DEFISLEZ: instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Composition and release form
How the drug works

When prescribed (indications)

How to use (dosage)

Contraindications for use

Side effects of use

Overdose symptoms

Drug interactions

What to pay attention to

Analogues of Vizin "Defislez"

Prices in pharmacies

Reviews from people who have used it

Hyphenosis is a solution of eye drops that protects the corneal epithelium. It has softening and lubricating properties, stabilizing the tear film and restoring it. This leads to accelerated healing of lesions that occur during injuries, dystrophies, burns, and also after eye surgery. The solution is also recommended for restoring the cornea of ​​the eye after a series of ophthalmological examinations and for eliminating the feeling of discomfort caused by dry eye syndrome.

Indications for use

Defislez eye drops are prescribed for corneal damage and inflammatory processes. Drops are prescribed for the following diseases:

  • lagophthalmos;
  • corneal erosion;
  • trophic ulcers of the cornea;
  • natural or acquired eyelid defects (deformation);
  • thermal burns of the cornea and conjunctiva;
  • keratectomy;
  • corneal dystrophy.

The effect of the drug manifests itself quickly - discomfort, itching and pain in the eyes are relieved, and the clarity of perception of objects is restored. It is used in complex therapy in the treatment of Sjogren's syndrome (dry eye), during diagnostics ( electrooculography , gonioscopy ).

pharmachologic effect

Defislez solution is able to lubricate and soften the cornea. Its effect is quite long-lasting, which is due to its high viscosity, which ensures better contact of the liquid with the surface of the eye. In addition, among the properties of the drug is the restoration and stabilization of the tear film, with its natural optical characteristics.

Hyphenosis protects the cornea from dryness and irritation while reducing the production of tear fluid. The drug acts quickly, providing improvement and reduction of discomfort in the eye area. Healing of wound surfaces lasts an average of 3-5 days, recovery occurs by the second or third week.


Drops are not used if you are hypersensitive to the components of the medication. The drug should not be instilled in the acute period after a corneal burn. Contact lenses must be removed before each procedure.

So far, there have been no cases of harmful effects on the fetus and the woman’s body during pregnancy , however, doctors do not recommend using the product in all three trimesters.

An absolute contraindication is children under 8 years of age.

special instructions

Treatment with Defislez solution requires refusal to use soft contact lenses due to the presence of benzalkonium chloride in its composition. This is a preservative that can be absorbed by hydrophilic lenses and have a negative effect on eye tissue.

Before using the drug, contact lenses should be removed and put on again half an hour after instillation.

After applying the solution to the eye, disturbances in the clarity of visual perception are possible; this should be taken into account when driving vehicles or starting to work with complex, potentially dangerous mechanisms.

Defislez solution is not intended for long-term use.

Store Defislez solution in a dark place at room temperature. Keep away from children.

Shelf life – 2 years. The solution in an open bottle is valid for 1 month.

Price, where to buy

The price of Defislez varies from 90 to 170 rubles per package. Sold in city pharmacies and on specialized medical portals.

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The drug is a protector of the epithelial covers of the cornea of ​​the eye organ. It acts as a moisturizer and protectant and is used to maintain tear fluid when its synthesis is insufficient. The refraction of the medicinal solution is exactly the same as that of tears, so it does not affect the quality of vision.

The active component of the drops restores the tear film and its optical properties. As a rule, the therapeutic effect is noticeable after 4-5 days. In this case, a complete cure or significant improvement in well-being is noticeable after 15-20 days.

Types of moisturizing solutions

It is worth noting! All moisturizing eye drops can be divided into three large groups:

  1. Exclusively moisturizing preparations . Their main purpose is to moisturize the conjunctiva and cornea when diagnosed with dry eye syndrome.
  2. Vitamin and mineral drops . They are closest in composition to natural tear fluid, but in addition to moisturizing and protecting the eyes, they also nourish the tissues of the eyeball with the microelements necessary for normal functioning. Often used by people who constantly work at the computer.
  3. Products for those who have to wear contact lenses. In this category of people, while using contact optics, dry eye syndrome often develops and tissue repair processes may even be disrupted. Moisturizing solutions help prevent this.

In some cases, drugs from different groups can be combined, although most often just some drops are sufficient.

Moisturizing drops for adults

For adult patients, the following eye moisturizers can be recommended:

  1. Cationorm. Developed in Japan and currently a unique cationic emulsion for moisturizing the eyes, it restores all three layers of the tear film, permanently eliminating severe, intense discomfort and dry eyes that appear throughout the day, even in the morning. The emulsion prevents the further development of dry eye syndrome and does not contain preservatives; it can be used in conjunction with contact lenses. Prescribed to people with severe complaints of dryness and eye discomfort; people who wear contact lenses constantly and more than 10 hours a day; people with eye diseases such as glaucoma, blepharitis, allergic conjunctivitis; people undergoing hormone replacement therapy (menopausal hormones, oral contraceptives).
  2. Oftagel. The best eye gel with carbomer in maximum concentration. Helps with watery eyes, fatigue, itching and burning eyes. The gel can be used once a day, for example, before bedtime; it is perfect for those who do not want or cannot use drops during the day.
  3. Visine. Despite the fact that side effects often occur when using this drug, Visine remains the most popular drug due to its availability. The drug eliminates the feeling of dryness and “sand” in the eyes, and you do not need a prescription from a specialist to purchase it. It is recommended to instill the drug no more than three times a day at equal intervals, one or two drops in each eye. But if the medicine is prescribed by an ophthalmologist, you must adhere to the regimen prescribed by him.
  4. Visomitin. An almost complete analogue of Vizine, which is prescribed in case of side effects when using Vizine. Sometimes this medicine is used as an additional remedy in the treatment of cataracts and conjunctivitis of various origins. The solution is instilled three times a day, one drop at a time.
  5. Systane ultra. A remedy to relieve symptoms of fatigue, irritation and dry eyes. The medicine contains not only moisturizing substances, but also vitamins that strengthen the tissue of the eyeball. There are no strict restrictions in terms of the number of instillations of this product - it can be instilled throughout the day as the feeling of eye fatigue increases, a couple of drops at a time.
  6. Natural tear . A synthetic drug that is a complete analogue of tear fluid. It can be used not only for adults, but also for children, although in the second case a preliminary consultation with an ophthalmologist is recommended. Approximately every two to three hours, one drop is instilled into each eye.
  7. Inoxa. The drug not only moisturizes and protects the conjunctiva, but also has a weak antihistamine effect, so it is sometimes prescribed for the complex treatment of eye allergies. If used solely for moisturizing, instill inox as needed. In all other cases, consultation with a doctor is required.

Patient reviews

“When I first
encountered the problem of dry eyes , I experimented for a long time, trying expensive and cheap products. In the end, I decided to settle on a teardrop . This is a natural product that
does not cause for me and allows me to work comfortably at the computer all day . In addition, if necessary, such a product can easily be purchased at any nearby pharmacy, which cannot be said about some expensive and supposedly “more effective” products.”

Anton Leontyev, Volgograd.

My daughter is in the eighth grade and due to heavy strain on her eyes during lessons, several months ago she began to get very tired , citing the fact that reading and using the computer cause discomfort.

When visiting an ophthalmologist , it turned out that the girl had dry eye syndrome .

Eye drops with hyaluronic acid

Important! Hyaluronic acid is a compound that helps strengthen and restore corneal tissue. Solutions containing such a substance are characterized by increased keratoprotective characteristics.

Among these drugs you can choose the following:

  1. Okutiars. These are proven and frequently prescribed ultra-high molecular weight hyaluronic acid eye drops without preservatives. They moisturize well, eliminate dryness and eye discomfort that occurs periodically after prolonged visual work (for office workers, students, drivers, etc.). Once opened, the bottle is stored for 6 months and since it does not contain preservatives, it can be dropped onto contact lenses. Ocutiarz is often used to relieve discomfort after ophthalmological operations on the cornea, such as PRK, LASIK, cataract extraction.
  2. Stillavit . A drug for moisturizing the conjunctiva and protecting it from external factors and irritants: dust, bacteria, foreign bodies. The product promotes the formation of a stronger protective film on the surface of the eyeball and its uniform distribution over the surface of the eye. Drops can be instilled 3-6 times a day.
  3. Vizmed . Drops to replenish the deficiency of tear fluid and restore the tear film. The drug does not contain preservatives and can be used even when wearing contact lenses (the optics do not need to be removed during instillation).

List of inexpensive products

Among the inexpensive eye moisturizers, the following are preferred:

  1. Hyphenation . The drug forms a strong tear film and does not distort vision, and also has a moisturizing effect. It has the longest contact with the cornea, as it contains the viscous component hypromellose. It is not recommended to use this product without breaks for more than three weeks. Every day you can do no more than eight drops (two drops in each eye).
  2. Slesin. One of the most “neutral” drugs that can be used for moisturizing at any age. In addition to dry eye syndrome, the drug is prescribed as a prophylactic solution for lacrimation disorders resulting from ophthalmological diseases or injuries. Depending on the need, it is instilled every 3-5 hours.

Drops for children

Note! For children, if eye hydration is necessary, it is better to use the following medications:

  1. Tobrex. This is a combination drug, one of the functions of which is to moisturize and strengthen the mucous membrane. For such purposes, it is enough to instill the product up to three times a day, one drop at a time.
  2. Oksial. They act as anti-inflammatory and moisturizing drops, which additionally have a restorative effect on the tissue cells of the cornea. Depending on how severe the dry eye syndrome is, drops are used one to three times a day.
  3. Hilo chest of drawers. The solution is often used for problems with eye hydration resulting from the use of contact optics. It is recommended to instill drops at least three times a day, one drop in each eye.

How moisturizing eye drops work

Moisturizing ophthalmic solutions perform several functions at once, including:

  • moisturizing the cornea;
  • thickening of the protective mucin (tear) layer;
  • increasing the viscosity characteristics of tear fluid;
  • formation and restoration of the tear film.

Many drugs are identical in composition or close to natural tear fluid, so they not only do not cause discomfort, but also do not affect the refraction of light.
Indirectly, such drugs can even serve as a prophylactic against cataracts, glaucoma and less serious diseases, as they have keratoprotective (protective) properties, neutralizing the impact of negative external factors on the visual organs.

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