Application of Betaserc in the treatment of patients with subjective tinnitus due to sensorineural hearing loss

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


An artificial analogue of histamine . The effect of betahistine has not been fully studied. There are only a number of hypotheses confirmed by clinical data:

  • active substance – partial stimulator of H1-histamine receptors and blocker of H3-histamine receptors of the vestibular centers of the nervous system; improves histamine metabolism and its release due to the above properties;
  • betahistine increases blood circulation in the inner ear, relaxing vascular sphincters in this area, and also enhances microcirculation in the brain;
  • betahistine stimulates restoration of vestibular function after vestibular neurectomy in animals and humans;
  • dose-dependently reduces the generation of impulses in neurons of the vestibular nuclei.

The therapeutic effect of betahistine was demonstrated in patients with Meniere's syndrome and vestibular vertigo , which was expressed by a decrease in the severity and frequency of dizziness .


When taken orally, the active substance is actively absorbed from the intestine and is almost completely transformed to form a derivative of 2-pyridylacetic acid. The content of betahistine in the blood is low.

Concomitant food intake may slow down the absorption of betahistine. Reaction with blood proteins does not reach the 5% barrier. The maximum concentration of 2-pyridylacetic acid in the blood occurs 1 hour after consumption. The half-life is approximately 3 and a half hours.

The metabolite is actively evacuated in the urine. Excretion of betahistine itself through the kidneys or intestines is negligible.

Possible side effects

Betaserc is a highly effective and fairly safe drug. It has virtually no contraindications, and its side effects are extremely rare.

The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the attending physician, depending on the severity of the injuries and the general condition of the patient. To avoid side effects and increase the effectiveness of treatment, you must completely stop drinking alcohol during this period.

Possible undesirable effects in case of simultaneous use of Betaserc and alcohol:

    Dyspeptic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, vomiting, bloating, flatulence, abdominal pain, heartburn). Such manifestations are possible due to the fact that histamine receptors are also present in the walls of the stomach, excessive stimulation of which significantly increases the secretion of gastric juice, increasing its acidity. Alcohol also stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid, resulting in excessive irritation of the walls of the stomach and intestines. Long-term exposure can lead to the development of gastritis and peptic ulcers.

If one of these effects occurs, you should immediately stop taking the medication and consult a doctor for help and advice. In such a situation, a drug from a different pharmacodynamic group with different active ingredients and mechanism of action is prescribed.

But even in the absence of health problems, it is necessary to observe the dosage of the drug and adhere to all the recommendations of the attending physician, including giving up fun drinks. Brain neurons are very delicate structures that are extremely sensitive to hypoxia and the effects of toxic substances. There is no safe dose of alcohol in this regard. You should not neglect your health and sabotage the treatment process for the sake of the imaginary pleasure of alcohol.

Contrary to popular belief, Betaserc is not an effective remedy for restoring central nervous system functions due to chronic alcoholism. Long-term use of ethyl alcohol leads to brain cells dying en masse, and no drug can restore their vital functions.

Indications for use of Betaserc

Indications for use of Betaserc:

  • Meniere's disease;
  • vertebrobasilar insufficiency , atherosclerosis of the cerebral arteries , post-traumatic encephalopathy (as a component of complex therapy);
  • syndromes characterized by tinnitus, increasing hearing loss, dizziness , including hydrops of the inner ear , labyrinthine and vestibular disorders, labyrinthitis , vestibular neuritis, benign positional vertigo.

Research results

Before considering the instructions for use of Betaserc, prices, analogues and expert reviews of this drug, let us draw attention to the fact that multiple experiments were carried out in the past. Their goal was to prove the effectiveness of the drug and its superiority over some other drugs

For example, one study involved cinnarizine. Betaserc and cinnarizine were prescribed to people complaining of dizziness. After a month of treatment, specialists recorded the first important result - the patients stopped having attacks of dizziness. This served as proof that Betaserc and cinnarizine are effective drugs.

However, the experiment was not completed. It was also planned to evaluate vestibular function in 2 groups of patients - those who took Betaserc and those who took cinnarizine. The results in each group were different. During the use of Betaserc, a tendency of the vestibular function towards symmetrical hyporeflexia was noted. This was a guarantee that patients would no longer be tormented by attacks of dizziness. The use of cinnarizine did not improve vestibular function. Only the symptoms were muted. After stopping cinnarizine, people experienced dizziness again after a while.

Betaserc tablets, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

The medicine is prescribed to be taken orally with meals. The dosage is selected individually, taking into account the response to therapy.

The daily dose for adults is usually 24-48 mg, divided into 2-3 doses. The 16 mg or 24 mg tablet is easy to split. To do this, place the dosage form on a hard surface with the notch facing up and press firmly on it with your finger.

Sometimes the drug shows its effect only after 2-3 weeks of treatment, and a confident therapeutic effect develops after several months of constant use. No dosage adjustment is required in elderly patients.

Using the drug for a hangover

During a hangover, alcohol is absent from the gastrointestinal tract, but it is maximally concentrated in the blood and tissues. There are no direct contraindications to the use of the product. But doctors recommend waiting until ethanol is completely removed from the body to eliminate the possibility of side effects.

If the concentration of ethyl alcohol during a hangover is minimal, the patient feels nausea, dizziness, headache, the drug can eliminate these effects. The risk of negative reactions is low.

Betaserc's analogs

Level 4 ATX code matches:









  • Betagistine
  • Alfaserk
  • Microzer
  • Asniton
  • Betaver
  • Betacentrin
  • Vertran
  • Vestibo
  • Westinorm
  • Westicap
  • Denoise
  • Vazoserk
  • Tagista (Russian equivalent)

The price of Betaserc analogues is noticeably lower than the price of the described drug.

Betaserc and its analogues (the vast majority) contain betahistine as an active substance, so their indications and contraindications will be identical.

Which is better: Betaserc or Betahistine?

Betahistine and the described drug are analogues with an identical active component. Their indications and contraindications are also the same. The choice should be made based on economic feasibility.

Betaserk or Vestibo – which is better?

Vestibo is a cheaper analogue of Betaserc with almost the same composition. The choice between these drugs should be made for reasons of economic feasibility.

Tagista or Betaserk – which is better?

Tagista is the Russian analogue of Betaserk. The main difference is the price: Tagista rightfully takes the place of the most affordable medicine containing betahistine.

When can you take the drug, after how long

The absence of ethanol in the tissues of the human body is recommended to increase the possibility of a therapeutic effect.

How long after you can start treatment is determined by the dosage of alcohol:

  • single dose in any quantity – 1 day;
  • prolonged consumption of alcoholic beverages without the onset of dependence – 1 week;
  • alcoholism – 4-5 weeks from the moment of taking the last dose, provided that the patient does not drink alcohol during therapy.

To eliminate the possibility of adverse reactions, consult a doctor before starting treatment.

Betaserk price, where to buy

The price of Betaserc 24 mg No. 20 on average in Russia is about 500 rubles, and the drug with a dosage of 16 mg No. 30 is 600 rubles.

In Ukraine, the price range is wide: a package of medicine with a dosage of 16 mg No. 30 can be bought for about 400 hryvnia.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan

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