Picamilon: main characteristics, contraindications

Autism is a disorder of mental and psychological development in which there is a deficit of emotional manifestations

Autism spectrum disorders are characterized by deficits in the areas of communication and communication. Translated, the word “autism” means a person directed inward, withdrawn into himself. Depending on the form and degree of autism, cognitive abilities may be reduced or preserved.

Autism or autism spectrum disorder is often replaced by the acronym (ASD). ASD belongs to a group of neurodevelopmental disorders.

In simple words: “ Autism

is a disorder of mental development that manifests itself as a deficit in social interactions. In autism spectrum disorders, there are repetitive behaviors and a limited range of interests.”

Description and main characteristics

The drug is produced in the form of tablets of 30, 50, 100 pieces. in each package, as well as in the form of a solution in ampoules for injections. The volume of one ampoule is 200 ml, including the main component - 20 ml.

The active ingredient of Picamilon (solution) is the sodium salt of gamma-aminobutyric acid: dosage 10 mg per 1 ml of solution. The composition also contains distilled water.

Along with the same active ingredient, the tablets contain additional components - starch, talc and organic calcium salt (stearate).

The drug is dispensed only with a prescription. Store in a cool, dark place - in the refrigerator. Storage at room temperature up to 25 degrees is allowed. The shelf life is 18 months from the date of production.

PICAMILON (solution)

We'll get it.
Live like this, close the door on the other side. However, there are means that can temporarily improve the quality of life. The hero of today's review is my favorite PICAMILON (in solution for intramuscular injection).

Picamilon is our Soviet know-how of the shaggy years. There is information on the Internet about drugs with unproven effectiveness. Picamilon also appears there, but the enlightenment in my head has already proven the effectiveness of the remedy a hundred times.

Interestingly, now many connoisseurs of “wheels” are yearning for Phenibut, which has become available by prescription since September. Guys, take Picamilon. This is the same nootropic and not even in profile, but in full face. The active ingredient in both drugs is the same: GABA (aminobutyric acid). Only in Picamilon it is in tandem with nicotinic acid, and in Phenibut with some other crap. Yes, Phenibut has a more pronounced tranquilizing effect, but in other respects Picamilon is not inferior. It copes even better with migraines.

I was surprised to find on the box an inscription that the drug is available with a doctor’s prescription. Not a single pharmacist has ever been interested in the presence of a prescription, and the doctor always prescribes the drug in words, without confirming the prescription with a form and seal.

Picamilon is available in two forms: tablets and solution for injection. I often resort to the second option. Firstly, the effect of the drug is achieved faster (and later the course can be continued with tablets). Secondly, the gastric mucosa does not have to interact with acid.

The package contains 10 ampoules of 2 ml each.

The ampoules are opened easily, without special tools.

Picamilon’s price is kind of ridiculous (much more humane than its brother). Something around 100-130 rubles. Since I am always prescribed the maximum allowable dosage - 200 mg (which is 2 ampoules at a time), I will need five-cc syringes.

The solution does not require dilution.

The sensations when injecting the drug do not depend on the skill of the injector. It doesn’t matter whether the needle is pushed in by the light hand of the treatment nurse, or whether it’s the mother puffing over the syringe and sometimes confusing it with a screwdriver—the feelings are the same.

The solution is imperceptible when introduced, but bliss quickly gives way to hellish torment. After a minute, the butt begins to rotate normally at the insertion site, and sometimes even goes into the leg. After ten minutes of convulsions, everything returns to normal.


I notice the effect after just two days of treatment. Picamilon gently puts the nervous system in order, relieves anxiety and normalizes sleep. All this is a pleasant bonus to reduce the frequency of migraine attacks.

I also noticed that it takes less hours to sleep. For example, instead of seven or eight usual hours of sleep, “on Picamilon” I can sleep in five. It seems like this drug used to be an integral part of the astronauts’ first aid kit. It’s easy to believe in this, because your vitality becomes noticeably greater.

Once upon a time, Picamilon was prescribed to me by a neurologist, but now I myself know when it’s time to “clear my brain.” Let me remind you that self-medication is harmful and blah blah blah. If you, like me, are tormented by migraines, talk to your doctor about this drug.

Below are fragments of the instructions.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed by a doctor for various forms of pathologies and disorders:

  • migraine;
  • open-angle glaucoma;
  • asthenic syndrome;
  • depressive disorders (especially in the elderly);
  • mood instability, anxiety;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • alcoholism;
  • cerebral circulatory disorders.

The drug is also prescribed as part of a complex course of treatment in the presence of urological pathologies (in children and adults). Can be used for auditory neuritis, hearing problems.

Treatment of autism in a child

Autism cannot be completely cured. But by selecting suitable psychological and pedagogical methods and appropriate drug treatment, we can achieve maximum socialization and rehabilitation of a child who has autistic behavioral traits. To improve the quality of life of a child with ASD and give him a chance for a full life in the future, an integrated approach to rehabilitation and socialization is needed, combining drug and non-drug therapy.

Therapy for children with ASD consists of two main components:

Non-medical psychotherapy

  • Behavioral therapy is the basis for the socialization of a child with ASD. This type of therapy helps to correct behavioral characteristics, which subsequently leads to the development of communication skills.
  • Training under the TEACCH program. The method consists of visually presenting everything that the child needs to master. Visual aids and pictures arouse persistent interest in a child with ASD, thereby promoting the development of cognitive activity.
  • Speech therapy, speech classes, improve speech and communication skills. Often sessions with a speech therapist help improve verbal communication.
  • Behavioral therapy helps to acquire self-care skills, social skills and help reduce symptoms of maladaptive behavior.
  • Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a wide range of techniques used to treat autism and many other behaviors. The method focuses on teaching individual tasks using the principle: stimulus, response and reward.
  • The SCERTS model is an educational model for working with children with autism spectrum disorders. The abbreviation means emphasis on: SC, ER and TS. SC - social communication, development of functional communication and emotional expression. ER - Emotional Regulation - the development of well-regulated emotions and the ability to cope with stress. TS - Transactional Support - Implementing supports to help families, educators, and therapists respond to children's needs, adapt environments, and provide tools to enhance learning.
  • Animal-assisted therapy. The use of animal therapy, especially canistherapy, provides positive dynamics in socialization and communication in ASD. By gaining knowledge about natural processes in the animal world in an accessible playful form, a child with ASD learns to independently observe, analyze, and generalize. Classes with a therapy dog ​​help increase sociability and communication in children with autistic traits.
    Thanks to the dog, the child begins to be interested in what is happening around him, he develops attention, memory and speech.
    It is also noted that our little brothers force sedentary or simply inactive children to move. After a short interaction with a child with autism, you may notice that he first notices the dog and then his parents. Before this, he could not react at all to others. You can attend classes with professional therapy dogs by signing up for a canister therapy class at our center.

Drug therapy

This is a complex of drugs to improve brain function. Previously, we described in detail this type of treatment for autism spectrum disorders.

A secondary role in the treatment and rehabilitation of autism is given to drug therapy. This type of treatment is effective when used in combination with methods of pedagogical and psychological correction.

The main goal of drug treatment

– this is the elimination and neutralization of symptoms that reduce the effectiveness of pedagogical and psychological correction, such as aggression, stereotypes, motor disinhibition, self-aggression, negativism.
Also, some medications stimulate brain activity, thereby activating memory and thinking processes.

Groups of drugs used in the complex treatment of autism:

  • Nootropic drugs. Medicines in this group are aimed at stimulating brain activity, activating memory and thinking processes, and increasing the resistance of the central nervous system to mental stress.
  • Antidepressants. It is believed that sedative antidepressants may help improve contact with the child.
  • Tranquilizers. Their use is indicated for severe fears and high levels of anxiety.
  • Neuroleptics. This group of medications is used to correct such manifestations as aggression, auto-aggression, motor disinhibition, fears, anxiety, stereotypic motor agitation. Some help increase speech activity, improve the ability to communicate, and improve intellectual productivity.

IMPORTANT! The need for drug treatment and prescription of drugs is made strictly by the doctor after diagnosis. Remember that self-medication is dangerous!

Contraindications and side effects

Absolute contraindications apply only to 3 cases:

  • pregnancy (all trimesters);
  • breastfeeding (all periods);
  • children under 3 years old.

In other cases, use is possible, but in the presence of kidney disease and individual sensitivity to the active substances - with caution.

In most cases, the drug does not cause side effects. But sometimes there are consequences such as:

  • headache;
  • mood swings;
  • irritability;
  • nausea;
  • skin rash and other allergic reactions.

Types of autism spectrum disorders

Today there are several types of autism:

Early childhood autism

It is also called Kanner's syndrome. Most often, this type of autism can be observed in the first years of a child’s life, sometimes even in the first months of life.

In early childhood autism, the following behavioral features are observed:

  • refusal to communicate with loved ones;
  • total attachment or complete detachment from communication with mother;
  • lack of interest in the outside world;
  • refusal to eat;
  • lack of eye contact;
  • repetitive movements, attachment to rituals.

Atypical autism

This form of autism can be observed at a later age, closer to adolescence.

In atypical autism, the following behavioral features are observed:

  • symptoms are superficial, less pronounced;
  • average level of intelligence;
  • the presence of various types of talent, giftedness for some activity;
  • speech retardation.

Asperger's syndrome

This form of autism is more common in boys. This type of autism is considered a mild form and is quite easy to correct.

With Asperger's syndrome, the following behavioral features are observed:

  • low level of empathy and ability to empathize;
  • social activity is impaired, communication difficulties. Often the child does not understand and is not ready to accept rules and social norms;
  • intelligence does not suffer, and often acquires a special character.

Rett syndrome

A fairly severe form of autism, found only among girls. The following behavioral features are observed in Rett syndrome:

  • inactivity of the limbs and monotony of their movements;
  • lack of focus;
  • convulsive seizures are possible;
  • lack of speech, or very small vocabulary.

Picamilon tablets: instructions for use

The dosage, duration of the course of therapy and frequency of administration are determined by the doctor. The rules depend on the age, nature of the disease and general condition of the person:

  1. For pathologies of cerebral vessels, take 60-150 mg per day, and the dose should be distributed 2 or 3 times a day. The course lasts for 1-2 months.
  2. For the treatment of depression in elderly patients, a daily dose of up to 120 mg is prescribed. At the same time, it is also divided into 2-3 times, and the course lasts from 1.5 to 3 months.
  3. For intense physical, emotional, and intellectual stress, the dosage ranges from 60 to 80 mg per day, therapy lasts up to 1.5 months. In this case, athletes are shown a shortened course lasting 14 days.
  4. "Picamilon" is also used to treat alcoholism, including during withdrawal symptoms. It is prescribed in an amount of 0.10-0.15 g every day. The general course is short and, in agreement with the doctor, lasts 6 or 7 days.

Picamilon injections: instructions for use

The solution is administered using intramuscular injections or intravenously (via a dropper). The dosage is set at 20-40 mg per day. It is administered intravenously in the first half of the day and intramuscularly in the second. Therapy continues for 15-30 days.

To overcome the consequences of alcohol poisoning, an intramuscular injection is given based on the ratio: 5 mg per kilogram of body weight. To prolong the abstinence state, injections are given at a rate of 1.56 mg per 1 kg of weight. In this case, injections are given every hour - 4 hours in the first half of the day and the same amount in the second. The total volume of solution for infusion is 2.5 liters.


"Picamilon" reduces the effect of alcohol on the body, and also reduces the time of exposure to barbiturate drugs.

Symptoms of autism can be divided into three groups

Violation in the sphere of social interaction:

  • lack of interest in other people
  • lack of desire to participate in any activity
  • low level of interest
  • lack of copying skill as a way to inherit the behavior of significant adults
  • the child may not notice the absence or presence of parents
  • lack of response when addressed by name
  • lack of desire and interest in any games based on interaction
  • showing resistance when hugging
  • communication disorders
  • avoiding eye-to-eye contact
  • echolalia - automatic repetition of any words without addressing anyone
  • may have a rich vocabulary, but do not use it when communicating and communicating

Communication impairment:

  • autism is characterized by stereotypical and limited behavior and reactions
  • monotony of games and interests
  • the presence of obsessive movements

“The only predictable feature of autism is unpredictability; the only consistent feature is inconsistency.”

Manifestation of violations of actions:

  • prolonged viewing of an object in space
  • swaying in place, running in a circle, spinning around its axis
  • lack of plot in interaction games
  • desire to eat inedible
  • tiptoeing
  • impaired fine motor skills, difficulty holding objects
  • increased salivation due to severe muscle hypertonicity
  • rejection of the new and unfamiliar
  • aversion to touching, hugging
  • self-harm
  • no sense of danger
  • sleep disturbance
  • peculiarities of eating behavior, strong attachment to a certain set of foods
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