Orlistat-Akrikhin capsules 120 mg 42 pcs. in Moscow

People suffering from obesity are often prescribed special medications that can control the amount of calories and fat they eat. One of these effective drugs is an inhibitor of special enzymes - steapsins (lipases). This drug is called Orlistat. Thanks to its use, it is possible to reduce excess weight.

Composition and release form

"Orlistat" for weight loss is available in the form of dense blue capsules. Inside the capsule there are white granules (pellets). The total weight of all granules is 240 mg. They contain 120 mg of the active substance - orlistat. Additional components have been added to it: povidone K30 (in an amount of 5.04 mg and cellulose (98.64 mg), as well as various sodium compounds: carboxymethyl starch (10.08 mg) and lauryl sulfate (6.24 mg). The capsules are made of gelatin and titanium dioxide, colored with blue dye.

The capsules are packed in dense cells and hidden in a cardboard box. Packages are available with a very different number of tablets: 5, 6 and 10. Sometimes the drug is placed in a glass jar with 20, 21, 30, 40, 42, 50, 80, 84, 100, 120 or 140 capsules each.

Orlistat – nothing special

Review left by RevaKatya

Grade: 3

(out of 5)


Helped me lose weight, but not much


Lots of side effects (very unpleasant)

I bought Orlistat on the advice of a friend. She seems to have lost 8 kg in a month. But I only managed to lose one and a half. Difference, right? Moreover, I drank the capsules strictly as written in the instructions, but there was no point. And as soon as I gave up on this matter, those one and a half kg also returned. So I came to the conclusion that there are no truly effective remedies. This is all just advertising. And another piece of advice for those who still use Orlistat - be sure to buy fat-soluble vitamins and take them, because a deficiency occurs. My first manifestation of this was a change in the condition of my hair and nails.

Effect of the drug

The drug suppresses the activity of intestinal, gastric and pancreatic lipases. It binds to fat droplets and inactivates lipases. Thanks to this effect, triglycerides do not penetrate into the blood. Thus, dietary fats are broken down less well and are less absorbed into the blood. Because of this, a lack of energy occurs in the body, and then fat is released from those reserves that the body “put aside for a rainy day.” Thanks to this, the volume of fat located in the viscero-abdominal region of the body is reduced.

Once in the intestines, Orlistat reduces the number of monoglycerides and free fatty acids. Due to this, cholesterol is less soluble in liquids and penetrates into the blood in smaller quantities. This allows you to cleanse the blood of excess “bad” cholesterol and improve the functioning of blood vessels.

Orlistat normalizes the fat composition of the blood and increases the sensitivity of body tissues to insulin. This allows you to get rid of excess insulin in the blood, which also leads to a decrease in fat mass in the abdominal area.

"Orlistat" is easily absorbed and quickly eliminated from the body without penetrating into the blood. It is broken down in the intestines and completely eliminated 5 days after the last dose.

According to research results, this medicine made it possible to lose 6.2% of excess body weight (from the original) in 52 weeks. Insulin levels decreased by 18% over the same time.


20.05.18 11:26:24

Hello. By summer I decided to take care of myself. Go on a diet, start exercising. But how lazy it is, who would know. However, something needs to be done. I used to take a laxative drug, but it was not very beneficial for the body. The nutritionist, as usual, compiled a list of what you can’t eat (a whole list of almost all foods), and what you can eat—nothing. Funny. I went to the pharmacy to buy at least a set of “Turbo Slim”, but the pharmacist, such a pretty girl, said: “Try this product, Orlistat 60 mg, we are selling it.” I asked about its action, they explained to me that it removes fat from the body. I was overjoyed and daydreaming! I think I’ll buy it and try it, maybe it will help! I found out its price along the way, it seemed affordable - 625 rubles in total for the course. I bought it. Well, like a curious gopher, I sat down on the Internet to read, study reviews, and suddenly I bought it in vain? The reviews are different, some praise, some are dissatisfied, but since I bought it, I have to try it. With my weight of 78 kg at 160 cm, it certainly wouldn’t hurt to try it. So, I read the instructions, which said to take three times a day with meals, but no later than an hour after. I don't eat that much. I decided to save 42 tablets. Take two a day, just like I eat twice a day. I took it for three days, no side effects. I think, well, won’t it help me? I judge by side effects, but there are none. But in the evening it started. As prescribed - fatty stools, and other unpleasant fragments. I pulled myself together and limited myself to fatty foods, since the fat that was absorbed by me so deliciously, but not usefully, is removed. It seems like there are fewer problems, at least I’m no longer afraid to leave the house. Well, because fat stains laundry. Oh, worse than during the menstrual cycle! But, I’m stubborn, did I pay the money in vain? A week later I stepped on the scale - minus 600 grams! This has already made me happy. I started weighing myself every morning and discovered that on average I was losing 150 grams a day, no matter what I ate! And so, in 21 days I lost almost four kilograms and 74 kopecks simply amazed me! To celebrate, I bought shawarma with double cheese and away I went... My body rested for a month, I ate as usual, without these pills, especially trying to consume fatty vitamins, since Orlistat does not recognize the healthy or harmful fat we eat and removes absolutely all that was taken into the stomach. Therefore, it is still necessary to compensate for the lack of vitamins. When I weighed myself again, I realized that I had gained a little less than one and a half kg. Well, it's my own fault. You need to eat less. And yet, 75 and a half kg is better than 78 something. And I bought Orlistat again. In the same pharmacy, because for some reason it is more expensive in others. So, I’m thinking, where should I weigh myself? When they moved, the owners kept the scales. But I still feel that the fat is leaving my stomach and sides. As I understand it, having thrown out the absorbed fat from the body, the body begins to use the fat that was already deposited in the body for energy. That's the trick. At least I was able to fit into those breeches that for two years did not want to fit on my hips. This made me very happy and encouraged! Despite all the inconveniences associated with side effects, I bought another, already third, pack, although I have not drunk the second one yet. I will also drink in courses, take Orlistat for a month, rest for a month, although some in the reviews write that you can take it without a break for up to six months. Well, I don’t want to torture my body like that. Still, it needs healthy fat to function properly. My goal is to lose 56 kg to a normal weight. I hope I can do it this summer. In any case, I go for long walks once a week. And a contrast shower for skin tightening is said to help. This is my personal experience. There is an effect, I like it, despite the side effects.


This drug has a very limited list of indications. It is prescribed for certain conditions:

  • overweight;
  • obesity;
  • metabolic syndrome.

Orlistat is also taken to consolidate the achieved result after losing a little weight. The medicine does not allow the extra pounds to return.

This drug can be taken by patients who are strictly following a moderate calorie diet. Due to excessively high-calorie foods in the diet, the medicine may not work.

I take Orlistat as needed

Review left by Tacharina

Grade: 3

(out of 5)


Convenient and efficient


Horrible adverse reaction

I once took a weight loss course with the help of Orlistat, the impressions were positive, but only from the effect. And now I use capsules to maintain weight. I only drink them when I have eaten fatty foods. That is, I take Orlistat three times in one day. This way, everything you eat comes out (fat is not stored)

Side effects

Orlistat causes many side symptoms from different organs and systems:

  • frequent bowel movements;
  • fat in stool;
  • flatulence;
  • oily discharge from the anus;
  • urgency and fecal incontinence;
  • seizures (in patients with epilepsy);
  • symptoms of hypothyroidism;
  • dizziness;
  • insomnia or increased sleepiness;
  • headache;
  • anxiety;
  • skin rash;
  • abdominal pain;
  • pancreatitis;
  • renal failure;
  • allergy.

Additional medications may be needed to manage side effects. During the course of taking the drug, it is advisable to wear absorbent pads or diapers for adults.

Negative aspects of the product

Much has been written about the benefits of Orlistat on sellers’ websites, but there are also disadvantages that manifest themselves in adverse reactions. The instructions for use say that the active substance causes flatulence, an increase in the number of daily bowel movements, loose stools, and even fecal incontinence. Oily discharge may come out of the rectum, and the stool may have a greasy consistency. Quite often, such adverse reactions frighten those losing weight, as can be seen from the reviews:

“This is a nightmare - after taking the capsules you always want to go to the toilet, your stomach sometimes swells, but what scares you the most is loose stools. This is how dehydration can happen.”

In the first days and weeks, the substance negatively affects the nervous system (as the manufacturer assures, not in all cases), so it may cause pain and dizziness, drowsiness or insomnia, and increased anxiety. In rare cases, intestinal steatorrhea and a lack of fat-soluble vitamins are observed.


The drug is contraindicated in patients suffering from certain diseases:

  • impaired absorption of certain substances - malabsorption syndrome;
  • excessive sensitivity to components;
  • calcium oxalate kidney stones (nephrolithiasis);
  • excess oxalates in the urine (hyperoxaluria);
  • stagnation of bile (cholestasis);
  • periods of pregnancy and lactation;
  • age less than 18 years.

It is prohibited to take Orlistat simultaneously with anticoagulants, including warfarin, as well as sitagliptin and cyclosporine.

This substance should be taken with great caution by patients with kidney, liver and gallbladder diseases.

In case of an overdose, you need to temporarily stop drinking this drug, then the body will quickly return to normal. The patient should be monitored during the first 24 hours after overdose symptoms, which manifest themselves in the form of gastrointestinal disturbances.

In what cases should you not take the drug?

Based on the annotation that comes with the drug, Orlistat has the following contraindications:

  • allergic reaction to the main or auxiliary substances;
  • hyperoxaluria and chronic malabsorption;
  • nephrolithiasis and cholestasis;
  • period of childbearing and lactation;
  • age category up to 12 years.

According to official information, it is unknown how orlistat affects the child’s body and fetus. No studies have been conducted on the level of penetration of the substance into breast milk. But there are other reasons why the product should not be used while carrying a child. Reviews on the forums say this:

“I used these capsules before and successfully lost weight, but when I became pregnant and gained excessive weight, I decided to consult a gynecologist. So she said that the drug causes severe weight loss, and during this period it is prohibited, so she recommended an apple diet.”

Interaction with other drugs

This drug reduces the effectiveness of many other medications. The absorption of the following substances is reduced:

  • vitamin K (by 30%);
  • vitamin E (α-tocopherol);
  • vitamin A (β-carotene);
  • fat-soluble vitamin D;
  • antiepileptic drugs;
  • contraceptives;
  • iodine;
  • levothyroxine sodium.

As a last resort, you can take a multivitamin complex before bed or no earlier than 2 hours after Orlistat.

This medicine should not be taken together with cyclosporine, warfarin, or amiodarone. It suppresses the effect of antipsychotics, antidepressants and antiretroviral drugs against HIV infection.

I will never buy Orlistat again

Review left by VeniAmin

Grade: 2

(out of 5)


The result is not bad


Tough in everything

I took Orlistat capsules for 3 weeks. During this time, he turned into a dehydrated creature who cannot live without a toilet and shower. I lost weight and it’s normal, but I don’t dare go through the horror of an adverse reaction again.

After 2 days of taking it, a nightmare began - my stomach twists and hurts, I feel nauseous, I spend the whole day running to the toilet. After 10 days it got worse - dizziness, lethargy, and weakness appeared. I was later told that this is how dehydration manifests itself. And this is scary. At least I ate normally, otherwise I could have died. At the same time, fecal incontinence began to develop - I simply did not notice when bowel movements began, so the shower stall also became a second home.

Can pregnant women take it?

These capsules should not be taken by pregnant or nursing mothers. Because of this drug, the amount of fat-soluble vitamins in the body decreases, and this can have an extremely negative impact on the health of the unborn child. It is during pregnancy that it is vital to take enough vitamins. This primarily concerns B vitamins, especially folic acid (B9). They are necessary for the formation of the child’s nervous system. You should also not take Orlistat while breastfeeding.

Sad experience with Orlistat

Review left by Magdalina

Grade: 4

(out of 5)


There is an effect, price, certification, permission from the Ministry of Health


You need to take it CORRECTLY

I took Orlistat twice. When I first took it, I didn’t lose weight at all, I just suffered from a constant urge to go to the toilet. It seemed that the feces contained fat, as was written on the website, but there was no effect. I decided to figure out what the reason was, went to a nutritionist (this is my mother’s friend) and she explained the situation to me. As it turned out, I was strictly forbidden to eat food with vegetable and animal fats, because they were excreted through feces. And those fats that were in the body remained there.

The nutritionist recommended that I continue the course, but under new conditions. So I did. I tried to eat more vegetables and fruits, and only low-fat meat. I ate porridge, pasta and everything else as usual, but with a minimal amount of butter. The only sweets I gave up were cakes and pastries, ice cream and any desserts with fat.

My result this time was very pleasing.

Additional Information

Conflict of interest.

The authors declare that there are no obvious or potential conflicts of interest related to the publication of this article.

Author contributions:

E.A. Troshina - development of the concept of the manuscript, analysis of foreign and Russian literature, editing of the manuscript; E.V. Ershova - analysis of foreign and Russian literature, writing a draft of the manuscript, preparing the final version of the manuscript.

Information about authors

* Ershova Ekaterina Vladimirovna

, Ph.D. ; address: Russia, 117036, Moscow, Dm street. Ulyanova, 11 [address: 11 Dm. Ulyanova street, Moscow, 117036, Russia]; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6220-4397; eLibrary SPIN: 6728-3764; e-mail

Troshina Ekaterina Anatolevna

, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Corresponding Member. RAS, professor; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8520-8702; eLibrary SPIN: 8821-8990; e-mail

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