Yogurt capsules are a medicinal product that normalizes intestinal microflora

The normal intestinal microflora is disrupted due to the intake of poor quality food. To restore digestive function, use Comfort Yogurt.

Taking the drug improves metabolism and acts as a preventive measure against dysbacteriosis. Disturbance of the microflora is possible after completing a course of antibiotics, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy. Yogurt capsules are available in 30 pieces, each tablet contains a special type of beneficial bacteria. By taking the drug, you can normalize the balance of microorganisms necessary to restore normal functioning of the digestive tract.

Pharmacological action of Yogurt

Due to the fact that lactic acid bacteria produce lactic, acetic, propylene acids, lactocin and lysozyme, Yogurt is active against staphylococci, Proteus, E. coli, and Candida fungi. In addition, lactobacilli are able to lower the pH of the intestinal contents, thereby preventing the proliferation of opportunistic and pathogenic flora and the penetration of bacterial, food allergens and endotoxins from the intestines into the blood.

The bacteria included in the drug retain their viability, passing through the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, and continue to grow in a medium that contains 1% bile. Thanks to this, bacteria enter the small and large intestines unchanged.

How much does the product cost?

Cost formation is influenced by factors such as transportation costs, markup for each pharmacy, and purchase cost. To clarify information about the cost, you need to contact the pharmacy.


The cost of this product is 125 rubles.

Price in Ukraine

The price of medicine ranges from 45 to 59 hryvnia.

Video on the topic: Probiotics: how yoghurts and capsules with beneficial bacteria actually work and don’t work

Indications for use of Yogurt

According to the instructions, Yogurt in capsules is used for preventive and therapeutic purposes for:

  • chronic and acute gastroenteritis;
  • generalized and local dysbacteriosis;
  • complex treatment of allergic diseases (food allergies and atopic dermatitis).

Yogurt tablets are also recommended for patients who have contraindications to the consumption of fermented milk products.

Yogurt in capsules is used to prevent dysbiosis during courses of antibiotic, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

How to store the drug?

The drug should be placed in a room where the temperature ranges from 13 to 25 degrees. Under no circumstances should children or their pets have access to this product.

The medicine can be used for no more than three years.

Dysbacteriosis is a condition in which the active development of pathogenic microflora occurs.

Directions for use and dosage

Yogurt in capsules according to the instructions is prescribed:

  • Children from 3 months to one year: 0.5-1 capsule per day with meals. In this case, it is necessary to open the capsule and mix the powder contained in it with a small amount of liquid or food;
  • Children aged one to three years: 1-2 capsules per day with meals;
  • Children aged three to twelve years: 1 capsule 3 times a day with meals;
  • Adults and adolescents over twelve years of age: 1-2 capsules 3 times a day with meals.

As a rule, the course of taking the drug is 25-30 days. If necessary, the course is repeated.

For preventive purposes, Yogurt in capsules is prescribed:

  • Children under twelve years of age – half a capsule per day;
  • Adolescents over twelve years of age and adults – 1 capsule per day.

In what cases can adverse reactions occur?

During the period of taking the drug, no adverse reactions were identified, however, doctors do not exclude the possibility of its occurrence, which can manifest itself with symptoms such as:

  • Itching, peeling, redness of the skin;
  • Pain in the back, stomach, head.

In isolated cases, the patient may experience sudden changes in mood, as well as hallucinations.


There have been no reports of overdose, however, doctors still do not exclude the possibility that it may occur. If you experience any symptoms after taking the drug in large quantities, you urgently need to rinse your stomach. If the symptoms do not go away within a few hours, then you should take the medicine based on the symptoms that appear in the patient.

In what cases is it contraindicated?

It is not recommended to take the medicine if you are allergic to any of the components included in the composition.

Use during pregnancy

Your doctor may prescribe yogurt capsules during pregnancy, which can be taken along with antibiotics prescribed in emergency situations.

The use of the drug Yogurt capsules during pregnancy not only becomes possible, but doctors even strongly recommend taking it. Yogurt improves the well-being of a pregnant woman during toxicosis, relieves constipation and bloating.

There is evidence that beneficial microorganisms in Yogurt several times reduce the risk of dermatitis or eczema in a newborn baby.

However, before you start taking it, you should consult your doctor.

What analogues can replace the product?

Among the analogues, we can highlight such drugs as: Laktovit Forte, Biolact, Acidolak, Bifidumbacterin, Multiprobiotic, Pribiovit, Pribiolag, A-Bakterin, Biosporin-Biopharma, Bifikol, Yogurt Roselle, Fermalak, Colibacterin-Biopharma, Symbioflor, Mutaflor, Laktomun, Lacidofil , Latium, Linex Baby, Mitserol-Ratiopharm, Normagut,

Enterol, Probilak, Spasmolac, Subalin, Hilak, Hilak Forte, Enterozermina, Apibak, Bifi-Form, Primadophilus, Linex Forte, Preklaks, Laktogin, Ecofemin, Bioflor, Acidolak Junior, Bificol, Simbiform, Bifidophilus Flora, Baktistatin, Biosporin Forte, Laktomun , Biosporin, Liveo Children.

Probiotic Pharma science Yogurt capsules Dr.Goodman - reviews



An excellent remedy for the early stages of dysbiosis




Almost everyone has encountered the unpleasant sensations of dysbiosis at least once in their life. This may be due to taking antibiotics, changing water and food. And if you have the initial stage of dysbiosis, then you will only feel a rumbling stomach, and once you eliminate the cause, the microflora can recover on its own. But, alas, this happens extremely rarely. More often, taking into account the above factors, you will experience a decrease in appetite, an unpleasant taste in the mouth, and possible nausea and vomiting. Flatulence, bloating, and how lucky you are with diarrhea or constipation. All this in itself is already extremely unpleasant, but if the process is started, it will only get worse. Pathogenic flora in the intestines will grow and the result will be intestinal inflammation. At this stage, pieces of undigested food and pathological impurities may be noticed in the stool. But the process, if not controlled, does not stand still. There is a real war going on in the intestines, in which pathogenic organisms win. As a result, the absorption of nutrients in the intestines is impaired, vitamin deficiency and anemia develop. It is also noteworthy that all this can affect healthy sleep, psycho-emotional state and energy level. But the pharmaceutical industry is not asleep and is producing a large number of probiotics these days. A good position in this list is occupied by Dr. Capsules. Goodman "Yogurt".

Personally, my family and I have tried a lot of different probiotics. But this “Yogurt” suits us both in terms of quality and its price is attractive. If the phase of the disease is acute, then adults and children over 12 should take 1-2 capsules 3 times a day with meals. For younger children, individual plans. It is also very good for preventive purposes - 1 capsule once a day with meals. Another important nuance: you must store it in the refrigerator and make sure that the pharmacy takes it out of the refrigerator, otherwise there will be no point in drinking it, you will not feel the result. So try not to start dysbiosis, since only at the initial stage you can overcome it yourself with the help of diet and probiotics. Good health to everyone!



I give Canadian yogurt to my daughter when we are taking medication. The fact is that our child often has an allergic reaction to medications. For example, syrups are strictly contraindicated for us because they give us terrible dermatitis. Atopic dermatitis mainly appears on the hands. Previously, it was only on the elbows, but recently spots have appeared from the elbows to the palms. They turn red and itch terribly, and the child bleeds. We contacted a pediatric dermatologist, and more than one, but in the end they all said that it would probably go away with age, or that the allergic reaction would always be the same. They were treated with enzyme preparations for the stomach.

Our pediatrician advised us to take Canadian yoghurt capsules during one of our consultations. She explained to us that this is a probiotic drug that contains lactic bacteria that restore the intestinal microflora. And especially they should be taken when being treated with medications.

Capsules for intestinal microflora

This Canadian yogurt is sold in capsules. There are 50 capsules in a package.

This package is enough for one course of treatment, taking 1 capsule 3 times a day, we take it for two weeks and the result was not long in coming. No allergic reactions, skin rashes or redness. I am very pleased with this drug.

(crenika) Lyudmila


An excellent drug for dysbiosis




For me there are none


In winter, my child was poisoned, there were all the symptoms of poisoning, vomiting and loose stools, fortunately after taking the medicine it all ended, but as you know, we treat one thing and cripple another. So in our case, after taking antibiotics, we developed dysbacteriosis, the child began to have a tummy ache, and other signs also did not take long to manifest themselves.

Previously, we were prescribed another drug, but it turned out to be ineffective for our son’s body, and we were prescribed this medicine.

It is sold in almost every pharmacy; the price is not small, but quite adequate.

The medicine itself is presented in the form of white capsules, but since it was difficult for the child to swallow, I simply opened it and gave it to drink already open. The taste of the medicine is neutral, so you didn’t have to go to any lengths to get your child drunk.

We took this drug for about 2 weeks, after taking it, intestinal function improved, the child looks healthy and no longer complains of abdominal pain.



No worse than expensive probiotics

Unfortunately, I learned about the probiotic Yogurt in capsules after I had spent a lot of money on such expensive drugs. And Yogurt in capsules was recommended to me by my sister’s friend, she is a children’s doctor at the hospital.

The child was about two years old at the time, and I still decided to consult our doctor about this. She confirmed that this probiotic is also designed for children, and that I can safely give it to a child.

Yogurt capsules are a probiotic prescribed by doctors in the following cases:

-for the prevention and treatment of dysbiosis of various origins

- to normalize intestinal microflora

- to normalize digestion

-during antibiotic therapy (only as prescribed by a doctor, since not all antibiotics can take Yogurt)

- to increase immunity

As for increasing immunity, I can’t really say anything, since immunity was not increased with the help of a probiotic. But when there are problems with digestion or intestines, I immediately start giving the child a Yogurt capsule.

Yogurt in capsules is intended for children from three years of age. But doctors prescribe it at an earlier age. Only for this you will have to empty the capsule, divide the powder into the required number of parts, and give it to the child.

I did this to my son and then to my daughter. When my son was two years old, I divided the contents of the capsule into two parts and gave it to him twice a day. But I did all this only as prescribed by the doctor!

I myself have already been saved by this Yogurt several times, except for those cases when I forgot that there was a cheaper probiotic and bought what the doctors prescribed.

Yogurt capsules are a set of lactic acid bacteria. Which normalize the intestinal microflora and have a positive effect on the digestion process. Also, Yogurt in capsules can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and promote the breakdown of lactose.

I am satisfied with the Yogurt capsules, a good probiotic at the most affordable price. It’s scary to even think how much money I overpaid for the same Linex.

The price of Yogurt in capsules costs 30 hryvnia (100 rubles) for 30 pieces

The price for Linex is 130 hryvnia (440 rubles) for 32 capsules

The difference is 100 hryvnia (340 rubles). It’s noticeable, right?

I don’t consider it necessary to overpay for expensive probiotics when there is no less effective Yogurt in capsules!

Advantages: price, efficiency

Disadvantages: none found

Use experience: More than a year



It is practiced to use this yogurt during or after taking antibiotics. As you know, and I think many have experienced the negative side of taking antibiotics. The microflora of the body is damaged, thrush appears, both in girls and boys, some have stomach pain and so on. To prevent these problems, it is actually recommended to use Linex or this yogurt.


Yogurt contains 2 billion active bacteria that help restore intestinal microflora.


Take one capsule with food, three times a day.


It is important to store the capsules in the refrigerator.

Personal experience.

Since I had to take antibiotics seriously only once in my life, I am not able to compare the effect of the drug. But I would like to note that I had to use antibiotics for four weeks. These were pills, injections and even IVs. During this time, I used these pills and there were practically no health problems after finishing the course of antibiotics. In any case, with the microflora. Except for a few days of mild thrush and abdominal pain.

I think the lack of consequences for a tired immune system after such a long period of taking antibiotics is still due to this yogurt. Although not a fact.

I think it helped me, because taking antibiotics for four weeks is no joke. The microflora should have made it clear that it was time to quit. There were no particular complications.



Course treatment

For its intended purpose, I used Yogurt from Pharma Science in a course only once - after a course of treatment for complicated bronchitis using Avelox. Initially there were no severe symptoms of dysbiosis, only mild discomfort, which disappeared on the first day of taking Yogurt.


So I use the probiotic mainly for preventive purposes when I arrive in a new place with new food and water. Previously, there were problems with adaptation, especially in Asian countries, but now the adaptation is going smoothly, Yogurt has never let me down. So now I always have it in my travel first aid kit, and if I’m traveling for a long time, then with a reserve.

Another use case

In recent years, we often travel to Southeast Asia for long periods of time, and sometimes we feel a twinge of nostalgia for our familiar products. The rest of us usually want borscht and herring, but I miss kefir. And with the help of two Yogurt capsules I can easily prepare it from milk!

What is required for this:

  • Pour 1 liter of milk into a glass jar (in some countries jars are also difficult to find, but will that stop us? :);
  • Divide the Yogurt capsules in half and pour the powder into a jar of milk, stir;
  • Cover with something like gauze (a must! In Asia there will always be insects that want to swim in your kefir!).

That's basically it. Oxidation takes from 1 day depending on temperature and humidity. You can stir it periodically so that the kefir does not form large flakes. The taste depends on the milk - the most delicious kefir is made from homemade kefir. (Only in India I wouldn’t risk taking it, you never know, but in Thailand you can negotiate in the villages; milk is not popular among the Thais themselves, but they raise a lot of cows. In stores you can find mostly sterilized milk... not for everyone). In short, there are a lot of problems, but the desire arises only a couple of times a month :)

Of course, this option for preparing kefir can also be used in the CIS countries, although here it reaches its standard more slowly. It’s very economical; if you don’t have time to drink fresh milk, you can make kefir from it so it doesn’t spoil. And you don’t need to buy expensive starter separately if you already have Yogurt! In any case, homemade kefir is much healthier than store-bought kefir, and it’s a huge plus for microflora.


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Similar drugs:

  • Lactobacterin siccum dry (Lactobacterin siccum) Lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for oral administration
  • Linex Capsule
  • Bifidumbacterin Capsule
  • Laktovit Forte Powder for the preparation of suspension for oral administration
  • Bifiform Capsule
  • Bactisubtil Capsule
  • Acipol Capsule
  • Bifidumbacterin Vaginal suppositories
  • Probifor Capsule
  • Laktovit Forte Capsule

** The Drug Directory is intended for informational purposes only. For more complete information, please refer to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not self-medicate; Before starting to use the drug Yogurt, you should consult a doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal. Any information on the site does not replace medical advice and cannot serve as a guarantee of the positive effect of the drug.

Are you interested in the drug Yogurt? Do you want to know more detailed information or do you need a doctor's examination? Or do you need an inspection? You can make an appointment with a doctor - the Euro lab is always at your service! The best doctors will examine you, advise you, provide the necessary assistance and make a diagnosis. You can also call a doctor at home . Euro lab clinic is open for you around the clock.

** Attention! The information presented in this medication guide is intended for medical professionals and should not be used as a basis for self-medication. The description of the drug Yogurt is provided for informational purposes and is not intended for prescribing treatment without the participation of a doctor. Patients need to consult a specialist!

If you are interested in any other drugs and medications, their descriptions and instructions for use, information about the composition and form of release, indications for use and side effects, methods of use, prices and reviews of drugs, or you have any other questions and suggestions - write to us, we will definitely try to help you.

Pharmaceutical action

Lactic acid bacteria of the Yogurt preparation are part of the normal human intestinal flora and play an important role in ensuring colonization resistance, immunostimulating, vitamin-forming, detoxification and digestive functions of the body. The antimicrobial activity of lactic acid bacteria is manifested against staphylococci, Proteus, enteropathogenic Escherichia coli and fungi of the genus Candida and is associated with their ability to produce lactic acid, lactocins, hydrogen peroxide, acetic and propylene acids, lysozyme. Lactic acid bacteria reduce the pH of the intestinal contents, preventing the growth and reproduction of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora. Lactobacilli are a barrier to the penetration of sensitizing substances (endotoxins, bacterial and food allergens) from the intestines into the blood.

Reviews about Yogurt

People who use probiotic Yogurt note its effectiveness. The drug improves immunity, improves digestion, and improves skin condition. There is also a children's version of Gut Health Yogurt. The drug is prescribed after a course of antibiotics. Among the advantages of the drug, doctors call the quick effect and affordable cost.

Probiotic products contain dried microcultures (such as lactobacilli). Microorganisms are found in yogurt starters mixed with milk. However, it is extremely difficult to measure the correct amount of bacteria, and the capsules already contain the required ratio of microorganisms. All that is required is to take the capsule as prescribed by your doctor and according to the instructions.

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