Borovaya uterus: medicinal properties and contraindications

Table of contents

  • Medicinal properties of boron uterus
  • Indications for treatment with boron uterus
  • Recipe for tincture of boron uterus
  • Recipe for boron uterus infusion
  • How long does it take to be treated with boron uterus?

Borovaya uterus is the popular name for the medicinal plant “Ortilia lopsided”. The use of the herb covers a range of gynecological diseases in women - both acute inflammatory and chronic.

Many women's ailments, especially if they are neglected, lead to serious complications - including infertility and oncology. A preventive course of boron uterus once a year will be useful for women who have suffered gynecological inflammation, cystitis, salpingitis, pyelonephritis. The healing properties of boron uterus are also successfully used by men.

What does the hog queen look like and where does it grow?

Upland uterus grass
Upland uterus, hare salt, forest pear, side flower, pear - this is not a complete list of popular names for a modest low plant that grows in coniferous and mixed forests, on the edges and in forest ravines of the Northern Hemisphere.

Orthilia secunda (lat. Orthilia secunda) is the scientific name of this herb. The height of the shoots is no more than 30 cm, the round leaves are dark green, it blooms in late June and July. The flowers are inconspicuous white-green, collected on one side, like a lily of the valley, round bells hanging from one side. Hence the name.

Ortilia is a perennial plant that reproduces due to the rapid growth of rhizomes (up to 1 m per year) and seeds that ripen in green boxes at the end of August. In our country, the hog queen is found in Siberia , the Far East , in the foothills and forests of the European part, and loves dry places. It does not lose its properties and grows well in summer cottages, like creeping cover grass in the shade of trees (just do not fertilize it with chemicals).

How to establish the correct diagnosis?

Nabothian cysts are usually identified by a gynecologist during an examination. Often this is enough. Sometimes the disease is detected during a pelvic ultrasound, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, when the cervix is ​​examined.

If after examination by a gynecologist the diagnosis is still unclear, a colposcopy is performed - examination of the cervix using a special instrument under magnification. This study is also carried out at the ProfMedLab clinic. You can read about what it is and how the procedure goes here.

If an area of ​​the cervical mucosa looks suspicious, the gynecologist will perform a biopsy. He will obtain a fragment of the altered tissue and send it to the laboratory for examination under a microscope.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of Ortilia is one-sided and complex, but has been studied quite well. The content of active ingredients varies depending on the weather, age of the plant, soil composition, collection time and processing conditions of the raw materials. I will list the main components that are important to us and their properties.

  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is one of the important vitamins for the normal functioning of the body, increases resistance to infections, takes part in the formation of hormones, and promotes tissue restoration when damaged.
  • Organic acids (tartaric, citric) are antioxidants, accelerate metabolism, improve energy metabolism, exhibit detoxification properties, and normalize the pH balance of the skin.
  • Microelements (iron, copper, zinc, manganese, titanium) - participate in metabolic processes. Iron is the main structural element of blood hemoglobin, copper is involved in all redox processes, zinc supports immunity and normal growth and functioning of the gonads, metabolism. Manganese is necessary for the normal functioning of the gonads and the musculoskeletal system. Titanium enhances metabolism, helps mobile joints, is a strong antioxidant, and improves blood composition.
  • Phytohormones (phytoprogesterone, phytoestrogen) - similar to human hormones, normalize the menstrual cycle, reduce the symptoms of menopause, stimulate the production of callagen and elastane.
  • Coumarins - thins the blood, prevents blood clots, diuretic.
  • Tannins – astringent, anti-inflammatory effect. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, inflammation of the mucous membranes, skin.
  • Flavonoids – antioxidants, choleretic properties, reduces the risk of prostate cancer in men by 30%, reduces the content of lipids (fats) in the blood, cardioprotective effect, improves intestinal function.
  • Quinones – antibacterial, antiviral, antitumor properties.
  • Arbutin – anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, diuretic effect. Whitens skin, protects from UV.
  • Iridoids – increase immunity, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, affect the endocrine and hormonal system.
  • Saponins - increase the production of mucus in the bronchi, vaginal, and stomach.

When is drug therapy used?

Non-surgical therapy is not effective for all types of tumors. To determine the type of cavity, a woman needs to undergo a series of instrumental tests. Among them, ultrasound is the most accessible. Treatment with drugs is permissible only when functional ovarian cysts occur with hormonal imbalance. They appear after the natural release of the follicle from the ovary is disrupted or when the corpus luteum is insufficiently reabsorbed. The pathology can be complicated by the appearance of several capsules, which becomes the cause of polycystic disease.

In the absence of hormonal treatment, the most negative consequence of tumors in the gonads is infertility. In most cases, drug therapy gives women a chance to further conceive.

Medicinal properties of boron uterus

The healing properties of boron uterus are due to its chemical composition. Biologically active substances are involved in many processes in our body, have a beneficial effect on metabolism and energy metabolism, and increase immunity. The content of phytohormones restores the female reproductive system, stops the development of tumors, and helps with menopause. Anti-inflammatory, regenerating abilities have found their use in gastrointestinal diseases. A strong natural antioxidant allows you to preserve natural beauty for many years. Let's consider the main areas of application.

Description of pharmacological action

The herb Ortilia lopsided (hog uterus) is used for infertility, to normalize the menstrual cycle and prevent inflammatory gynecological diseases and cysts. Oregano herb (motherberry) has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, calming effect, relieves spasms, relieves pain during menstruation, and alleviates menopause. Rose hips - rejuvenate cells throughout the body, reduce the fragility of blood vessels, and are rich in natural vitamin C, which increases their vitality. Meadowsweet herb reduces inflammation and has a hemostatic effect. Chamomile flowers (mother herb) - used for painful menstruation and dysmenorrhea. They have anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, analgesic effects, and eliminate spasms.

Main directions of application of boron uterus


Gynecology is the main area of ​​application of the boron uterus. Gynecological problems are often associated with hormonal imbalances; before taking the herb, it is necessary to donate blood for hormones and check hormone levels several times throughout treatment.

Infertility in women can be associated with poor tubal patency (adhesions in the tubes), inflammatory processes in the ovaries or uterine mucosa. In these cases, the use of boron uterus preparations orally and douching with a decoction in complex therapy, as prescribed by a doctor, will help to conceive a child. Hormonal levels are restored, the mucous secretion of the uterus becomes more liquid and is ready to accept the fertilized egg. The anti-inflammatory and regenerating and antimicrobial effect stops pathological processes, the woman is able to bear a child.

For fidelity, it is better to take the uterus and your partner, prostatitis, inflammation, hemorrhoids go away, libido and sperm quality increase. In the first stages, boron uterus helps maintain pregnancy, but closer to the second trimester you should stop taking the herb so as not to provoke bleeding. You need to stop gradually, without disturbing the hormonal balance in the body.

Cysts , fibroids , polycystic ovary syndrome , endometriosis - all these neoplasms depend on hormone levels. They often appear against the background of hormonal imbalance and also disappear when the hormonal levels return to normal. Ortilia one-sided lowers estrogen and normalizes hormones.

Erosion , adnexitis , thrush , the miracle herb can also cope with this. The inflammation will pass, the erosion will drag on, and a strong immune system will prevent candidiasis .

The uterus normalizes the menstrual cycle and pain goes away. But during menstruation, it is necessary to stop taking it so as not to increase bleeding.

During menopause, phytohormones in the uterus make it easier to endure the complex process of restructuring the body. Antioxidants slow down the aging of the entire body.


In type 2 diabetes, metabolic processes in the body are disrupted; the boron uterus restores them at the cellular level and reduces the consequences and complications.

For women suffering from tumors in the breast (mastopathy, fibroma), having problems with the thyroid gland or adrenal glands, the boron uterus will help normalize hormones. Plant hormones estrogen and progesterone are similar to human ones and successfully replace them.

Nephrology and urology

Any inflammation in the genitourinary area can be successfully treated with the boron uterus. It has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, a mild analgesic effect and a diuretic. This is necessary for the treatment of cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, pyelonephritis, and kidney inflammation. Suppositories for hemorrhoids with boron uterus enhance healing.

General therapy

If tests show a low level of estrogen, due to hormonal imbalance, it is better to stop taking boron uterus; it can lower it even more. In other cases, the herb will bring hormones back to normal.

With edema, the diuretic property of the boron uterus will help. Gastrointestinal problems (enteritis, colitis, gastritis, ulcers) are treated with boron uterus carefully during the period of exacerbation. Substances in the plant have a slight irritant effect on the gastric mucosa, stimulate mucus production, and enhance intestinal function. It helps with constipation and sluggish bowels.

In case of gout, it is important to restore the impaired metabolism. The choleretic effect helps with cholecystitis. Borovaya uterus has antitumor properties. A strong antioxidant, immunomodulator copes with chronic diseases, resolves benign tumors, and has a general healing effect on the entire body. It becomes easier to fight diseases; arthritis, rheumatism, and radiculitis are no longer such a concern. By drinking boron uterus for prevention, you normalize energy metabolism, metabolism and hormonal levels. Improves mood, libido and activity.

When losing weight

Excess weight is gained due to hormonal imbalances and improper metabolism. By taking boron uterus, you restore these disorders and increase the overall tone of the whole body. There is a desire to move, play sports, and with minimal dietary restrictions, the weight will begin to creep down.

In cosmetology

Arbutin has been used in cosmetology for a long time, a substance contained in ortilia lopsided, it can suppress cells that contribute to the production of melatonin, protects against UV exposure, has an antiseptic effect, reduces inflammation and the appearance of acne. Arbutin is included in creams for lightening age spots and prevents the appearance of new spots. The natural component does not cause allergies, the stain begins to disappear after 20-30 days, during which time the skin is renewed.

Hair loss is a hot topic for men of all ages. Excess testosterone (male sex hormone) leads to early baldness. If you use the hog uterus to restore hormonal levels at the initial stage, the process can be slowed down or stopped. If baldness has already progressed, only a hair transplant will help.

Beneficial properties of mother liquor

Thanks to its unique composition, ortilia has a wide range of medicinal properties; with the help of this herb you can eliminate the manifestations of various diseases and avoid the development of serious complications.

Indications for use:

  • cardiological and vascular pathologies;
  • chronic and acute inflammatory processes;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • diseases of the kidneys, bladder, digestive tract;
  • prevention of ischemia;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • rheumatism, radiculitis;
  • the presence of tumors of malignant origin - ortilia prevents the growth of cancer cells.

Borovaya uterus is recommended for rheumatism

The mother liquor has a noticeable rejuvenating effect and helps strengthen the immune system. The herb helps improve the condition of diabetes, dysfunction of the pancreas and thyroid gland.

Benefits for women

Despite its wide spectrum of action, boron uterus is most often used for women's diseases - hormonal imbalance, painful periods or their absence, infertility, inflammation and neoplasms of various origins in the uterus, ovaries, and mammary glands.

What does ortilia help with in gynecology:

  • eliminates the manifestation of PMS, normalizes the female cycle;
  • infertility, hormonal imbalance;
  • adhesions and inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • endometriosis;
  • fibroids, fibroids, polyps;
  • mastopathy;
  • candidiasis, cervical erosion;
  • during pregnancy, the likelihood of miscarriage decreases, manifestations of early and late toxicosis disappear;
  • During menopause, the mother liquor helps get rid of insomnia, hot flashes, and depression.

Ortilia helps in the treatment of mastopathy.
You should start taking medications based on ortilia immediately after the end of your period. You should not take medications directly during menstruation.

How to take boron uterus?

Tincture of boron uterus 174₽

Borovaya uterus for oral administration is used in the form of a water infusion or decoction, in the form of an alcohol tincture. You can buy ortilia one-sided tea with other herbs, drops, dry herbs, extract in capsules, tablets. Oil infusion for gynecological tampons, infusion for douching, rectal suppositories. Alcohol tincture is more effective. Capsules and tablets are more convenient to take.

The dosage is approximately the same: 30 drops of alcohol tincture 3 times a day before meals,

A tablespoon of water infusion 3 times a day before meals. The dosage should not be exceeded, the chemical composition is quite serious, some substances can cause intoxication of the body.

You need to take boron uterus taking into account the age, weight, condition of the patient, his tests, and only as prescribed by a doctor.

General regimen for the treatment of infertility for women

If the level of your estrogen in the blood is low, then discuss the treatment regimen with your doctor; you may have to stop taking it so as not to lower estrogen even further. With normal hormonal background, they drink boron uterus in the second half of the cycle after ovulation, before the onset of menstruation, and stop drinking during bleeding. In case of infertility, treatment can take a long time, we drink 3 menstrual cycles, rest for 1 cycle. And repeat this, checking the blood for the amount of sex hormones once every 3 months.

For men

The course is 2-3 months, prophylaxis is 3 weeks once a year.

Douching with a hog queen

Douching is carried out in parallel with the main treatment. Pour 2 tablespoons of dry herb with a glass of boiling water and leave for 3 hours. Douche 2-3 times a day for a month, take a 1 month break and repeat until the problem is eliminated.


All doctors unanimously categorically prohibit taking boron uterus during menstruation. The plant has the ability to increase bleeding. During the onset of menstruation, it is imperative to take a break from treatment until it ends completely. You can resume taking it after 5 days have passed since the last day of discharge.

As previously written, when treating infertility after conceiving a child, you must continue to take the drug as protection against miscarriage. Please note that it is not recommended to use boron uterus in the second and third trimesters. Since there is a possible toxic effect on the child in the womb, and there is also a possibility of pregnancy fading.

It is necessary to start taking Ortilia unilateral only after all hormone tests have been carried out.

It is worth considering that sellers of dietary supplements never provide complete information about the side effects and contraindications of this “herb for 40 ailments.” As a result, consultation with a doctor and pharmacist is mandatory, because taking it in the wrong dosage can cause much more problems in the body.

Compatibility of the hog queen

With hormonal drugs

Hormone therapy cannot be carried out together with taking boron uterus.

With antidepressants

We do not recommend drinking boron uterus with drugs that affect hormonal balance. Antidepressants are taken to get rid of depression, and depression most often occurs due to low levels of serotonin in the blood. By artificially increasing serotonin, the medicine changes hormonal levels.

With antibiotics

Antibiotics do not affect hormones. Affects intestinal microflora, liver and sperm count in men. Spermatozoa are damaged and become inactive; recovery takes 3 months. It is better to drink boron uterus after antibiotics in order to quickly return to normal.

With alcohol

A person who drinks frequently produces the stress hormone cortisol. If you don’t stop drinking, excess cortisol accumulates, and the adrenal glands, while processing alcohol, release an excess of adrenaline. This already affects hormonal levels. In men who constantly drink beer, testosterone decreases and estrogen (the female sex hormone) begins to be produced, breasts enlarge, the abdomen grows, and libido decreases. In women who drink, on the contrary, estrogen decreases, their voice becomes rougher, and facial hair appears. By changing hormonal levels, alcohol is not compatible with the uterus.

Indications for use

Due to its rich composition and numerous medicinal properties, ortilia is widely used in folk and traditional medicine. Many doctors prescribe this plant to treat the following pathologies:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • cough with difficult to clear sputum;
  • renal dysfunction;
  • infertility, adnexitis, ovarian cysts;
  • mastopathy;
  • radiculitis, rheumatism;
  • benign and malignant tumors of various locations.

Borovaya uterus can be taken for general strengthening purposes, but in this case the dosage should be minimal. The plant affects hormonal levels, so there may be negative consequences of uncontrolled use of the herb.

The main purpose of the boron uterus is the treatment of gynecological diseases. Doctors prescribe Ortilia to women who cannot get pregnant and are being treated for inflammatory processes and neoplasms. The plant has repeatedly proven its effectiveness, so it is recommended even by those who do not encourage the use of traditional medicine.

Contraindications and side effects of boron uterus

Like any other medicinal drug, boron uterus can be taken only as prescribed by a doctor, after donating blood for biochemistry and hormones. Monitoring, compliance with the dosage and duration of administration are necessary.

Main contraindications and side effects:

  • individual intolerance;
  • children up to 14 years old,
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes, adhesions prevent the egg from entering the uterus (threat of ectopic pregnancy), or exclude the possibility of pregnancy during the treatment of adhesions;
  • pregnancy (in the early stages, the uterus helps the fertilized egg to gain a foothold in the uterus, and in later stages it can provoke a miscarriage);
  • lactation;
  • should not be taken during menstruation;
  • should not be taken during periods of exacerbation of gastritis;
  • allergic reaction (headaches, migraines, nausea, diarrhea);
  • should not be taken if blood clotting is low; the herb contains coumarins, which thin the blood.

The mechanism of influence of phytohormones and biologically active substances is complex and requires an individual approach . If, after taking tincture or capsules of boron uterus, headaches begin, migraine is better to stop treatment and after a while reduce the dose and try again, if the symptoms recur, do not risk it anymore.

In some cases, after the start of treatment, an exacerbation of chronic diseases occurs. This is a natural process, all hidden diseases appear. Report any changes in your body to your doctor and seek advice.

Pharmacy forms of release of the medicinal herb boar's uterus

Pharmaceutical companies produce drugs based on natural medicines containing active substances.

  • herbal dry raw materials in packaging;
  • ointment;
  • herbal tea;
  • syrup;
  • tincture, syrup and extract in bottles;
  • in capsules, dragees and tablets;
  • in drops;
  • tampons and suppositories.

To maintain vital functions, the body needs to receive glucose and flavonoids. Therefore, boron uterus is used in the form of dietary supplements.

Pharmaceutical raw materials have different grinding sizes , therefore, to accurately maintain the proportions, it is recommended to prepare the medicine according to the manufacturer’s recipe.

Doctors' opinions and reviews

Treatment with herbal medicines is considered in modern science as the most ancient, and at the same time, promising therapy that fully complies with the requirements of classical (scientific) and traditional (folk) medicine. Why invent a pill with the properties of boron uterus, if nature has provided us with an excellent remedy that can help in the treatment of many diseases.

Gynecologists and urologists have long recommended this herb for the treatment and prevention of problems in the genitourinary system and the stronger half of humanity and the fair sex. The Jet-Life company has released a line of medicines with Ortilia lopsided extract. Raw materials were harvested in ecologically clean areas of Siberia, in the north of the Tomsk region. Technological processes are controlled at all stages. The Jet-Life company cooperates with pharmacies and highly specialized doctors, studies patient reviews and the opinions of medical professionals.

Doctors speak differently about the effectiveness of the boron uterus, but there are no reviews about the uselessness of this treatment. Many people are concerned about the complex chemical composition and contraindications. Each drug is provided with instructions for use, which must be followed and not self-medicated. When used correctly, in small doses, poison is a medicine, and sugar can be deadly if in excess.

Preparation and storage

For treatment, leaves, stems and flowers are used, that is, everything that is above the ground. The grass is collected during its flowering or after. The middle of the summer season or late autumn is suitable for this. Just before the onset of winter, the boron uterus contains the maximum amount of useful substances that are so valued in folk medicine.

It should be remembered that if any parts of it get wet from rain or snow, they must be used immediately. For long-term use, the plant should be collected only in dry weather.

The boron uterus should be stored in ventilated areas.

To dry the plant, you need to spread the collected parts in a thin layer in the open air. Do not expose the grass to the sun or use additional heat elements. That is, drying occurs only naturally. This contributes to the preservation of all valuable properties in the boron uterus.

You can store dried herbs in containers with good air access. For example, cardboard boxes, fabric or paper bags. The room in which you will store must have a low level of humidity and be well ventilated.

Under the right conditions, the safety of valuable substances will be guaranteed for a year.

Use for infertility

Infertility is not one specific disease that has a single cause. This is just a term that means that in its current state the reproductive system is not ready for pregnancy. Infertility has dozens of causes, completely different in nature. Doctors conduct many studies to find out the main etiological factor. Subsequently, quite complex and targeted treatment is carried out to eliminate the cause of infertility and restore fertility. Is it possible to imagine that the hog uterus is capable of eliminating all causes of reproductive dysfunction at the same time?

Treatment of infertility with herbs is impossible. It is not even always amenable to therapy using hormonal drugs. There is not the slightest sense in taking boron uterus for infertility.

There are the following main factors of infertility:

  • tubo-peritoneal;
  • endocrine;
  • uterine;
  • immunological;
  • endometriosis.
  • woman's fertility.

Based on certain factors, there are dozens of different disorders and diseases that can lead to deterioration of reproductive function. For example, let's take endocrine infertility. It may be caused by dysfunction of various organs:

  • ovaries;
  • pituitary gland;
  • hypothalamus;
  • pancreas;
  • thyroid gland;
  • adrenal glands

Each gland produces several hormones. An excessive increase or decrease in the level of one of them can lead to changes in the level of secretion of other hormones. As a result, reproductive function is impaired. And to find out exactly what hormonal disorders caused infertility, and then eliminate them, requires a lot of effort. It would be naive to believe that the uterus is capable of independently assessing the level of hormones in the blood, and then increasing or decreasing the secretion of exactly the hormone that is responsible for impairing a woman’s fertility.

Possible causes of endocrine infertility:

  • lack of estrogen;
  • progesterone deficiency;
  • excess prolactin;
  • lack or excess of thyroid hormones;
  • increased production of androgens, etc.

Is it possible to believe that the boron uterus will simultaneously regulate the functioning of all endocrine glands and normalize the secretion of all hormones? As a result, eggs in the woman’s body will begin to mature normally, the endometrium will grow and pregnancy will occur! Of course, only a person who is far from medicine and does not understand how the reproductive system functions can dream about this.

Use for uterine bleeding

Uterine bleeding is a symptom of many diseases. Like infertility, it is not one specific pathology that has a single cause. Many different disorders in a woman’s body can cause bleeding. This is most often either hormonal dysfunction or organic pathology of the uterus.

The hog uterus cannot eliminate the main causes of uterine bleeding. These are:

  • infectious inflammatory processes in the uterus;
  • oncological formations, including malignant ones;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • disorders in the blood coagulation system;
  • hyperplastic processes and endometrial polyps;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • endometriosis.

Often the ability of the hog uterus to stop uterine bleeding is explained by the so-called “normalization of hormonal levels.” But in fact, the endocrine system is very complex, and it is impossible to regulate it by taking one plant. In addition, most causes of bleeding are not hormonal, but organic. Typically, in women with bleeding, fibroids or endometrial polyps are found in the uterus. The hog queen cannot eliminate them.

The only effect that can be counted on is hemostatic. It allows you to reduce the amount of blood loss. But herbal hemostatic agents are very weak. They reduce the amount of blood loss during bleeding by a maximum of 5-10%, which does not play a significant role in the risk of anemia and does not generally affect the clinical course of the underlying pathology that provokes recurrent bleeding.

special instructions

Some manufacturers recommend taking boron uterus to relieve symptoms of early toxicosis. In fact, the instructions for any supplement based on this plant state that it is prohibited during pregnancy. In addition, you will not receive real help against toxicosis. Therefore, it is better not to take risks and not to use boron uterus during gestation. There is currently no evidence that it is safe. And in the first trimester, if the plant disrupts the formation of the internal organs of the fetus, the consequences can be critical.


Borovaya uterus can have different prices, depending on the manufacturer and form of release. The cheapest grass is in its natural form. For example, Borovaya uterus Evalar costs 200 rubles for 30 g. In filter bags, the same plant costs 250 rubles. You can save money if you buy a boron uterus produced by Herbes. In this case, for 30 g of herb you will pay only 40 rubles.

Borovaya uterus in tablets (forte) costs 130 rubles for 30 pieces. Take them 3 tablets a day. Accordingly, a monthly course of treatment will cost approximately 500 rubles.


  • Borovaya uterus Health
  • Upland queen Evalar
  • Tea drink Borovaya uterus Biokor
  • Borovaya uterus Narine (Rainbow series of Altai Mountains)
  • Merzan's hogweed (tincture)
  • Ortilia One-Sided Lecra-Seth
  • Herbal tea Altai No. 2 for women
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