Amoxicillin. Prescription in Latin, indications, side effects

pharmachologic effect

Amoxicillin is an antibiotic that has a wide spectrum of effects. A group of antibiotics - semisynthetic penicillins . The abstract indicates that the drug is a 4-hydroxyl analogue of ampicillin . Provides a bactericidal effect. Demonstrates activity against aerobic gram-positive bacteria, namely Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp. (except for those strains that produce penicillinase). Also active against aerobic gram-negative bacteria: Shigella spp., Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Escherichia coli, Neisseria meningitidis, Klebsiella spp., Salmonella spp.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

Amoxicillin trihydrate is very quickly and completely absorbed from the digestive tract, while the acidic environment of the stomach is not destroyed. The maximum level of concentration of the substance in the blood is observed 1-2 hours after taking the drug. If you double the dose of the drug, the concentration also doubles. If there is food in the stomach, the overall absorption is not reduced. If amoxicillin is administered IV or IM, similar concentrations of the active substance are observed in the blood. The substance binds to plasma proteins by approximately 20%. In the body, the active substance is distributed in fluids and tissues. The presence of large concentrations of the active substance is noted in the liver.

The plasma half-life is 1-1.5 hours. Approximately 60% of an orally administered dose is excreted from the body in the urine. Output unchanged. A certain amount of the substance is also found in feces. A longer half-life is observed in the elderly and neonates.

In small quantities it is able to penetrate the BBB during inflammatory processes of the pia mater.

Indications for use of Amoxicillin

The following indications for the use of this drug in combination with clavulanic acid , as well as as monotherapy, are determined:

  • infectious and inflammatory diseases provoked by sensitive microorganisms ( bronchitis , tonsillitis , pyelonephritis , pneumonia , as well as cystitis , urethritis , infections of the digestive system, gynecological infectious diseases, gonorrhea , diseases of soft tissues and skin of infectious origin);
  • in combination with metronidazole, it is used to treat chronic gastritis during an exacerbation, as well as duodenal and gastric ulcers during an exacerbation (provided that the ulcer is associated with Helicobacter pylori).

Also for the prescription of Amoxicillin tablets and other forms of the drug there are the following indications:

  • leptospirosis , listeriosis ;
  • tick-borne borreliosis ( Lyme disease );
  • shigellosis;
  • salmonellosis and salmonella carriage;
  • meningitis;
  • sepsis;
  • endocarditis (for the purpose of prevention).


Please note that the following contraindications to the use of this medicine are noted:

  • severe infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in which the patient suffers from diarrhea , vomiting ;
  • Infectious mononucleosis;
  • lymphocytic leukemia;
  • allergic diathesis;
  • viral respiratory infections;
  • hay fever;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • high sensitivity to cephalosporins , penicillins .

Medicines containing metronidazole should not be used in the following cases:

  • for diseases of the nervous system;
  • for hematopoietic disorders;
  • for infectious mononucleosis and lymphocytic leukemia ;
  • with severe sensitivity to nitroimidazole .

Medicines containing clavulanic acid should not be used if there is a history of jaundice or impaired liver function.

Side effects

During treatment with this drug, the following side effects may occur:

  • manifestations associated with an allergic reaction of the body : Quincke's edema , erythema , urticaria , conjunctivitis , rhinitis ; in rare cases, joint pain, eosinophilia, and fever may occur; in very rare cases - anaphylactic shock ;
  • manifestations are a consequence of the chemotherapeutic influence : the development of superinfections, which most often occur in people suffering from chronic illnesses and those who have reduced resistance;
  • symptoms are a consequence of prolonged use of the drug in large doses : ataxia , dizziness , depression , disturbances of consciousness , convulsions , peripheral neuropathies , therefore, only a doctor should determine how many days to take the drug;
  • with the combination of “amoxicillin, metronidazole” : vomiting , nausea , constipation , anorexia , diarrhea , stomatitis , epigastric pain, glossitis ; in rare cases, pseudomembranous colitis, hepatitis, allergic manifestations, hematopoietic disorders, interstitial nephritis may occur;
  • with the combination of “amoxicillin, clavulanic acid” : hepatitis , cholestatic jaundice ; in rare cases - erythema multiforme , exfoliative dermatitis , toxic epidermal necrolysis.

Side effects

Like all penicillins, amoxicillin can cause an allergic reaction of varying strength, including anaphylactic shock. However, most often hypersensitivity reactions manifest themselves as drug fever.

In addition to allergic reactions, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may occur. Penicillins are considered to be of low toxicity to the human body. They can usually be prescribed during pregnancy .

Rare side effects include insomnia and fatigue.

Instructions for use of Amoxicillin (Method and dosage)

The drug should be taken orally with water. You can take the antibiotic regardless of food intake.

Amoxicillin tablets, instructions for use

For adult patients and children over 12 years of age, 500 mg of amoxicillin is usually prescribed three times a day. However, the dosage depends on the disease and the doctor’s prescription in each specific case. For severe diseases, the dose can be increased to 750-1000 mg, the highest permissible dose per day is 6 g.

High doses of the drug are prescribed for typhoid fever (1.5-2 g three times a day), for leptospirosis (500-750 mg four times a day). Tablets or capsules should be taken for another two or three days even after the signs of the disease disappear. In most cases, treatment lasts from 5 to 12 days.

Amoxicillin suspension, instructions for use

The children's version of this antibiotic is Amoxicillin suspension, which is used to treat children under 5 years of age. The suspension must be prepared immediately before starting treatment. To do this, add cool water to the bottle with granules, after which the mixture must be shaken. The suspension can be stored for 14 days at room temperature. The medicine must be shaken each time before use. One measuring spoon contains 5 ml of suspension, respectively, it contains 250 mg of amoxicillin.

Children under 2 years of age should receive no more than 20 mg of the drug per 1 kg of weight per day. Children aged 2 to 5 years are recommended to take 125 mg of the drug. Children 5-10 years old receive a single dose of 250 mg. Children over 10 years old receive a single dose of 250-500 mg, if the disease is severe - up to 1 g.

Instructions for use Amoxicillin Sandoz

Used internally. In most cases, the dose ranges from 750 mg to 3 g of the drug, the dose is divided into several doses. More detailed information about the dosage and regimen of this drug, as well as about taking amoxicillin clavulanate, is provided by the doctor when prescribing treatment.

Veterinary Amoxicillin

In veterinary medicine, injections of amoxicillin 15% are used. For animals it is used to treat bacterial infections of the digestive system, skin diseases, respiratory diseases, diseases of the genitourinary system, etc. It is used for dogs, cats, and cattle. The drug must be administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly, the dosage is 1 ml per 10 kg of body weight. If necessary, the product is re-administered after 48 hours. A light massage of the area where the drug was injected is recommended.

Instructions for Amoxicillin DS

You need to take the drug 500 mg three times a day. If the disease is severe, the doctor may increase the dose to 750-1000 mg. Features of treatment depend on the patient's diagnosis.

The dosage of Amoxicillin for angina depends on the intensity of the pathological processes. As a rule, for angina, the usual dose of the drug is prescribed - 500 mg three times a day. How to take it for adults or how to take the medicine for children with a cold, you should definitely ask your doctor.

The dosage for sinusitis depends on the doctor's prescription. The dosage for adults is generally 500 mg of the drug 3-4 times a day, treatment lasts approximately one week. However, a specialist should tell you more precisely how many days to take the product.

Amoxicillin (suspension)

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to interview the patient to identify a history of hypersensitivity reactions to penicillins, cephalosporins or other beta-lactam antibiotics. In patients who are hypersensitive to penicillins, cross-allergic reactions with cephalosporins are possible.

Anaphylactic reactions, some fatal, have been reported with the use of penicillins. In rare cases, anaphylactic shock or other severe allergic reactions may develop. Similar reactions are possible in patients with a history of hypersensitivity to beta-lactam antibiotics or atopy. In case of severe allergic reactions, amoxicillin should be discontinued and alternative treatment should be prescribed.

In patients with severe renal impairment, the elimination of amoxicillin may be slowed and, depending on the severity of renal failure, a dose reduction may be required (see section "Dosage and Administration"). Forced diuresis accelerates the elimination of amoxicillin and reduces its plasma concentration.

Crystalluria can be observed in patients with reduced urine output, mainly with parenteral administration of amoxicillin. Because amoxicillin precipitates in urinary catheters, it is necessary to regularly check the patency of catheters and monitor the adequacy of fluid intake and output to minimize the risk of amoxicillin-associated crystalluria.

Amoxicillin should not be used to treat infections whose pathogens are not sensitive to amoxicillin; this is especially important to consider when treating infections of the genitourinary system and severe infections of the ear, nose and throat. Superinfection may develop due to the growth of microflora insensitive to amoxicillin, which requires a corresponding change in antibacterial therapy.

It is not recommended to use the drug in patients with infectious mononucleosis, because amoxicillin can cause a measles-like rash.

When taking almost all antibiotics, it is possible to develop antibiotic-associated colitis up to a life-threatening condition. This should be taken into account if diarrhea occurs during antibiotic therapy or after its completion. If antibiotic-associated colitis develops, drug therapy should be stopped immediately and consult a doctor to prescribe appropriate treatment. The use of drugs that inhibit intestinal motility is contraindicated.

When using the drug for a long time and/or in high doses, you should regularly monitor your general blood count, liver and kidney function.

Treatment with high doses of beta-lactam antibiotics in patients with renal failure or a history of seizures, treated epilepsy, and meningeal lesions may rarely result in seizures. The appearance at the beginning of treatment of generalized erythema, which is accompanied by pustules, may be a symptom of acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis. This requires discontinuation of treatment; further use of the drug is contraindicated.

The Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction can be observed when amoxicillin is used to treat Lyme disease and is directly related to the bactericidal effect of amoxicillin on the causative agent of the disease, the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi.

Clinical manifestations: fever, chills, headache, myalgia, skin reactions in the area of ​​erythema. Patients should understand that the development of the Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction is a common consequence of treatment for Lyme disease.

Treatment must continue for 48-72 hours after the disappearance of clinical signs of the disease.

Lab tests:

high concentrations of amoxicillin give a false-positive reaction to urine glucose when using Benedict's reagent or Fehling's solution. Enzymatic glucose oxidase tests are recommended. Amoxicillin may reduce the amount of estriol in the urine in pregnant women. Patients with diabetes mellitus should take into account that 5 ml of suspension (2 g of granules) contains 1.65 g of sucrose (or 0.14 bread units, XE), respectively, the maximum daily dose of amoxicillin contains 3.3 XE.

Patients with rare hereditary fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption or sucrase-isomaltase deficiency should not take this drug.

5 ml of the finished suspension contains 10.63 mg of sodium, which must be taken into account in patients on a sodium-restricted diet.


As a rule, in case of overdose there is no pronounced toxic effect, even if a large dose of the drug was taken. If a large dose of Amoxicillin has been taken, the patient will experience symptoms of gastrointestinal upset and water-electrolyte imbalance. In people who suffer from renal failure, overdose may show signs of nephrotoxicity and crystalluria.

Symptomatic treatment is carried out, for which drugs prescribed by the doctor are used, and activated charcoal should also be taken. Hemodialysis may be used . There is no specific antidote.

Amoxicillin hemofarm Capsules, 16 pcs., 500 mg

special instructions

Before prescribing amoxicillin, like all penicillins, it is necessary to carefully collect anamnesis for allergic reactions to penicillins, cephalosporins and other beta-lactam antibiotics, taking into account possible cross-reactions.
Serious and sometimes fatal hypersensitivity reactions (including anaphylactoid and serious skin reactions) have been reported in patients receiving penicillin therapy. The development of these reactions is more likely in persons with a history of hypersensitivity to penicillin and in persons with atopy. If an allergic reaction occurs, discontinue amoxicillin therapy and institute appropriate alternative therapy.

Rare cases of hypersensitivity reaction of the allergic acute coronary syndrome type (Kounis syndrome) have been observed; if it develops, appropriate treatment is used during treatment with amoxicillin.

With long-term use, cases of superinfection and candidiasis (especially vulvovaginal candidiasis) may develop.

Convulsions may occur in patients with impaired renal function or in patients receiving high doses of the drug or having predisposing factors (for example, a history of seizures, treatment for epilepsy or meningitis).

In case of renal failure, it is necessary to adjust the dosage regimen depending on the degree of renal failure.

The occurrence of generalized erythema with fever accompanied by pustules at the beginning of treatment may be a symptom of OHEP (see section “Side effects”). This adverse reaction requires discontinuation of treatment with amoxicillin and is a contraindication for its further use in any situation.

The use of amoxicillin should be avoided if a patient is suspected of developing infectious mononucleosis, since the appearance of a morbilliform rash has been associated with the use of amoxicillin in the treatment of infectious mononucleosis.

The Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction has been observed after the use of amoxicillin in patients with Lyme disease (see section "Side effects"). Its direct cause is the bactericidal activity of amoxicillin against the bacteria that cause Lyme disease, the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi.

Patients should be reassured that this reaction is a common and usually self-limiting consequence of antibiotic use in patients with Lyme disease.

Treatment must continue for 48-72 hours after the disappearance of clinical signs of the disease.

When taking almost all antibiotics, it is possible to develop antibiotic-associated colitis up to a life-threatening condition. This should be taken into account if diarrhea occurs during antibiotic therapy or after its completion. If antibiotic-associated colitis develops, drug therapy should be stopped immediately and consult a doctor to prescribe appropriate treatment. The use of drugs that inhibit intestinal motility is contraindicated.

During treatment, it is necessary to monitor the state of function of the hematopoietic organs, liver and kidneys. Increased activity of liver enzymes and changes in the number of blood cells were reported.

When taken simultaneously with anticoagulants, an increase in prothrombin time is observed. Appropriate monitoring and possibly adjustment (reduction) of the anticoagulant dose should be carried out.

In patients with reduced diuresis, crystalluria was very rarely observed, mainly during parenteral therapy. When using high doses of amoxicillin, it is recommended to maintain adequate fluid intake and diuresis to reduce the possibility of crystalluria associated with amoxicillin use. In patients with a catheterized bladder, catheter patency should be checked regularly.

High concentrations of amoxicillin give a false-positive reaction to urine glucose when using Benedict's reagent or Fehling's solution. The use of enzymatic glucose oxidase tests is recommended.

The use of amoxicillin may distort the results of the quantitative determination of estriol in urine in pregnant women.

The drug should be used with caution in the elderly, pregnant women, and during lactation.

When using amoxicillin to treat Helicobacter pylori infection,

You should take into account the information provided in the text of the instructions for medical use of other concomitantly used drugs.


Wikipedia indicates that the drug may reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives.

If taken simultaneously with bactericidal antibiotics, the patient experiences synergy ; if taken simultaneously with bacteriostatic antibiotics, antagonism .

The drug stimulates the effect of indirect anticoagulants, reduces the prothrombin index and the synthesis of vitamin K.

Reduces the effectiveness of drugs in the process of metabolism of which PABA manifests itself.

Tubular secretion is reduced by allopurinol , diuretics, probenecid , phenylbutazone, and NSAIDs. As a result, its concentration in the blood may increase.

Under the influence of ascorbic acid, the absorption of amoxicillin increases, and when taken simultaneously with glucosamine , antacids , aminoglycosides , and laxatives , it decreases.

If the simultaneous use of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid is practiced, there is no change in the pharmacokinetics of these drugs.

Microorganisms that produce penicillinase demonstrate resistance to the main substance.

When combined with metronidazole, it is active against Helicobacter pylori.

Cross-resistance has been observed between amoxicillin and ampicillin .

Amoxicillin (capsules)

Before prescribing amoxicillin, like all penicillins, it is necessary to carefully collect anamnesis for allergic reactions to penicillins, cephalosporins and other beta-lactam antibiotics, taking into account possible cross-reactions.

Serious and sometimes fatal hypersensitivity reactions (including anaphylactoid and serious skin reactions) have been reported in patients receiving penicillin therapy. The development of these reactions is more likely in persons with a history of hypersensitivity to penicillin and in persons with atopy. If an allergic reaction occurs, discontinue amoxicillin therapy and institute appropriate alternative therapy.

Rare cases of hypersensitivity reaction of the allergic acute coronary syndrome type (Kounis syndrome) have been observed; if it develops, appropriate treatment is used during treatment with amoxicillin.

With long-term use, cases of superinfection and candidiasis (especially vulvovaginal candidiasis) may develop.

Convulsions may occur in patients with impaired renal function or in patients receiving high doses of the drug or having predisposing factors (for example, a history of seizures, treatment for epilepsy or meningitis).

In case of renal failure, it is necessary to adjust the dosage regimen depending on the degree of renal failure.

The occurrence of generalized erythema with fever accompanied by pustules at the beginning of treatment may be a symptom of OHEP (see section “Side effects”). This adverse reaction requires discontinuation of treatment with amoxicillin and is a contraindication for its further use in any situation.

The use of amoxicillin should be avoided if a patient is suspected of developing infectious mononucleosis, since the appearance of a morbilliform rash has been associated with the use of amoxicillin in the treatment of infectious mononucleosis.

The Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction has been observed after the use of amoxicillin in patients with Lyme disease (see section "Side effects"). Its direct cause is the bactericidal activity of amoxicillin against the bacteria that cause Lyme disease, the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi.

Patients should be reassured that this reaction is a common and usually self-limiting consequence of antibiotic use in patients with Lyme disease.

Treatment must continue for 48-72 hours after the disappearance of clinical signs of the disease.

When taking almost all antibiotics, it is possible to develop antibiotic-associated colitis up to a life-threatening condition. This should be taken into account if diarrhea occurs during antibiotic therapy or after its completion. If antibiotic-associated colitis develops, drug therapy should be stopped immediately and consult a doctor to prescribe appropriate treatment. The use of drugs that inhibit intestinal motility is contraindicated.

During treatment, it is necessary to monitor the state of function of the hematopoietic organs, liver and kidneys. Increased activity of liver enzymes and changes in the number of blood cells were reported.

When taken simultaneously with anticoagulants, an increase in prothrombin time is observed. Appropriate monitoring and possibly adjustment (reduction) of the anticoagulant dose should be carried out.

In patients with reduced diuresis, crystalluria was very rarely observed, mainly during parenteral therapy. When using high doses of amoxicillin, it is recommended to maintain adequate fluid intake and diuresis to reduce the possibility of crystalluria associated with amoxicillin use. In patients with a catheterized bladder, catheter patency should be checked regularly.

High concentrations of amoxicillin give a false-positive reaction to urine glucose when using Benedict's reagent or Fehling's solution. The use of enzymatic glucose oxidase tests is recommended.

The use of amoxicillin may distort the results of the quantitative determination of estriol in urine in pregnant women.

The drug should be used with caution in the elderly, pregnant women, and during lactation.

When using amoxicillin to treat Helicobacter pylori infection,

You should take into account the information provided in the text of the instructions for medical use of other concomitantly used drugs.

special instructions

Amoxicillin, as well as Amoxicillin Clavulanate and other types of the drug, should be taken with caution by people who are prone to allergic reactions.

liver disease , as well as those who are under 18 years of age, should not take the drug with metronidazole

Cross-allergy may occur in people who are hypersensitive to carbapenems and cephalosporins .

You should consider what Amoxicillin helps with. Thus, the drug is ineffective in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections.

If the patient has severe gastrointestinal infections with symptoms of diarrhea and vomiting, then tablets should not be prescribed due to poor absorption.

The drug should be used with caution by people with bronchial asthma , allergic diathesis , and hay fever .

If the patient is forced to take the drug for a long time, he is additionally prescribed Levorin , Nystatin or other drugs with antifungal action.

It is important to monitor the condition of the kidneys, liver, as well as laboratory parameters of urine and blood in people who take large doses of the drug for a long time.

Patients who ask their doctor questions about whether Amoxicillin is an antibiotic or not should note that this drug is an antibiotic, so it is advisable to always consult a doctor before starting to take it. It is the doctor who determines how many days to take the medicine, as well as its dosage. You should not independently determine what Amoxicillin tablets help with and practice self-medication.

The drug for cats, dogs and other animals should be used only after a prescription by a veterinarian.

The combination of amoxicillin, omeprazole , clarithromycin is used to treat peptic ulcers.

Amoxicillin Sandoz tablets 1000 mg No. 12

A country

The country of production may vary depending on the batch of goods. Please check with the operator for detailed information when confirming your order.

Active substance



1 tablet contains: amoxicillin 1 g.
Excipients: magnesium stearate, polyvidone, sodium starch glycolate, microcrystalline cellulose. Film shell composition: titanium dioxide, talc, hypromellose. White to slightly yellowish film-coated tablets, oval, biconvex, scored on both sides.

pharmachologic effect

Amoxicillin is an aminobenzyl penicillin that has a bactericidal effect by inhibiting bacterial cell wall synthesis. MIC thresholds vary among susceptible organisms. Enterobacteriaceae are considered sensitive when inhibited by amoxicillin at a concentration of ≤ 8 μg/ml amoxicillin and resistant when inhibited by amoxicillin at a concentration ≥ 32 μg/ml. According to NCCLS guidelines and using NCCLS-specified methods, M. catarrhalis (β-lactamase negative) and H. influenzae (β-lactamase negative) are considered susceptible at concentrations ≤ 1 μg/ml and resistant at ≥ 4 μg/ml; Str. pneumoniae are considered susceptible at MIC ≤ 2 μg/ml and resistant at ≥ 8 μg/ml. The prevalence of resistant strains varies geographically, so it is advisable to rely on local resistance information, especially when treating severe infections. At such a level of prevalence of resistant strains, at which the advisability of using the drug becomes questionable, at least in the treatment of some infections, it is better to seek help from a specialist.

Indications for use

- upper respiratory tract infections, including ear, nose and throat infections: acute otitis media, acute sinusitis and bacterial pharyngitis. - lower respiratory tract infections: exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, community-acquired pneumonia. - infections of the lower urinary tract: cystitis. — gastrointestinal tract infections: bacterial enteritis. Combination therapy may be required for infections caused by anaerobic microorganisms. - endocarditis: prevention of endocarditis in patients at risk of developing endocarditis - for example, during dental procedures.

Mode of application

Inside. Treatment of infections: As a rule, therapy is recommended to be continued for 2-3 days after symptoms disappear. In the case of infections caused by β-hemolytic streptococcus, complete eradication of the pathogen requires therapy for at least 10 days. Parenteral therapy is indicated when oral therapy is not possible and in the treatment of severe infections. Adult dosage (including elderly patients): Usual dosage: Usual dosage ranges from 750 mg to 3 g of amoxicillin per day in divided doses. In some cases, it is recommended to limit the dose to 1500 mg per day in several doses. Short course of therapy: Uncomplicated urinary tract infections: double administration of the drug, 3 g for each administration, with an interval between doses of 10 - 12 hours. Children's dosages (up to 12 years) The daily dose for children is 25 - 50 mg / kg / day in several doses (maximum 60 mg/kg/day) depending on the indication and severity of the disease. Children weighing over 40 kg should receive the adult dosage. Dosing in Renal Impairment: In patients with severe renal impairment, the dose should be reduced. If renal clearance is less than 30 ml/min, it is recommended to increase the interval between doses or reduce subsequent doses. In case of renal failure, short courses of therapy 3 g are contraindicated. Adults (including elderly patients): Creatinine clearance ml/min | Dose | Interval between injections > 30 | No dose change required | 10-30 | 500 mg | 12 hours For hemodialysis: 500 mg should be administered after the end of the procedure. Impaired renal function in children weighing less than 40 kg: Creatinine clearance ml/min | Dose | Interval between injections >30 | No dose change required | 10-30 | 15 mg/kg | 12h10 | 15 mg/kg | 24 hours Prevention of endocarditis To prevent endocarditis in patients not under general anesthesia, 3 g of amoxicillin should be administered 1 hour before surgery and, if necessary, another 3 g after 6 hours. For children, amoxicillin is recommended at a dose of 50 mg/kg. For more detailed information and descriptions of the categories of patients at risk for endocarditis, local official guidelines should be consulted.

Side effects

Side effects are classified as follows: Often: 10%, or less often, but more often than 1% Uncommon: 1%, or less often, but more often than 0.1% Rare. 0.1% or less, but more often 0.01% Very rare, including isolated cases: 0.01% or less. Infections and infection Uncommon Prolonged and repeated use of the drug can lead to the development of superinfection and colonization of resistant microorganisms or fungi, for example, oral and vaginal candidiasis. Blood and lymphatic system disorders Rare: Eosinophilia and hemolytic anemia. Very rare Isolated cases of leukopenia, granulocytopenia, thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia, anemia, myelosuppression, agranulocytosis, prolongation of bleeding time and prothrombin time have been reported. All changes were reversible upon cessation of therapy. Immune system disorders Rare: Laryngeal edema, serum sickness, allergic vasculitis, anaphylaxis and anaphylactic shock in rare cases. Neurological disorders Rare CNS reactions are rare and include hyperkinesis, dizziness and convulsions. Seizures may occur in patients with renal failure or in patients receiving high doses of the drug. Gastrointestinal disorders Common: Discomfort, nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, flatulence, loose stools, diarrhea, enanthemas (especially on the oral mucosa), dry mouth, impaired taste perception. As a rule, these effects are mild in severity and often disappear as therapy continues or very quickly after its cessation. The incidence of these complications can be reduced by taking amoxicillin with food. When severe persistent diarrhea develops, the possibility of a very rare complication, pseudomembranous colitis, must be considered. The use of medications that suppress peristalsis is contraindicated. Very rare The appearance of a black color of the tongue. Disorders of the liver and biliary system: Uncommon Transient moderate increase in the level of liver enzymes. Rare cases of hepatitis and cholestatic jaundice. Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders: Often Skin reactions in the form of exanthema, itching, urticaria; A typical morbilliform exanthema appears on days 5–11 from the start of therapy. The immediate development of urticaria indicates an allergic reaction to amoxicillin and requires discontinuation of therapy. Rare (see also section 4.4) Angioedema (Quincke's edema), exudative erythema multiforme, acute generalized pustular rashes, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis, bullous and exfoliative dermatitis. Renal disorders Rare In rare cases, acute interstitial nephritis. General disorders Rare In rare cases, drug fever may develop.


- hypersensitivity to penicillin;
- it is also necessary to consider the possibility of cross-allergy with other beta-lactam antibiotics, such as cephalosporins, carbopenems. With caution: - Ospamox should be used with caution in patients with allergic diathesis and asthma. - in patients with renal failure, the elimination of amoxicillin may be slowed down, which, depending on the degree of failure, may require a reduction in the daily dose of the drug. - should be used with caution in children, premature infants and newborns: it is necessary to monitor renal, liver and hematological functions. - Ospamox should be used with caution in patients with viral infections, acute lymphoblastic leukemia and infectious mononucleosis (due to an increased risk of erythematous skin rash). Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding Use of the drug during pregnancy is possible only if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus. If it is necessary to use the drug during lactation, the issue of stopping breastfeeding should be decided.

Use in children Use with caution in children, premature infants and newborns: renal, liver and hematological parameters must be monitored.

special instructions

Before starting amoxicillin therapy, it is important to ensure that there is no history of hypersensitivity reactions to penicillins and cephalosporins, which can cause a cross-allergic reaction (10 - 15%). There are reports of severe, sometimes fatal, hypersensitivity reactions (anaphylactoid) during penicillin therapy. These reactions are more common in people with a history of hypersensitivity to beta-lactams. In the presence of severe disorders of the gastrointestinal tract with diarrhea and vomiting, Ospamox should not be used, since these conditions may reduce its absorption. For such patients, parenteral amoxicillin is recommended. When severe persistent diarrhea develops, the possibility of pseudomembranous colitis (usually caused by Clostridium difficile) must be considered. Long-term use of amoxicillin in some cases can lead to the growth of bacteria and fungi that are insensitive to it. Therefore, patients should be closely monitored for the development of superinfection. Anaphylactic shock and other severe manifestations of allergic reactions after oral administration of amoxicillin are rare. If such a reaction occurs, a set of emergency measures is necessary: ​​intravenous administration of epinephrine, then antihistamines, volume replacement and administration of glucorticoids. Patients require careful observation and other therapeutic procedures if necessary (artificial respiration, oxygen). The presence of amoxicillin in high concentrations in the urine can cause precipitation of the drug in the urinary catheter, so catheters should be checked periodically. When using amoxicillin in high doses in order to minimize the risk of amoxicillin crystalluria, it is important to monitor the adequacy of fluid intake and excretion. Forced diuresis leads to a decrease in the concentration of amoxicillin in the blood as a result of accelerated elimination. Diarrhea may impair absorption and reduce the effectiveness of medications. When determining the presence of glucose in urine during amoxicillin therapy, it is recommended to use enzymatic glucose oxidant methods. When using chemical methods, high concentrations of amoxicillin in the urine can cause frequent false positive test results. Amoxicillin may reduce urinary estriol concentrations in pregnant women. At high concentrations, amoxicillin can reduce glycemic levels. Amoxicillin may interfere with protein assay results when using a colorimetric assay.


Symptoms Amoxicillin usually does not cause acute toxic effects, even with accidental ingestion of high doses. An overdose can be manifested by symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders and disturbances in water and electrolyte balance. In patients with severe renal impairment, overdose of large doses of amoxicillin may be accompanied by signs of nephrotoxicity and crystalluria. Therapy There is no specific antidote for amoxicillin. Therapy includes the administration of activated charcoal (there are usually no indications for gastric lavage) or symptomatic measures. Particular attention should be paid to water and electrolyte balance. Hemodialysis may be used.

Drug interactions

Concomitant use is not recommended: Allopurinol Concomitant use with allopurinol may lead to the development of allergic skin reactions. Digoxin The absorption of digoxin may increase during therapy with Ospamox. Anticoagulants Concomitant use of amoxicillin and anticoagulants such as coumarin may increase the likelihood of bleeding due to prolongation of prothrombin time. When prescribing anticoagulants along with Ospamox, monitoring of homeostatic parameters is required. Probenecid Probenecid inhibits the excretion of amoxicillin through the kidneys, and leads to an increase in the concentration of amoxicillin in bile and blood. Other antibiotics There is a possibility of antagonism of the action of amoxicillin with the simultaneous administration of bacteriostatic drugs: macrolides, tetracyclines, sulfonamides and chloramphenicol. Methotrexate Concomitant use of methotrexate and amoxicillin may increase the degree of methotrexate toxicity, possibly as a result of competitive inhibition of tubular renal secretion of methotrexate by amoxicillin. Amoxicillin should be used with caution with the following drugs: Oral hormonal contraceptives The use of amoxicillin can lead to a transient decrease in the concentration of estrogen and progesterone in the blood, and reduce the effectiveness of contraceptives. In this regard, it is recommended to additionally use other non-hormonal methods of contraception during treatment with amoxicillin.

Dispensing conditions in pharmacies

On prescription

Amoxicillin analogues

Level 4 ATC code matches:


Ampicillin Trihydrate





Flemoxin Solutab




There are a number of analogues of this drug, which contain a similar active substance. The price of analogues depends on the manufacturer of the drug. Such medications are the following drugs: Amoxicillin trihydrate , Amoxicillin Sandoz , Flemoxin Solutab , Amoxicillin , Amosin , Amoxisar , Ecobol , etc.

Which is better: Amoxiclav or Amoxicillin?

Many patients believe that Amoxiclav and Amoxicillin are the same thing. But there is still a difference between these drugs. Amoxiclav contains clavulanic acid, so the drug has a wider spectrum of action. But this drug is more expensive.

Which is better: Flemoxin Solutab or Amoxicillin?

The drug Flemoxin contains a similar active substance. But Amoxicillin is more often used to treat adult patients. Flemoxin Solutab is absorbed faster from the gastrointestinal tract, it can be taken with meals, they have a pleasant taste. These tablets can be dissolved in water and prepared into a suspension or syrup. Flemoxin Solutab is a more expensive drug.

Buy Amoxicillin granules for suspension 250mg/5ml 100ml Hemofarm in pharmacies

Amoxicillin Buy Amoxicillin in pharmacies DOSAGE FORMS granules for the preparation of oral suspension 250mg/5ml granules for the preparation of oral suspension 250mg/5ml

MANUFACTURERS Hemofarm A.D. (Serbia) Hemofarm D.D. (Yugoslavia)

GROUP Antibiotics of the penicillin group

COMPOSITION Active substance - amoxicillin.


SYNONYMS Amoxisan, Amoxicillin DS, Amoxicillin Sandoz, Amoxicillin trihydrate, Amoxicillin sodium salt sterile, Amosin, Clamoxil LA, Ospamox, Flemoxin Solutab, Hiconcil, Ecobol

PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTION Antibacterial (bactericidal). Stable in an acidic environment, food intake does not affect absorption. Easily passes histohematic barriers, except for the unchanged BBB, and penetrates most tissues and organs; accumulates in therapeutic concentrations in peritoneal fluid, urine, contents of skin blisters, pleural effusion, lungs, intestinal mucosa, female genital organs, middle ear fluid, gall bladder and bile, fetal tissues. Partially metabolized to form inactive metabolites, excreted unchanged by the kidneys and liver. A small amount is excreted in breast milk. The action develops 15-30 minutes after administration and lasts 8 hours. It has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action, including Staphylococcus spp., except for penicillinase-producing strains, Streptococcus spp., Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Neisseria meningitidis, Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis, some Salmonella strains , Shigella, Klebsiella and Haemophilus influenzae.

INDICATIONS FOR USE Infections of the respiratory tract and ENT organs (bronchitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis, acute otitis media, pharyngitis, sinusitis), genitourinary system (urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, endometritis, uncomplicated gonorrhea), skin and soft tissues, gastrointestinal tract (peritonitis, enterocolitis, cholecystitis, cholangitis, typhoid fever); leptospirosis, listeriosis, meningitis, Lyme disease (borreliosis), prevention of endocarditis and surgical infection; combination therapy of gastritis and peptic ulcer (in combination with metronidazole), sepsis (in combination with aminoglycosides).

CONTRAINDICATIONS Hypersensitivity (including to other penicillins, cephalosporins, carbapenems), allergic diathesis, bronchial asthma, hay fever, infectious mononucleosis, lymphocytic leukemia, history of gastrointestinal diseases (especially colitis associated with the use of antibiotics).

SIDE EFFECTS Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pain in the anus, stomatitis, glossitis; agitation, anxiety, insomnia, confusion, behavior changes, headache, dizziness, convulsive reactions; difficulty breathing, tachycardia; joint pain; interstitial nephritis; dysbiosis, superinfection, oral or vaginal candidiasis, pseudomembranous or hemorrhagic colitis; moderate increase in the level of transaminases in the blood, transient anemia, thrombocytopenic purpura, eosinophilia, leukopenia, neutropenia and agranulocytosis; allergic reactions: exfoliative dermatitis, exudative erythema multiforme, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, anaphylactic shock, maculopapular rash, itching, urticaria, Quincke's edema, reactions similar to serum sickness.

INTERACTION Reduces the effect of estrogen-containing oral contraceptives, reduces clearance and increases the toxicity of methotrexate. Enhances the absorption of digoxin. Excretion is slowed down by probenecid, sulfinpyrazone, acetylsalicylic acid, indomethacin, oxyphenbutazone, phenylbutazone and other drugs that suppress tubular secretion. Antibacterial activity is reduced by bacteriostatic chemotherapeutic agents and antacids, and increased by aminoglycosides and metronidazole. Allopurinol - increases the occurrence of skin rashes.

OVERDOSE Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, water and electrolyte imbalance. Treatment: gastric lavage, administration of activated carbon, saline laxatives, correction of water and electrolyte balance; hemodialysis.

SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Use with caution for urticaria and hay fever. Renal, liver and hematopoiesis function should be periodically monitored during long-term therapy. Treatment must be continued for 48-72 hours after the disappearance of clinical signs of the disease. During pregnancy and lactation, it is used for health reasons, taking into account the expected effect for the mother and the potential risk for the fetus or child. During the course, breastfeeding is excluded. It should be taken into account that the granules when preparing the suspension contain sugar. When determining glucose in urine, false positive results and changes in the results of determining urobilinogen are possible. For more information, see the naming instructions.

STORAGE CONDITIONS List B. At room temperature.

Amoxicillin and alcohol

The instructions for the drug do not indicate whether the drug can be combined with alcohol. However, doctors do not recommend practicing this combination. After all, alcohol significantly reduces the effectiveness of the medicine. In this case, side effects may increase significantly. There may be an unpredictable effect on the nervous system, the toxic effect on the liver is rapidly increasing, and the risk of severe allergic manifestations and breathing problems increases. It should be borne in mind that these tablets are an antibiotic, which means they should only be used during a period of abstinence from alcohol.

Amoxicillin during pregnancy and lactation

It should be borne in mind that the substance amoxicillin can penetrate the placental barrier. But still, during pregnancy, according to indications, this remedy is prescribed to women for inflammatory diseases. It is prescribed for bacterial infections. But still, the drug can provoke the development of dysbacteriosis , allergic reactions , and activation of fungal microflora. Reviews of Amoxicillin during pregnancy generally indicate its effectiveness and rare occurrence of side effects.

The drug should not be taken during lactation, as it passes into breast milk. If treatment of inflammatory processes during lactation is required, another drug is prescribed or breastfeeding is stopped.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Results from animal studies do not indicate direct or indirect effects on reproductive toxicity. Limited data on the use of amoxicillin during human pregnancy do not indicate an increased risk of congenital malformations. Amoxicillin can be used during pregnancy only in cases where the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

Amoxicillin is excreted into breast milk in small quantities; if necessary, the drug can be used during breastfeeding. A breastfed baby may develop diarrhea, sensitization and fungal infection of the mucous membranes, so it may be necessary to stop breastfeeding. Amoxicillin should be used during breastfeeding only after the attending physician has assessed the benefit/risk ratio.

Reviews about Amoxicillin

Reviews about Amoxicillin on the Internet are mostly positive. They note that after the start of treatment the effect appears very quickly, the drug is convenient to use for both adults and children, for whom there is a special suspension for children. Also mentioned as a positive is that the medicine can be taken during pregnancy .

When discussing Amoxicillin, doctors' reviews are also positive. But experts always write that self-medication with the drug is unacceptable.

Amoxicillin price, where to buy

The price of Amoxicillin in tablets of 500 mg is 30-35 rubles per pack of 10 pcs. The price of Amoxicillin 1000 mg depends on the manufacturer of the drug. The price of Amoxicillin suspension for children is on average 80-90 rubles per 100 ml bottle. You can buy the antibiotic Amoxicillin Clavulanate, which contains clavulanic acid , for a price starting from 250 rubles.

How much tablets cost in Ukraine (in Odessa, Kharkov and other cities) depends on their manufacturer. The cost of the drug is from 45 hryvnia for 10 tablets. Suspension for children can be bought for an average of 130 hryvnia. Amoxicillin ampoules can be purchased for 160 rubles.

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  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
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Amoxicillin recipe in Latin

Amoxicillin prescription in Latin is most often prescribed in tablets and capsules of 125 mg, 250 mg and 500 mg and in the form of a suspension (orally) 50 mg/ml; 125 or 250 mg/5 ml.

Read the general rules for writing a prescription in Latin here.

In capsule form

For example, we will write out a prescription for amoxicillin in Latin in the form of capsules of 500 mg, for more details with all the explanations, read the recipe for capsules in Latin.

Rp.: Amoxicillin 500 mg Dtd N 6 in caps. S. Orally, 1 capsule 2 times a day

In tablet form

Next, we will write out a prescription for amoxicillin in Latin in the form of 250 mg tablets, read more - recipe for tablets in Latin.

Rp.: Amoxicillini 250 mg Dtd N 12 in tab. S. Orally, 1 tablet 2 times a day.

In the form of a suspension

We will write out a prescription for amoxicillin in Latin in the form of a suspension of 250 mg/5 ml, for more details - a recipe for a suspension in Latin and, since suspensions are available in bottles, read the recipe for bottles in Latin.

Rp.: Susp. Amoxicillini 250 mg/5 ml Dtd N 1 S. Orally, 1 tablespoon 2 times a day.

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