TOP 10 best powders: how to choose, composition, properties

Updated: 05.11.2021 15:28:35

Expert: Orlova Svetlana Anatolyevna

The skin in the diaper area is very vulnerable and easily inflamed. Even the best diapers, which completely and quickly absorb waste products, cannot provide complete skin protection. If you do not change the diaper in a timely manner, redness appears on the skin - these are ammonia burns.

Therefore, it is important to clean and dry the skin in the diaper area at each diaper change to prevent irritation. Powder and following the rules of caring for your baby will help you avoid diaper rash, as well as accompanying itching and allergies.

What is baby powder used for?

Baby powder is designed to protect baby's delicate skin from irritation, diaper rash and redness. Most often it is applied to the groin area, armpits and elbows. The need for this hygiene product arises starting from the second month of life.

Thanks to the powder:

  1. removes excess moisture from the surface of the skin after hygiene procedures;
  2. the skin receives protection from chafing and pathogenic microbes;
  3. Prevents prickly heat and diaper dermatitis.

However, to prevent the appearance of diaper rash, miliaria and diaper dermatitis in a child, the use of powder alone is not enough. It is necessary to change diapers and underwear on time, and ensure that the baby is always clean and dry. Also, clothes should be made not from synthetic materials, but from breathable and moisture-absorbing cotton.

Popular brands. Manufacturers rating

Among the many manufacturers of baby powder, the most popular are the following brands of children's cosmetics:

  • Bubchen;
  • "The world of childhood";
  • SANOSAN Baby;
  • BabyKinder;
  • "Our mother".

All products for children of the listed brands are made from highly purified talc. In addition, all brand products are hypoallergenic. Some powders, such as Johnson's Baby, contain fragrance. It is with their use that there is a risk of individual intolerance.

Which is better – powder or baby cream?

Today, there are many products against diaper rash and irritation on the product market. But the most effective and optimal in price and quality are diaper powder and cream. How are they different and which is better?

The main task of the powder is to absorb excess moisture without preventing the skin from breathing. It perfectly dries the skin and copes with redness and diaper rash in the baby's folds.

Diaper cream – protects from moisture and prevents skin drying. It is used for dry skin and the appearance of rashes and diaper dermatitis. The cream nourishes the baby's delicate skin, removing flaking and relieving irritation.

Therefore, when choosing a remedy, you need to be guided by the characteristics of the child. If the baby's skin is very dry and irritated, then use diaper cream. If the baby has moist skin with diaper rash, then the best option is powder.

What you should pay attention to when choosing

A few tips to help you avoid a bad purchase:

  1. Cheap products from unknown manufacturers should be avoided.
  2. Read the information on the packaging carefully. It should indicate: expiration date, exact address of the manufacturer, detailed composition.
  3. Research the composition. You must understand the purpose of each component, beware of unclear abbreviations (for example, BBP, DBP, which actually stand for phthalates, which are hazardous to health). Flavoring substances are allowed, but only of natural origin, and not declared as identical. The fewer additives, the easier it is to understand how the components of the product affect the baby’s skin. If an allergy appears, then by elimination you can choose a different type of powder.
  4. It's better to test the product yourself. Sprinkle on your palms, rub, making sure that the powder has a delicate consistency without lumps, and there is no pronounced or pungent odor.

Advantages and disadvantages of baby powders

Baby powder can be used for cosmetic or medicinal purposes. And it, like all means, has its pros and cons.

Advantages of use:

  1. absorbs sweat and sebum very well and dries the skin;
  2. forms a protective layer that prevents irritation;
  3. easy to use;
  4. Many powders contain zinc, which heals the skin very well.

Disadvantages of use:

  1. does not soften the skin;
  2. may roll off, thereby increasing skin irritation;
  3. Some manufacturers include stabilizers and flavorings that can cause allergies. Particularly dangerous are phthalates, which easily penetrate the skin and can lead to serious developmental pathologies with long-term use.


The composition of baby powder includes the following components:

  • rice and corn starch;
  • plant extracts;
  • zinc.

All of the listed substances are important and give the cosmetic product irreplaceable properties.

Additional components of baby powder may include vitamin E, tapioca, aloe, chitosan, goat's milk, and chamomile. In addition, the composition may include zinc oxide, which gives the powder antiseptic properties.

Main types of powders

There are two types of powders: powder and liquid talc.

  1. Powder

    . It is a white or slightly grayish powder, slightly greasy when touched. It consists only of natural ingredients such as starch, talc, zinc. The powder removes moisture well from the baby's skin, has an antiseptic effect, and soothes the skin. The downside of this product is that the baby can inhale the powder.

  2. Liquid talc

    . It removes inflammation well and makes the skin softer. It is convenient to use because it becomes a powder only on the baby’s body; it is difficult to spill. It does not clump, so the risk of skin irritation is minimal. The disadvantage of this product is the higher price and difficulty in application due to its denser consistency.

Almost all children's doctors prefer liquid talc, since it is applied evenly, and the risk that the child will inhale powder particles is reduced to zero. It is also suitable for babies with very dry and allergenic skin.


World-famous manufacturers produce two types of cosmetics for the care of the delicate skin of babies: in bulk and liquid form.

Loose powder is a homogeneous mixture with a delicate structure, white or grayish in color. The main advantage of the liquid analogue is its ease of use. It is very convenient to apply to the baby’s skin, while avoiding spraying in all directions. Baby powder in the form of baby cream forms a kind of film on the surface of the baby's skin that absorbs moisture and prevents exposure to irritating factors.

What kind of powder should it be?

To choose a safe remedy for diaper rash, you need to follow certain criteria and requirements.

  1. The composition must be completely natural. The fewer ingredients in the powder, the better. Artificial additives that replace natural substances will only harm children's delicate skin.
  2. Safe powder does not contain fragrances. They should be absent or almost invisible.
  3. The consistency of the product must be uniform and not form lumps when applied.
  4. The packaging must not contain: DIDP, DBP, DEHP, BBP, DHP, DEP.
  5. The packaging must be of high quality (products are often counterfeited).
  6. To ensure that the powder is safe, you should pay attention to the expiration date. Powder with a good shelf life in open packaging can be used for a year.

You should also study the composition. It should contain only the following ingredients: talc, starch, corn flour and zinc. It is allowed to add extracts of aloe, chamomile and other natural soothing ingredients.

There are several popular brands that have proven themselves among young mothers and pediatricians:


    – one of the most popular powders. It does not cause allergies, does not contain parabens, is made from purified talc, almost instantly absorbs moisture and protects the skin without injuring it. But it contains fragrances that not all children like.

  2. "BUBHEN"

    – powder made in Germany. Made on the basis of purified and specially prepared talc. It also does not cause allergies, and, in addition, does not contain any dyes or flavors. Quickly absorbs moisture and does not form lumps for a long time. Recommended for children from scratch.

  3. "The world of childhood"

    - a Russian product, which is also recommended for children from the first days. Contains zinc oxide, keeps the skin dry and even has a slight bactericidal effect, protects the skin from diaper rash and protects against friction from the diaper.

  4. "SANOSAN Baby"

    – contains highly purified talc, zinc, olive and avocado oil. Thanks to the composition, it can be used on damaged skin.

Results in the table:

PlaceManufacturerA countryCompoundSupplementsPeculiaritiesPrice, rub
10My SunshineRussiachemicalsilicones, emulsifiers, preservativescreamy90-110
9The world of childhoodRussianaturalD-panthenol Vitamin E aloe veracreamy99
7Natura SibericaRussianaturalthyme lavender pine extracts180-270
6our motherRussianaturalchamomile extract169
5Sanosan BabyGermanynaturalavocado oil olive oiltreats neurodermatitis, atopic dermatitis240-305
4KODOMOJapannaturalaloe vera vitamin Ewithout talc70-90
3BubchenGermanynaturalnatural fragrances245-330
2BabyLine NatureGermany Israelnaturalmenthol aloe chamomilecontains boric and salicylic acid155
1Johnson's BabyUSAnaturalwithout added parabens190

How to use powder correctly?

In order not to harm your baby, you need to know how to use baby powder correctly. There is a sequence that you can follow to get rid of irritation and diaper rash on your baby’s delicate skin forever.

  1. After a bath or changing a diaper, wipe your baby's skin dry with a towel.
  2. Next, you should pour a minimum amount of product into your palms and rub it well in your hands. This should be done extremely carefully so that small particles of powder do not enter the child’s respiratory tract.
  3. It is worth distributing the product evenly in the necessary areas: sweet legs and arms, groin, armpits. This should be done without pressure.
  4. The main thing is to ensure that there are no white spots on the skin. This is fraught with the formation of lumps that will irritate the baby’s delicate skin.
  5. In order for the powder to dry, the baby must lie naked for a while.


Powder should be used as needed. To do this, you should check the folds daily and not create conditions for dry skin or diaper rash.

When should you not use powder?

Despite the fact that powder is an indispensable assistant that helps to avoid diaper rash, it is contraindicated for some babies.

Cannot be used:

  1. in case of hypersensitivity to the components contained in the powder. Therefore, it is better to check on a small area of ​​the baby’s body to see if the skin will react to it;
  2. if the child is susceptible to allergies, then you should also check the reaction to the components in the powder in advance;
  3. if there are acute inflammatory processes and purulent rashes on the skin, which are accompanied by the release of fluid, in other words, weeping.


You cannot use powder to treat pustular lesions, this will only worsen the situation. Also, under no circumstances should you use powder, baby oil or cream at the same time. It is better to alternate these remedies.

Thus, baby powder is necessary for the baby and every young mother should have it. This remedy will not only help remove rashes, but also prevent their occurrence in advance. The only thing worth remembering is that powders are used for preventive purposes. If you already have skin problems, additional consultation with a doctor is necessary.


When using any baby care product, you should be careful and be very attentive. Below are effective tips that will help you avoid unpleasant consequences.

  • Before using the product, carefully read the instructions for use and possible restrictions.
  • Make sure that the powder does not get on the baby's face, especially in the eyes and respiratory organs.
  • Keep the powder container away from the crib and out of the baby's reach.
  • When changing a diaper, carefully remove any remaining powder. Dry the skin well, then apply a new portion of the product.
  • During the hot season, treat the knees and elbows, the area under the arms and the baby’s neck with powder (especially if the baby is fat). This way you will prevent inflammation and diaper rash in these places.
  • If there are wounds on your child's skin, refrain from using powder in these areas. Be sure to consult with your child's doctor to find out how to eliminate inflammation.
  • If flaking and dryness appear on your skin, do not ignore these symptoms. Perhaps the product is not suitable for your baby. Change the manufacturer or stop using powder altogether.

Baby powder is not an essential product. Some mothers do just fine without it. However, there are babies who find it extremely difficult without additional care. This is especially true for children with sensitive skin and a lot of folds. In this case, powder becomes necessary and helps children grow healthy.

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