What should be the diet for enterocolitis? What is possible and what is not?

Gastrointestinal disturbances occur for various reasons. Colonic stasis can be triggered by poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, drug therapy, pathology of the digestive system and other factors. Constipation often occurs during pregnancy, after childbirth and surgery.

Chronic problems with bowel movements require a full medical examination. After identifying the causes of constipation, treatment is prescribed. Therapy may include medications and a special diet.

Most often, for constipation, doctors recommend a third dietary table. Diet number 3 is prescribed to patients who do not have gastrointestinal diseases, or whose diseases are in remission. The therapeutic diet was developed by gastroenterologist Manuil Pevzner. The diet helps prevent diseases of the colon and rectum and other complications arising from chronic constipation, as well as improve the quality of life.

The effect of diet on the intestines

Proper nutrition helps maintain normal internal balance of the intestines. Diet number 3 for constipation is aimed at improving and stimulating the basic functions of the intestinal microflora, such as:

  • synthesis of amino acids and vitamins K and C, as well as B vitamins;
  • local immune defense of the body;
  • enzymatic processing of dietary fiber;
  • neutralization of toxins;
  • maintaining the secretory activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Diet number three restores the functional activity of the intestines, normalizes metabolic processes, improves motility and secretion of intestinal glands. The diet prevents fermentation and the formation of gases, promotes the elimination of toxic compounds, and also normalizes fluid exchange. The healing table ensures normal digestion and timely bowel movements.

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Rumbling in the stomach is one of the main symptoms of this disease.

The main symptom that interferes with the normal life of patients with enterocolitis is diarrhea. It is accompanied by other unpleasant phenomena - flatulence, nausea, problems with appetite, a feeling of fullness in the abdomen.

If the small intestine suffers more, the patient complains of aching pain in the lateral peritoneum. Acute enterocolitis develops rapidly and is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Rumbling in the stomach;
  2. Nausea, vomiting;
  3. Pain in the abdominal area;
  4. Coated tongue;
  5. Diarrhea.

When diagnosed with “infectious colitis”, other unpleasant symptoms are added to the listed symptoms:

  • Temperature increase;
  • Weakness;
  • Muscle pain and headaches;
  • Intoxication.

In the chronic course of the disease, during the period of remission, the patient feels tolerable, but during an exacerbation, unpleasant sensations again remind themselves:

  • Stomach ache;
  • Stool disorders;
  • Fast weight loss;
  • Bloating;
  • Dyspepsia.

Principles of dietary nutrition

To normalize intestinal function and prevent constipation, you need to adhere to the rules of a balanced diet:

  1. Maintain drinking regime . Drink at least two liters of clean water per day. Drink water in the morning on an empty stomach, and before each meal. The liquid helps soften stool and improves the passage of food through the intestines.
  2. Eat small meals . Eat food often: 4 to 6 times a day, in small portions. Fractional meals facilitate the process of digesting food and do not burden the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Eat more fiber . Dietary fiber affects intestinal receptors and enhances peristalsis. This promotes better movement of feces through the intestines and facilitates the process of defecation.
  4. Avoid harmful foods . Excluding fast food and food containing preservatives from the diet has a beneficial effect on the condition of the intestines during constipation.

The basis of table number 3 includes products with a laxative effect. They enhance peristalsis and accelerate feces excretion. The dietary table excludes the consumption of foods that contribute to the activation of decay processes. These include, for example, fried foods, as well as foods with a high concentration of essential oils.

Why does enterocolitis occur?

Infection with helminths is one of the factors of enterocolitis.

Several factors are responsible for the formation of this disease:

  • The course of acute intestinal infections;
  • Infection with helminths;
  • Deviation from the basics of healthy eating: undereating or overeating;
  • Allergies to foods, medications (often the body reacts to taking antibiotics);
  • Existing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Immunity disorders;
  • Dysbacteriosis, vitamin deficiency.

As a result of the predominance of pathological microflora in the human body, a chronic course of enterocolitis begins to form. There is a pattern: enterocolitis and dysbiosis are interrelated conditions.

Features of diet No. 3 for constipation

The weekly dietary menu is designed taking into account the balance of proteins and carbohydrates in the diet. At the same time, there is an increase in the amount of fat due to the inclusion of vegetable oils. The diet involves consuming 100–120 g of fat, 85–100 g of protein, 450–500 g of carbohydrates.

Table No. 3 does not provide for the obligatory chopping or grinding of food. It is allowed to consume boiled and baked dishes, as well as carbonated mineral water in moderate quantities. You can cook porridge with milk diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.

Drinks and foods whose temperature is below 15 °C increase peristalsis and reduce the production of gastric juice. Therefore, for constipation, it is recommended to drink chilled drinks. Before breakfast, it is advisable to drink a glass of cold water, and at night - compote or kefir. In addition, to soften the stool, it is useful to take 1-2 tablespoons of unrefined vegetable oil on an empty stomach. The oil coats the intestines and improves the movement of feces.

You can follow the diet for a long time. With this diet, the frequency and consistency of stools are normalized. This diet is indicated for constipation caused by an unbalanced diet and a sedentary lifestyle.

Prohibited Products

Like other diets, “Table No. 3” involves excluding certain foods from the diet. These include:

  • flour products from yeast and puff pastry;
  • fatty fish and meat, strong meat broths;
  • radish, horseradish, garlic and other spicy vegetables;
  • spicy sauces, mustard, hot pepper;
  • strong tea, coffee and other caffeinated drinks;
  • canned foods, fried eggs;
  • legumes, mushrooms (mushroom broths are allowed);
  • bananas, dogwood, blueberries, nuts;
  • drinks with tannins: jelly, cocoa, drinks made from quince, bird cherry and blueberry.

Whole milk, smoked meats, fried and pickled foods are not recommended. You also need to exclude alcoholic drinks, chocolate, pasta, and legumes. Prohibited foods include rice, semolina, sweets with cream, and margarine. There is no need to eat foods that are difficult to digest: mashed potatoes, canned food, hard-boiled eggs, slimy soups.

How is chronic enterocolitis treated?

To treat chronic enterocolitis, you need to establish a nutritional regimen and an appropriate diet.

To alleviate the patient’s condition, it is necessary to cope with the cause that provokes the progression of the inflammatory process in the intestines. The following events are shown:

  1. Setting a nutritional regime and an appropriate diet;
  2. Stop taking medications that aggravate the situation;
  3. Getting rid of parasitic or bacterial infection;
  4. Therapeutic procedures related to gastrointestinal diseases.
  5. When the root cause causing this condition goes away, measures are taken to get rid of dysbacteriosis and correct digestive disorders.
  6. Using a diet gives good results. Outside of exacerbations, diet 2 is prescribed; diet 3 will help regulate bowel function and eliminate constipation; if the patient is bothered by diarrhea, diet 4 is prescribed.
  7. With obvious progression of dyspepsia, foods responsible for putrefactive processes are limited: meat, fish, fermented milk products, coarse fiber. You should refrain from eating rye bread, whole milk, sugar and cabbage.
  8. If the small intestine suffers, it is worth enriching the table with proteins, microelements and vitamins. It is worth removing products that have a negative effect on the mucous membranes. It is better for patients with enterocolitis to avoid sour, fried, spicy and salty foods.
  9. To improve the chronic inflammatory process, drug therapy is used.
  10. Antibacterial agents (furazolidone, enterofurin) will help get rid of pathological microflora;
  11. Such therapy necessarily includes taking enzymes containing drugs;
  12. Prescription of prebiotics and probiotic preparations is indicated.
  13. A good effect is achieved by means that normalize intestinal motility.
  14. Herbal enemas have proven themselves to be excellent as a local treatment. St. John's wort, bird cherry and oak help get rid of diarrhea. Sea buckthorn can help with constipation, and chamomile is said to be the best remedy against flatulence.
  15. Vinilin is used as a wound healing agent for the development of ulcers or erosions. It helps stop bleeding. The disease can bring psychological suffering, so consultation with a psychiatrist will alleviate the patient’s condition.
  16. For patients with bowel problems, consultation with a physiotherapist is recommended. In the treatment of enterocolitis, manipulations that help cleanse the intestines, magnetic therapy and reflexology are used.
  17. High results are obtained by visiting balneological resorts and staying in sanatoriums. The general condition improves and the results obtained from the main treatment are consolidated.

At the moment of exacerbation of the disease, a person must reduce activity and devote all his efforts to improving the condition. The period of remission should be accompanied by regular exercise; aerobics has a positive effect on overall well-being. The digestive system begins to work smoothly if the patient is inclined to an active lifestyle. It is worth abandoning traumatic sports that can injure a vulnerable area.

Patients are shown exercises for the abdominal muscles: they help regulate pressure and have a beneficial effect on the intestines.

Authorized Products

Diet No. 3 for constipation is aimed at increasing the proportion of foods that enhance colon motility, namely:

  • containing organic acids in large quantities: sauerkraut, citrus fruits, fruit drinks from sour berries and fruits, fermented milk drinks;
  • with a high content of plant fiber: dried fruits, bran, cereals, wholemeal bread, raw vegetables (spinach, cabbage, radishes, carrots, etc.);
  • cold first courses and desserts: okroshka, beetroot soup, ice cream;
  • stringy lean meat: veal, rabbit, turkey, beef;
  • lean fish: hake, cod, as well as any seafood;
  • compotes, weak tea, chicory, rosehip decoction, natural juices.

The diet includes the inclusion in the diet of products with a laxative effect, as well as those that stimulate intestinal motility, such as honey, grapes, sweet apples, peaches, pumpkin, dates. Softening stool is facilitated by eating foods that swell in the digestive tract and facilitate the process of bowel movement.

Dietary fiber contained in cereals, vegetables and fruits is not digested. They absorb toxins and other harmful substances and activate peristalsis. Organic acids inhibit the growth of pathogenic microflora, increase the contractility of the intestinal muscles and normalize stool.

Diet No. 3 involves eating beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, cauliflower, and broccoli. For constipation, it is allowed to add green peas and white cabbage to the diet. It is advisable to include fresh cottage cheese, sour cream, as well as fermented milk drinks in the five-day or seven-day menu: yogurt, kumiss, fermented baked milk or drinking yogurt.

If you have problems with bowel movements, you need to eat more berries and fruits containing plant fiber and sugar. For example, nectarines, apricots, plums, melons, watermelons. It is allowed to eat mild cheeses, scrambled eggs, and cream. For sweets, it is better to choose marshmallows, marmalade, jelly, and marshmallows.

You can and should add parsley, dill, cilantro and other greens to your food. Food must be cooked in vegetable or butter. Table No. 3 is quite diverse.

Acute enterocolitis

In acute enterocolitis, gastric lavage is used.

Severe manifestations of acute inflammation require hospitalization. The type of enterocolitis affects the distribution of patients - they can end up in infectious diseases departments or be treated in poison control centers. Therapy involves bed rest. Treatment of different types of acute enterocolitis involves:

  • Gastric lavage. The procedure can be performed with or without a probe. Boiled or distilled water is used. Sometimes sodium bicarbonate is used.
  • Intestinal cleansing with a saline laxative is practiced, then enteresorption is carried out. Patients take 5 grams several times a day. enterodesis (per 100 ml of water); Polyphepan is prescribed in a dosage of 10-15 g. Pediatric therapy prefers activated carbon or lignosorb.

What procedures work against intoxication? A mild degree of contamination with toxins requires a special drinking regimen; severe disorders require the appointment of infusion therapy. To relieve symptoms, it is better for the patient to fast and drink more fluids. Relaxation is allowed on day 2 - you can eat liquid soups and cereals. Improvement in well-being entails a gradual expansion of the patient's table.

Treatment of infectious enterocolitis requires the prescription of antiviral drugs, antiparasitic agents and antimicrobial compounds. For disinfection measures, Quiniofon, Quezil, Intestopan, Enteroseptol, Chlorquinaldol, Mekaza have proven themselves well. Acute conditions can be stabilized on day 7. Relief occurs on the second day.

Meat casserole

  • Salt 300 g minced meat
  • add 2 egg whites and a little milk
  • mix everything thoroughly and place on a greased baking sheet
  • top the minced meat with grated carrots and steam
  • After cooking is complete, brush the casserole with sour cream.

As a result of using the third dietary table , intestinal function gradually improves, its peristalsis is normalized, gas formation is reduced and stable stools are restored. In addition, switching to this form of nutrition is quite easy due to the wide variety of dishes and the availability of all ingredients.

What is prohibited

Article on the topic

Gas problem. How to tame flatulence Foods that provoke fermentation processes and putrefaction in the intestines and negatively affect other digestive organs are excluded from the diet. These are fatty and fried foods, strong broths, hot seasonings, smoked foods, and alcoholic drinks.

It is forbidden to eat fresh wheat bread, products made from butter and puff pastry, rice, semolina, noodles, viscous porridges, canned food, marinades, any carbonated drinks, fried or hard-boiled eggs.

Also excluded are sharp cheeses, sorrel, onions, spinach, turnips, radishes, radishes, garlic, chocolate and fatty pastry creams, cooking fats, blueberries, quince, dogwood, cocoa, coffee, hot sauces and seasonings.

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