Badger badger fat - description and instructions for use

Manufacturer: ZELDIS
Active ingredients
  • Not indicated. See instructions

Pharmacological action

  • Not indicated. See instructions
  • Composition of Badger badger fat
  • Indications for use of the drug Barsukor badger fat
  • Release form of the drug Barsukor badger fat
  • Use of the drug Barsukor badger fat during pregnancy
  • Contraindications to the use of the drug Barsukor badger fat
  • Method of administration and dosage of the drug Barsukor badger fat
  • Overdose of the drug Barsukor badger fat
  • Precautions when taking the drug Badger badger fat
  • Storage conditions for the drug Barsukor badger fat
  • Shelf life of the drug Barsukor badger fat

Best before date

18 months

Vitamins with similar effects

  • Betulanorm (Capsule)
  • For the genitourinary system Life formula (Capsule)
  • Coffeeberry (Capsule)
  • Sana-Sol - Vitamin C (Oral tablets)
  • Pancreavit (Capsule)
  • Blue blackberry, leaves (Briquet)
  • St. John's wort (Oral tablets)

The description of the vitamin Badger badger fat is intended for informational purposes only. Before starting to use any drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor and read the instructions for use. For more complete information, please refer to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not self-medicate; EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal. Any information on the project does not replace consultation with a specialist and cannot be a guarantee of the positive effect of the drug you use. The opinions of EUROLAB portal users may not coincide with the opinions of the site Administration.

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The benefits of badger fat for the body

Badger fat is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements that are completely absorbed by the human body and give good health, beauty and youth. Since ancient times, it has been famous for delivering nutrients to the body’s cells and being a natural component for humans.

The benefits of badger fat for the body

The medicinal properties of badger fat are associated with the habit of animals to hibernate, surviving due to a special state of the body, similar to suspended animation, and reserves of subcutaneous fat. These reserves consist not only of fats and fatty acids, but also contain a complex of vitamins and can act as a natural antibiotic, immunomodulator and even an antiseptic. The result is a powerful remedy that can regulate the functioning of the immune system, metabolic processes and defeat many serious diseases.

What else is badger fat useful for: oleic acids are involved in the metabolism of any warm-blooded creature, and therefore can influence the development and spread of malignant tumors and foci of disease. A complex of vitamins (A and B are the main ones) helps the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, liver, and kidneys. There is also a beneficial effect on the course of regeneration of wounds and damage, accelerated restoration of skin and hair.

Cold protection

In winter, badger fat is useful for protecting against the cold and treating possible local frostbite. When going outside in the cold, it is good to use special creams and balms, greasy hygienic lipstick, which contain badger fat. Its warming properties and ability to retain heat are actively used in children's cosmetics, because in cold weather a child's delicate skin needs special protection. Badger fat, which is part of children's creams, protects children's skin from the adverse effects of the external environment and at the same time softens it, preventing it from becoming rough in the cold.

What badger fat helps with - list of diseases

Badger fat is most useful for bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis and other pulmonary diseases. We can safely say that problems with the respiratory tract are the most promising area of ​​its application. The suppression of pathogenic microflora of the lungs and bronchi is so radical that badger fat is actively used to treat cough with folk remedies in both children and adults.

The low price of badger lard makes it an indispensable drug for getting rid of many organic problems of varying severity:

  1. Immune system disorders;
  2. Diseases of the respiratory system and respiratory tract: sore throat, acute respiratory infections, flu, sinusitis, runny nose;
  3. Gastrointestinal diseases;
  4. Open wounds and burns, frostbite;
  5. Diseases and injuries of joints;
  6. Diseases of the skin of the body and head, hair problems, dermatitis, eczema;
  7. Infection of wounds from insect and animal bites.
  8. Insomnia, fatigue, depression

And all this is done with virtually no side effects. Reviews of badger fat claim that when badger fat is used correctly, treatment goes smoothly. It is quickly absorbed by the body, the main thing is to know the dosage. It is necessary to take into account the person's weight, age, body weight and concomitant diseases. Hereditary factors and much more are taken into account.

Treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Badger fat is known for its healing properties for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is rubbed into the affected areas of the joints and muscles. Take about 80-100 grams of fat, mix with any cosmetic oil in a ratio of 1:3 - three parts badger fat and one part oil.

For additional effect, you can add eucalyptus or lavender essential oil. For easier application, before mixing with the other components, badger fat must be melted in a water bath.

It is better to apply the resulting mixture to painful areas with massage movements, then wrap it in a warm scarf or blanket.

Expectorant action

One of the important beneficial properties of the folk remedy is its expectorant effect on the body. Penetrating into the respiratory tract, the active components in the product liquefy and remove toxic substances and mucus accumulated during illness from the throat and lungs. That is why badger fat is considered effective in the treatment and prevention of colds that occur with a dry or wet cough, as well as respiratory diseases, such as pneumonia or bronchitis. For such diseases, badger fat is usually used orally in liquid form, and for those who cannot tolerate the specific smell and feeling of fat in the mouth, it is recommended to take it in tablets or capsules.

Treatment of diseases of the digestive system

Folk recipes suggest treating gastritis and stomach ulcers with badger fat. However, before use, consultation with a doctor is required. Depending on the stage of the disease, there may be contraindications.

If your doctor has approved taking a natural remedy, you can use one of the recipes that offers:

- twice a day, before meals, take half a teaspoon of fat

- if there is no tendency to an allergic reaction, then you can stir a teaspoon of fat in a glass of milk with honey.

It is recommended not to exceed the course of treatment for more than one month. In addition, to increase the effectiveness of taking badger fat for gastritis or ulcers, it should be taken before the main medications.

Application in cosmetology

Nowadays, when issues of ecology and the natural composition of consumer products are especially relevant, badger fat has become actively used in cosmetology. As a natural active ingredient, it is added to creams and other cosmetic products for face and body care. Thanks to the three active substances contained in badger fat: retinol, tocopherol and polyunsaturated fatty acids, badger fat cream has a powerful antioxidant effect, promotes rapid cell regeneration, thus increasing skin elasticity and prolonging its youth and healthy state. You have learned about the many beneficial properties of badger fat. All that remains is to choose the appropriate form of release of the product in order to be fully armed and always have this well-known folk remedy at hand in order to use it for the benefit of yourself and your loved ones.

Product Feature

Badger fat contains a huge amount of saturated and polyunsaturated acids. In combination with other useful components, the product has a complex positive effect. If you take badger fat in capsules in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations, you can improve the functioning of the heart, brain and central nervous system. The following components are important in its composition:

Saturated and polyunsaturated acids are important for normalizing metabolism. According to experts, these substances are oncoprotectors. Badger fat is used for external use to heal wounds and skin lesions. This is facilitated by the following components in its composition:

  • Lecithin. It has regenerating properties and, when used internally, normalizes lipid metabolism. The substance reduces the level of bad cholesterol, which minimizes the risk of developing atherosclerosis.
  • Xanthophyll. This substance belongs to the group of carotenoids. They accelerate the healing of the epidermis and are widely used in cosmetology.
  • Vitamin A. This is a powerful antioxidant that is an active participant in intercellular metabolic processes. It promotes tissue regeneration and slows down the aging process of the skin.
  • Vitamin E. The substance has a beneficial effect on the skin and helps keep it in good condition.
  • B vitamins. They participate in all vital processes in the human body and maintain normal hormonal levels.

Benefits for the immune system

What are the benefits of badger fat for the human immune system? Vitamin B, which is part of badger fat, helps improve the protective functions of the immune system, vitamin A and retinol are indispensable in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms, dangerous irritants of the human immune system. Therefore, badger fat is extremely useful for strengthening the immune system. As a preventive measure and support for the body in the winter, as well as during exacerbation of viral infections, it is recommended to use badger fat and take it in a course of 2 to 4 weeks in small doses in liquid form or in tablets. This same therapy is great for treating general body fatigue or insomnia.

Where to buy badger fat and how to choose

How to drink badger fat
It is quite difficult for an inexperienced consumer to find a truly high-quality, fresh and concentrated product. Many suppliers freely dilute the natural composition with ordinary animal fats up to a content of 5% of the original lard. If you're lucky, you can buy a 20% mixture.

To extend shelf life, preservatives are added to the composition. Spoiled products are revived with dyes and flavors to hide the substandard quality. Particularly brazen scammers simply and easily sell simple rendered lard, passing it off as a valuable product obtained from a wild animal.

That is why just knowing what badger fat helps with will not help in treating the disease if the product in front of you is of low quality. Even if you drink badger fat correctly, it will still not give the desired effect.

Especially for you, we have compiled some recommendations that will help you distinguish natural badger fat from a fake:

  • Spoiled or substandard goods smell rotten and give a rancid taste;
  • Distinct in color from milky white, yellowish or beige;
  • Packaged in plastic containers, sold and stored in them;
  • At room temperature it does not melt or spread across the bottom of the container;
  • The diluted product does not harden in the refrigerator.

On the other hand, attempts to counterfeit medicinal lard indicate that genuine medical value generates real demand. The medicine exists and works - it has been tested by our ancestors.

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