Citrulline or L Citrulline: what is it and how to take it?

Pharmaceutical companies produce different types of supplements for athletes - amino acids, pure protein, vitamins and minerals. Citrulline is a relatively new substance on the market, but its benefits have been proven in clinical trials and positive reviews from athletes. The compound affects metabolic processes, so it is also useful for ordinary people who want to feel more energetic and healthier. Next, you will learn all about the new form of citrulline – malate, its properties and use in medicine.

general information

The substance citrulline malate (Latin version citrullini malas) is a salt of the alpha amino acid L-citrulline and malic acid. The compound received its name from the Latin word citrullus, which denotes the genus Watermelon. The substance L-citrulline and its derivative differ not only in their chemical structure. Malate is a more active form of the amino acid, which is absorbed faster and has a double positive effect on the human body. This nutrient is mainly found in sports dietary supplements.

Sources[edit | edit code]

  1. Sureda A, Pons A. Arginine and citrulline supplementation in sports and exercise: ergogenic nutrients? Medicine and Sports Science. 2013; 59: 18-28.
  2. Pérez-Guisado J, Jakeman PM. Citrulline malate enhances athletic anaerobic performance and relieves muscle soreness. Journal of Strength Conditioning Research. April 2010. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e3181cb28e0.
  3. Bendahan D, Mattei JP, Ghattas B, Confort-Gouny S, Le Guern ME, Cozzone PJ. Citrulline/malate promotes aerobic energy production in human exercising muscle. British Journal of Sports Medicine. August 2002; 36(4): 282-289.
  4. Giannesini B, Le Fur Y, Cozzone PJ, Verleye M, Le Guern ME, Bendahan D. Citrulline malate supplementation increases muscle efficiency in rat skeletal muscle. European Journal of Pharmacology. September 2011; 667(1-3):100-104.
  5. Sureda A, Córdova A, Ferrer MD, Pérez G, Tur JA, Pons A. Lcitrulline-malate influence over branched chain amino acid utilization during exercise. European Journal of Applied Physiology. September 2010; 110(2): 341-51.

Chemical properties

The substance has the international name N5-(aminocarbonyl)-L-ornithine malate and belongs to the class of alpha amino acids. It is an amphoteric compound - it can interact with acids and alkalis. In aqueous solution it exhibits buffer functions. In its pure form it is a white crystalline powder. It is highly soluble in water and has a high melting point.

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Benefits and harms

Citrulline is a precursor to arginine, an amino acid that increases nitric oxide levels and activates blood circulation. It also participates in the reactions of neutralization and removal of ammonia from the body, and is integrated into the Krebs cycle, thereby increasing energy production.

Watch a video reviewing citrulline malate supplements:

Arginine or Citrulline Malate / Nitric Oxide

For the male body

Citrulline malate has been proven to improve potency.

The amino acid increases male strength and blood flow, dilates muscle arteries. The compound does not harm health, like well-known drugs for potency from the group of PDE-5 inhibitors (Viagra, Cialis, Levitra). The pharmacological effect of the supplement is realized by increasing the content of nitric oxide in the cavernous bodies of the male reproductive organ.

For athletes and bodybuilders

The substance is involved in the processing of lactic acid, which relieves muscle pain after exercise. It also increases trophism, blood supply to muscle tissue during strength training, as well as:

  • promotes muscle growth;
  • helps bodybuilders achieve a pumping effect during training;
  • gives strength and vigor for sports;
  • increases growth hormone levels.

The advantage of malate is the rapid onset of effect. The substance does not need a period of accumulation to exhibit a positive effect on the body, so the athlete feels better after the first intake of the dietary supplement.

Primaforce, Citrulline Malate, Unflavored, 200 g


RUB 1,401

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Effect on potency

Increasing the level of L-arginine in the blood improves blood circulation through the synthesis of nitrous oxide. Thanks to this, the lumen of blood vessels expands, which has a positive effect on the activity of the cardiovascular system and potency.

In the latter case, the benefit of citrulline is to ensure complete filling of the corpora cavernosa with blood due to improved blood supply to the pelvic organs.

It is believed that a long course can help men get rid of impotence and strengthen the entire body. In any case, the drug is safe when compared with other means to increase potency, and also has virtually no contraindications or side effects.

Indications for use

Supplements based on citrulline salt and malic acid are successfully used in sports. Biologically active drugs are taken by bodybuilders, track and field athletes, and cyclists.

Supplements are prescribed to athletes to increase the intensity and duration of training, as well as:

  • accelerating muscle recovery after strength exercises;
  • prevention of “overtraining” syndrome;
  • building muscle mass and improving muscle definition during drying;
  • increasing the beneficial effects of other amino acids.

Medicines are also used in medicine. Citrulline helps the body recover after serious illnesses and operations, and compensates for genetic defects in the urea cycle in children. The amino acid is also prescribed to patients with diabetes mellitus with chronic fatigue syndrome, decreased libido and asthenia. It is also used as an aid for erectile dysfunction.


The drug based on L-citrulline malate should not be taken by people with citrullinemia, a disease characterized by a deficiency of enzyme systems and increased formation of ammonia. The supplement is not prescribed if there is individual hypersensitivity to the active substance or auxiliary components.

This compound also has the following contraindications:

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • exacerbation of kidney diseases;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • gout;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • children under 6 years of age.

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Side effects

During the research, it was revealed that the substance is safe for humans, is well absorbed and does not harm the body.

Among the unpleasant manifestations is the possibility of gastrointestinal upset if you take the drug during or immediately after meals. Sometimes there is a feeling of discomfort in the stomach in the first days of using the supplement.

There are also some contraindications, in the presence of which the use of citrulline can aggravate the condition:

  • individual intolerance to elements can result in a serious allergic reaction;
  • Citrullinemia, a hereditary disease characterized by mental retardation, blocks amino acid synthesis and leads to the accumulation of ammonia in the blood.

Dosage forms

Citrulline malate preparations are available in two forms:

  1. Capsules. Easy-to-use form of the drug. The capsules have no taste or odor. You can take them with you to work or on a trip. Manufacturers make the capsule shell enteric, so there are no problems with the absorption of the amino acid.
  2. Powder. The classic form of sports nutrition is intended for the preparation of protein and vitamin drinks. Citrulline powder can be added to water or natural juice.

Instructions for use

The optimal daily dosage of the active substance for men is from 4 to 8 g. The supplement can be taken by women who professionally engage in sports at a dose of 3-4 g. The main portion of citrulline malate should be taken 30-50 minutes before the start of training. If the supplement is insufficiently effective, nutritionists recommend consuming a small amount of the amino acid in the morning before breakfast.

The drugs must be taken without interruption, even on days off from training. In this case, it is better to plan to consume citrulline between meals. The optimal course is 15-30 days; if well tolerated, the amino acid can be taken for 2-4 months.

Daily dosage

Doctors have not established uniform norms for amino acid consumption. According to various sources, an adult should take from 2.4 to 6 g per day. There are no separate indicators for children. Pregnant and lactating women should not consume citrulline in high doses.

To determine the content of non-protein amino acids in the body, a venous blood test is performed. Reference values ​​for adults are 0.4-1 mg/dL. If a concomitant rheumatoid disease is suspected, the level of antibodies to cyclic citrulline-containing peptide is examined.


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Citrulline malate

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Reviews about the supplement are written mainly by men. They say that the amino acid:

  • improves the pumping effect;
  • increases endurance, helps increase the number of repetitions in training and build muscle mass;
  • reduces soreness;
  • enhances potency.

But many buyers are not satisfied with the diuretic effect of citrulline, which appears 30-60 minutes after consumption. And some powder supplements have an unpleasant sour taste.

How to take citrulline?

To avoid some unwanted reactions, you should follow the instructions when using the product. It is taken no earlier than 1.5 hours and no later than 30 minutes before training, and best on an empty stomach. In this case, normal production of arginine will begin within an hour, and the effect will last for almost a day.

The first positive changes will be noticeable already on the third day of taking the product, but the maximum result will be achieved after half a month or a month. The duration of the course, which can reach 30-60 days, also depends on this.

Storage rules

The drug should be stored in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight at a temperature of no more than 25° C. Keep away from children! The shelf life of the supplements is 2 years.

ALLMAX Nutrition, Citrulline Malate, Neutral (300 g)


RUB 1,816

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Where can I buy

The drugs can be bought at a pharmacy or online store, but the prices of supplements at these pharmaceutical outlets are 1.5-2 times higher.

The lowest prices for citrulline are in the well-known online store iHerb. From other sellers the cost will be 30-50% higher. You can check it yourself.

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Interaction with alcohol

Ethanol has a toxic effect on the body and also interferes with the absorption of beneficial nutrients in the intestines. Therefore, drinking alcohol together with amino acid is not recommended.

Citrulline malic acid salt is an excellent choice for people who exercise. The supplement acts much faster than classic L-citrulline, so the effect occurs from the first day of administration. Preparations based on malate are absolutely harmless to the body, even with a long course of use.

Natural Sources of Amino Acids

Table - List of products containing citrulline

NameAmount of amino acid, mg per 100 g
Watermelon rinds300
Soya beans273
White fish114
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