Visine "Pure Tear" Instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Composition and release form
How the drug works

When prescribed (indications)

How to use (dosage)

Contraindications for use

Side effects of use

Overdose symptoms

Drug interactions

What to pay attention to

Analogs of Vizin Pure Tear

Prices in pharmacies

Reviews from people who have used it

Precautions when using the drug:

  • If discomfort or eye irritation occurs, do not continue using the drug.
  • In case of infection, pain, redness and inflammation in the eyes, you should immediately consult an ophthalmologist.
  • Be sure to remove contact lenses before using the drug.
  • Avoid touching the tip of the bottle and its contact with eye tissue.
  • Do not wash the tip of the bottle with detergents.
  • If the seal of the bottle is broken, the drug cannot be used.
  • The drug should not be used internally.
  • Do not use a drug that has expired.
  • An opened bottle should not be stored for more than 1 month.

Pharmacological properties

Vizin Pure Tear ophthalmic solution contains an innovative patented component, which is a natural plant extract whose composition is very close to the composition of human tears. After being introduced into the conjunctival sac, the solution spreads evenly over the surface of the cornea. Its action is aimed at improving the stability of the natural tear film. Visin Clean Tear quickly relieves or significantly reduces the symptoms of eye irritation and dryness, which are caused by exposure to adverse environmental factors.

It acts locally, without systemic effects, with a duration of 4 - 8 hours.

Recommendations for use

When using Visina Pure Tear, it is important for the patient to follow these recommendations:

  • An open bottle can be stored for twenty-five days.
  • Immediately before instillation, contact lenses must be removed.
  • Store the drug only in a cool and dry place, with the cap tightly closed.
  • It is necessary to observe the duration along with the frequency of treatment.
  • Do not allow the bottle to fall into the hands of children.
  • Only if these recommendations are followed can the duration and positive effect of using eye drops be ensured.

Visin Pure Tear eye drops help patients cope with various unpleasant sensations; they are safe. After their use, only in extremely rare situations do people experience side effects. These drops should be used with extreme caution in patients who are allergic to certain ingredients of the drug or have hypersensitivity in the body.

This category of patients may experience symptoms in the form of excessive irritation after instillation, redness of the eyelids, cornea or conjunctival sac. In addition, swelling of the eyelids is possible along with increased lacrimation and itching. If the patient experiences the first signs of allergic reactions, the use of this drug should be completely stopped and a doctor should be consulted.

This medicine contains benzalkonium chloride, which acts as a strong preservative. It may cause corneal irritation. Such side effects often occur if recommendations are not followed. The timing, along with the dosage, must be discussed with the treating ophthalmologist.

Instructions for use for Visin Pure Tear must be strictly followed.

Analogues of Visina Pure Tear

Currently, there are several substitutes for this drug that have the same pharmacological effect. These drugs include “Oxialal” along with “Hypromelose”, “Defislez”, “Firn” and “Slezin”. All of the above drugs help replenish the deficiency of natural tears, additionally moisturizing the mucous membrane.

It is important to note that it is strictly forbidden to select analogs for yourself or purchase them without a doctor’s prescription. If you do not follow this rule, you may encounter side effects and extremely negative consequences.

Help eye drops

Dry eye syndrome is a problem when natural tears are produced in minimal quantities. This is a common problem faced by older patients. This condition is also typical for office workers.

The volume of tear production may also decrease if a person lives in a room with dry air. Ignoring this problem leads to unpleasant symptoms:

  • insufficient tear production;
  • blurred vision;
  • general discomfort.

These eye drops make it possible to increase the amount of tears and improve their quality.

Now let's move on to considering analogues and find out which medications can replace this drug for the eyes.

Possible contraindications

Before using the drops in question, it is necessary to study all available contraindications. They are recommended for use when there are no allergic reactions to individual ingredients in the composition. Relative contraindications include taking medicinal drops without indications.

If a person who has consulted a doctor has been diagnosed with an infectious pathology of the eyeball, then it is strictly forbidden to use these medicinal drops to alleviate the condition and eliminate unwanted symptoms. In such a case, it is necessary to undergo therapeutic treatment from an ophthalmologist.

Overdose and adverse reactions

There are no cases of overdose of this medicine in medical practice, and no interactions with other drugs have been recorded. The most likely side effect after instillation may be mild or short-term blurred vision. In this case, there is no need to panic, and in addition, call an ambulance. This is a completely normal phenomenon due to the fact that this medication is not completely distributed on the corneal mucosa.

Vizin Pure Tear eye drops 0.5% 10ml


Active substance: TS-polysaccharide – 0.5%;
additional components: mannitol, sodium dihydrogen phosphate monohydrate, sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate, purified water.

Indications for use

Visin Pure Tear is prescribed for the purpose of prevention and reduction of symptoms

irritation due to tired and dry eyes.


Individual intolerance to its components.

Directions for use and doses

Visin Pure Tear is used conjunctivally.

Recommended dosage regimen: 3-4 times a day, 1-2 drops in each eye.

After instillation, a brief feeling of blurred vision may occur. This is not a side effect and usually goes away.

if after administration you blink 3-4 times, which helps to distribute the drops evenly over the surface of the eye.

Storage conditions

Store at temperatures up to 25 °C. Keep away from children.

Best before date

Shelf life – 2 years.

After opening the bottle, the drug can be used for 30 days.

special instructions

In cases of irritation or discomfort in the eyes, temporary discontinuation of therapy is indicated.

It is recommended to wash your hands before instillation. Do not wash the tip of the bottle with detergents.

If you have redness, infection, pain or inflammation in your eyes, it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist.


Colorless liquid

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Over the counter

Dosage form

Eye drops

Manufacturer and organization accepting consumer complaints

121614, Moscow, st. Krylatskaya, 17, bldg. 3, 3rd floor tel. +7 (495) 755-83-57 fax


Visin Pure Tear is an ophthalmic agent used to moisturize eyes when they are dry and tired.


The active substance Visina Pure Tear is a natural plant extract (TS-polysaccharide),

which is similar in composition to human tears and is suitable for regular use.

The main effects of the drug: significant improvement in the stability of the tear film;

effective hydration, which leads to relief of eye strain and a long-term return to a comfortable state;

relief of all the main symptoms of fatigue and dry eyes that may appear when wearing contact lenses,

driving a car, working at a computer, poor lighting, reading, etc.;

improvement of the conjunctiva and cornea of ​​the eye;

providing a long-lasting moisturizing effect.

Visin Pure Tear does not contain preservatives, so it can be used when wearing contact lenses.

Side effects

In rare cases, when using the drug, pain/tingling in the eyes, burning sensation, redness of the eyes,

blurred vision, pupil dilation and conjunctival irritation (medical advice required)


Visin Pure Tear should not be used simultaneously with other ophthalmic drugs.

as this may lead to a change in their action.


There is no information about overdose symptoms.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions, Visin Pure Tear does not harm the eyes in any way and guarantees the effectiveness of use. For ease of use and dosing, the bottle is additionally equipped with a dropper. Before use, it is important to wash your hands, after which you can drip one drop at a time. In order for this product to completely spread over the shell, you need to blink several times.

If the drops are unevenly distributed, a person's vision may become blurred for a while. This is not a deviation, so there is no need to panic at all. This procedure is repeated throughout the day in order to alleviate the condition as much as possible and prevent drying out of the mucous membranes. The sustained effect of the drug lasts about six hours. Then the procedure can be repeated, but no more than five times a day.

It is very important to follow this method of administration in order to avoid certain side effects. After use, the cap is tightly screwed onto the bottle so that no pathogenic bacteria with dust and infections penetrate inside. When instilling, it is prohibited to touch the eye surface with the dropper, touch it with your hands, or wash the bottle with detergents.

What will the patient benefit from using Visina Pure Tear?

Reviews about this drug

Eye drops “Visin Pure Tear”, according to consumers, is an effective ophthalmic drug. According to reviews from people who have used these drops, it is clear that they are quite effective and absolutely safe. On forums, pregnant women discuss the advisability of using these drops. Against this background, very often a high result is noted and the safety of these medicinal drops is confirmed.

Based on numerous reviews, we can say that this is a drug with a distinctive pharmacological effect. It is noted that doctors prescribe it to patients who have complaints of a feeling of dryness, which often appears in the eyes. But it is worth noting that this medicine will not help in any way with pathological eye disorders, as well as with injuries.

Thus, based on the majority of consumer reviews, we can say that this drug is an excellent therapeutic and, at the same time, prophylactic against eye diseases for children, and also for lactating and pregnant women.

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