Description of the drug IMMARD

Immard causes harm to the stomach, liver and kidneys, although the instructions for use only indicate nausea, diarrhea, lack of appetite, and cramps about the stomach. In fact, I developed gastritis and it manifested itself in a very acute form. I’m already silent about toxicity... And in general there are many adverse reactions. The first is muscles and bones: myopathy, myasthenia and atrophy. The latter is especially depressing. The second is the nervous system, both central and peripheral. These are disturbances in sensory abilities, improper nerve conduction, convulsions, etc. Third, hearing loss develops after severe tinnitus, vision decreases greatly, and headaches occur. About vision - diseases such as cataracts, corneal opacities, retinopathy, scotoma, keratopathy, etc. develop.

Heart and blood vessels – cardiomyopathy, myocardial hypertrophy, neutropenia, anemia and much more. If you have psoriasis, it will definitely get worse; if you have an allergy, it will manifest itself. Even Steven Johnson syndrome may occur. And the hair becomes lighter and the head becomes bald.

To be honest, I was horrified... Although I myself took Immard for 3 months and noticed the result. There were also side effects, but not very many. Why did I even write about the side effects? I want to warn everyone, if you have any illnesses, be sure to tell your doctor about it, or even better, undergo an additional examination to identify all pathologies. And if you have extra money, then it is better to buy more expensive drugs, although this is very expensive during long-term therapy. Everyone must decide for themselves...

Take generic Immard with caution.

Review left by Rinat
Rating: 2

(out of 5)


For various diseases, price, there is a positive trend


Overdose can cause death

My mom takes Immard for arthritis. It helps her flawlessly, but you just need to strictly adhere to the doses that the doctor prescribes. I used these tablets for malaria and it also worked like a charm. So I recommend it. In addition, the price is only pleasing, unlike its analogues.

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  • Review No. 7

Speed ​​of action of the drug Immard

Review left by Bivot

Grade: 4

(out of 5)


The effect is present


Adverse reactions – there are many of them, they act slowly

Doctors prescribed Immard to me twice. The first time I had acute malaria after returning from abroad. I took it for 3 days, first 800 mg, then 400 mg. In principle, the drug helped, there were no adverse reactions at all. I felt the first relief in the evening. This decreased body temperature, convulsions and fever disappeared. The second time I took Immard for the treatment of arthritis. The course was at least 4 months, but I only lasted 3 and not to the end. The fact is that the first relief of pain and inflammation occurred only at the end of the third month, but there were a lot of adverse reactions. From this I conclude that for joint diseases, Immard gives an effect too slowly. Among the adverse reactions, I note a deterioration in visual acuity (the doctor warned me that I would need to visit an ophthalmologist periodically). There was dizziness, nausea, I became nervous and irritable. But the worst thing is that I began to look like an anorexic, I lost so much weight, although I tried to cram more food into myself (but this is almost impossible, because I had no appetite).

My conclusion is that the drug cannot be used for a long time.

Composition and effect of the drug

Immard is produced by an Indian pharmaceutical company in the form of tablets. The active ingredient is hydroxychloroquine sulfate; it also contains excipients.

It is the active ingredient that has an antimalarial effect. It is effective against most strains of malaria.

Also, the drug Immard produces an anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effect, weakens the activity of leukocytes, protease and collagenase enzymes. Due to this, the remedy is effective for the following diseases:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • hypercalcemia due to sarcoidosis;
  • juvenile arthritis;
  • photodermatitis;
  • cutaneous vasculitis;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • Sjögren's syndrome;
  • bronchial asthma.

“Hydroxychloroquine sulfate, which Immard consists of, copes well with inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis.
After 3 months of treatment, the condition of the patient’s joints improves, swelling and pain decrease.” Gennady Sergeevich, resuscitator, Moscow.

Is there any point in taking Immard?

Review left by Claudrine

Grade: 4

(out of 5)




You're losing a lot of weight

I go in for sports on my own, often on horizontal bars. Because of this, he suffered a knee injury. The pain did not go away for a long time, so after a few months I went to the hospital. After examination, a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis was made. Damn, and this is at my age!

The doctor prescribed Immard for a long course of 2 tablets per day with a dosage of 200 mg. I tolerated the medicine normally, only after a couple of months insomnia began and something wrong happened with my psyche. But I continued to drink, as a result of which, after six months, improvement began. The only thing that really upsets me is losing weight, but I was in great shape. When I complained about taka. I told the doctor, he gave me recommendations on taking other medications to increase appetite. What can I say, it worked and now I’m gaining weight.

Is there any result from using it?

Reviews from patients with rheumatoid arthritis are mostly positive. Patients claim that the drug is effective:

  • eliminates pain;
  • reduces inflammation;
  • prolongs the period of remission;
  • It becomes easier to walk, the quality of life improves.

“Thanks to French studies, Immard’s effectiveness against coronavirus has been proven, and the drug has shown good results specifically in the treatment of patients with severe symptoms of respiratory tract infection. On the 6th day of therapy, the number of those cured who took Immard was 70%, without it – 12%.”

Today, Immard is also actively used to treat patients with coronavirus. Moscow doctors were even asked to take it to prevent COVID-19. Research is still being conducted on its effectiveness, but the practice of other countries has shown that hydroxychloroquine is effective against coronavirus infection.

Immard is my salvation

Review left by Regina
Rating: 5

(out of 5)


Cost, effectiveness


No complaints

I have rheumatoid arthritis. I treated him with Plaquenil before, but it turns out to be very, very expensive, I can no longer afford to spend so much money on drugs. I turned to the pharmacist at the pharmacy who recommended a cheaper analogue and she said that there is Immard, but I need to consult a doctor. I immediately called the rheumatologist and she approved it. As a result, I drank Immard for about 2 months, but intermittently. This is how the doctor drew up a treatment regimen for me and said that there would be no side effects. Yes, that’s what happened, and the arthritis stopped bothering me. And saved money)))

First aid for an attack of arthritis

Review left by Griven
Rating: 4

(out of 5)


Great effect, inexpensive


You should only drink it with milk or eat it with food.

I began to have more frequent attacks of arthritis, and this is unbearable pain, etc. I tried everything I could to save myself, but it didn’t really help. But what really helped was worth a lot of money. And then my grandmother advised me Immard. I drink it 2 times a day for 2-3 days and the symptoms disappear. So I recommend it. PS: The only annoying fact is that I have to drink milk, but I can’t stand it, plus I’m allergic to lactose.

Pharmacological properties of the drug Immard

Pharmacodynamics. Immard - (hydroxychloroquine) has a mechanism of action similar to chloroquine. Causes the death of erythrocyte forms of all types of malarial plasmodia, and also has a gamontocidal effect. The therapeutic effect in diffuse connective tissue diseases is due to anti-inflammatory and moderate immunosuppressive activity. Hydroxychloroquine interacts with free radicals, stabilizes lysosome membranes, inhibits leukocyte chemotaxis and enzyme activity at the site of inflammation, and inhibits erythrocyte aggregation. Pharmacokinetics. Hydroxychloroquine is rapidly absorbed from the digestive tract after oral administration. Bioavailability - about 74%. Plasma protein binding is about 45%. Widely distributed in tissues and organs. The concentration in erythrocytes is 2–3 times higher than in blood plasma. Biotransformation occurs in the liver with the formation of active metabolites. The maximum concentration in blood plasma is achieved 3.2 hours after administration. The half-life is approximately 32 days, is excreted from the body very slowly, and can be detected in urine for several years after the end of treatment. From 23 to 25% of the dose taken is excreted unchanged in the urine.


Review left by Natalie
Rating: 3

(out of 5)


Accumulation effect, cost


Adverse reactions

I took Immard for rheumatoid arthritis. I took the pills for a long time, so I can tell you all the details. But first, let me draw your attention to the fact that the drug has a prolonged effect, which means that you should not expect positive dynamics after 2-3 days. It takes several months. But this is only true in the case of arthritis, since my sister took Immard for malaria, and 4 days was enough for her. So, the active substances accumulate in the body and then begin to act rapidly. I used to think that maybe to speed up this process, I could increase the dosage, but the doctor said that it was life-threatening. Then I read in the instructions for use that an overdose leads to disturbances in the heart muscle and the heart in general, and also negatively affects vision and that even death is possible. After that, I took the treatment regimen that the doctor gave me with all seriousness. So, initially I took the maximum dosage - 600 mg, then reduced it to 400, and in the last couple of months to 200. I will say this - there was no relief for three months, so the rheumatologist additionally prescribed me Meloxicam to relieve the pain, but when the cumulative effect from Immard began to manifest itself, I stopped taking non-steroids.

If anyone thinks that Immard will completely cure rheumatoid arthritis, then I want to disappoint you - this disease is incurable, but drugs such as Immard help restore joint mobility and get rid of other symptoms. To put it simply, they make life easier. This is not the only remedy, but it is the most budget-friendly and at the same time effective. The only warning is that to reduce the level of adverse reactions, be sure to adhere to the dosages and all doctor’s instructions.

Special instructions for the use of the drug Immard

Before starting treatment, consultation with an ophthalmologist is necessary. Ophthalmological examination is repeated every 6 months (determining visual acuity, performing ophthalmoscopy). If any violations are detected, treatment should be stopped immediately. The likelihood of developing retinopathy is directly proportional to the daily dose. In patients with severe renal or hepatic impairment, plasma levels of hydroxychloroquine should be monitored. The cellular composition of peripheral blood should be periodically monitored and if pathological changes are detected, the course of treatment should be stopped. Patients with psoriasis may develop a skin rash. Particular caution is required when treating patients with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. During treatment with the drug, you should refrain from driving vehicles and servicing potentially dangerous mechanisms.

I don't recommend Immard

Review left by Bonnie
Rating: 2

(out of 5)


Treats diseases, after the course there is an accumulation effect


A lot of

Immard causes harm to the stomach, liver and kidneys, although the instructions for use only indicate nausea, diarrhea, lack of appetite, and cramps about the stomach. In fact, I developed gastritis and it manifested itself in a very acute form. I’m already silent about toxicity... And in general there are many adverse reactions. The first is muscles and bones: myopathy, myasthenia and atrophy. The latter is especially depressing. The second is the nervous system, both central and peripheral. These are disturbances in sensory abilities, improper nerve conduction, convulsions, etc. Third, hearing loss develops after severe tinnitus, vision decreases greatly, and headaches occur. About vision - diseases such as cataracts, corneal opacities, retinopathy, scotoma, keratopathy, etc. develop.

Heart and blood vessels – cardiomyopathy, myocardial hypertrophy, neutropenia, anemia and much more. If you have psoriasis, it will definitely get worse; if you have an allergy, it will manifest itself. Even Steven Johnson syndrome may occur. And the hair becomes lighter and the head becomes bald.

To be honest, I was horrified... Although I myself took Immard for 3 months and noticed the result. There were also side effects, but not very many. Why did I even write about the side effects? I want to warn everyone, if you have any illnesses, be sure to tell your doctor about it, or even better, undergo an additional examination to identify all pathologies. And if you have extra money, then it is better to buy more expensive drugs, although this is very expensive during long-term therapy. Everyone must decide for themselves...

Take generic Immard with caution.

Review left by Rinat
Rating: 2

(out of 5)


For various diseases, price, there is a positive trend


Overdose can cause death

My mom takes Immard for arthritis. It helps her flawlessly, but you just need to strictly adhere to the doses that the doctor prescribes. I used these tablets for malaria and it also worked like a charm. So I recommend it. In addition, the price is only pleasing, unlike its analogues.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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