Amplipulse therapy as a type of physiotherapy for diseases of the musculoskeletal system

The answer to the question, what is it? amplipulstherapy, it’s worth starting with the fact that this is one of the types of physiotherapy that is prescribed quite often, as it demonstrates effectiveness and versatility. This is the method for musculoskeletal diseases system was developed in 1963 by V.G. Yasnogorodsky together with M.A. Ravich, and during this time managed to establish itself as an effective means for independent and auxiliary treatment.

What are the benefits of amplipulstery?

The procedures help reduce the pain threshold . This can be achieved through a separate series of impulses, which penetrates the source of pain and blocks the pain dominant, and in addition provokes the production of endorphin in the brain. A significant reduction in pain is observed in more than 90% of patients .

Additional benefits of amplipulstery:

  • improved blood circulation, increased venous outflow, thereby minimizing the risk of formation of stagnant areas;
  • activation of metabolism;
  • improvement of the functional state of the central nervous system;

If a child is diagnosed with disturbances in the hormonal system , amplipulstery is also often prescribed as an adjuvant along with drug treatment.

The therapeutic effect of SMT on the body

Amplipulse therapy has the following therapeutic effects:

  • Dilates blood vessels and improves tissue trophism.
  • Relieves pain and inflammation.
  • Reduces spasm of skeletal muscles.
  • Improves skin condition, color, tone, elasticity.
  • Stimulates the transmission of nerve impulses between neurons, activates the respiratory and vasomotor centers in the medulla oblongata.
  • Improves the tone of smooth muscle muscles of organs.
  • Normalizes hormone production.

What is amplipulstery in comparison with electrophoresis?

Direct current has a little more impact because it is more intense. The healing properties accumulate from procedure to procedure, and it is also possible to reduce the risk of allergic reactions:

  • redness;
  • itching;
  • burning.

Amplipulse therapy is most often prescribed for diseases of the musculoskeletal system , and it is convenient that the hardware complex can be fixed on different parts of the body to improve the direct effect.

Methodology for conducting SMT therapy

And now in more detail what kind of procedure SMT therapy is. Before prescribing amplipulse therapy, the patient is examined by a doctor, talks with him, studies medical documents, and expert opinions. After deciphering the tests and the results of additional research methods, the doctor makes a diagnosis. Checks the equipment for compliance with safety regulations, selects the mode, current strength, and the place to be affected.

The patient removes clothing from an area of ​​the body, hydrophilic pads and electrodes are applied to the skin, and they are fixed. Turn on the device and monitor the tolerability of the procedure. If you feel well, the duration of the session is gradually increased. One electrical therapy session lasts from 10 to 25 minutes. The course of treatment is 10–15 procedures. They are usually carried out every other day. If necessary, combine with other physiotherapeutic procedures and drug treatment.

SMT therapy, or amplipulse therapy, is a safe and effective method of treating many diseases. Knowledge of the indications and contraindications for SMT therapy, the use of modern equipment and the extensive experience of the physiotherapist make it possible to achieve a good therapeutic effect and reduce the likelihood of side effects and complications.

Author of the article

: Plyuto Nina Mikhailovna, general practitioner of the first qualification category.

For what other diseases is amplipultherapy relevant?

  • Gastritis;
  • Spastic paralysis;
  • Bronchitis and bronchial asthma;
  • Urolithiasis disease;
  • Arthritis.

As an additional treatment, amplipultherapy is indispensable for recovery after surgery, for the treatment of damage to the anterior part of the eye, and corneal dystrophy. Modulation allows you to convert the frequency of the current so that the effect does not take long to appear. Complex amplipulstery procedures are also prescribed for viral and infectious-inflammatory skin diseases .

The procedures are effective at different ages, but during amplipulstery sessions for children, weaker frequencies are established. To minimize risks, the exposure time is also reduced in the first treatment sessions.

Sinusoidal modulated currents – Amplipulse therapy

Amplipulse therapy is the use of sinusoidal modulated currents (SMC) for therapeutic purposes. SMTs are currents of alternating direction with a carrier frequency from 2 to 10 kHz, modulated by low frequency from 1 to 150 Hz and amplitude.

Due to the relatively high carrier frequency, this current does not encounter significant skin resistance, passes freely deep into the tissues without causing noticeable irritation of skin receptors, so there is no burning sensation under the electrodes. Due to the low modulation frequency, the current has an active effect on deeply located tissues. By changing the modulation parameters, you can obtain a variety of therapeutic effects: analgesic, stimulating, antispasmodic, improving blood supply, etc.

For amplipulse therapy, generation of five main types of work is provided:

  • CMT 1 (constant modulation, I PP) is a continuous sinusoidal current with a carrier frequency of 5 kHz (or another at the doctor’s choice), which can be modulated at a low fixed frequency (in the range of 1 - 150 Hz) and in amplitude with varying depths. Of all types of work, it has the least stimulating effect, which increases with decreasing modulation frequency and increasing its depth. The SMT 1 current increases the electrical conductivity of tissues, potentiating the effect of other SMTs, therefore it is often used as an introductory current, has a short-term analgesic effect, and has good electrophoretic ability.
  • SMT 2 (send - pause, II PP) is actually SMT 1, which is supplied intermittently. This current has a pronounced stimulating effect on the neuromuscular system and is used for electrical stimulation.
  • SMT 3 (message - carrier frequency, III PP) is an alternation of SMT 1 sendings (low-frequency modulated current) with sendings of unmodulated current with a frequency of 5 kHz (or another, at the doctor’s choice). It has a long-lasting analgesic effect and has a less pronounced neurostimulating effect; this current has an anti-edema, anti-inflammatory and anti-spastic effect.
  • SMT 4 (intermittent frequencies, IV PP) is a current in which a sinusoidal current modulated by two low frequencies alternates. This type of current has the greatest analgesic effect, which increases significantly as the difference between the selected modulation frequency and the frequency of 150 Hz decreases. As this difference increases, the stimulating and trophic-stimulating effect increases.
  • SMT 5 (intermittent frequencies - pause, V PP) is actually SMT 4, which is supplied with a pause. Its neurostimulating effect is less pronounced than that of SMT 2, but the trophic effect and mild stimulating effect predominate compared to SMT 4.

The action of sinusoidal modulated currents is very diverse. SMTs cause the formation of biologically active substances in nerve fibers that have neuromodulatory properties, which not only help suppress pain, but also stimulate trophic functions, reduce swelling and congestion in the perineural spaces. SMT is most effective for pain syndromes with sympathalgia.

SMTs activate the vasomotor center, relieve vasospasm and increase arterial inflow and venous outflow of blood, increase the delivery of nutrients to affected tissues and organs, and promote their absorption. SMTs activate metabolic processes in tissues and promote the resorption of infiltrates, reduce swelling, and enhance reparative processes. SMT causes rhythmic contraction of muscle groups of smooth and striated muscles, increases the tone of the intestines, biliary tract, ureter and bladder; improve the function of external respiration and drainage function, relieve bronchospasm, increase ventilation of the lungs, stimulate the secretory function of the pancreas, adrenal glands, stomach, and activate metabolic processes in the liver. The use of SMT improves the functional state of the central nervous system, normalizes the functions of the sympathoadrenal and cholinergic systems, and increases the compensatory and adaptive capabilities of the body.

Indications for use:

  • diseases and injuries of the peripheral nervous system with pain syndrome, as well as motor disorders in the form of peripheral and central paresis and paralysis;
  • diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system and musculoskeletal system (bruises, rheumatoid arthritis, muscle atrophy, bone fractures, etc.);
  • respiratory diseases (bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma);
  • gastrointestinal diseases (peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, reflux esophagitis, gastritis, dyskinetic constipation, biliary dyskinesia);
  • urological diseases (cystitis, pyelonephritis, enuresis);
  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (Raynaud's disease, hypertension stages I-II, myelopathy, chronic disorders of lymph circulation of the extremities);
  • diseases of the eyes and ENT organs (inflammatory and dystrophic diseases of the anterior and posterior parts of the eyes, pharyngitis, vasomotor rhinitis).


  • general serious condition, high body temperature;
  • neoplasms or suspicion of their presence;
  • acute purulent inflammatory process;
  • thrombophlebitis, varicose veins;
  • hemorrhagic syndromes;
  • acute pain of visceral origin;
  • cholelithiasis and urolithiasis;
  • cardiovascular diseases in the stage of decompensation;
  • severe sinus bradycardia (heart rate below 50 beats per minute);
  • malignant progressive heart rhythm disorders;
  • bone fractures with non-immobilized bone fragments, ruptures of muscles, blood vessels and nerve trunks during the first month after suturing;
  • active tuberculosis process in the lungs and kidneys;
  • pregnancy;
  • increased individual sensitivity to current.

Control over all stages

The procedure takes from 15 to 30 minutes , and electrodes are fixed to the affected area. An experienced physiotherapist and nursing staff of the Center will do everything so that the child does not worry or be afraid of the procedure. As a rule, children tolerate the session well : they are not capricious and lie flat throughout the entire period of amplipulstery. All conditions have been created to conduct this physiotherapy session at the Center : a comfortable and cozy room, separate beds, kind staff, toys that can keep the child occupied and distracted during the procedure.


Contraindications to amplipulse therapy are:

  • Psychiatric diseases, epilepsy.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, bleeding disorders.
  • Heart failure, previous heart attack and other serious heart diseases, hypertension.
  • Hemophilia.
  • The first few days after injuries and fractures.
  • Purulent diseases of any tissue and any acute infections.
  • Presence of metal prostheses.
  • Cancerous tumors.

Technology and possibility of a combined approach

Amplipulsterapiya is prescribed daily . The entire range of amplipulctherapy procedures for children includes from 7 to 12 sessions . To achieve the fastest and most lasting effect, it can be combined with magnetotherapy, ultrasound, and laser-based procedures. This should be clarified by the pediatrician, as well as a specialist. This method of physiotherapy is also used for preventive purposes .

The health of your child should be entrusted to professionals. If the first symptoms occur, consult a doctor! The First Children's Medical Center employs experienced doctors who quickly recognize the signs of the disease, conduct a full examination using modern medical equipment and provide qualified medical care. We work seven days a week and are waiting for you at any time from 8.00 to 20.00.

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Amplipulse device

Using an amplipulse therapy device, sinusoidal currents are applied to the patient’s body. A physiotherapist will be able to choose several types of effects on the body using amplipulse therapy:

  • using the device, continuous exposure to carrier frequency currents is carried out, the doctor can select different modeling frequencies and different modulation coefficients;
  • continuous exposure to certain modulated oscillations is carried out with the choice of the desired frequency and modulation coefficient, which alternate with unmodulated oscillations of the carrier frequency;
  • the patient’s body is exposed to intermittent modulated oscillations with a choice of modulation coefficient and frequency, which alternate with pauses;
  • there is continuous exposure to modulated oscillations of a certain frequency and modulation coefficient, which alternates with modulated oscillations of 150 Hz;
  • The patient's body is exposed to intermittent modulated oscillations, which alternate with pauses and modulated oscillations with a frequency of 150 Hz.

Depending on the type of device, procedures can be performed not only in a hospital setting, but also at home. “Amplipulse” can have different functional characteristics and equipment depending on the type of device. The hospital uses more modern equipment, which has a registration certificate, a GOST declaration of conformity, compliance with regulatory documents, and is highly reliable and safe. “Amplipulse”, the manufacturer of which is constantly improving the design and functions of the device, is made on the latest element base.

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