Retinoids and Benzoyl Peroxide: How to Use Together

Pharmacological properties of the drug Benzoyl peroxide

A remedy for the treatment of acne (acne vulgaris). Has an antimicrobial effect against gram-positive bacteria that cause acne. Due to the release of oxygen, it inhibits the development of anaerobic microflora ( Propionibacterium acnes ) in acne, thereby reducing the release of disease-provoking fatty acids in infected follicles. Benzoyl peroxide also has a keratolytic effect, promoting exfoliation of the skin and removal of the stratum corneum around comedones. A small amount, after resorption from the skin surface, is metabolized into benzoic acid and excreted in the urine in the form of benzoate.

What is benzoyl peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide is a simple over-the-counter drug. Used for topical use due to its antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. Has a whole range of actions:

  • keratolytic;
  • comedolytic;
  • anti-inflammatory.

These properties help treat common acne, mild to moderate. Benzoyl peroxide is included in lotions, creams and gels in a dosage of 2.5-10%. The dosage is prescribed depending on the severity of the disease.

Application of the drug Benzoyl peroxide

Before applying 5 and 10% benzoyl peroxide lotion or gel, the affected areas of the skin are thoroughly washed and dried with a soft, clean towel. Apply to the affected area of ​​the skin and rub until completely absorbed. After using the product, wash your hands thoroughly. At the beginning of treatment, an imaginary worsening may occur due to increased peeling of the skin in the affected areas. Apply the lotion to sensitive skin with caution to avoid hyperemia and flaking. In the first week of treatment, apply 1 time per day; if local reactions do not occur, benzoyl peroxide is used 2 times a day. Should not be used in elderly people. The average duration of treatment with benzoyl peroxide is 8–10 weeks; It should not be used for more than 3 months. In severe cases of the disease, topical use of benzoyl peroxide is combined with other acne treatments (oral antibiotics or retinoids).

When do you need retinol and benzoyl peroxide?

Retinoids and benzoyl peroxide are the ingredients of choice in the treatment of inflammatory and non-inflammatory acne . The Global Alliance of Dermatologists has developed treatment regimens recommended for acne professionals.

Zero and initial stages of acne (comedones, then single rashes) - the 1st line drug is retinol and derivatives.

Medium and severe stages with papulopustular rashes (up to 40 pustular elements), increased oily skin and comedones.


1st line drugs (the most effective therapy, recommended first) are a combination of two substances: retinoids + benzoyl peroxide (2.5 - 5%).

If there is insufficient effectiveness, 2nd line drugs are the addition of systemic therapy (antibiotic or antiandrogen) to topical therapy. Only a practicing doctor!

Summary : severe and moderate forms of acne require joint prescription of drugs from the group of retinoids + benzoyl peroxide.

Special instructions for the use of the drug Benzoyl peroxide

Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. To prevent hypersensitivity reactions, a trial application of the solution to a small surface of the skin in the wrist area is recommended. If swelling or itching with severe hyperemia appears in this area within 48 hours, benzoyl peroxide should not be used. With prolonged use, redness or peeling of the skin may occur. If the reaction is severe, the amount of product applied and the frequency of its use should be reduced. Use with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Benzoyl peroxide stimulates mitosis of epidermal cells, which leads to acanthosis and hyperkeratosis; the appearance of peeling and redness of the skin causes a period of apparent deterioration during the first weeks of treatment. Persons with fair skin and blond hair, as well as sensitive skin, are recommended to begin treatment with the use of a 5% solution once a day.

Benefits of Benzoyl Peroxide

  1. Controls sebum production.
    Benzyl peroxide is known to reduce sebum production, which is the main cause of acne, after which
    facial cleansing
    . Excessive activity of the sebaceous glands clogs pores and provokes acne. Benzoyl peroxide absorbs excess oil and dries it out.
  2. Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties
    . Bacteria under the top layer of skin cause acne to spread and lead to other problems: swelling, pus, and bleeding. Topical application of benzoyl peroxide kills acne-causing bacteria. Benzoyl peroxide is especially effective at destroying anaerobic bacteria due to its oxidizing properties.

Cosmetics with benzoyl peroxide

Dedicated to problem skin
Benzoyl peroxide (benzoyl peroxide

) is considered one of the most effective components for the treatment of acne and is included in almost every second anti-acne drug. You can find it in various lotions, gels and creams. When using benzoyl peroxide, side effects such as redness, irritation, or burning of the skin are common. These side effects usually go away as your skin gets used to the drug, so don't be alarmed if you notice some worsening of your skin early in your treatment course. It may take one to two months to treat your skin with benzoyl peroxide.

The therapeutic effect of benzoyl peroxide is due to its antimicrobial activity against P. acne bacteria, which contribute to the appearance of acne.

All products except Baziron were purchased in America. In Russia, I didn’t see anything other than Baziron with BP, so when I saw this cosmetics I immediately wanted to try everything, even though I didn’t really need it.

1. Full product name in English:

Galderma Baziron AS


Detailed opinion:
Everyone knows Baziron) Perhaps this is the most famous BP-based product in Russia. Available in the form of a 2.5%, 5% and 10% white gel with a subtle pharmaceutical smell. One tube lasts me at least 7 months (with regular use). I use it as a spot treatment for inflammation. After application, the skin may turn slightly red, so I apply it at night. It helps very well) It dries out pimples, they go away faster. You should also remember about the whitening properties of BP: it can lighten eyebrows and hair, so you need to avoid these areas when applying to the skin. When my skin reacts to Baziron with irritation, I dilute it with clean water and use it as a lotion.

Term of use:

more than 2 years


500 rub.



2. Full product name in English:

Acne Free Purifying Cleanser


About the products of the Acne Free line:
the line of products includes a cleanser, toner, lotion and spot treatment. In the USA, these cosmetics can be purchased at any Walmart. Acne Free is actively advertised as a cheap alternative to ProActiv products (I haven’t tried ProActiv, so I have nothing to compare with). It helps very well, but there are disadvantages: 1) All products dry out the skin, 2) at first they can cause severe irritation (and for some, not only at first..).

Expanded opinion:

This is a cleanser with a BP concentration of 2.5%. The manufacturer advises applying the product to damp skin in an amount equal to a 10-cent coin (dime. About the same as Russian 50 kopecks), massaging and rinsing. The product should not get into the area around the eyes and lips. After washing, redness of the skin may occur, so I would not recommend keeping the cleanser on the skin for a very long time. I now use this remedy as needed in the evening (when inflammation appears). Before that, I used the entire line of Acne Free products 2 times a day for 4 months and my skin was just excellent, there weren’t even blackheads (they just didn’t appear). But it did dry out my skin. When I finished actively using these products, black dots settled on my nose again(

Term of use:

1 year


$16 per set



3. Full product name in English:

Acne Free Repair Lotion



Long opinion:
This is not a lotion in the traditional sense, but rather a medicinal emulsion with 3.7% BP. I would say that this is Baziron in diluted form. The consistency of Baziron is thicker than this product. The packaging of the lotion is plastic with a screw-on cap, just like the tonic and gel wash. Apply after toner. Again, redness may occur, but this will subside with time. It has the same properties as product No. 1 - it dries out pimples and accelerates their healing.

Term of use:

1 year


$16 per set



4. Full product name in English:

Acne Free Acne and Blackhead Terminator


Detailed opinion:
it contains 2% BP and, in my opinion, the retinol composition was written on the box from the set, which I threw away. This is a spot treatment for acne. We apply a translucent gel to the inflammation; a burning sensation occurs on the skin. I use the gel not only at night but also in the morning, if necessary (it doesn’t make anything red for me). Of all the spot treatments, this is the most effective, the products I used before did not change anything, but with Terminator the results are visible)) After application, inflammation decreases and goes away faster. When I run out, I'll try to find and buy another tube.

Term of use:

1 year


came as a gift with the set



5. Full product name in English:

PanOxyl Acne Foaming Wash



Detailed opinion:
The most thermonuclear of all products is 10% BP + glycolic acid. Apply to face, massage, rinse. Severe redness and burning will likely occur. Again, I don’t recommend keeping it on your face for a long time. PanOxyl performs the same properties as the above products. I use it most often as a spot treatment at night. When I run out of Acne Free Purifying Cleanser I will use it instead. After such washing, it is better to use a moisturizing tonic and cream so as not to dry out the skin, this way the fight against acne will be more effective, since BP does not solve the problem of oily skin, but only kills microbes. I would not recommend using several products with BP in your care (for example, cleansers and a thin layer of Baziron on the face).

Term of use:

6 months


about 13$


5 Information for this post was taken from here


Side effects of benzoyl peroxide

  1. Benzoyl peroxide is a bleaching agent that can dry out your skin.
  2. Application may cause redness and peeling. This means you need to start with a minimum concentration to see how the skin reacts.
  3. Too frequent use leads to the appearance of wrinkles and crow's feet, as the dermis is dehydrated.
  4. The product causes increased sensitivity to the sun. Therefore, after using it you need to apply a good sunscreen.

To treat acne, you can use various products containing benzoyl peroxide: wash gels, masks, serums.

We will look at the effect salicylic acid has on acne in the next article.

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