Pregabalin or Lyrica: instructions for use, side effects


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Attention! The material contains information about substances, the use of which can cause serious harm to your health!

Pharmacy drug or medicinal product? These are the kinds of debates that are constantly going on about certain drugs that are widely used in the treatment of certain diseases, but at the same time are successfully used by drug addicts to get a high. First you need to figure out what “Lyrics” is.

  • Lyrica tablets - what is it, effect, active ingredient
  • What does the drug Lyrica look like, photo
  • Lyrica action, instructions
  • Ways to use Lyrica
  • Drug effect
  • Pregabalin
  • Symptoms of drug use - how to understand that a person is on Lyrica
  • Eyes are the main feature
  • Side effects from Lyrica
  • How does it affect potency?
  • How addiction is formed
  • Is it possible to die from Lyrica?
  • Alcohol compatibility
  • Lyrica Test
  • Medical therapy

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Lyrica tablets - what is it, effect, active ingredient

The drug was originally prescribed as a medicine to treat epilepsy. It has an anticonvulsant effect, giving the same effect as antidepressants. Widely used in addiction medicine to relieve withdrawal symptoms. Alas, Lyrica pills for getting high will quickly lead a person to an impressive list of side effects. Since 2012, the drug has been sold only by prescription precisely because of the increased number of Lyrica drug addicts.

What does the drug Lyrica look like (photo)

The medicine is an oblong gelatin capsule of red and white color.

Photo of Lyrica tablets

The price of these tablets is relatively low, so the drug “lyra” has gained even more popularity among pharmacy drug addicts.

Lyrica action, instructions

The product contains pregabalin - this active substance affects opioid receptors in the human brain. As a result, pain is reduced and there is an anticonvulsant effect. The medicine has proven itself in the treatment of generalized anxiety symptoms. Analogues of the drug contain substances similar in action, for example, Algerica, Gabana.

Lyrica's instructions indicate doses for the treatment of certain diseases - from 150 to 600 mg per day. In addition, withdrawal from the drug should be gradual - the dose is reduced daily. After stopping the medication, reactions such as nausea, depression, excessive sweating, chills and lack of appetite are possible.


Ways to use Lyrica

The harm from lyrics is further aggravated by the method of administration. Drug addicts practice several methods of use:

  • together with alcohol, which greatly accelerates the destruction of the liver and kidneys;
  • standard oral administration without dosage control and diet causes disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Some drug addicts believe that if the drug is inhaled, the rush will increase. Perhaps such an effect is present, but at the same time the respiratory tract is affected, and the risk of spasms increases;
  • Parenteral administration (intravenously) is dangerous due to the occurrence of sepsis, transmission of HIV and hepatitis, and the likelihood of blood clots increases many times over.

Even short-term use of the medicine (including under the supervision of a doctor) can be addictive.

Drug effect

The effect of the drug "Lyra" is similar to the effect of heroin - a person feels euphoria, relaxation, and bliss. Some people experience a surge of strength and extraordinary love for everyone around them.

Fig.: Preparing the lyrics


This substance is a synthetic substitute, a synthetic analogue of gamma-aminobutyric acid. Absorption is quite fast, which is what drug addicts take advantage of. In addition, pregabalin is not detected by standard tests; it can only be detected by chemical and toxicological analysis of human biomaterial.

Symptoms of drug use - how to understand that a person is on Lyrica

How to recognize a person who uses this drug for a high? Most often you will notice empty Lyrica packs in the trash can or pockets. At the same time, the drug addict believes that he will not be exposed, because this is medicine. This is a complete lie - the drug is not sold without a doctor’s prescription, and for this there must be serious indications for use. Other signs include:

  • absent-mindedness, the addict periodically completely “disconnects” from the world around him”;
  • a person may stagger, he cannot control his body even when walking normally;
  • frequent mood swings from laughter to deep depression, and all this alternates;
  • heavy sweating with a strong unpleasant odor;
  • slurred speech.

Eyes are the main feature

The most important sign of drug intoxication is the eyes. When using Lyrica, you can see dilated pupils that do not react to light, your eyes do not focus and constantly run around.

Sometimes the opposite effect is observed - the eyes become glassy and practically do not move even when communicating. Anyone who has ever seen a drug addict will understand what it looks like. There is a possibility of severe redness of the whites of the eyes.

Fig.: Eyes of a drug addict under the lyrics

Side effects from Lyrica

Like any other drug, Lyrica has an impressive list of side effects: tremors of the limbs, nausea, vomiting, insomnia, increased sweating, hallucinations, dry mucous membranes, bloating, lack of sexual desire and erection. Due to frequent diarrhea, it is possible to wash out all useful substances from the body, in particular calcium, which threatens osteoporosis.

Memory lapses, so common to many drug addicts, are also relevant when taking Lyrica. A person may not remember what happened an hour or a day ago.

How does it affect potency?

As mentioned above, the drug almost completely eliminates libido. At the same time, problems with potency may not be solved even after stopping taking Lyrica. There are known cases of infertility.

How addiction is formed

The addiction to the drug forms unnoticed by the user - the first doses only bring a feeling of high. Next, the body begins to adapt to the active substance and requires increasingly larger dosages to return to the original sensations. Often, an increase in the amount of Lyrica can cause a sharp change in mood and causeless aggression even towards close people. There are known cases of suicide under the influence of the drug.

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Duration of treatment with pregabalin

The time of taking the drug is selected individually for each patient. Depending on the diagnosis and the effectiveness of the prescribed drug therapy, it can range from 1-2 weeks to several months. In severe cases of neuropathy and cancer pain, the course will be long, but it is recommended to use the drug for 14 days with constant monitoring of well-being and a subsequent break.

If you miss a dose, you should not take a double dose of the drug. It is necessary to take the medicine as quickly as possible, and it is better to postpone the next dose a little in time. You cannot stop using the medication very abruptly: it is necessary to reduce its amount gradually over one week. If you follow all the doctor's instructions, pregabalin will not cause any particular harm, with the exception of minor adverse reactions that disappear 7-14 days after the end of the treatment program.

Is it possible to die from Lyrica?

This medicine, at an adequate dosage prescribed by a doctor for the treatment of certain diseases, is not capable of causing death. But drug addicts most often combine Lyrica with other drugs or alcohol, and also do not control the number of pills. In this case, an overdose occurs and the corresponding phenomena are vomiting, diarrhea, confusion and coma.

If a drug addict has heart or kidney problems (and almost 80 percent of drug users have them), then death from an overdose is also possible. It is worth noting that such cases occur when taking Lyrica for a sufficiently long time. The lethal dose of a drug is individual for everyone, it all depends on the duration of use and the condition of the body as a whole.


Indications and contraindications for use

Doctors prescribe medication in the following cases:

  • Epilepsy, seizures
  • Neuropathic pain sensations
  • Pain in muscles and joints
  • In combination with other medications, it is prescribed to treat panic attacks.

The substance is contraindicated:

  • In case of drug intolerance
  • Persons under the age of majority
  • Hereditary diseases

With caution, the pharmaceutical drug is prescribed to people who have a diseased liver or kidneys.

Alcohol compatibility

Drug addicts often combine alcohol and Lyrica. This is done to enhance the effect. Such a tandem is doubly dangerous:

  • alcohol reduces the breakdown and release of pregabalin, which can result in severe intoxication of the body;
  • the combination of medication and alcohol can cause powerful disturbances of consciousness and hallucinations.

Everything also depends on the concentration and strength of alcoholic beverages, as well as on the dosage of the medicine. In large quantities, this combination can cause mental disorder.

Lyrica Test

It was already mentioned above that this drug is not detected by standard urine and blood tests. These tests are designed to detect marijuana, heroin, cocaine and other drugs. It is possible to conduct a chemical and toxicological examination. However, the medicine does not belong to the list of narcotic substances.

What is it used for?

Pregabalin is an anticonvulsant and antiepileptic drug and is considered one of the most effective anticonvulsant drugs on the pharmaceutical market.

The antiepileptic effect after taking the medication begins very quickly, in addition, the pharmaceutical agent actively affects the patient’s psyche. Due to these effects, pregabalin is more popular than other alternative drugs.

The use of pregabalin helps eliminate pain and sensitivity. Taking the medication on an empty stomach increases its effectiveness.

What else is included in pregabalin (Lyrica)

  • Gelatin
  • Magnesium chloride
  • Lactose disaccharide
  • Hydrogenated starch hydrolysate
  • Titanium dioxide
  • Various types of dyes

Medical therapy

Treatment for a drug addict taking Lyrica is virtually no different from therapy for a heroin and other drug user. It can be roughly divided into two stages:

  • removing the drug from the body, cleansing it, replenishing the lack of fluid;
  • further therapy, including withdrawal symptoms, drug treatment, and psychological rehabilitation.

After the drug is removed from the body and withdrawal symptoms are eliminated, it is important to conduct a comprehensive examination. This will allow you to understand what you need to pay attention to. Most often, drug addicts suffer from liver, kidneys and heart.


The most difficult stage is not physiological, but psychological - the drug can be easily removed from the blood, but it is very difficult to remove it from consciousness. Psychotherapy is mandatory for all patients. Sessions with a specialist or in a group will help to cope with a person’s internal problems, which often lead to drugs.

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Another difficulty is returning to normal life, because outside the clinic the likelihood of buying a drug is at every turn. It is best to continue psychotherapy sessions for an addicted person regularly throughout life. They are also necessary for family and friends - often parents, husbands, wives, brothers or sisters become codependent and do not know how to behave correctly.

Article verified by an expert

Barinov Alexander Mikhailovich

More than 10 years of experience working with alcohol and drug addicts.

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to ““Lyrics - a drug or a medicine?””

  1. Yaroslav:

    November 20, 2022 at 09:21

    The drug Lyrica is nothing more than a medicine used to combat pain and cramps. To be precise, Pregabalin, also known as Lyrica, is an antiepileptic drug. It is a strong pain reliever.


  2. Lyubov Uspenskaya:

    November 27, 2022 at 06:30

    The pregabalin molecule, being an analogue of GABA, binds to the additional subunit (?2?) of voltage-gated calcium channels in the central nervous system, which contributes to the manifestation of analgesic and anticonvulsant effects. A decrease in seizure frequency begins within the first week.


  3. Yana:

    December 23, 2022 at 01:56 pm

    I just can’t understand how you manage to write such interesting notes.


  4. Vladimir:

    January 28, 2022 at 02:39 pm

    An indispensable remedy for neuropathy. The only thing that helps relieve severe pain.


  5. Boris:

    February 8, 2022 at 16:03

    Tell me, how does the analgesic effect of Lyrica manifest itself - immediately after ingestion or after a course of administration?


  6. Elena:

    May 8, 2021 at 08:39 pm

    Lyrica is not a therapeutic drug, but a symptomatic one. Helps very well with neuropathic pain. The pain goes away, but the pathology remains, REMAINS. A herniated disc can only be cured surgically; other types of supposed treatment involve eliminating pain for a short period of time. Personally, two 75 mg capsules twice a day are enough for me. In the morning and in the evening. For a drug addict, this dosage is “a drop in the bucket.” They can always find this drug in a pharmacy without a prescription, 300 mg capsules. Two per appointment. But people with pain syndrome may not even get a prescription. Pharmacists find errors in the prescription every time. They take away the recipe, and you’re left with “butter.” Corruption is all around. At the doctor, at the pharmacist. I didn't even know what was written in my medical history. You'll never know what prescription you've been given. There is one dosage in the medical history, and another in the prescription. And the discharge date doesn’t match. I’m HORROR!


  7. Dmitriy:

    September 26, 2022 at 10:02 pm

    To everyone who will read this article after they have been prescribed Lyrica or Convalis. Yes, the drugs are quite powerful and have consequences. Unfortunately, the neurologist prescribes only a course of complex treatment. hepabeptin, Lyrica, injections, vitamins B1 and B6, etc. Amitriptyline goes there too. None of the above will relieve pain immediately. The pain is relieved by a set of measures and course. Those. when you come in with severe pain, there is a 99% chance you will come out without a short-term solution. They will tell you to hold on, the pain will go away in a month (or maybe in 6). See for yourself in the direction of distracting ointments. Perhaps they will prescribe a Versatis patch, it is expensive, and if the pain is severe(!), the reduction does not justify the price. Moreover, after the patch there is a 12-hour break and it will hurt. Strong painkillers (or God forbid tramadols, etc.) are generally when things are really bad. Look towards oflomelid (if the damage is not severe) or gevkamen (this one remarkably relieves pain, costs 50 rubles), but not a single doctor talks about it. Also be sure to consult a dermatologist and neurologist. Don't take my comment as a ready-made solution.



      September 27, 2022 at 11:20 am

      Thank you for the recommendations for users, but it is worth remembering that this cannot in any way replace going to the doctor and making a diagnosis. Everything is individual. Health to everyone!



      September 27, 2022 at 10:42 pm

      Oksana, of course, this is exactly what is written at the end of my comment. What has been written applies specifically to those who have already received a neurological diagnosis. pain in fact (I was stunned that they were prescribed something like lyric) and is trying to figure out how to reduce it (the pain). In my case, none of the 6 doctors gave an answer on what to do right then and there. I’ll add one more thing on my own behalf. If opportunities allow, take expensive analogues from imp. manufacturers. Yes, the substance is the same, but the purity and method of delivery can be completely different. I won’t give specifics, lest they be considered advertising, but in my case the difference was strong. At the same time, it is simply impossible to buy them in a pharmacy near your home, no.


  8. Vladimir:

    September 30, 2022 at 09:31 pm

    For some reason, everyone is silent about Cymbalta. For example, my doctor prescribed Lyrica and Cymbalta to drink at the same time. I have polyneuropathy. The pain is partially relieved. The doctor said that Lyrica should be added per capsule. I tried to add it, but at the same time my head and temples were compressed on the sides. I didn't drink the second one. I don’t know how long to take it. Everyone around, both doctors and people, say we need to get away from this nasty thing. As much as we are doctors, we have in common so many different opinions. One


  9. Hope:

    January 10, 2022 at 05:43 pm

    I have neuropathy. I tried Lyrica, but it didn’t help, I took it 2 times a day. Between doses I took ketarol so as not to feel pain. Now I started taking hebapentin 4 times a day and 1 time at night, but my kidneys and liver began to hurt. No doctor does myography because... epilepsy. They don't take responsibility.



  1. Issues of addiction. 2022. 2022, No. 1 (161). - 2022. - 159, [1] p. : table
  2. Pharmacology of antiepileptic drugs: a textbook for students in specialty programs “General Medicine”, “Pediatrics”, “Pharmacy” / I. A. Vinogradova, V. D. Yunash, S. V. Goranskaya [etc.]; PetrSU Publishing House, 2022. - 32 p. : ill., table; ISBN 978-5-8021-3665-2
  3. Bochanova, Elena Nikolaevna. Optimization of pharmacotherapy for epilepsy based on a personalized approach to assessing the safety of drugs: dissertation ... Doctor of Medical Sciences: 03.14.06 / Bochanova Elena Nikolaevna; [Place of protection: Ros. Peoples' Friendship University]. - Krasnoyarsk, 2022. - 207 p. : ill.
  4. New pharmacy. 2022. 2022, No. 11. - 2022. - 112 p. : color ill., table.
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