7 ways to use Dimexide at home

Dimexide is a transparent liquid or crystals at air temperatures of 20 degrees and below. The drug contains dimethyl sulfoxide.

Dimexide solution anesthetizes, relieves inflammation and disinfects.

Dimexide liquid has a specific odor and a yellowish tint. The drug is diluted with water in certain proportions and Dimexide compresses are applied with the prepared solution. This substance was actively used during the First World War to treat injuries, wounds, and fractures. After Dimexide was discovered to have an abnormal ability, in addition to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, to be a good conductor, interest in it increased and in 1960 it was put into industrial production.

What is Dimexide used for?

The drug is prescribed for problems with the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. In addition, in case of subcutaneous damage to soft tissues, Dimexide actively relieves the inflammatory process. The ability of the drug to enhance the effect of other drugs is often used by doctors in antibacterial therapy. Direct indications for prescribing Dimexide are:

  • bursitis;
  • arthrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • radiculitis;
  • gout;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • pain syndrome due to intervertebral hernia;
  • scleroderma;
  • skin ulcers;
  • swelling accompanied by pain;
  • synovitis

In addition to the above problems, Dimexide is also used in other areas, including cosmetology.

Removing glue Moment

Before the procedure, let us remind you that the substance easily penetrates the skin and into the blood. Therefore, it is best to work with it with gloves. The product is applied to the required area with glue, rubbed off or soaked. The method is chosen by the person himself. A simple way is to leave the composition on the area with glue, since after some time the adhesive base is easily removed.

How to dilute Dimexide for hair

As a result of the fact that Dimexide was seen as a kind of catalyst for some local drugs, which quickly penetrated the cellular barrier deep into the tissues, Dimexide began to be used as part of cosmetic masks.

In particular, by mixing a teaspoon of the substance concentrate with essential oils, lemon juice, aloe extract and honey, you get an effective hair mask. Its regular use relieves hair from brittleness, gives rich shine and restores natural growth. And if you mix a teaspoon of Dimexide with ground red pepper and apply it to the scalp, holding for 15 minutes, you can wake up dormant bulbs, resulting in thicker curls.

Removing carbon deposits from a diesel stove

The product is especially effective in the fight against old carbon deposits on aluminum surfaces. Apply the product to contaminated areas and rub lightly with a coarse brush. The result will be noticeable within five minutes. For a better effect, you need to apply Dimexide again and heat it slightly using a regular or hair dryer. In just a few minutes the device will be spotlessly clean.


How to dilute Dimexide for boils

Inflammation of the skin glands, which develop into boils, is often accompanied by a local increase in temperature and tension on the skin surface. In order to relieve pain and reduce tissue tension due to growing inflammation, dilute Dimexide in warm water in the proportion of 1 ml of concentrate per 10 ml of clean water. Cotton pads are soaked in the resulting solution and applied to the boils. It is important not to rub, rub, or knead an unruptured boil. Safe use is considered to be simply applying a moistened swab to the inflamed area.

Bleaching plastic

For example, plastic window sills turn yellow over time, acquiring a terrible appearance. You should soak a cloth (white only, no colored cloths) in Dimexide and treat the yellowed areas. The yellowness will disappear in a few seconds. Afterwards, it is necessary to treat the surface again, but with clean water, and additionally ventilate the room. The method also works with switches, sockets, and any plastic parts.

How to dilute Dimexide for heel spurs

The situation with inflammation of the heel, called a heel spur, can be resolved not only through surgery. In some situations, a conservative method using Dimexide may help. It is important to begin treatment at the first signs of inflammation in order to prevent the disease from entering an irreversible phase when the help of a surgeon is required. For spurs, use a concentration of Dimexide diluted in water in a one to one ratio. Taking 20 ml of the drug you need to add 20 ml of water.

For severe pain, novocaine 2% is added to the solution in a volume equal to the amount of Dimexide and water. A cloth is moistened in the resulting liquid and placed on the sore spot. The compress is covered with polyethylene and a wool sock is put on.

Dimexide in gardening

Agronomists have been using the substance in gardening for a long time. They treat plantings with it to destroy pests, infections, moss, fungus, and mold. It has been proven that the product penetrates the desired area much faster compared to insecticides. In addition, gardeners apply foliar feeding along with formulations containing microelements.

Gardeners also use Dimexide to increase the number of female flowers on cucumbers and pumpkins, which is considered beneficial for bee-pollinated varieties. Regardless of the area of ​​application, one solution is prepared: 5 ml of the substance is diluted in ten liters of water. Auxiliary components can be added as desired.

Dimexide for sinusitis

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, accompanied by an accumulation of mucus pressing on the nasal cartilage from the inside. The disease may be accompanied by redness of the skin over the sinuses, as well as an increase in temperature, which is localized in the area of ​​the inflammatory process. Dimexide will help relieve swelling of the mucous membranes and reduce inflammation in the nasal passages. It is mixed with saline solution in a ratio of 1:3.

You can also add aloe juice or vasoconstrictor nasal drops, for example, naphthyzine or phenylephrine. After moistening cotton swabs in the resulting solution, they are inserted into each nasal passage and kept in this position for up to 20 minutes. This treatment can be repeated for up to 7 days in a row.

Removing polyurethane foam

After using polyurethane foam, contaminants remain that cannot be removed. You can apply Dimexide to the areas and leave it like that for ten minutes. Then remove the remains with an iron sponge. We do not recommend using foam rubber products for washing dishes, as the product corrodes them.

polyurethane foam

Adverse reactions

The use of Dimexide, like any other drug, can lead to unpleasant side reactions. Among them:

  • redness of skin areas;
  • burning in the area of ​​application;
  • allergic reactions, manifested by nasal congestion, drainage from the eyes, bronchospasm and rhinitis;
  • skin pigmentation;
  • nausea;
  • muscle weakness;
  • dizziness;

At the first signs of illness as a result of using Dimexide, you should definitely stop therapy and discuss what happened with your doctor.

Cleaning a Stainless Steel Pan

Such a vessel can hardly be cleaned with professional products from the store. Tested by personal experience. But if you soak the soot in Dimexide, the result will be surprising. But there is a trick. The contaminated areas should be treated with the product and heated well. Carbon deposits are easily removed with an abrasive sponge. This leaves no scratches or marks. After completing the procedure, you must thoroughly wash the pan.

Methods of application

To obtain a solution, Dimexide is diluted with water. To do this, take the required number of parts of Dimexide and the number of parts of water, depending on what concentration is needed:

ConcentrationHow many parts of DimexideHow many parts of water

Composition of Dimexide

The concentrate for preparing Dimexide solution contains at least 99% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) undiluted.
Dimexide gel contains DMSO at a concentration of 0.25 mg/g or 0.5 mg/g, as well as nipagin, nipazole, sodium carmellose, and purified water.

Dimexide ointment is prepared on the basis of polyethylene oxide 1500 gel (an emulsifier is added to it to give the preparation the necessary consistency) or on the basis of mink oil. The concentration of the active substance is from 30 to 70%.

DMSO is also included in some gels and ointments ( Triacort , Dolobene , Chondroxide , Capsicam , Remisid , Ketorol) , but in them it acts as a penetrator and is not an active substance.

Contains DMSO and Propolis-D . In addition to this substance, the medicine contains propolis extract 20% and cocoa butter.

Application of Dimexide liquid

Dimexide solution is used for the following diseases:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease in which symmetrical joints are destroyed.
  • Ankylosing spondylitis is an inflammation of the joints between the vertebrae, which leads to their fusion.
  • Osteoarthritis is a chronic disease that leads to the destruction of articular cartilage.
  • Erythema nodosum is a lesion of the blood vessels of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.
  • Thrombophlebitis is the occurrence of blood clots due to inflammation of the vein walls. For this disease, Dimexide is used in combination with heparin.
  • Gout is a joint disease with attacks of pain. Triggered by the deposition of salts in tissues.
  • Trophic ulcers.
  • Eczema is an inflammatory disease of the skin, accompanied by small blisters with liquid inside, redness and itching.
  • Furunculosis - tissue death with accumulation of pus; affects the sebaceous glands and fiber.
  • Burns.


The description of the drug Dimexide on this page is a simplified author’s version of the apteka911 website, created on the basis of the instructions for use.
Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the manufacturer's original instructions (attached to each package of the drug). Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

Solutions are used for compresses

Dimexide compresses are applied to the site of inflammation.

  • For trophic ulcers, use a 30-50% Dimexide solution 2-3 times a day.
  • For eczema - 40-90% solution.
  • For boils - 40% Dimexide solution.
  • For pain relief - 25-50% solution, local compress 2-3 times a day.
  • For burns - 20-30% solution.
  • For increased sensitivity, use a 10-20% solution.

For children 9-18 years old, use a 20-30% Dimexide solution. Children 6-9 years old only as prescribed by a doctor. Dimexide is not used for children under 6 years of age.

If it is necessary to change the method of application, the doctor will give recommendations.

Reviews of Dimexide

Dimexide is a drug with unique chemical properties. Numerous reviews from doctors confirm the versatility of this remedy.

Dimexide quickly relieves inflammation, relieves pain well, restores the nutritional processes of cells and tissues, improves blood flow in blood vessels, has an antibacterial effect and promotes the dissolution of blood clots.

These properties make it possible to use Dimexide for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system (compresses are very effective for arthrosis of the ankle or knee joints ) and diseases of the upper respiratory tract , as well as infectious and inflammatory diseases in gynecology .

Reviews of the Dimexide gel are also positive: the product very quickly stops the inflammatory process, removes pus, treats acne, contusions, bruises, osteoarthritis , purulent wounds and thrombophlebitis .

Dimexide is also successfully used in cosmetology. Solcoseryl mask is an excellent alternative to expensive procedures for facial rejuvenation, and reviews of Dimexide for hair allow us to conclude that the use of the drug is one of the most affordable and effective ways to strengthen and activate hair growth.

There are a lot of good reviews about Dimexide for acne. The product “works” both independently and in combination with antibiotics . Some girls add concentrate (a few drops) to clay masks.

As a result, the skin brightens, inflammation dries out, and recovery of the affected areas is accelerated.

Another category of reviews is reviews of Dimexide for cellulite. The product works really well on orange peel. The effect of wraps and applications becomes noticeable after just a couple of procedures, while Dimexide costs significantly less than most anti-cellulite products.

Summarizing the reviews, we can draw the following conclusion - Dimexide is indispensable in a home medicine cabinet, but when using it for cosmetic purposes, it is very important to remember that this is primarily a medicine that has contraindications and can cause allergies and burns.

Mask for the face

It turns out that the drug perfectly fights wrinkles, acne and other skin problems. Before use, it is necessary to dilute it with water, otherwise the skin will get burns. Heating the composition is prohibited, but if there is such a recipe on the Internet, then Dimexide is added last. Mixtures of the main substance and tea tree oil, sour cream, vitamins, Solcoseryl, oatmeal, and ascorbic acid are popular. Masks are used once every ten days. The course consists of no more than nine procedures. After which the skin is given a break. After several uses, the face will again shine with purity, beauty, youth and freshness.

mask for the face

Popular questions about Dimexide

How to dilute Dimexide?

The dilution proportion of Dimexide is related to the sensitivity of the skin. To prepare a concentrated solution, 50% is diluted 1:1, part Dimexide, part water. If you need a less concentrated solution, take fewer parts of Dimexide and more water.

How long to keep a compress with Dimexide?

A compress with Dimexide is applied for 20-30 minutes 2-3 times a day.

Where can you buy Dimexide?

Dimexide can be purchased on the official website of Pharmacy 911. We sell high-quality drugs.

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