Ferrum phosphoricum homeopathy. Indications for use, instructions

Iron salt, Schussler's salt, iron phosphate are the names of Ferrum phosphoricum, which is widely used in homeopathy. The method of treatment with iron phosphate was invented by the German homeopath Heinrich Schüssler. Based on the results of experiments, Dr. Schussler proved that the result of diseases is a lack of minerals in the body. And replenishing them leads to complete relief from diseases.

Iron is found in the blood, muscles, bone marrow, internal organs - in every cell of the human body. It binds and delivers oxygen to all tissues. Thanks to iron, oxidation-reduction processes occur in the body, DNA is produced, thyroid hormones are produced, and the immune system is supported.

Composition, release form, where to buy and price

The drug appears in the form of flat-cylindrical tablets. 1 unit of the drug contains 250 mg of active substance. Ferrum phosphoricum is sold in special homeopathic pharmacies at a price of 270 rubles. per pack of 50 tablets.

The drug is supplied in a cardboard package, inside of which there is a cylindrical case with a granule counter. This is a monocomponent homeopathic medicine. The active substance is a hydrated divalent salt of iron phosphate, which is called sulfate.

The mineral compound is insoluble in water and monohydric alcohols. Wheat starch and magnesium stearate are used as auxiliary components. The last known food additive is E470. The chemical compound has the unique property of binding poorly compatible substances, such as fats and water.

Ferrum phosphoricum is a homeopathy in which magnesium stearate serves as an emulsifier, allowing to obtain a homogeneous structure of the drug granule. This auxiliary component is obtained synthetically or isolated from animal fats.

Magnesium plays an important role in the formation of:

  • skeletal bones;
  • nail plates;
  • muscle fibers;
  • teeth;

This chemical element is necessary for food digestion and endocrine functions. It significantly facilitates the body's absorption of calcium. Another auxiliary component of the homeopathic remedy is wheat starch. This is an effective prebiotic (nutrient medium for beneficial intestinal microflora).

Its consumption reduces the risk of formation and development of gastrointestinal cancer pathologies. Wheat starch strengthens the membranes of the eye vessels, stimulates metabolic processes in tissues, and normalizes blood pressure. Ferrum phosphoricum has a complex therapeutic effect on all functional systems of the body.

Mechanism of action

The drug manifests itself effectively during periods of exacerbation of chronic pathologies and is used as a course for indolent diseases.

Phosphorus iron mineral salts:

  • stimulate intracellular metabolism;
  • improve the condition of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract;
  • strengthen the walls of the stomach and intestines;
  • regulate body temperature balance;
  • participate in regenerative tissue processes;
  • normalize blood supply to organs.

Ferrum Phosphoricum is a homeopathy that helps intracellular mitochondria produce energy. These spherical or ellipsoidal organelles, consisting of 2 paired membranes, synthesize adenosine triphosphate enzymes (ATP) by absorbing ferrous sulfate salts.

For colds of bacterial and viral origin, as well as for inflammatory processes associated with the introduction of pathogenic microflora, Ferrum phosphoricum intensifies the production of immunocompetent cells and accelerates their transportation to the affected organ.

The main mechanism of pharmacological action of the drug is associated with the ability of phosphorus iron sulfate salts to positively influence the hemostatic system. Red blood cells are saturated with this chemical compound and oxygen, which deliver them through the bloodstream to the tissues of the organs.

Another important property of a homeopathic medicine is the removal of bacterial waste products from the body, which reduces the level of intoxication and has a healing and restorative effect. 70% of the total volume of iron in the human body is concentrated in the blood.

Therefore, the therapeutic effect on the hemostatic system is decisive for its functional state. Additionally, Dr. Schüssler's mineral salts increase the elasticity and strength of vascular walls, which significantly reduces the likelihood of developing hemorrhagic stroke.

Constitutional type of the patient

Despite the craving of Ferrum phosphoricum patients to gain new knowledge and increased performance, they tend to get tired quickly and experience drowsiness during the daytime.
Source: flickr (Michael Killingbeck). The type of patients taking Ferrum phosphoricum include emotionally excitable people with increased fatigue. They have thin skin, a red face, and brittle nails. They are often prone to colds and nosebleeds. They are characterized by anger, rage, persistence, and irritability. They are tormented by nightly anxieties and worries about their wrong behavior towards other people. Sometimes they are cheerful, talkative, unnaturally noisy, but then these states are abruptly replaced by hypochondria. Patients often show dissatisfaction with what they have. They fall asleep late and often suffer from nightmares. If they wake up in the middle of the night, they can no longer fall asleep. They are afraid of thunderstorms.

These people always want to learn everything - to gain new knowledge for effective work. They are responsible, always confident that they must work better than anyone else, are not afraid of work, can carry out the most difficult tasks, to the implementation of which they devote all their strength. They are valuable employees.

Their high performance often leads to exhaustion. This usually manifests itself as colds.

People of this type are good friends. Those around them value them and are afraid of losing their friendship. Iron phosphate patients love their home and need daily companionship with friends. They are ready to respond to any request - they help in trouble, illness and support others in misfortune.

Indications for use

The homeopathic medicine is often prescribed to women for menstrual disorders and to teenage girls who show signs of hysteria during the formation of the body at the stage of puberty.

Ferrum phosphoricum is recommended for use as a supporting agent in acute inflammatory processes, feverish conditions, and increased nervous excitability. Replenishing iron deficiency and eliminating oxygen starvation of tissues have a calming effect on the central nervous system.

The list of indications for taking homeopathic remedies is extremely extensive.

The most typical of them:

  • colds of viral-bacterial etiology;
  • infections of the respiratory canals, in particular the upper respiratory tract;
  • pulmonary, uterine and nasal bleeding;
  • increase or decrease in blood pressure;

  • epileptic seizures;
  • radiating pain in joints and tendons of inflammatory origin;
  • open wounds and ulcers on the skin resulting from a dermatological or hematological disease;
  • Solar, thermal and chemical burns.

Ferrum phosphoricum is prescribed for dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract. With the help of homeopathy, clinical symptoms of inflammation of the ovaries and accessory organs in women are eliminated, and cardiovascular diseases are prevented.

The medication is used in the treatment of bronchitis, accompanied by scratching pain in the larynx, chest area, and bouts of severe coughing. Iron deficiency is a common cause of dermatological destruction of the skin.

Therefore, Dr. Schussler’s salts are used for:

  • inflammation of the epidermis;
  • redness;
  • itching;
  • acne.

Ferrum phosphoricum can be used as part of complex therapy for systemic autoimmune diseases, since iron sulfate-phosphorus compounds have the ability to increase the activity of the body's defense cells.

A separate area of ​​application of homeopathic remedies is otolaryngological dysfunctions. The drug treats inflammation of the ears and eardrum, and hearing loss.

It eliminates the effect of tinnitus, which can be caused by both damage to the auditory nerves and increased cranial pressure. Ferrum phosphoricum is used to improve the tone of the vaginal muscles and increase female libido.

The medication is prescribed as part of maintenance therapy for cystitis, renal failure, and various pathologies of the urinary and reproductive systems.

A homeopathic remedy has proven itself well in the treatment of:

When taken regularly, the homeopathic medicine equalizes the balance of phosphorus and iron and cleanses the liver of toxins.

Description and effect of the drug

Ferric phosphate is a chemical compound of phosphorus and iron. According to homeopathic doctors, it is a special medicine that helps with exacerbations, but is not used for chronic diseases. The drug has a positive effect on the mucous membranes of the respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract. Regulates body temperature and promotes tissue regeneration. Schussler's salt helps cells produce energy and regulates blood flow throughout the body.

This salt promotes the absorption of iron (which comes with food) and sends it to its destination. If a person has a cold, the iron is sent to the spleen, which secretes immune-stimulating cells.

A homeopathic preparation based on iron phosphate directly affects the hematopoietic organs and increases the oxygen and iron content in the blood.

With a lack of iron in the body, symptoms appear in all organs in the human body. The following diseases begin to develop:

  • iron deficiency anemia (anemia);
  • glossitis – (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the tongue);
  • leukemia (blood cancer);
  • mental retardation in children (dementia);
  • skin disease (chlorosis).

Muscle tissue and blood vessels lose their elasticity, which leads to inflammation. Headaches and heart pain begin, the patient loses appetite, his skin becomes dry, and cracks appear on his lips.

The drug Ferrum phosphoricum is the best remedy in all the initial stages of any inflammation associated with iron deficiency. The medicine regulates the functioning of cells, harmonizes the balance of iron phosphate, and removes toxins from the body.

This is interesting! The average amount of iron in the human body is 3-4 mg. Moreover, the blood contains 70% of the total mass of the element.

How safe is the product for the body?

Ferrum phosphoricum does not contain synthetic or other foreign elements, substances and compounds. Therefore, it should be considered absolutely safe for the human body.

The homeopathic remedy does not affect the reaction speed, the ability to drive vehicles, or perform technologically complex operations. The clinical effect of the drug is based solely on the restoration of phosphorus-iron and mineral balance.

Improved health occurs through the activation of the body's natural defenses. Old cells are replaced by new ones due to the intensification of regenerative processes.

Contraindications and side effects

Like any homeopathic medicine on a natural basis, Ferrum phosphoricum has no restrictions on its use. There have also been no cases of side effects of the medication.

Allergic reactions are theoretically possible in people with individual intolerance to wheat starch. Homeopathy does not contain pharmacologically active biochemical compounds.

Therefore, it does not have a negative effect on the liver, kidneys, or functional systems of the body. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the drug is taken only after mandatory prior consultation with a doctor.

special instructions

Ferrum phosphoricum is a homeopathy that facilitates and accelerates the absorption of phosphorus and iron entering the body with food. During the course of treatment, dietary correction is extremely important to ensure the proper therapeutic effect.

A balanced diet should contain foods rich in iron and phosphorus.

These include in order of degree of concentration of these chemical elements:

  • Apples.
  • Seafood, in particular fish dishes.
  • Beef meat.
  • Pork liver.
  • Buckwheat grain.
  • Beans and other legumes.
  • Pomegranate.
  • Figs

From the diet during treatment with a homeopathic remedy, it is necessary to exclude strong coffee, black tea and carbonated water, which partially block phosphorus iron salts, significantly reducing the therapeutic effect of taking the mineral preparation.

In rare cases, treatment of some pathological manifestations with a homeopathic remedy and elimination of painful symptoms at the initial stage of the therapeutic course leads to a slight deterioration of the condition.

In such a situation, it is advisable to consult a doctor and, together with him, decide whether to continue taking the drug. After the body adapts to the supply of shock doses of phosphorus iron, this negative effect disappears.

Wheat starch, which is part of a homeopathic medicine, contains gluten, a special form of sticky protein of plant origin. In the medicine it is in ultra-low concentration.

Therefore, Ferrum phosphoricum is considered safe for patients with hypersensitivity to gluten and celiac disease - a rare multifactorial disease characterized by impaired digestive function due to damage to the receptors of the small intestine by certain foods.

Indications for the drug

This remedy has proven itself in the treatment of such pathologies:

  • Anemia (iron deficiency anemia).
  • Glossat (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the tongue).
  • Low level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  • Leukemia.
  • Insufficient physical and mental development in children.
  • Heavy menstruation in women.

During the course of treatment, dietary recommendations should be followed. It should be balanced and include foods high in iron. These are liver and beef in various forms, fish and legume dishes, eggs and buckwheat porridge. As well as vegetables and fruits, especially beets, apples, pomegranates and figs.

Soda, alcohol, tea and coffee should be excluded. These drinks weaken the effect of the drug.

In addition, you need to drink a lot of liquid.

Ferrum phosphoricum is freely sold in pharmacies.

Instructions for use

Ferrum phosphoricum is a homeopathy that is taken sublingually (placed under the tongue, where the tablet is dissolved by salivary fluid). Routine ingestion (oral administration) slightly worsens and slows down the clinical effect.

The drug granules need to be dissolved for about 30 minutes so that the blood vessels and tissues are gradually saturated with healing Schüssler salts. The application regimen is similar for children and adults. It is recommended to take the medicine 30 minutes before a meal or within 1 hour after it.

The dosage of a homeopathic drug depends on the age of the patient and the clinical characteristics of the pathological condition being eliminated.

Recommended dosage regimen:

AgeSudden acute symptomsChronic sluggish conditions
Up to 1 year1 granule 2 times a day.1 tablet per day.
1-5 years1 unit of the drug 3 times a day.1 granule per day.
6-11 years1 tablet 4 times a day.1 tablet 1-2 times a day.
12-18 years old6 times a day, 1 tablet.1 granule 2-3 times a day.

For adults there are no restrictions on the dosage of the drug; here the rule of clinical expediency must be observed. The maximum therapeutic rate of a homeopathic remedy is set at 6 granules per day.

Further increase in dose has no pharmacological effectiveness. The drug must be taken at regular intervals throughout the day so that its absorption into the bloodstream and tissues of the body is uniform.

Children under 5 years of age are given homeopathic medicine pre-dissolved in 1 tsp. boiled water and cooled to room temperature. For infants, the granule is diluted in 100 ml of neutral liquid.

It is given to drink 15 ml (1 tbsp) 2-3 times throughout the day at equal time intervals. The one-component homeopathic drug is absolutely safe, therefore it is widely used in modern pediatric practice for children from birth, when the use of classic potent pharmaceuticals is not possible.

Medication intake and compatibility

The drug is available in tablet form and is sold in glass bottles without a prescription. The composition includes milk sugar, which improves the taste of the medicine and makes it easier to take. If the symptoms of the disease correspond to the indications, then Ferrum phosphoricum must be taken together with the treatment prescribed by the doctor. It is important to follow the dosage of the medicine and take it until complete recovery:

  • infants - 1 pill dissolved in water 30 minutes before meals;
  • children 2-8 years old, several times a day, one pill under the tongue, until completely absorbed;
  • children 9-14 years old, one pill several times a day;
  • adolescent children and adults, several times a day - two pills.

While taking Ferrum phosphoricum, it is necessary to maintain a complete and balanced diet. The diet should contain foods rich in iron - beef, liver, fish, eggs, buckwheat, legumes. From fruits and vegetables - pomegranate, apples, figs, plums, spinach, beets. It is advisable to take more fluid.

Eliminate coffee, tea, and sparkling water from your diet - they weaken the effect of salts. Adequate nutrition and compliance with the rules for taking the drug makes it possible to restore a sick body in a short time.


Ferrum phosphoricum has a positive effect on a wide group of pathological conditions of inflammatory bacterial-viral origin and associated with iron deficiency in the body. This is a last chance remedy for people who have tried for a long time and painfully to be cured with classical medications, but to no avail.

Ferrum phosphoricum stimulates higher nervous activity, improving the conduction of impulses from the brain to the limbs. It is especially effective for patients with muscular dystonia and decreased tone of the adductor muscles. Mineral medicine stimulates blood circulation.

The drug improves the nutrition of tissues of vital organs and the cerebral zone. It is this fact that explains the ophthalmological and otolaryngological effectiveness of the mineral medicine, its ability to increase mental abilities in children with developmental delays.

The expansion of blood channels due to the supply of more oxygen normalizes blood pressure, reduces hypertension, and reduces the fragility of vascular walls. The drug effectively eliminates feverish conditions and brings body temperature to a standard value.

Ferrum phosphoricum is used to relieve pain caused by joint inflammation. It normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle by saturating the tissues with iron.

Dr. Schussler’s salts demonstrate high effectiveness in such pathological conditions in children as:

  • lack of appetite;
  • lethargy;
  • apathy;
  • excessive sweating during sleep;
  • causeless fever;
  • depressed immunity;
  • sudden weight loss.

This is often associated with subtle dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system caused by a deficiency of mineral compounds, iron, and oxygen starvation of muscle fibers and tissues.

Regular use of the drug increases physical endurance and mental abilities during puberty. A special area of ​​​​purpose of the homeopathic remedy is the treatment of hyperemia of the lower extremities - pathological overcrowding of the arteries with blood fluid.

The mineral medicine is effective for bleeding from both internal and open wounds. It is used for contusions and sprains. Ferrum phosphoricum relieves excessive emotional arousal by normalizing blood circulation and improving nerve conduction of tissues.

Efficacy and tolerability of the drug

It is believed that iron phosphate is a tonic for anemia in nervous people prone to upper respiratory tract pathologies. The homeopathic remedy is well suited for women who suffer from menstrual irregularities.

In addition, Ferrum phosphoricum is effective in many chronic and acute diseases:

1. acute respiratory infections; 2. Pulmonary hemorrhage; 3. High blood pressure; 4. Low blood pressure; 5. Epilepsy and encephalitis; 6. Inflammatory joint diseases are associated with acute pain when walking; 7. Inflammation of the ovaries and extremities, accompanied by acute headache; 8. Bleeding of the uterus; 9. Wounds of various origins; 10. Bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract; 11. Inflammatory processes on the skin in the form of rashes, acne; 12. Cardiovascular system disorders; 13. Disease of the bronchi, accompanied by “scratching” in the throat, chest pain, and hacking cough; 14. Swelling of the larynx (irregular croup); 15. Inflammation of the ear canals associated with acute pain and fever; 16. Ulceration of the eardrum, accompanied by hearing loss; 17. Chronic disease of the small intestine - enteritis, in the form of constant diarrhea, abdominal pain, especially after eating; 18. Sphincter incontinence - involuntary bowel movement; 19. Painful urination, inflammation of the bladder; 20. Weakness of the urinary tract - involuntary urination (in pregnant women in all trimesters); 21. Vaginal hyperemia. Lack of libido.

Drug interactions

Simultaneously with the use of the drug, it is possible to take any classical pharmaceutical medications and homeopathic remedies. Dr. Schussler's salts do not contain substances that can enter into biochemical bonds with components of other drugs or with natural substances of the human body.

The medicinal product Ferrum phosphoricum has a shelf life of 5 years from the date of production. Homeopathy is available without a prescription. Store the tablets out of the reach of children, away from heating devices and out of direct sunlight. Optimal temperature range +15…+25°С.

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