What is folic acid and why does the body need it?

In Latin "folium" means leaf. The literal translation is related to the origin of folic acid. It was isolated from spinach leaves in the form of folacin. The substance itself is not biologically active, but when it enters a living organism, it undergoes transformations. There are about 5–10 mg of folate in the human body. Half of them are located in the liver, the other part in the kidneys, bone marrow, red blood cells and tissues.

The normal concentration of folic acid in blood plasma is considered to be 4.5-30 nmol/l. This amount enters the body from food. Exceeded norms indicate a lack of absorption of vitamin B9. It remains in its original, unprocessed form.

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Folic acid is needed by the body to maintain its essential metabolic processes. Without the vitamin, a coherent DNA chain cannot be built, the supply of microelements to the brain is disrupted, and red blood cells are not produced in the required quantities.

Vitamin B9 is necessary for the health of every person, because:

  • reduces the risk of stroke;
  • normalizes the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood, which reduces the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • prevents cancer;
  • Helps avoid diabetes by maintaining normal blood glucose levels and reducing insulin resistance;
  • softens inflammatory processes by reducing the number of inflammatory markers and C-reactive protein;
  • helps fight bad mood, reduces the risk of depression;
  • prevents the development of serious diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

Lack of folic acid, causes and consequences

Health problems due to a lack of folic acid mostly arise from poor diet. It is with food that folate comes in, which is further converted into vitamin B9. With a good diet, poor absorption of the vitamin from the stomach and intestines may also occur. This may be due to impaired absorption from the gastrointestinal tract. With accelerated metabolism in the case of liver disease or kidney failure, folic acid quickly breaks down and is excreted. This also leads to its deficiency.

Folic acid during pregnancy

A lack of folic acid during pregnancy leads to a disruption in the creation of a DNA chain and new cells. At the stage of rapid growth and formation of the fetus, the embryonic neural tube, heart and circulatory system of the baby are formed. A lack of B9 increases the likelihood of:

  • miscarriage;
  • premature birth;
  • heart disease in the unborn child;
  • cerebral hernias;
  • spinal column malformation, anencephaly;
  • autism.

First of all, a woman must improve her diet and give up bad habits. You need to monitor your folate levels to avoid hypovitaminosis. It is advisable, even at the planning stage of pregnancy, to begin to monitor the content of folic acid in food and make up for its deficiency.

For women

The older a woman is, the worse folic acid is absorbed by the body. The shortage is acutely felt closer to 50 years of age and in old age. Absorption can also be impaired if a woman abuses alcohol, smoking, a sedentary lifestyle, or is very overweight.

Lack of B9 leads to impaired blood circulation in the brain, its functions are reduced. In addition, there is a high risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. The first symptoms of negative manifestations of deficiency already appear on the 30th day. This is why it is so important to eat foods rich in folic acid every day.

A sure sign of vitamin deficiency is severe anemia, in which the level of red blood cells drops sharply. Dizziness, weakness, and drowsiness occur. Nausea may increase, leading to decreased appetite and irritability. A serious danger is the manifested state of leukopenia, when the body is attacked by various infectious diseases.

For men

The main function of vitamin B9 is its effect on potency. Its deficiency contributes to a decrease in the level of active sperm, which leads to male infertility. In addition, folic acid maintains normal levels of digestion. A deficiency leads to the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques, and fatty infiltration of the liver develops.

After 50 years, a lack of folic acid is especially dangerous for men. This is associated with a greater risk of mental disorders, poor blood clotting and heart valve pathologies. If a man is a heavy smoker and often drinks alcohol, then the absorption of the vitamin decreases many times. No matter how many healthy foods the body receives, half of the nutrients simply cannot be absorbed due to the effects of alcohol and nicotinic acid.

Vitamin deficiency in men most often manifests itself in damage to the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, intestinal tract and stomach. The smallest scratches take a long time to heal, hair falls out, and the tongue may become inflamed.

An increase in low-grade fever, chills and headaches can often be observed. The emotional background also suffers. Unreasonable worries and worries about trifles appear, which can develop into depressive deviations. Against this background, memory deteriorates and the nervous system suffers.

In children

If there is a lack of B9, the baby's growth and development is delayed. This is due to poor protein synthesis and disruption of the nervous system. Children with deficits almost always have problems:

  • Indigestion. Most of the problems are related to the intestines. The child cannot go to the toilet or has diarrhea.
  • Impaired mental function. If in infancy this is not very noticeable, then in adolescence, when the child goes to school, disturbances in thinking and coordination will appear in all their glory.
  • Megaloblastic anemia. Improper formation of red blood cells makes the blood cells large. This does not allow them to carry the required amount of oxygen through tissues and organs. The capillaries narrow, a chronic feeling of fatigue, irritability appears, lethargy and weakness occur.

The role and benefits of vitamin B9

Many people wonder what folic acid tablets help with? To answer it, you need to study the properties of this substance. Vitamin B9 is one of the components of bone marrow. It is known that healthy blood cells are formed only in the presence of a sufficient amount of this B vitamin. Its lack can provoke megaloblastic anemia. Vitamin B9 will help compensate for the deficiency, which also contributes to:

  • active production of neurotransmitters that help regulate sleep and appetite, cope with irritation or depression;
  • improving reproductive function in women and men;
  • launching protein production processes that provide effective protection of the body from pathogens;
  • effective prevention of the development of pathogenic cells and their further spread;
  • full development of the nervous system in children and adolescents;
  • slowing down the onset of menopause in women and bringing the menstrual cycle back to normal;
  • preventing the development of diseases of the digestive system.

Both men and women planning to become parents should start taking folic acid tablets several months before conceiving. This measure is an effective way to prevent fetal neural tube defect (). By replenishing vitamin B9 deficiency, the chances of conception also increase. This is facilitated by the appearance of more active sperm and an increase in their quality. Folic acid has also been shown to be effective in reducing the risk of stroke (). This effect is due to its ability to influence the synthesis of homocysteine.

Excess folic acid

An excess of vitamin B9 in the body also has a negative effect on well-being and health. Moreover, this fact poses the same danger for both adults and children. With prolonged excess of blood levels, the risk of developing malignant tumor diseases in the future increases. Acute neurotic disorders also appear.

In pregnant women, the danger lies in the subsequent development of allergic diseases, insulin resistance, and impaired cognitive abilities and vision in the child.

People who consume a lot of vitamin B9 are more likely to suffer from gastrointestinal disorders. They experience intestinal colic, bloating, flatulence, stool disturbances, and unpleasant sensations in the abdomen, intestines, and even in the anus.

There is a high probability of developing chronic diseases such as diabetes and epilepsy. Metabolic processes in the body are disrupted, and there is a high probability of developing obesity. Excess may also affect mental functions. Memory is impaired, it becomes difficult to concentrate on one thing due to hyperreactivity and the inability to control one’s actions and emotions against this background.


When planning pregnancy, the dosage of folic acid is 400 mcg (micrograms) additionally. The body should contain 5-20 mg of the substance. During pregnancy, it is recommended to take 460-800 mcg/day. In case of a pathological course, the doctor increases the dosage by an average of 200 mcg, but for healthy women it should not exceed 1000 mcg/day.

Nursing mothers need to drink 500 mcg of B9 every day. Additionally, 60 mcg may be prescribed. Men in preparation for conception should take 400 mcg of folic acid every day. Sometimes vitamin E is prescribed simultaneously with B9 to enhance sperm production (see more details here).

Daily consumption rate

For different ages, folic acid intake rates will differ:

  • It is recommended to give no more than 65 mcg to infants under six months of age;
  • children from 6 months to 1 year – up to 80 mcg;
  • from 1 year to 3 years – 150 mcg;
  • from 3 years to 14 – 16 years – about 200 mcg;
  • adult males and females should consume at least 400 mcg per day in food or with additional supplements;
  • Pregnant women need to follow a daily dose of 600 mcg to meet the needs of their body and provide sufficient amounts of the substance to the baby.

There are indications in which the norm of folic acid may be exceeded. For example, in case of injuries, when the body requires increased energy and nutrients to speed up the healing process of wounds and abrasions. The doctor can also select individual vitamin standards depending on the patient’s test results.

Doctor's opinion

Deviations in the formation and growth of the embryo occur in the first few weeks after fertilization.
A woman may not know about pregnancy when she does not plan to conceive. Both parents should start taking B9 during pregnancy planning. — Elicheva Lyudmila Fedorovna Obstetrician-gynecologist, Ph.D.

From about 16-20 days of embryogenesis, the process of neurulation (formation of the neural tube) occurs. With a lack of folic acid, the neural tube, which is the rudiment of the central nervous system, will not form correctly. This will lead to abnormalities in the development of the brain and spinal cord, up to anencephaly (lack of soft tissues of the head, bones of the cranial vault, and cerebral hemispheres).

Pregnant women need folacin for:

  • neurulation process;
  • formation of the placenta;
  • construction of an extensive vascular network of the placenta;
  • providing the placenta with immune protection;
  • preventing miscarriage;
  • reducing the risk of premature birth;
  • normal gestation;
  • supporting maternal health.

In early childhood, folic acid

is required for the child to grow and develop normally.

Formation of the fetal neural tube

With the phenomenon of gastrulation, a trilaminar germinal disc appears with three embryonic layers, which will give rise to the remaining organs of the unborn child: ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. Mesoderm cells initiate the formation of the notochord, a flexible rod structure that supports the embryo until the vertebral column is formed. On the other hand, ectoderm cells give rise to the neural tube, which will form the nervous system of the fetus.

Folic acid in foods

You can compensate for folic acid deficiency by consuming the following foods in your daily diet:

  • Greenery. Herbs from the garden and wild plants are the main source of vitamin B9. But most of this vitamin is found in spinach. 100 grams of its leaves contain 194 mcg, which is 49% of the daily value. A decent amount is found in wild garlic, lettuce, and parsley.
  • Nuts and sunflower seeds. Contained in walnuts, chickpeas, hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts. There are 240 mcg per 100 grams of nuts, which is more than half the daily requirement.
  • Beef and veal liver. 100 grams contain 290 mcg, which practically satisfies the daily need for the vitamin.
  • Vegetables. Especially any types of cabbage, cucumbers, beets, carrots, legumes, asparagus.
  • Fruits. Bananas, mangoes, kiwis, oranges, melons, papaya are high in folic acid.
  • Rose hip.
  • Raspberry leaves.
  • Mushrooms, especially champignons and boletus.
  • Cereals, especially barley.

All foods rich in vitamin B9 should be consumed fresh to a greater extent. Eat more salads, make smoothies, eat whole vegetables, fruits, nuts, lettuce and seeds. During heat treatment, some of the nutrients are destroyed, which leads to deficiencies and overeating.

Folic acid is important for the body of a child and an adult. It must be supplied in sufficient quantities daily to maintain a person’s health and well-being. The source of vitamin B9 is food. The diet should contain a sufficient amount of fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs. When folic acid enters the body, blood circulation improves, brain activity normalizes and performance increases.

Folates for men

About 10% of women become pregnant in the first year of marriage. That is, men also need to take folic acid when planning pregnancy, this increases the likelihood of conception.

In addition, Q9:

  • stimulates sperm formation;
  • enhances sperm activity;
  • maintains the quality and volume of seminal fluid;
  • prevents infertility;
  • has a tonic effect on the body;
  • reduces the number of mutations in male gametes, which reduces the likelihood of fertilization of an egg with a defective sperm and the birth of a child with congenital genetic syndromes;
  • reduces the risk of gestational complications;
  • activates the immune system.

Folate concentration levels are important for healthy spermatogenesis.

Destination Features

You should take folic acid following these rules:

  • do not miss an appointment;
  • with prolonged use, monitor the level of vitamin B12 in the blood;
  • take into account the dose in tablets and received with food to avoid overdose;
  • Do not choose medications on your own and do not change the dosage;
  • women need more folate than men;
  • warn the doctor about the treatment of chronic diseases;
  • be constantly monitored by a gynecologist;
  • consult a doctor if your health worsens;
  • notify the doctor immediately if ARVI or any inflammatory processes occur;
  • Do not use if you are hypersensitive.

Folacin is not absorbed or partially absorbed:

  • on an empty stomach;
  • when smoking;
  • alcoholism;
  • stress;
  • with lack of sleep;
  • hard work in hazardous industries;
  • taking antibiotics, hormones.

When planning pregnancy, alcohol, smoking, caffeinated drinks, and fast foods are excluded.

Mode of application

Almost 80% of women have a folate deficiency. If the couple has not previously thought about adding to the family, then they should start taking folic acid immediately upon learning about pregnancy. Early intake will help avoid the formation of fetal pathologies. During pregnancy, B9 is consumed quickly and must accumulate in sufficient concentration 2-3 months before conception.

The dosage to 1.5 mg or more (sometimes up to 5 mg) can be increased individually by the doctor. For example, with megaloblastic anemia, malabsorption syndrome, unbalanced nutrition, diseases of the digestive system.

When prescribing folic acid when planning pregnancy, the doctor should consider:

  • the presence of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, heart, blood vessels;
  • problems with the hematopoietic system;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • intolerance to foods containing folic acid;
  • undergoing antibacterial or hormonal therapy;
  • fetal pathologies in previous pregnancies;
  • repeated miscarriages;
  • depressive disorder.

The prescribed amount varies during the period of preparation for pregnancy and depends on the gestational age. The duration of the course in case of complicated gestation is determined by the gynecologist. An overdose of folic acid is rare, and its deficiency leads to tragic consequences. 6 hours after taking an increased dose, folates are excreted unchanged by the kidneys. But you cannot overload the body with vitamins, especially in case of serious illnesses.

Synthetic folates have greater bioavailability than the vitamin obtained from food. 1 mcg of natural B9 consumed with food is equivalent to 0.6 mcg of synthetic folic acid. Before conception, medications containing folate are prescribed. These substances dissolve in water and are not stored in tissues, so they require regular intake from food and tablets.

How to take folic acid when planning pregnancy , what medications, duration of use, and dosage are determined only by a doctor. You cannot prescribe medications for yourself. Reception begins 3-4 months, less often six months before conception. It all depends on the initial health of the future parents, who must undergo a comprehensive diagnosis. Usually the drug is taken throughout pregnancy and after childbirth. Folic acid is included in vitamin complexes, and it is also produced as a single drug in tablets. Drink in the dosage recommended by the gynecologist once a day after meals. Taking tablets on an empty stomach is prohibited, as folacin is not absorbed.

When prenatal vitamins containing folate are prescribed, additional B9 is not needed. You cannot take other drugs with it (anticonvulsants, antibiotics, cytostatics, painkillers, antimalarials, etc.).

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