use and side effects

Currently, modern man is experiencing a lack of any vitamins, including vitamin A and E. This, of course, affects his well-being. You can prevent hypovitaminosis and related diseases by starting to take vitamin complexes. Aevit is one of them. What this drug is prescribed for will be discussed in the article.

What is aevit: composition, forms

This medicine is based on fat-soluble vitamins: A (retinol) and E (tocopherol).

The drug is produced in several dosage forms:

  • gelatin capsules for oral administration: yellow or reddish in color. Each contains 100 thousand IU of retinol palmitate and 100 mg of tocopherol.
  • injection solution - oily liquid in ampoules: 100 mg of tocopherol and 35 mg of retinol per 1 ml;
  • nourishing cream Aevit: in bottles of 50 ml.

In addition to active ingredients, Aevit contains a fat base and stabilizers.

Benefits of Vitamin E for Men

Common to men and women, the beneficial quality of tocopherol is the ability to maintain the health of the muscular system, strengthen blood vessels, improve blood circulation, reduce high blood pressure and prevent early aging of the body. With a deficiency of vitamin E, the muscle frame is destroyed, a person is plagued by colds, chronic diseases begin, and the risk of strokes and heart attacks increases.

When the amount of vitamin E in the body is normal, the cells receive sufficient oxygen and nutrients. Otherwise, the cells experience chronic hypoxia, which leads to constant illness, weakness, and dysfunction.

For men's health, a lack of tocopherol is associated with a deterioration in sexual and reproductive functions and the emergence of specific diseases.

The beneficial properties of vitamin E for men are as follows:

  • supports the normal functioning of the reproductive organs;
  • ensures normal hormonal status and testosterone production;
  • protects against prostate and bladder cancer;
  • provides endurance and normal muscle reflexes;
  • prevents thrombosis;
  • prevents not only muscle and nerve dystrophy, but also prevents male infertility.

In general, it is tocopherol that largely makes a man a man. In addition, this wonderful vitamin of youth prevents retinal dystrophy, reduces insulin and sugar levels, preventing the formation of diabetes. If you constantly maintain the level of tocopherol in the body, you can postpone the aging process for a long time.

Vitamin E is also important for men because it is involved in the synthesis of interleukins. These are special biologically active substances that ensure the health of the prostate gland, suppress the growth of cancer cells that destroy bacteria and viruses.

Thanks to tocopherol, “meat-eating” men are protected from inflammatory diseases of the esophagus and intestines, which are provoked by leukotrienes and prostaglandins. It is also very important for smokers to monitor the level of vitamin E, which reduces the harm of nicotine, maintains lung health, and reduces fatigue.

Effect of the drug

Aevit has immunomodulating, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and regenerating properties. It affects metabolic processes, normalizes the condition of capillaries, improves tissue trophism, and regulates protein and lipid metabolism.

Vitamin medicine is used:

  • to eliminate deficiency of vitamins A and E;
  • in complex therapy of the reproductive system;
  • for dermatological diseases: dermatitis, retinitis pigmentosa, acne;
  • optic nerve atrophy, hemeralopia and other visual impairments;
  • psoriasis;
  • microcirculation disorders in tissues;
  • to eliminate dryness, peeling, wrinkles and other skin defects, improve its microrelief;
  • to accelerate hair growth and restoration.

The benefits of the drug for the weaker sex

Aevit provides women with invaluable assistance and support in improving their health and appearance. After all, it prolongs youth, improves the condition of skin, nails and hair. In addition, the drug improves reproductive function, normalizes the menstrual cycle, and reduces pain during menstruation. During menopause, it helps to cope with unpleasant symptoms, such as hot flashes, sweating, mental imbalance, and tearfulness.

In addition, the drug helps in the treatment and prevention of mastopathy and endometriosis.

How to take Aevit

The drug in capsules is swallowed without chewing, washed down with liquid, regardless of diet. Recommended dosage - 1 pc. per day. The course lasts 20–40 days. Repeated: after 2–6 months. The doctor will prescribe a more detailed regimen.

For cosmetic purposes, capsules can be used topically: to make masks or lotions by squeezing the concentrate out of them.

The drug solution is administered intramuscularly. Average dosage: 1 ml per day. Duration of injections: 20–40 days. External use of Aevit in ampoules is also allowed.

When is it prescribed?

The drug is used in the following cases:

  • night blindness;
  • diarrhea;
  • period of stress;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • skin rash;
  • damage to the optic nerve;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • alcohol addiction;
  • cirrhosis;
  • jaundice.

Also prescribed for hypovitaminosis, menopause, mastopathy "Aevit".

Can Aevit be applied to the face?

Externally use a cream or vitamin complex in solution:

  • to improve skin condition;
  • getting rid of pimples and fine wrinkles.

It is recommended to mix the contents of the ampoules with olive or almond oil before use. Apply a small amount of cream or oil solution to cleansed skin. When treating the face, follow the massage lines. To speed up absorption, after applying the product, the skin can be covered with a cloth or film for a few minutes. To obtain results, repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week for 2 months. It is more effective to combine external use and oral administration of the drug.

What foods contain vitamin E?

Getting vitamins from food in a timely manner is much more beneficial than making up for the deficiency due to a weakened immune system and poor health.

To get vitamin E into your body you need to eat:

  • all kinds of nuts and seeds, including pumpkin seeds;
  • vegetable oil - sunflower, corn, flaxseed;
  • seafood: shrimp, squid, mussels;
  • fatty fish: salmon, pike perch, pink salmon, herring, sardines;
  • cereals: wheat, oats;
  • dried apricots;
  • sea ​​buckthorn and viburnum;
  • spinach and sorrel;
  • olives;
  • chicken eggs,
  • whole milk;
  • butter;
  • fresh herbs
  • potato;
  • carrot;
  • avocado;
  • broccoli.

Proper nutrition, which ensures the supply of vitamin E to the body, is the best way to maintain health for a long time, feel good, and be in a great mood.

Side effects

Their risk increases if dosages are exceeded or Aevit is used if there are contraindications. During treatment the following are observed:

  • increased irritability or apathy;
  • sleep disorders;
  • muscle cramps;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • exacerbation of inflammation of the gastric mucosa;
  • regular nausea, loss of appetite;
  • joint pain;
  • an increase in the size of the liver and spleen;
  • excessive dryness, redness and irritation of the skin;
  • increased hair loss.

Signs of vitamin E deficiency in men

A lack of vitamin E in a man manifests itself in a sharp deterioration in general physical condition. A person feels constant weakness, does not get enough sleep, is sick, and cannot do work that he previously could easily cope with. A decrease in performance is accompanied by an increase in the excitability of the nervous system: a person seems to live in constant stress, becomes irritable and emotionally unstable

At the physiological level, vitamin E deficiency in men manifests itself in the following:

  • heart problems begin
  • anemia may occur,
  • metabolic processes are disrupted;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the liver, intestines, and kidneys develop
  • muscle tissue dystrophy appears;
  • change towards pathology of testicular tissue;
  • nerve fibers are destroyed;
  • Constant hypoxia leads to frequent dizziness, headaches, and apathy.

More tips

It is also very useful to get rid of bad habits (most of all this concerns smoking), since, together with osteochondrosis, they sometimes cause vertebral artery syndrome, and also increase disturbances in the cardiovascular system.

You should also move more, while avoiding sharp/frequent turns, twisting of the torso, sudden lifting of heavy loads, holding them for a long time, as well as frequent flexion and extension of the lower back.

To improve your condition with osteochondrosis, it is also important to move frequently and undergo massage treatments

If you take a complex of medications and vitamins for osteochondrosis, undergo massage courses and physiotherapy, and also lead a healthy lifestyle, this will both ease the course of the disease and cure it faster.

How do vitamins work for osteochondrosis?

Vitamins help perfectly in spinal therapy:

  • accelerate tissue restoration;
  • restore sensitivity to the nerves;
  • improve immune function;
  • strengthen unaffected cartilage and discs;
  • accelerate the absorption of calcium.

Vitamins for osteochondrosis help speed up the restoration of damaged tissues, improve the condition of cartilage and intervertebral discs

Vitamin complexes for osteochondrosis

Now let's talk about the most popular vitamin complexes needed for osteochondrosis.

Taking pharmacy vitamin complexes is no less useful

Multivitamin complex "Pentovit"

The Russian complex “Pentovit” in tablets contains almost all B vitamins. It also includes nicotinic acid. All this participates in the body’s metabolism, regulating lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. In addition, all this improves the transmission of impulses from nerves to muscles, and simply normalizes the level of vitamins. The course is as follows: take 3-6 tablets per day for a month.


Vitamin complex "Duovit"

"Duovit" contains 11 vitamins and 8 minerals. We can say, everything you need to treat osteochondrosis. The plate contains capsules of two colors. Blue capsules contain minerals, and red capsules contain B vitamins. Drink a tablet of each color per day for 20 days. If your doctor allows it, you can then take the capsules again.


Multivitamin preparation "Dekamevit"

This is an excellent drug, and it has long been in demand for restoring the level of vitamins and minerals for the treatment of osteochondrosis. This complex contains many necessary ingredients:

  • group B;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin A
  • tocopherol;
  • cholecalciferol;
  • vitamin K;
  • methionine

Together they allow you to achieve:

  • growth and acceleration of bone and cartilage restoration;
  • getting rid of free radicals;
  • increasing the speed of certain metabolic processes;
  • glucose control;
  • return immunity to normal;
  • improving blood clotting;
  • getting rid of toxins.

Take one or two tablets per day for twenty days. Then a break of sixty to ninety days.


Mineral and multivitamin complex "Centrum"

This American remedy is prescribed to nourish bones, cartilage and nerves. This drug contains not only standard vitamins, but also essential minerals. Thanks to this, the person taking it receives all the microelements he needs for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the thoracic region. The drug is useful for the formation of spinal bones, as well as for restoring some metabolic processes. It was specially created to supply the body with all the vitamins it needs.

Course: take a tablet every day for a month.


Combined drug "Milgamma"

The German medicine nourishes the body with vitamins, while being a good analgesic. It includes essential B vitamins, as well as lidocaine. Distinctive aspects of the drug:


So, we talked about what vitamins need to treat osteochondrosis. They make treatment orders of magnitude faster and more effective, as well as painless. The main essential groups of vitamins are described here. But they should not be purchased without the appointment of a specialist. You can eat foods rich in essential microelements on your own. By including it in your daily menu and following complex therapy, you can achieve rapid treatment success.

Of course, vitamins will not help to completely get rid of osteochondrosis, but they will definitely help improve the general condition of the body

By taking vitamins for osteochondrosis, the patient can overcome the degenerative processes occurring in the body. But there are certain restrictions in taking them that must be adhered to in order not to get hypervitaminosis. It is worth noting that vitamins are not the only necessary remedy for vertebral pathologies. You also need to do exercise therapy to strengthen your ligaments and muscles. This is useful in overcoming the symptoms and consequences of the disease. They also greatly ease the load on the spine, and therefore are useful for preventing the further development of pathology.

The right diet

Taking vitamins for osteochondrosis is very good as an aid to recover from pathology. But nutrition is also of great importance here. Here are some useful tips:

  • eat six times a day;
  • consume from 1800 calories per day - depending on weight;
  • consume a minimum of fast carbohydrates;
  • eat vegetables raw;
  • eat honey instead of sugar;
  • dried fruits as sweets;
  • do not consume coffee and spices;
  • consume food chondroprotectors - jellied meats and bone broths.

It is important to eat often, but in small portions, and also minimize the consumption of sugar and coffee

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